Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 321, almost overturned (additional update)

"Are you here?" Viper raised his snake-like vertical pupils and looked at the two people who had just entered the door.

When Yu Hai and the two saw these eyes, they were like sharp and vigilant knives, piercing their hearts, causing them to subconsciously straighten their backs, become much more serious, and shouted in unison:

"Yes, Boss Viper," Yuhai shouted.

"Yes, leader of the poisonous snakes," Aping shouted.

After the shouting, the two looked at each other in surprise. Unexpectedly, they actually shouted out together.

"Hahaha, don't be so nervous, tell me why you chose No. 77 and No. 66..."

Hearing this, the two of them secretly thought that they were indeed here. Fortunately, they had confessed before, otherwise they would really have betrayed the gang, and Yuhai would have exposed his special abilities.

"Report to the boss, seventy-seven is a lucky number," Yuhai said without thinking, and told his reasons first to avoid being suspected of being hesitant.

After he finished speaking, Aping also said: "Report to the leader, I am also because of the Lucky Number..."

"Then why didn't you choose eleven, twenty-two, thirty-three, forty-four... instead you chose sixty-six..."

This question did not stump A Ping, who immediately replied: "Sixty-six is ​​the closest to seventy-seven, so I chose sixty-six..."

"Eighty-eight is very close to seventy-seven, why don't you choose?"

"Report to the leader, Sixty-six is ​​handy, easy to get," Aping replied smoothly again.

"Hahaha, you are so lucky," Viper laughed twice before waving his hands to drive them away. "Luck is also a part of strength. I am very optimistic about you. If you can survive, you can join my direct army..."

"I will try my best to survive, Boss Viper," Ukai immediately stood up and said that he would never die.

Seeing what he said, Aping quickly said: "Me too, leader of the poisonous snakes..."

"Okay, let's get down!" Viper waved his hand and asked the two of them to leave...

After the two left, Viper took out a small tape recorder from under the table and heard the voice on the tape recorder.

"What did you choose?" A Ping's voice

"Super Sonic Bat," Ukai's voice

"Super Sonic Bat, it feels pretty good..."

"Serial numbers are lucky numbers, you can also choose a serial number..."

"Then I choose this serial number. This is my lucky number..."

After listening to this recording, Viper turned off the recorder and did not hear anything wrong. The communication between the two of them when selecting elves was normal. They were not insiders. He felt relieved and secretly sighed at the luck of these two boys. .

The Poke Balls he placed casually, Sixty-six and Seventy-seven, were just convenient, but they were chosen by these two boys unexpectedly.

Yuhai and Aping, who came outside the tent, did not hear what happened inside the tent. The tall and thin team leader who was waiting outside saw the two people coming out and smiled at them: "You are so lucky, I heard the poisonous snake." Boss laughed, I originally wanted to send you to the mine..."

"Tonight you go patrolling the black market. Get familiar with the environment first to prevent anyone from making trouble. If you catch the troublemaker, it doesn't matter if you kill him..."

"Thank you Captain for your cultivation," Yuhai said with a smile on his face, chatting with the tall and thin team leader while walking. When he heard the captain asked them to patrol the black market, he quickly touched his pockets, took out a cigarette and handed it to the tall and thin team leader. The thin captain put it in his mouth and immediately ordered it for the tall, thin captain.

"You are really good at getting things done. If that guy bullies you in the future, just come to me," the tall and thin captain smiled cheerfully and glanced at the cigarette case. Yuhai understood instantly and stuffed the cigarette case directly into the captain's hand. .

"Captain, there's nothing else, we're going to go on patrol," Yuhai asked in a low voice carefully, observing the little captain's face. From now on, I will follow your words and just listen. Don't take it seriously. If you take it seriously, you will lose. .

"Go on, go on," the tall and thin team leader waved his hand, indicating that Yu Hai and the others could leave.

After Yuhai and Aping thanked the cheerful team leader again, they left the Poison Team's station and passed through the rock tunnel that was only a few meters long before arriving at the black market managed by the Poison Team.

Along the way, Aping was curious. Ukai's behavior just now was not like Ukai's usual behavior. Ukai was very calm before and taught him how to deal with cross-examination. He was not like a trainer who flattered others.

"Don't think about it, this is how people behave. Didn't you learn this in a bar?" Yuhai glanced at Aping and knew what he was thinking.

