Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 301, still a little bit far away

"Kou Jie, Kou Jie," Guisi felt very happy. When he woke up, there were a lot of delicious food waiting for him, including the energy cubes he liked to eat.

It would be great if I could still eat the venom from last time. After eating the venom last time, my dreams were full of fragrance, and I woke up feeling refreshed and had endless aftertaste.

Ukai didn't know what Guisi was thinking. As Guisi's evolution and degradation ended, he also opened Guisi's proficiency panel and looked at the changes in the panel data.

【Ghost (different color)】

[Attribute: Ghost + Poison]

[Gender: Male]

【Potential: 60.74%】

【Grade: 11.61%】


Guisi's potential increased by 0.4, and his level was deducted by two levels.

Good guy, Yuhai called him a good guy. Without the assistance of gems, after Guisi's potential came to the King of Heaven, two levels were deducted to increase the potential, and the potential only increased by 0.4.

If he didn't have money to buy gems, he could only endure it slowly. Each time he evolved and degraded, the increase was only a few tenths. He didn't know how long it would take to get Guisi to the championship level.

Calculated based on the potential of growing two levels a day and increasing a few tenths a day, it would take two or three years to reach the end of Guisi's potential. After reaching the potential, he still has to go through levels. God knows whether it will take five years or ten years.

Ghost energy, super power energy, poison energy, three types of energy accelerated the process, allowing him to spend less time.

At present, it seems that he is only accelerating to increase his potential. When the resources are exhausted, he will no longer have to accelerate and can only endure it slowly.

Why does he feel so much like the krypton gold game in his previous life! As long as you are willing to spend money, your level will be like a flying monkey, sitting on a rocket and rising up, and you can't hold it down.

It can only be said that he is worthy of Guisi. He is awesome if he can control his own evolution and degradation, which accelerates the process of energy digestion and absorption. Whether he can lie down in this life depends on Guisi.

Next, he gave Guisi one hundred grams of venom and asked Guisi to try whether he would get drunk.

As a result, Guisi was not drunk, but rather excited. He guessed that Guisi's poison resistance had increased. After all, Guisi was dyed purple by so many poisons and turned into a heterochromatic elf.

If he could get drunk with even a hundred grams of venom, he could only say that the venom the ghost drank before was just plain water.

He then took out 400 grams of venom, which is one pound of venom, and gave it to Guisi to try. Guisi started to feel dizzy. Then he called Guisi to evolve and used evolution to digest the venom in his body to prevent Guisi from getting drunk. Delay things.

After Guisi degenerated back, Guisi's face became more purple. He also discovered that after Guisi evolved, Guisi Stone was not purple, but black, with the whole body black.

Ghost Stone only has white eyes and a pink mouth, because of its long tongue.

He didn't know if this was an abnormality. After all, his alien ghost was different from the alien ghost in the previous life animation. He didn't know if Gengar would turn into a white Gengar after he super evolved.

This time using venom to evolve and degenerate, Guisi's potential increased a bit, and his level dropped by one point and two. This is indeed the case with Ukai's secret path.

First of all, venom is not energy. It has little help in increasing the potential, and it only slows down the decrease in level. After all, there is still no energy in the gem to use.

Next, he mixed venom and poison-type gems. After consuming seven kilograms of venom and seven poison-type gems, Guisi's potential only increased by six points.

Next came six super power gems and super power energy. He let Guisi eat as much as he wanted, and he would evolve after eating.

However, while evolving, don't absorb the energy from the curved spoon, but also distribute some superpower energy to the props, just like you distribute potential and level.

He didn't know if Ghost could understand this expression, but after Ghost finished degenerating, he spat out the curved spoon, and he found that the curved spoon miraculously increased its level.

Guisi's potential has also been improved, but the effect is not very satisfactory, not even a slight increase.

He guessed that it was probably because the potential was too high and some of it was given to the bent spoon, which caused the increase in Guisi's potential to slow down and the consumption to increase. Guisi's current potential was already sixty-seven.

【Ghost (different color)】

[Attribute: Ghost + Poison]

[Gender: Male]

【Potential: 67.54%】

【Grade: 9.42%】


Evolutionary research continued, and the last five evolutions and degradations ended. After consuming the five super power gems, Guisi's potential only increased by 2.8 points, and the curved spoon returned to the level of a senior-level prop.

It shows that the energy of these props with the same energy can be converted into each other. After all, they are all elf props that match their own attributes.

