Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 209, Xiaoying’s first battle

On the ninth day after arriving at Hasa Island, it was sunny.

The day after the battle, after the elves had recovered yesterday, the giant claw crab and the armored rhinoceros were slightly injured, but they were almost healed and could continue their morning exercises.

With the supplement of calcium tablets, the molted crab shells of giant claw crabs have also hardened.

Mosquito-repellent frogs are not good enough, but if you run, there will be no problem, just not strenuous exercise.

After getting up in the morning and having breakfast, everyone started doing morning exercises.

Even if he had to continue to tame the long-winged gulls, it would be in the afternoon, and his morning training plan would remain unchanged.

Xiaoying's elf also needs to train the accuracy of the water gun. After several days of training, the accuracy of the fixed target of the mosquito-repellent frog has reached 100%, and the accuracy of the moving target has also reached 90%.

The training progress of Dou Li Mushroom and Mosquito Repellent Frog is almost the same. In fact, the talents of these two elves are not bad. With a little training, they will become outstanding. If they can persist in training hard, it will only be a matter of time before they become stronger.

You must know that Yuhai, a mosquito-repellent frog with mediocre talent, trained day and night on a desert island. If his talent was not good enough, he would make up for his weakness with hard work, and finally he became like this.

Although there were small episodes such as the water gem, the gift from the mythical beast, and his encouragement, the efforts of the mosquito-repellent frog were the most important fact that could not be ignored, and he saw them all.

The morning exercise passed quickly. Yuhai finished the morning exercise and took a shower to prepare for lunch. After lunch, they were ready to go to the beach to continue screening the long-winged gulls. They thought they were relaxed. It happened that the mosquito-repellent frogs were not suitable for strenuous exercise now.

However, the other elves were all in the elf ball. He only had the mosquito-repellent frog and the orb silk spider beside him. He did not dare to release too many elves. The main reason was that he was afraid that there would be too many elves and he would not be able to see them, and he was afraid that they would get lost.

"Brother Hai, do you think we can subdue him this time?" Xiaoying was walking on the road, feeling unsure, and he didn't know how long it would take to arrest him.

"I don't know, just let it go," Yuhai didn't know how difficult it would be to subdue a long-winged gull with the potential to be a quasi-king.

His long-winged gull was tamed on a desert island. At that time, he captured a very smart long-winged gull.

Other high-potential elves, such as Bada Die, are drawn from the panel, as are the Giant Crabs, and the Iron-Armored Rhinos. Their potentials are not low in the first place, and the rest of the elves are.

Magikarp and weak tench are all painted with the panel.

Orb Spider, Slowpoke, and Green Onion Duck all have little potential, so they were left voluntarily. Green Onion Duck was a little resistant at first, but now they are much better.

"I only have two days to accompany you to conquer the elves. If you can't find a more talented long-winged gull today, you can either come over and conquer it yourself and I will give you a reference, or conquer the one that is inferior to the treasure of the store. Long-winged gull..."

"I understand," Xiaoying understood that Yuhai didn't have much time to spend and needed to train his own elves.

It's just that he doesn't understand that even though he is so strong, Ukai is still working so hard, as if something is chasing him, and he can't rest for a moment. He can't understand Ukai's anxiety.

If the elf hadn't been injured, the training schedule would have been full. From waking up to midnight, Ukai and the elves were basically training, getting stronger all the time.

After truly getting to know someone, he had to admire and admire him. A trainer who was so hard-working and self-disciplined and could cultivate elves would definitely not be an unknown person in the future.

Arriving at the beach again, Yuhai sat under the coconut tree as usual and ate the cold drinks he bought. Two mosquito-repellent frogs were also snacking.

They are all waiting for Xiaoying to conquer the long-winged gulls. He is only responsible for screening, and there are beach beauties to see, so why not?

However, with their arrival, they also attracted the attention of many tourists, because many tourists had seen them yesterday and came to capture the long-winged gulls.

After Ms. Junsha explained, many tourists saw Xiaoying taming the long-winged gulls again. They glanced at the two young men and smiled and stayed away.

Many people felt that these two people were just here to make fun of each other. How could they judge the quality of an elf just by observing them?

In fact, this is just a required course for a cultivator, but Yuhai has a proficiency panel, so there is no need to tell this group of strangers.

Although this time we did not collect long-winged gulls in large quantities, but in small quantities, because there were markers, it saved them a lot of trouble. However, Xiaoying's behavior of marking long-winged gulls still aroused dissatisfaction from some trainers.

"Hey, why do you draw such ugly things on the white wings of the long-winged gull..."

