Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 186, Frozen Teeth

"Mosquito-repellent frog, come here," Yuhai sat on the folding bed and waved to the mosquito-repellent frog running around the swimming pool.

"Yo Bo? Yo Bo?" The mosquito-repellent frog stopped running and stood in front of Yu Hai, not knowing what Yu Hai asked him to do.

"Mosquito-repellent frog, it's afternoon now, you have new training," Yuhai looked at the training plan in his hand. In the afternoon, mosquito-repellent repellent frog will be training on moisture perception.

The air in the afternoon was very dry, which was just right for training on moisture perception. He needed the mosquito-repellent frogs to meet two requirements for moisture perception: instantaneous perception and reduced perception requirements.

Dry air is perfect for training these two abilities. In relatively dry air, you can train to instantly sense the enemy.

Perceived needs need to be reduced slowly, not instantly. There is always a process of adaptation in the middle.

But other elves have their own training and cannot train the mosquito-repellent frog on moisture perception. He needs to create an environment that can attack the mosquito-repellent frog without being fatal, so that the mosquito-repellent frog can train to improve its evasion rate.

He quickly thought of a way and moved six clothes drying poles from the house. He also found some ropes in the house and hung up the empty milk bottles.

If there are not enough empty bottles, use bottles with milk. When you drink the milk tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, you will have empty bottles. There are six bottles hanging on each clothes drying pole.

By placing one end of the clothes drying rack on the wall and the other on the balcony on the second floor of the house, the six clothes drying poles became a training ground for training moisture perception and dodge ability.

When the elves saw this scene, they also gathered around curiously, wanting to see what Yuhai was doing with so many empty bottles. Could it be related to mosquito-repellent frogs? The elves would soon know.

"Mosquito-repellent frog, have you seen these bottles?" Yuhai knocked the plastic bottles on the clothes drying rack with a stick, making a thumping sound, and then knocked one bottle against another, and the other bottle hit the next bottle. .

The bottles collided with each other, forming a chain reaction that began to become irregular.

"Yobo, yobo," the mosquito-repellent frog nodded and looked at the bottle. He didn't know what Yuhai was going to do. Could this be a new training?

"Mosquito-repellent frog, attack the bottle with the water gun and moisten the surrounding air." While letting the mosquito-repellent frog attack, Yuhai looked at the other water elves and shouted: "You also attack the bottle with the water gun..."

Then the six water elves spit out their water guns and shook the bottles wildly. After feeling the humidity in the air, he asked the elves to stop the water guns.

"Okay, everyone, stop the water guns." Yuhai raised his hand and patted the mosquito-repellent scented frog on the shoulder, and explained to the mosquito-repellent scented frog: "Mosquito-repellent scented frog, you will train moisture perception this afternoon, that is, you can swim among these bottles and not be attacked by the bottles. Yes, this requires a high degree of concentration and using the eye of the heart to add moisture to feel it, you know?"

"Hey, oh, oh, oh, oh," the mosquito-repellent frog nodded seriously. Just as he was about to walk into the bottle training venue, Yuhai called out to the mosquito-repellent frog again.

"Mosquito-repellent frog, you don't need to close your eyes at first. You need to adapt to the environment first. Once you are confident, practice with your eyes closed..."

"Hey," the mosquito-repellent frog walked straight into the training ground and nodded to show that he understood.

As soon as the mosquito-repellent frog entered the training ground, he was hit by bottles. The distance between these bottles was half a meter. Six bottles equaled five and a half meters. Thirty-six bottles meant a square training ground of two meters and five cubic meters.

It's just enough for the mosquito-repellent frog to pass through the gap horizontally. Once the mosquito-repellent frog becomes more familiar with it, it won't be too late to narrow the gap.

"Mosquito-repellent frog, don't be anxious. Practice slowly. Use your eyes and moisture perception to feel the shaking trajectory of the surrounding bottles. It's the same as the shaking of a floating ball. Adapt to the training first and then increase the difficulty."

As the mosquito-repellent frog sank into a state in the humid air, Ukai came to the edge of the swimming pool and warned the Carp King and Tench that were playing in the pool: "King Carp and Tench, when the bottle stops shaking, just Attack the bottle with a water gun, you know?”

"Kalu kalu," King Carp looked at the mosquito-repellent frog and nodded towards Ukai.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu""Weak Tench also nodded. After all, there is delicious food and some work to do.

This can be regarded as a waste utilization. It not only allows the two silly fish to train water guns, but also helps the mosquito-repellent frog train to sense moisture. It also saves him a lot of trouble. It is really the best of both worlds.

This was the only way he could think of to get these two silly fish to move. If it was training, these two silly fish had nothing to train. No matter how hard they trained, they would be weak, unless the silly things could evolve.