If this is the case, he can buy a few low-level props for Guisi and let Guisi slowly increase the level of the props.

The method of charging props through evolution is probably only used by Ghost, and it can only charge poison, ghost, and super power props. The conversion efficiency of the super power system is not as high as that of ghost and poison systems. .

But Guisi's current potential is only 70%, which is far from the quasi-champion he envisioned. His poison resources and superpower resources are gone.

He looked at the 30-purity dark stone in his hand, the seven ghost gems, and prepared to gamble with the remaining ghost energy.

This was the energy he planned to use to give Guisi the chance to win the championship, but now he didn't even reach 71%, let alone a quasi-champion.

He found that he had miscalculated the energy consumption to reach a quasi-championship. The higher the potential, the more energy was consumed. Poison energy and superpower energy alone were not enough. Now even the food reserves were needed.

As a result, seven ghost gems, plus many life energy cubes, finally increased by 3.6, and Ghost's potential was only 73%.

It's not like there's no good news. The only good news is that the Spell Talisman has returned to the senior level.

But Guisi's potential was only 73, which was still 6% short of being close to the quasi-championship. He looked down at the last Dark Stone in his hand, like a gambler who lost a red-eyed game. He picked up the Dark Stone with trembling arms and put it down. Entering Guisi's big mouth, Guisi continued to evolve and degenerate.

Then there was nothing more, until the ghost energy of the Dark Stone was exhausted and turned into an ordinary transparent stone. The ghost's potential did not reach level 80, but...

【Ghost (different color)】

[Attribute: Ghost + Poison]

[Gender: Male]

【Potential: 75.52%】

【Grade: 8.61%】


Guisi's potential was not even seventy-nine. The thirty-purity Dark Stone only increased Guisi's potential to one-point-six. He had exhausted all available energy resources.

The closer he got to that number, the more it reminded him of the life of picking up trash on a desert island and the fear of being dominated by point ninety-nine. At that time, he had several nightmares.

If the purity of thirty is only one point six, he feels that the next point ninety-nine is his real nightmare, and his nightmare has just begun.

You know, he has already experienced a nightmare, and that was last week, when Guisi reached the threshold of Quasi-King.

If he still has enough resources, he can continue to increase his potential. If it doesn't work once, he can do it two or three times. But he has no resources anymore and has to change resources.

Before going to exchange resources, there was no need to evolve this time. After Guisi had eaten enough, he used the poke ball to take Guisi back. When he stood up from the ground, he staggered and almost fell.

After taking several deep breaths, he calmed down his restless heart and prepared to collect the garbage bags and packaging boxes on the ground.

He was just like a gambler who had lost a lot. He was a little dazed when he remembered that after 1:99, but he had not given up yet. Now he still wanted to gamble, bet on the future, and there was a limit to gambling.

If Guisi has no limit, then his previous investment will not be in vain, because no limit is the limit. This is a very scary thing, which means that Guisi's future is unlimited, but he cannot afford it.

After putting away the garbage, he did some calculations and found that he had eaten at least thirteen boxes of life energy cubes and at least eight boxes of superpower energy cubes.

Guisi's eating speed can no longer be calculated in days, but in minutes. The consumption of energy cubes is the small part, and the consumption of various gems is the big part.

He still has two senior-level props, the spell talisman and the curved spoon, as well as two thousand boxes of life energy cubes and more than 900 boxes of super power energy cubes.

He wants to use these things in exchange for the last-ditch resources to help Guisi reach the championship with his potential. Even if he settles for second best, he still wants to be the champion.

There is no need to replace the remaining poisonous orbs and black sludge, just keep them for Guisi's own use.

When he came to the small courtyard of the villa, he used the elf ball to collect some of the mosquito-repellent frogs that were being trained, and prepared to take them out to find the greasy fat man.

After getting on the big-mouthed gull, he flew not long before he arrived at the department store, entered the food store he had visited twice before, and saw the greasy fat man who had received him a week ago.

"Sir, please come in quickly. You go make tea and get some fruit." After being reminded by the shopping guide, the greasy fat man hurried to the store and saw Yu Hai. He greeted Yu Hai with a smile and invited Yu Hai to the private room for a detailed discussion. After all, he was a big customer. He didn't dare to neglect.

The reason why Yuhai found Fatty Fatty was because this guy was easy to talk to. After all, he was so scared. It was just a simple exchange of goods, which was not a big deal. Fatty Fatty wouldn't refuse.