The person who said this was a little girl wearing a light yellow dress with twin tails and a cute frown.

He doesn't look very young, only about 12 or 13 years old, and there is a yellow duck beside him. This elf is very valuable.

In order to sell the ducks at a good price, almost all the wild ducks on the island have been caught, and we don’t know who did it.

Xiaoying was suddenly frightened by the girl and was stunned. He didn't know what to do. He had no experience in getting along with strange girls. He turned to look at Yuhai under the shade of the tree, trying to get Yuhai to make an idea.

"Whose kid, go away quickly, don't delay our work," Ukai didn't want to talk nonsense with this kind of greenhouse flower, so he just waved his hand and drove away the little girl who disturbed him to see the beauty.

"Are you listening to me? You can't draw such ugly things for the long-winged gull." The little girl was angry. Isn't this bullying a child? But she is not a child, and she doesn't think she is a child. I also resent being treated like a child by others.

"When the long-winged gull changes its feathers, the colors will naturally fall off, don't worry," Ukai looked at the girl in front of him and actually rushed in front of him and yelled, blocking him from seeing the beauty.

If there weren't so many tourists here, he wouldn't be spoiled by such a arrogant little brat.

"That's not okay," the little girl said forcefully.

"Then call the police!" Yuhai waved his hand and changed direction and continued to look at the beach beauty, indicating that Xiaoying should continue as usual and ignore this gossiping little brat. He was lying on the sand and not talking to the little girl.

But when the little girl saw Yuhai's indifferent attitude and his provocation to call the police, the little girl's fist hardened, and she gritted her teeth and said angrily: "Okay, just wait for me..."

The little girl gritted her teeth and stamped her feet, said a harsh word, and left angrily.

Seeing this scene, Xiaoying asked Yuhai with her eyes if he wanted to continue. He was really afraid that his behavior would cause unnecessary trouble again.

"It's okay, continue." Of course Yuhai didn't care. Even calling Junsha was useless for a little girl's threat.

After all, the long-winged gulls are wild, and they are not roasted to eat. Junsha has time to deal with this nonsense, so she might as well go to the black market, which is called crazy.

However, they hadn't been arrested for long when the little girl who left angrily before came over with a large group of boys.

Seeing the little love in the eyes of these boys, they are probably the suitors of this girl. It can also be heard from the conversation that they are all middle school students from an elf school, and they went out to play on the beach in a group today.

"They are the ones who are painting ugly things for the long-winged gulls, and they are also scolding me," the little girl complained with tears in her eyes.

The girl looked so pitiful that in the eyes of these boys, she almost melted in her heart. She was so cute, and they swore to protect her for the rest of their lives.

Seeing these hot-blooded teenagers possessed by Xiaogang, Yuhai didn't care. After all, they were just children.

When he said this, Yuhai was completely unaware that he was only fifteen years old and would be a middle school student here.

"Hey, it's my little sister you're bullying, right?"

"What's yours? She's obviously my little sister..."

"Everyone, get out of the way, it's my little sister..."

When the boys heard a certain boy speak first, they rushed forward and declared their responsibility to the little girl.

Looking at more than a dozen boys gathered around, chattering that the little girl is his, not only is Ukai's head big, but the girl herself is too big.

This group of boys is nice, but they quarrel endlessly.

"Everyone, please stop arguing. I will date whoever can teach these two a lesson..."

Good guys, as soon as these words came out, both Ukai turned into red cloth, and the boys all turned into bulls, scrambling to challenge Ukai and the others to prove that they are the strongest, and only the strongest trainers are worthy. Dating with a younger sister.

This scene made Yuhai and Xiaoying look at each other in confusion. The two looked at each other and could see that the other was confused. These guys were just here to make fun of them. How could they be so wooed by them?

Seeing that this group of people were fighting like this, there was no other way. Yuhai cleared his throat and shouted to the group of bulls in heat: "Everyone, be quiet and listen to me..."

After a dozen boys stopped arguing and all looked towards him, he continued: "You all want to date her, right?"

"Yeah," the boys nodded in unison.

"You have to defeat one of us before we can date, right?"

"Yeah," the boys nodded again.

"In that case, what are you fighting for? When the people in front consume our energy, won't the people behind us be able to win easily?"

"Eh...why didn't we think of this?" The boys were all shocked. How could this happen? Why didn't they think of this before?

"Okay, which one of you comes first?" Yuhai had already seen through the little girl's little thoughts. The girl would not date anyone at all. The girl was just a group of boys in PUA.