In his previous life, he was an onlooker like A Ping. He watched others flatter, flatter, get promoted and make money, and thought they were all incompetent villains. Then he was optimized, so how could he not understand the tricks of PUA in the workplace.

"I've seen it, I know, but I'm not used to it yet," Aping scratched his head awkwardly. He had seen it in bars, but he had never tried it. After all, he was just a bartender, and he only worked and received wages. He didn't want to and wouldn't do such a thing.

"You will get used to it in the future," Yuhai waved helplessly. He didn't want to be like this. It was all forced by life. Otherwise, who would want to be a villain, as long as the result is good.

This time, not only did he get through and successfully penetrate the enemy, he also obtained a supersonic bat with good potential.

In the end, it was determined that this was Team Rocket's stronghold, so he wouldn't have any psychological burden to rob it. In fact, there was no psychological burden in the first place, after all, they were all gangsters.

When they arrived at the black market, they approached the captain in charge of the black market, and the captain also arranged patrol tasks for them.

It's called patrolling, but it's actually just wandering around. If you encounter someone causing trouble, you'll catch them and fine them. If you resist, you can just kill the thugs and take away their belongings.

This can be regarded as one of the benefits of gangsters. If you deal with the mess yourself, the loot will be yours. If you don't sleep in the station, you will have to take care of a meal at midnight.

In this way, they wandered around until midnight, and each received two dry breads. There was no water, so they could only drink their own.

Yuhai doesn't plan to eat the food given out by the Poison Team. Who knows if there will be any problems. He only eats the food he brought with him.

After having a midnight snack, they wandered around again until it got daylight. They didn't encounter any rioters tonight, so they spent the night peacefully.

The black market was also removed at dawn, and even the Poison Team's station was blocked by boulders. If the boulders were not removed, there would be no way to get to the Poison Squad's station.

I heard from the team leader of the black market that it is only open at night, and the black market is only open at night. It is not open during the day. They will not care about any chaos here.

Afterwards, the squad leader informed them that they had to report at six o'clock in the evening and then they could leave the sewer.

Some members of the Protozoan Bug Team, as well as new recruits who don't want to live in the Venom Team's location, can return to the surface wherever they want.

It doesn't matter if you don't come back to report. The newcomers who left have been paid and won't get any wages.

Whether or not to recover the elf is a trivial matter. If you dare to run away without paying, you will be captured.

When Yuhai and Aping left the sewer, they were both warned by the team leader, warning them not to run away, otherwise the consequences would be serious.

The two people who returned to the ground said goodbye at the seaside. One person returned to his home in the port, and the other returned to the villa on the Gull.

After Yuhai returned to the villa, he did not release the elves. He was not sure whether he was being monitored now. Instead, he went to the storage room on the second floor. This storage room had no windows and only one door, and he released the elves.

After giving breakfast to the elves, he took the poke balls back to them, and then gave breakfast to the orb silk spider guarding the door.

Finally, he came to the sofa in the hall and asked the Orb Silk Spider to be alert to the surroundings to prevent anyone from peeping.

In addition to the Orb Silk Spider, a sentry on the surface, he also has Darkrai, an undiscovered elf.

Before he went to sleep, he asked Darkrai to check whether there were elves or humans peeping around, and asked Darkrai to return to the underground cave to see what the group of people were doing. He also asked Darkrai to eavesdrop on the viper leader. conversation.

The most important thing is to eavesdrop on whether the other party talks about their new batch of newcomers, especially him, Yu Hai.

As for the fact that Viper listened to the recording, he already knew it. Darkrai told him, but Aping didn't know it yet.

Regardless of whether it is audio or video recording, his prompts are extremely concealed, and it is impossible for the other party to discover them. At most, it is strange when choosing an elf, which is a common thing.

During the day today, he was not going to train the elves, nor would he study dreams. Since he was not yet sure whether he was being monitored, once the mosquito-repellent frogs were exposed, he would definitely be suspected.

Although they had never been trusted, he didn't want to be suspected. As long as he got through the first two days, he would be safe.

Next, he would find something to do for this group of gangsters, so that they would have no time to stare at these newcomers.

For book friends who want to read more, I’m sorry, I’ve added several updates this month, and they’re all free. The weather is cold and it’s already the limit. Even if the greenhouse is set up, there won’t be many updates... I want to see more If there are more, just read a few more novels. If ten are not enough, just a hundred...

My life is not just about coding, I also want to learn other things. Making money is secondary, too much money is not good, it is easy to receive scam calls, and so on... I understand everything... …

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