Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 134, Lao Liu attacks

The thirty-seventh day of survival on a desert island, sunny.

They were preparing to leave the island today. Ukai, who got up early, did not call the elves, but went to the place where clothes were hung to dry, and first took down the clothes that had been dried last night from the branches.

Yesterday, he not only washed the jackets and pants, but also a black T-shirt, hat, face towel and other small items.

After taking off his clothes, he put them on directly, including his pants.

After putting on the clothes, nothing about the body belonged to him except his pants.

Before the elves got up, he also found the bark prepared yesterday, wrapped it in rags, and sewed the edges of the bark with thread, preparing to use the bark as insoles.

After he made the insoles, the elves also got up. He put the insoles into his hiking boots and called on the mosquito-repellent frog and Baddie to follow him.

Today was the last day on the desert island. He was going to steal some honey and bring it back for breakfast. He could also steal more to take away.

Stealing honey is still a familiar routine, a familiar formula, hypnotized by Badadie. He and the mosquito-repellent frog are carrying two buckets. They will fill two buckets of honey today. After all, it is the last time.

After stealing the honey, they returned to the tree house and invited the elves to have breakfast.

After breakfast, they were ready to set off for Hasa Island.

My things were packed yesterday, there was nothing to pack, they were all in the black backpack.

While eating, Yuhai also took out a compass, placed it on the map of the Orange Islands, and calibrated the direction.

Hasa Island is in the southeast, Jingan Island is in the west, and Dachun Island is right in the middle.

One east and the other west. It stands to reason that the probability of meeting an acquaintance of the elf hunter is very low, but he also needs to be careful.

Things with the mark of the elf hunter were thrown into the sea by him, and he would not take those things with him to human society.

But what was discarded were small things, such as things that could prove the elf hunter's identity. He did not discard the elf hunter's elves.

He planned to go to the black market to dispose of those five elves after they entered human society. This was a lot of money.

Overlord Bi Diao's cubs can attract elf hunters who travel thousands of miles to steal them. Then the opponent's quasi-king elves, and even elves with breakthrough potential to the level of kings, are probably worth several million!

Several million, this is a huge amount of money, and it is also the start-up capital after he goes to human society.

After all, there are so many foodies to support, and it’s not enough without a little money.

Looking at the map, there is a smaller island next to Hasa Island. There is a name on the map called Fula Island No. 4.

"Fula Island No. 4, wait, Fula..."

Ukai muttered the name of the island, as if he had heard it somewhere. It should have appeared in the animation plot he watched in his previous life.

After pondering for a moment, he quickly remembered that there were many fossil helmets on this island, a kind of prehistoric elf, and a rainy creature attacker.

"No, that's not right," Yuhai vaguely remembered that this island was where Fossil Helmet slept. In the animation, after Fossil Helmet was awakened, the island collapsed and sank into the sea.

But on the map, the island is still there, which means that the fossil helmet on the island has not been discovered and is still sleeping.

If a normal person found so many rare prehistoric elves, he would definitely capture them and sell them.

But he doesn’t want to disturb the dormant Fossil Helmets on the island, let alone sell rare prehistoric elves like Fossil Helmets.

It's not that he is very noble, but selling this thing will bring him trouble, especially when he is still weak, it will do more harm than good.

As long as he sells a fossil helmet, he will be killed. Others will definitely catch him and ask him where the fossil helmet came from.

If you answer, the island will collapse and sink to the bottom of the sea just like in the original plot.

If he didn't answer, life or death would be uncertain. His prime years had not yet begun, and he didn't want to die young.

If you don't want to attract too much attention, don't want to cause trouble, and are being targeted by greedy people, it's best not to touch the fossil helmets on the island.

If he wanted to conquer the Fossil Helmet in the future, he could select a high-potential Fossil Helmet and then cultivate it slowly. He was not in a hurry for this moment.

There are many fossil helmets on the island, and it is not difficult to select a high-potential fossil helmet.

This island is also his first stop. He will use Fula Island 4 as a springboard to Hasa Island.

In fact, there are many small islands between Fula Island 4 and Hasa Island, only one or two kilometers in size. They are basically uninhabited islands, and they are all marked on the map.

Ukai, who was planning the route to the island, was immersed in the map and did not notice the strange looks in the eyes of the elves.

It wasn't until Ukai felt that the dining table was a little quiet, so quiet that there was no sound of eating, that he looked up at the elves.

Just when he was about to ask the elves what was going on, a big face came over.

"Snoring, snoring," the armored rhinoceros stretched out its big tongue and licked Ukai before he could react.

