Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 331, Alliance enters

The twentieth day of the journey north was cloudy.

After Yuhai woke up, the passenger ship had already sailed. He didn't know where the passenger ship was. The voyage to Ponkan Island was three days.

The passenger ship will dock once at Daigan Island, which is the island where Dr. Uchimu's research institute is located. The passenger ship will not stop for too long and will continue to leave.

Next is Ponkan Island, and then Kumquat Island. The passenger ship will keep going north, making a circle around the Orange Islands, and finally return to the port of Big City on Little Orange Island to complete a passenger voyage.

When he got up in the morning, Yu Hai still had the Variety Mask on his face. Because Luo Yan was still in the room, he couldn't completely trust him. It was one thing to accept him as a thug, but it was another thing to trust him.

After getting up, he went to wash up first. When he came out of the bathroom, he took out a bottle of water and two dry breads from his backpack, and threw them all to Luo Yan who was tied to the ground.

"Eat something first, then go to the bathroom and take a shower. Remember to clean the floor." Yuhai put on his clothes again and asked Luoyan to clean up his personal hygiene. He didn't know how many days he hadn't washed himself, and there was a strange smell on his body. My clothes are still wet after crossing the sea water, so I'm not in a hurry even if something happens.

"Okay, leader," the spider silk on Luoyan's mouth was opened by the orb silk spider. He knew that the mysterious young man in front of him would be his future leader. Whether he could succeed in revenge depended on this mysterious leader.

Since he surrendered last night, he will naturally not question this mysterious leader. Even if the other person looks very young, he is not someone he can look up to. After all, he is the leader who has conquered the Phantom Elf and the Nightmare God!

"Orb Silk Spider, untie him," Yuhai opened the floor-to-ceiling window and walked to the balcony to let the Orb Silk Spider untie Luo Yan. He lay on the folding chair on the balcony and basked in the sun.

They are already at sea and heading to Ponkan Island. It's hard to tell where Aping is.

After the underground chaos in Big City subsided, Team Rocket began to count the losses of the turmoil. There were very few casualties among the core personnel, and most of the dead were cannon fodder of the newly recruited recruits.

After the Rockets counted the losses, they gathered all the newcomers who were still alive. Those who were not there were sent to the ground to notify them, including Aping and Yuhai who lived outside.

The team leader of Team Rocket came to the ground and did not find Yuhai when they arrived at the villa. Yuhai had already gone to sea, so it was impossible for them to find Yuhai.

However, the team leader of Team Rocket found Aping. These two were the newcomers assigned by the Viper Boss. When they saw Aping at the door of the orphanage, they also breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, they found one, and they could go back to work. .

"Aping, right? Come with us, Boss Viper wants to see you..."

"Xiao Mi, there is some change in my backpack, and there is also pocket money in my bank card. I also bought you a lot of elf food. You have to take good care of yourself in the orphanage and feed the Meili sheep well. I have to go to work..."

"Ounisang, I will wait for you at the orphanage," Xiaomi waved goodbye to her brother. She didn't know that her brother had fallen into a big pit and he would not be able to come back in a short time this time.

"Call brother if you have no money," Aping waved as he walked. After bidding farewell to Xiaomi, he followed the two Team Rocket members home to pack their things. The three of them went to the underground of Big City together and met the person they had been waiting for for a long time. of venomous snakes.

"Chief, you call me..."

"Ah Ping is here, why haven't you seen Ah Hai? Aren't you guys on duty together at night?" Viper didn't even raise his head, still reading the damage report reported by his subordinates.

"Chief, the black market was raided last night. Ah Hai and I were lucky enough to escape the attack by running into the sewers. When we left the sewers, we also encountered enemies..."

"The enemy chased Ah Hai, but not me. After I escaped, I saw Ah Hai and the enemy falling into the sea. I let Xiuni go down and search for a long time, but I couldn't find Ah Hai..."

"Huh," Viper sighed softly when he heard this. The good seedling that he finally fell in love with was gone just like this.

He only discovered this morning that the elf ball was located in the sea and soon disappeared due to interference, while Aping's location was still in the city.

After all, things are fickle. The reason why I didn't take these two people there last night was because I wanted to protect them. Who knew that the Rock Team and the Storm Team would block all the exits of the cave and prepare to drown everyone with sea water.

He left these two newcomers behind, failed to protect them, and almost killed them.

However, there are still several good seedlings alive, and not all of them were lost in the chaos last night.

"I called you here to inform you that I am going to send you to the Kanto region for training. I would like to introduce you to you. This is Mr. Ma from the Kanto region. You will go to the Kanto region with Mr. Ma on the "Flower"..."