"I wonder what you would like to buy, sir, when you come here this time?" The greasy fat man poured tea for Yu Hai and gently placed it in front of Yu Hai's table, ready to hear what Yu Hai wanted to do.

Ukai took out the spell talisman and the curved spoon. The energy conversion efficiency of these two props was too low. He planned to exchange them for ghost gems and poison gems. These items were easier to digest and absorb than the dark stone.

"I want to exchange goods with you," Yuhai pushed the gift box towards the greasy fat man.

"Spell talisman, curved spoon," the greasy fat man opened the gift box. When he saw these two props, he thought of the props sold from him.

However, he didn't find fault. It would have been fine if it had been anyone else. He didn't dare to offend this big customer. He just wanted to exchange the goods. As long as there was no problem with the goods, the exchange was a trivial matter.

"I want ghost gems and poison gems, just give them to me at the original price," Yuhai did not embarrass the greasy fat man. If the greasy fat man dared to embarrass him, then let's talk about it separately.

"Okay, sir, do you mind if I inspect the goods?" The greasy fat man took out an instrument, which was similar to the one Yuhai had seen in the black market of Hasa City.

"Okay," Yuhai nodded silently, guessing that the other party was probably testing. The energy concentration contained in the prop was similar to that of his panel, but the numerical error was only about two or three points, which was much worse than the accuracy of the panel.

This is also the reason why it is difficult to pick up leaks in street stalls. After all, others are not stupid. Not only props have energy levels, but elves also have energy levels. Unless they are baby elves or some props that cannot display energy levels, they will not be detected.

Don’t think about the super evolution stone. This thing is passed down from ancestors, and it is inherited from the gym and has the super evolution of the big blue dog. The bottom layer doesn’t know what’s going on, so don’t the top people know about it! The top leaders of the league are not fools.

"Sir, there is nothing wrong with the props, but the energy is a little weak. As long as you return to the warehouse and place it in a place with strong ghost energy, it will recover..."

The greasy fat man put down the testing equipment and knew that Yuhai must have used props, but it was just a trivial matter. He would go back and store it for a while, renovate it and sell it again.

These two props do not need to be renovated. There is no trace of use from the appearance, so there is no need to renovate.

"Since there is no problem with the props, let's take a look at this." Yuhai took out another thousand boxes of life energy cubes and pushed them to the greasy fat man.

"Sir, do you need to exchange this one?" The greasy fat man was shocked. Fortunately, the other party came to exchange the goods. If he had come to return the goods, he would have to spit out his commission.

"Yes, a thousand boxes of life energy cubes are discounted at 5.6 million, 20% off for spell charms at 4.4 million, and curved spoons at 20.6 million for a total of 15,600,000. I didn't remember it. Is that wrong?" Yu Hai asked with a smile.

"Sir, you have a very good memory. Can you please replace all the ghost gems and poison gems?" The greasy fat man found a shopping guide to count the number of energy cubes, and asked Yuhai how to exchange them.

The ghost gem is 600,000 yuan at a 20% discount, and the poison gemstone is 440,000 yuan at a 20% discount.

"In exchange for fifteen ghost gems and fifteen poison gems," Yuhai thought for a while and gave the exchange requirements.

Fifteen ghost gems are 9 million, and fifteen poison gems are 6.6 million, which is exactly the total value of those three things.

Guisi's ghost and poison talents are very good. Guisi turned into a heterochromatic elf because of the venom, so he changed the poison type gems to fifteen and the ghost type to fifteen.

As for the super power system, although Guisi has some talent, the efficiency of this thing is too low. Now that he has no money, he can only focus on Guisi's original attributes first, and the super power system can make up for it by eating energy cubes.

"Sir, thirty gems are just right. Please wait a moment, sir. I'm going to prepare now." The greasy fat man calculated the price of the gems in his mind. He found that it was exactly the total value of the exchange, so he brought Get on the props and leave the box to get the goods.

Not long after, the greasy fat man came with gems, bringing thirty gems according to the number requested by Yu Hai.

After Yuhai saw the purity of the gems one by one, he hurriedly left the department store with the gems. He had to rush back and use thirty gems to get rid of the .99 nightmare in his heart. He really didn't want to have a nightmare.

Watching Yu Hai leave, the greasy fat man asked the shopping guide to store the energy cubes in the warehouse.

After meeting Yu Hai this time, he was not so nervous. It turned out that he had scared himself before, causing him to have nightmares for several days, but now he could finally sleep well.

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