Girls just enjoy this feeling of being competed by boys. This will make girls feel that they are being admired by the stars. They are the best and most beautiful girl, and their vanity can also be greatly satisfied.

A girl who knows how to take advantage of her body at such a young age is a very precocious girl. She knows what her bargaining chips are, so she won't give them away so easily.

Once she agrees to a relationship, she will lose her greatest value and become meaningless and will no longer attract boys.

After hearing Ukai's explanation, the boys started to push and push each other, hoping that others would challenge first. No one was willing to challenge first, as they were all afraid of missing the opportunity to interact, and even more afraid that the assist would be given by themselves.

"Xiaoying, if they want to challenge you, go and challenge them." Seeing the boys' hesitation, Yuhai grabbed Xiaoying's neck and whispered something to Xiaoying in a low voice.

He also told Xiaoying the girl's performance, motives, and inner thoughts.

"So that's it," Xiaoying also understood what means the girl used to achieve her goal.

As a bystander, Xiaoying could clearly see how boys were being taken advantage of by girls, and also saw the current situation of these boys. Xiaoying swore that he would not become such a licking dog, being played around by a girl. Has no opinion of his own.

If he really can't find the direction, Brother Hai tells him that the direction is the higher mountain, not the love of a child.

And what his grandfather told him, putting interests first is a very good direction.

It is a good way to judge when you don't know the direction or how to choose.

Adopt what is good for you, and give up what is not good for you.

Stop in time, stop losses in time, don't be too greedy, this is what his grandfather told him the night before.

If the old man in the tavern hadn't been tricked once by Yu Hai, he wouldn't have taught his grandson like this. After being an uncle for so long, he almost forgot that he would become a grandson, and he had long forgotten what it meant to be cautious.

Since what happened to Ukai, the old man has become sober. Even if he wants to trick someone, he has to investigate clearly before doing so.

"Brother Hai, do you have any requirements for this battle?" After Xiaoying understood what happened, she thought about what to do if she lost, and began to become nervous.

"Just perform normally. It doesn't matter if you lose. You can solve the problem as soon as possible." Yuhai doesn't care about winning or losing. If he loses, he just needs to win. Losing is not terrible. He doesn't dare to try. He denies himself. Not wanting to win is the biggest problem. The problem.

"Also, don't ask me about this kind of thing. Ask yourself how you view this matter. To me, winning or losing doesn't matter. Winning or losing at the moment can't decide anything. It has never shaken my steps to climb mountains..."

Xiaoying calmed down after hearing these words. After chatting with Yuhai, he also understood what Yuhai's ambition was and that he would not be shaken by temporary wins or losses.

As for the girl on the beach, when she saw the boys starting to push and push her, she was unwilling to step forward to challenge her. When she saw that the helper she had found was defeated by the boy who was provoking her, she was able to resolve it with just one move. The girl was once again so angry that her teeth started to itch. He yelled at this group of boys:

"Whoever challenges first, I will date him for a week first."

The girl had no choice but to add a deadline to this relationship.

"I, I, I come first..."

"Fart, it was obviously me who came first..."

As the girl made the offer, the boys stopped pushing and started fighting over her.

Seeing this, the girl got big-headed again and roared again: "Whoever can defeat them will date for a month..."

Okay, now the fight started again for a month.

But some smart boys knew that they could not beat anyone, so they took their own water elves and challenged Yuhai, but it was Xiaoying who accepted the challenge.

The reason why Yuhai asked Xiaoying to challenge was because he wanted to test Xiaoying's training results.

After all, Xiaoying followed him and trained mosquito-repellent frogs for four days. Although she hadn't learned the combined attack skills yet, her water gun was accurate enough to bully these children who didn't train elves.

"I want to challenge him," the boy raised his finger and pointed at Yuhai. He could tell that Yuhai was probably stronger.

After all, Yuhai's mosquito-repellent frogs are bigger than another boy's mosquito-repellent frog, that is, Xiaoying's mosquito-repellent frog.

"You are not qualified to challenge my elder brother. You must pass me first before you can challenge my elder brother." Xiaoying stopped in front of Yuhai and accepted the boy's challenge.

"That's such a big statement. What's your name?" The boy was told that he was not qualified and immediately asked Xiaoying to give her name.

"My name is Xiaoying, what's your name?" Xiaoying asked.

"My name is Kaito, let me see if you are worthy of my challenge." As soon as the boy finished speaking, he threw out the poke ball in his hand, "The decision is yours, Big Claw Crab, let me defeat you. His elf..."

"Eh? What are you using to fight?" After the boy sent out the giant claw crab, he belatedly asked Xiaoying what kind of elf he should use to fight.

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