After rearranging the training plan for the mosquito-repellent frog, Yuhai raised his hand to summon the giant claw crab, "Big claw crab, come here..."

"Kuo kuo kuo, do I have one too?" The giant crab crawled to Yuhai's feet excitedly and raised its big pincers. It couldn't wait.

"Big Claw Crab, you'd better train by lifting the pliers," Yuhai just finished speaking. Seeing the disappointment on Crab Crab's face, he hurriedly added: "But to increase the difficulty, you need to lift the big pliers and run around the swimming pool. lock up."

"Kuao?" The crab turned and looked at the swimming pool. Could it be that running laps was its new training?

"Big Crab, do you still remember the high-speed movement you couldn't learn on the desert island?" Ukai patted the Crab on the back and asked aloud.

"Kuao," the big claw crab nodded, how could it forget.

"It's good if you still remember," Yuhai nodded secretly and continued: "You can still lift the pliers for two or three hours now. At this time, you need to train your speed. Train your speed while lifting the pliers. When will you run faster? The faster, that’s when you learn to move at high speed.”

"Big Claw Crab, this move is very important to you. It determines whether you will be beaten in the future or whether you will hit others, so you must learn this move, do you know?"

"Kuo kuo kuo," the crab nodded heavily. It didn't want to be beaten. It had had enough on the desert island. It vowed to beat others instead of being beaten.

After barking twice to cheer itself up, the giant claw crab started running training with its claws raised. It must learn how to move at high speed as Ukai said.

Watching the giant claw crab start running in circles, Yuhai reminded: "Big claw crab, when you are tired, stop and rest..."

The giant claw crab and the mosquito-repellent frog are very self-disciplined elves, so there is no need to worry at all, but it is hard to say about other elves.

Especially the big foodie, "Iron-armored rhinoceros, come here..."

"Hoo ho, ho ho," the armored rhinoceros was called and ran over excitedly, sticking out its big tongue to lick Ukai's palm.

"Stop, Armored Rhino, you have to start training too," Yuhai quickly pushed away the Armored Rhino's big tongue. This guy's enthusiasm was really unbearable, making him drool all over his body every time.

"Woohoo hoohoo," the armored rhinoceros stopped licking Yu Hai when he heard that he was about to be trained. He had seen mosquito-repellent frogs and giant claw crabs training, and he wanted to try what training was like. He ate and slept all day long, and ate after sleeping. All bored to death.

"Don't you know how to rock polish? Go and run with rock polishing," Yuhai raised his hand and pointed to the edge of the pool. The giant crab ran in the inner circle, and the armored rhinoceros ran in the outer circle.

The mosquito-repellent frog's moisture sensing training venue is in the corner, and the three elves will not affect each other.

"Woohoo," the armored rhinoceros turned to look at the swimming pool. When it saw Ukai raising his hand to point at the crab, it knew what its training was and immediately went to run by the pool, running faster than the crab.

"The armored rhinoceros should not just run, but run with rocks," Ukai reminded from the side.

"Huhu," the armored rhinoceros heard Yu Hai's call. While running, its body suddenly became shiny. It was a special effect that appeared when rock grinding was activated.

It seems that the armored rhinoceros listened to Yuhai's words. The armored rhinoceros, which was polished with rocks, ran faster and faster. The giant crab only ran one lap, while the armored rhinoceros ran two, three, four laps...

Then, the armored rhinoceros quickly lay down in front of Yu Hai tiredly, sticking out his big tongue, looking like he was helpless. He didn't even have the strength to raise his head to look at Yu Hai. Running was too boring and the rhinoceros was very tired. It didn't want to run anymore. .

Seeing this, Yuhai was helpless and wanted to laugh, but he still held back. He poured out more than ten kilograms of ore from his backpack, and also took out a mineral lure and placed it on the tip of the armored rhino's nose.

The armored rhinoceros smelled the fragrance of the mineral lure balls and immediately jumped up from the ground, surrounding Ukai asking for the mineral lure balls. It looked like it was weak and almost dead from exhaustion just now.

Yuhai knew that this guy was just pretending, so he didn't expose it, but asked in a persuasive way: "Want to eat?"

"Woohoo," the armored rhinoceros nodded quickly, expressing that it wanted to eat very much.

"You have to run around in circles before you can eat it," Yuhai pointed at the giant crab to let the big foodie take a good look. The giant crab is still running. You want to eat now, how is that possible?

"Huhu," the armored rhinoceros turned its head and saw the giant crab, and its head drooped. It also knew that this was not good, but it just wanted to eat what it could do.

Then it saw more than ten kilograms of ore on the ground. It was okay to eat this first to satisfy its craving.