"After I finish handling the matters here, I will return to the Kanto area and train you personally as your instructor. When you graduate from the training camp, you can choose to serve on Master Ma's Flow, or you can choose to return to Big City. …”

"Yes, leader of the poisonous snakes," Aping knew that he could not escape this disaster after all. Now he could only go all the way to the dark side.

"You are very smart. After you leave, we will arrange for your sister to go to the best school in Big City." Viper is very satisfied with A Ping's performance. As long as they can convince A Ping, they really will not force others.

Of course, the necessary procedures cannot be omitted, and it is easy for a newcomer with a younger sister to control it.

"Thank you, Chief Viper, for your concern. I am afraid that she will be bullied because she is not familiar with the environment. Just let her continue to live in the orphanage. My sister does not need special care..." Aping said with great righteousness. He was just a newcomer, and Viper was too conspicuous by doing this. .

Although it may be the special care of the Viper, anyone with a discerning eye knows that his sister still cannot escape the investigation of the Rockets. With his sister as a weak point in the hands of the Rockets, it is impossible for him to betray the Rockets. He can only stay with the Rockets. The road went dark.

"Okay, you go down and prepare first. The Water River will set off in a moment," Viper waved his hand and asked Aping to leave the tent.

After Aping left, Ma Zhishi, who was wearing a green combat uniform, laughed on the sofa next to the tent: "Viper, is this the good seedling you said?"

"That's right, it's a pity that one of them is missing," Viper sighed, still regretting the disappearance of Ukai, if he had known that he would have been sent to the headquarters.

"It looks very ordinary," Ma Zhishi was the Rockets cadre who chased Storm that night. He was specially transferred from Kanto to deal with Storm. The electric elves happened to restrain the water elves.

"Old Ma, it would be great if a small place like this has a few newcomers worth training. What else do you want?" Viper was too lazy to complain. Ma Zhishi has a gym, and he can recruit new people at will, and he is in a place where there are so many talents. Kanto region.

It doesn’t matter what a bad place the Orange Islands are. There are no champions or Four Heavenly Kings. If they can find a few good newcomers, it is already very good.

"Hahaha, you're just kidding, I will help you get people to the training base safely," Ma Zhishi laughed and then chatted with Viper about other topics.

"By the way, how to deal with the relationship with Kurofune in the future? It is impossible for the other party to watch us develop steadily..."

"Lord Lance will take care of it, it's not something we should worry about," Viper shook his head helplessly. There is a king in the black ship, so a king must be in charge here.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for Team Rocket to gain any benefits from the confrontation between the Black Ships. The person in charge who is too weak will only be suppressed by the Black Ships and will not gain any benefits in future confrontations.

Tap tap tap——

The two people in the tent were chatting when a Team Rocket captain suddenly ran in and reported, "Boss Viper, the alliance is here, and the leader is the leader of Yuzu Gym, Ayi..."

"What? Damn it, Kurofune doesn't keep his word," Viper knew that now was not the time to scold Kurofune, so he asked Yuzu Gym Leader to come in person. It seems that Kurofune has also wasted a lot of effort, just to give things to those who are not yet stable. They're looking for trouble.

"Old Ma, you take the newcomers away first, I can just stay here and deal with it myself," Viper thought for just a moment before asking Ma Zhishi to take the people away first. He had already thought of how to deal with the owner.

"Okay, then I won't disturb you, I will lead my men away," Ma Zhishi heard the poisonous snake say so, without stopping, he stood up and left the tent.

Since the other party doesn't need help, he won't help. As a member of the Rockets, he will take the blame if he messes up.

After Ma Zhishi left, Viper asked the team leader who came in: "How strong is that gym leader?"

"They are considered among the best among senior trainers. The Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus and Longlongyan rushed to the front. Both captains found it very difficult..."

"In addition to the two elves in front of him, there are four elves beside him: Electric Beast, Coconut Egg Tree, Nine Tails, and Hu Di. They are all senior elves. The captain couldn't hold on for half a minute when he faced him. Now there are two The captain dragged the owner..."

"Go ahead and get everyone out of the underground. Let's avoid the limelight first. There are also those wanted criminals, leave them all, we can't let them come here in vain..."

After Viper asked the team leader to inform him, he also got up and packed up the things on the table, burning everything he couldn't take away.

The reason why he wanted to evacuate was not because he was afraid of the leader of the Youzi Gym, but because he was worried that Lao Liu, who was guarding the gym leader, would take action. He didn't trust the family juniors sent by the gym without an old guy by his side. Protect.