"You? I...stop, don't lick, don't lick," Yuhai pushed the armored rhinoceros away. Why is this guy back again? Didn't he just go back yesterday?

"Huhu, huhu," the armored rhinoceros was not annoyed when Yuhai pushed him away. The purpose of coming here was to eat, especially the sweet honey. It could smell the fragrance of honey from a long distance.

It and the armored tyrannosaurus ate the honey and elf food they brought back yesterday. It was not enough to eat at all, so they came again today.

"Don't grab it, I'll give it to you." Yuhai saw the armored rhinoceros, a foodie, and wanted to stick his big tongue into the bucket. He hurriedly took the bucket away, not wanting the foodie to contaminate the honey.

Then he used the water basin in which the crab was bathing and poured half a basin of honey into the armored rhinoceros who couldn't wait.

"Woohoo," the armored rhino cried out happily when he saw the honey. Honey, honey, it is the honey it likes.

"Boom, boom, boom," Bobo landed on the back of the armored rhinoceros. He came with the armored rhinoceros.

Seeing that the armored rhinoceros had honey, but it had no honey, it hurriedly barked at Ukai twice.

"Why are you here too?" The moment Yuhai saw Bobo, he looked up to the sky like a reflex, and he was relieved when he did not find the huge eagle.

But just when he breathed a sigh of relief, he turned back and saw that there was one less bird on the canopy of the tree watching, and he suddenly thought to himself that he was unlucky.

The little Bibi bird must have gone to report the news. After all, Bobo came secretly. They were responsible for surveillance. Of course, they had to go back and tell Bi Diao about the situation here.

After not finding Bi Diao, Yuhai took out his rice bowl and poured some honey for Bobo.

So far, there are two more elves eating breakfast on this grass table, Iron-armored Rhino and Bobo.

Hey, my head hurts...

They were all ready to leave. Why did Bobo and Armored Rhino come over? It was best not to cause trouble for them.

No matter how distressed they were, they still had to get through breakfast and then run away and escape.

But God failed, and they were not allowed to have a peaceful breakfast even after breakfast, because the Orb Silk Spider warned.

"Hey, hey, the crabs are coming." The orb silk spider was eating breakfast when it felt the vibration of the silk. It suddenly got up and left. When it came back, it immediately screamed to notify Ukai and the others that danger was coming.

"Crabs?" Ukai saw the Orb Silk Spider in such a panic. He stood up and looked towards the seaside, where there were many crabs gathered there.

It had been a long time since they had eaten crabs, and they had not caused any trouble to this group of crabs. He thought that after leaving today, the two parties would become strangers, but before leaving, these crabs came again.

The mosquito-repellent frogs who were eating breakfast also saw the menacing crabs. They immediately prepared themselves and stood in front of Yu Hai with unprecedented solemn expressions.

Because the leader crab is not simple, it is a giant claw crab, much larger than the giant claw crab, and its level is at least level 28, which is equivalent to the mosquito-repellent frog, and may even be higher.

But this giant claw crab is not the leader giant claw crab. The leader giant claw crab is much larger than this giant claw crab.

"Hey, don't eat the idiot, the enemy is coming." When the mosquito-repellent frog got up, he saw the armored rhinoceros still licking the basin, and immediately kicked the armored rhinoceros on the butt.

Even at this time, the armored rhinoceros can still eat it. The mosquito-repellent frog is really convinced by this big foodie, and he is really big-hearted.

"Huhu?" The armored rhinoceros stopped licking the basin after being kicked. He looked up and saw the menacing crabs. He immediately pushed forward and stood at the front. He roared at the crab group: "Hey, get out of here!" , don’t disturb us for breakfast, or you’ll step on us..."

"Kuo kuo kuo, click, click, click, don't be too arrogant, rhinoceros, believe it or not, I will pinch you in two..."

A giant claw crab was unhappy with the armored rhinoceros's roar, and stood up to fight back against the armored rhinoceros.

Before, they didn't have a giant claw crab boss, so they could only be captured by Yu Hai and the elves here at will.

Today, while these elves were eating honey in a big way, they invited the giant crab boss to help them regain their place and steal the honey.

"Kuo kuo kuo, boss, they took away many of our brothers and they all ate them..."

"Kuohuang, yes, boss, we don't even dare to come to this beach. If we do, we will be taken away..."

"Kuao, boss, they also have honey, a lot of delicious food, we have to grab them all..."

"Kaka, cool cough," the giant claw crab boss listened to the giant claw crabs around him. He said something to each other and immediately raised his claws to signal his younger brothers to be quiet.

Then the giant claw crab's big claws pointed directly at Ukai and the others, and shouted loudly: "Kuke, do you hand over the honey yourself, and then I crush you all, or do I crush you first and enjoy your honey."