"Iron-armored rhinoceros, when eating ore, try using frozen teeth." Seeing that this guy started eating like this, Ukai asked the armored rhinoceros to try the frozen ore to see if it tasted good.

"Huhu," the armored rhinoceros did when he heard it. When using the frozen teeth, the fangs in his mouth turned blue, and there was a trace of cold air seeping out.

Even Yu Hai felt the cold air, and his body shivered subconsciously. He was shivering on a sunny day, and he was probably a little weak.

Click click click——

The armored rhinoceros bit into the frozen ore, chewing it crunchily in its mouth, and enjoyed eating it. Why didn't it realize that ore could be eaten like this before? It was much cooler to eat iced ore on a hot day.

Seeing this, Yuhai let the armored rhinoceros eat it. When the armored rhinoceros finished eating the ore on the ground, he asked the idiot again: "Go for a run. Remember to polish it with rocks. After running a hundred laps, you can eat this Ore lure group."

"Woohoo? Really?" The armored rhinoceros finished eating the ore on the ground and looked up to sniff the ore lure in Ukai's hand. It was really fragrant. It was so fragrant. This was the first time it smelled such fragrant food. More tempting to rhino than honey.

It's a pity that Yuhai didn't give it to it, so it had to run, so it started running immediately.

It's just a hundred laps, and it can be completed easily.

The armored rhinoceros, which was polished with rocks, ran really fast, completing one hundred laps in half an hour. When it stopped in front of Ukai, it was still very energetic and did not look weak or limp at all.

Yuhai also kept his promise and threw the mining lure to the armored rhinoceros, and the armored rhinoceros caught it in his mouth.

But the armored rhinoceros did not immediately chew up the mineral lure and swallow it. Instead, it placed the mineral lure on the floor, first used its frozen teeth to freeze the mineral lure into an ice ball, then put it into its mouth, chewed it, and then swallowed it.

Suddenly, an icy cold air spread from my mouth to my stomach. It was so comfortable under this sunny day.

It felt so comfortable that the armored rhinoceros slowly moved to the edge of the pool, fell in with a plop, and took a dip in the pool.

Seeing this scene, Yuhai smiled helplessly and stopped caring about this guy. The armored rhinoceros had just started training, so the intensity should not be too high, otherwise he would be resistant and it would be difficult to reverse it.

It is better to play, eat and practice like this, and make changes slowly and step by step.

Then, he turned his attention to the big-mouthed gull. The training plan of the three main players has been completed, and it is time for the core assistants on this rainy day.

"Big-billed Gull, it's your turn, come here," Yuhai waved towards the swimming pool, letting the Big-billed Gull, which was splashed by the armored rhinoceros, come ashore. He wanted to arrange the Big-billed Gull's training plan.

"Bah, bah, bah," the big-mouthed gull came to Yuhai's side and waited quietly for Yuhai's arrangements.

"Big-billed gull, can you ask for rain?" Yuhai touched the big-billed gull's head. He didn't know if the big-billed gull could ask for light rain. He didn't expect heavy rain.

"Bah, bah, bah," the big-billed gull tilted its head, flapped its wings and flew into the sky. It flapped its wings under the scorching sun, circled around the house, and kept shouting: "Bah, bah, bah... "

As the big-billed gulls began to cry, the sky began to become dense with dark clouds. In fact, there was only a small patch of dark clouds, which only covered the house where they lived. It was not as large as the time when they prayed for rain on a deserted island.

Even if the rainfall range is a little small, it is already very good if the big-billed gull can use it to ask for rain.

His requirements are not high, as long as the Big-billed Owl can use it and practice slowly.

As light rain began to fall from the sky, the big-billed gull also landed on the wall of the courtyard. All the elves stopped training to feel the sudden light rain.

The light rain didn't last too long. It only lasted a few minutes and then stopped.

As the rain stopped, Ukai waved again, signaling the big-billed gull to come down: "Big-billed gull, come here."

"Bah, bah, bah," the big-billed gull landed on Yuhai's folding bed and shook out its wet feathers.

"Big-billed Owl, this is your future training. You must learn to ask for rain anytime and anywhere, and you must also be able to attract heavy rain and control the size of the rainfall..."

Yuhai didn't mention the characteristics, and the big-billed gull might not understand it. Instead, he asked the big-billed gull to train to pray for rain first.

When the proficiency of the big-billed gull in asking for rain is high, the rain request will feed back the rainfall characteristics. When the time comes, the big-billed gull can learn to control the rainfall characteristics.

The experience of praying for rain is that it should be a very simple matter to control the characteristics of rainfall. There will be rain when it is needed, and there will be no rain when it is not needed.

Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing if it rained every time the big-billed gulls were released.

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