After all, he is only a senior trainer. If he really dares to rush here, he is looking for death. He can beat the shit out of the opponent.

But this is the conspiracy, the conspiracy of the black ship. He can't fight it, nor can he catch it. He can only avoid the spotlight temporarily and wait for the limelight to pass.

If the other party is just going through the motions, then throw some wanted criminals there and wait for the alliance to withdraw while they move in. The other party cannot stay underground forever, so they can just wait.

If they capture or even kill the museum owner, then it won’t be the museum owner who comes down. Those old guys will really hire experts from the alliance to fill up the entire underground cave and even find them. Kill them all.

Doesn't the other party just want alliance contributions, battlefield merits and seniority? Throw some wanted criminals to increase the other party's seniority. Hello everyone, hello everyone, leave a little bit of humanity behind so that we can meet each other easily in the future.

If he still refuses to let go, he can only report it to Boss Sakaki and ask him to reason with this Yuzu Gym.

If they stop here, Kurofune, who has withdrawn from the sewer, will feel bad. Yuzu Gym Leader will also receive the alliance contribution, and they will be able to fully take over the territory of Big City. Everyone will be happy.

After this time, if the black ship comes back to cause trouble, Lord Lance will also have a good chat with the captain of the black ship.

As for Boss Sakaki, if he wants Boss Sakaki to come in person, Kurofune is not worthy.

I really thought that I was a thing and annoyed Team Rocket. As long as all four generals were dispatched, there would be no room for negotiation and they would sink the black ship directly.

Thinking about the next response, Viper sorted out the important documents in the tent and came out of the tent. Everyone had packed up. There was gasoline and torches here. They set fire to all the tents, entered the tunnel dug by the elves, and evacuated. underground cave.

They had already notified the frontline troops to evacuate on their own, and they blocked the dug tunnel with falling rocks. When the Alliance opened the tunnel and came in, there would be no one left, only the wanted criminals wailing in iron cages.

The Alliance can only take these wanted criminals and evacuate the unstable cave to prevent the loss of personnel due to falling rocks on the roof of the cave. After all, the number of troops was not reduced during the battle. It would be funny if they were killed and injured by falling rocks.

It's just that the trainer who led the attack this time, Yuzu Gym Leader Ayi, was not very satisfied with the result. He thought he could catch a big fish, but he didn't expect anything.

"That's almost enough. Let's close the team, Ayi..."

"Okay," Ayi said no matter how unwilling he was, he could only ask someone to stop the team and lead them back the way they came.

Seeing that Ayi was not very interested, the middle-aged man who reminded Ayi sighed. Ayi was still too young and did not understand the twists and turns.

Although this raid was a bit troublesome, the result was pretty good. They didn't want to catch any big fish, and they didn't want to offend Team Rocket.

Capturing some wanted criminals and handing them over to the alliance can also increase Ayi's reputation and gain favors from the captain of the black ship. This time he has already made a lot of money.

Just give it up when it's good, that's right now. What they need is stability. As long as they can maintain the current balance, that's the biggest good news.

This has been the case since ancient times. What rulers need is stability and they never take the initiative to change. The arrival of the alliance is the biggest change, but it is not thorough enough.

There is also the child Ayina who wants to make great achievements and cannot see these things clearly. I hope he can understand in the future.

In fact, there were many similar situations in previous lives. For example, the Qing Dynasty's defense against Han was better than its defense against foreigners. Even those changes were tacitly approved by Lafayette because foreigners threatened his rule. If there were no external threats, if the internal people dared to try to change, they would be divided. Minutes were pressed to death.

There is also the oil prince in the Middle East. The Mi Army is nothing. Only domestic idiots will kill themselves and take away their money and chairs. He is a big benefactor to the Mi Army and has paid money. The big benefactor, Mi Jun was just a thug hired by himself.

Looking at the essence through the phenomenon, many things have not changed for thousands of years, and they are all old problems of human society...

The greenhouse is set up, and I no longer have to worry about freezing my hands in winter... Haha, the first experience is not bad... a computer case, a monitor, a foot warmer, plus my breathing, the heat I emit can basically guarantee that the inside will be 18 The temperature reaches 20 degrees, and there are only four or five degrees outside...

I posted the picture and put it in the comment area outside...

Let’s talk about the levels within Team Rocket. Ordinary members [Rookie Trainer], Squad Leader [Elite Trainer], Captain [Senior Trainer], Officer [Quasi-King], Top Officer [King], Leader [Champion]

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