"Hey, arrogant, if you have the ability, come here. I want to challenge you." The mosquito-repellent frog saw that there were many crabs on the opposite side. The entire beach was occupied, with at least forty or fifty crabs. It did not rush forward. Instead, he prepared to attack the Giant Claw Crab.

The mosquito-repellent frog knew very well that this group of crabs gathered together because of the giant claw crab. As long as the giant claw crab is dealt with, this crisis can be resolved.

"Kuao, boss, don't listen to it. We have so many brothers, we will definitely besiege..."

"Kuao, yes, siege, siege..."

When the giant crab heard what the younger brothers said, he was a little reluctant to get off the stage at first, with so many younger brothers watching here.

If he refuses, wouldn't it appear that he is afraid of mosquito-repellent frogs?

If you agree, once the battle is defeated, the gathered crabs will disperse, and they will tell you here.

It still has such a large territory at home, as well as a lot of female crabs. If it were handed over here, the territory it conquered and the female crabs would be gone.

However, the younger brother gave me the opportunity to step down. Since the younger brother advocates siege, then: "Cool, attack..."

"Kuo kuo kuo, click, click, click..."

After hearing the order to attack, the crabs immediately waved their crab claws and made a sound that cut off everything, and rushed towards the mosquito-repellent frogs.

Ukai looked at the more than twenty crabs rushing towards the beach. More crabs were rushing behind them, but the Giant Claw Crab stood still.

He also knew that to capture the thief first, he had to kill the giant crab first, but the giant crab was surrounded by large crabs. They had no way of starting, so they had no choice but to order: "Mosquito-repellent frogs and armored rhinos are in front, and the giant crabs go first." Dig a hole, then harden up and sneak up on a giant claw crab."

"Hey," the mosquito-repellent frog took the lead and blocked the charging crabs in front. With the explosion of climbing the waterfall, it basically punched a crab.

"Snort," the armored rhinoceros charged directly towards the crab group, charging back and forth, knocking over each crab.

"Kuao," after the giant claw crab received the mission of sneak attack, he immediately waved his claws to dig holes, and also used the hardening move.

Seeing the three elves starting to fight, Ukai quickly arranged the combat tasks for the remaining elves.

He has ten elves here. The useless Tench and Magikarp have been collected by him, and there are still Bad Butterfly, Orb Silk Spider, Big-billed Gull, Slowpoke, and Bobo.

Among these elves, he could only order his own: "Orb Silk Spider, use the electric grid to support the mosquito-repellent frogs and armored rhinos to prevent the crabs from making sneak attacks."

"Hey Tuo," the Orb Silk Spider heard the order, jumped onto the branch, and threw out the electric net specifically for the crabs who wanted to launch a sneak attack.

"Badadie, use the electric grid to harass the giant claw crab, and at the same time release sleeping powder and paralysis powder," Yuhai shouted to Badadie.

"咒咒咿咿," Ba Dadi heard the order and secretly thought that he had finally arrived. He immediately rose into the sky and flew over the giant claw crab, interfering with the giant claw crab's command and creating an opportunity for the giant claw crab to sneak attack.

"Big-billed Gull, use the tailwind to speed them up." Ukai did not let the Big-billed Gull participate in the battle, but stayed by his side to speed up everyone.

"Come on," the big-billed gull saw its companions fighting, and immediately flapped its wings, blowing a breeze and increasing the speed of its companions.

At this point, there are only three elves left around Ukai, Gull, Slowpoke, and Bobo.

Big-billed Owl stayed to protect him, and Slowpoke and Bobo didn't know if they would obey the order. He did not order the two to fight.

Swish swish——

Suddenly, an arc-shaped air blade hit the crab that wanted to sneak attack the mosquito-repellent frog, and it was Bobo flying in the air who took action.

"Hey," the mosquito-repellent frog felt the wind behind him. He looked back and saw a crab that had been knocked crooked, and Bobo, who was flying in the air and constantly releasing wind blades. He immediately shouted to Bobo to express his gratitude.

"Bobo, don't be distracted," Bobo's wings lit up with white light, he threw out the wind blade again, and deflected a sneak attack with a large pincer, reminding the mosquito-repellent frog.

After the double update, I will try my best to ensure the quality. If the quality drops, I have nothing to do, but I feel a little sorry for the book friends who subscribe. I really feel sorry for everyone...

If it's a bug, please remind me to fix it instead of spraying it randomly...

You may only read the two chapters for a few minutes. It takes me a day to write, so it is only normal if I have questions. After all, I am just an ordinary person, not an AI...

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