Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 114, Fighting the BOSS

The thirty-second day of survival on a desert island, sunny.

After stealing the honey, Yuhai woke up the tadpoles and Badadie.

After giving instructions to the long-winged gulls and giant crabs who were staying behind, they went straight to the territory of the giant needle bees.

It's still a familiar routine, Baddie hypnotizes and paralyzes the giant needle bees, and then they enter the scene to steal the honey.

Today is very important for the mosquito-repellent tadpole. He plans to steal more honey so that the tadpole can eat full before evolving.

When they returned, the bucket was filled with a bucket of honey, which was enough for the day.

After returning to the tree house, Yuhai immediately distributed the honey, which can be used for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

There is no need to worry about all the honey being stolen. The honey they have stolen for so long is all in the same tree. There are several fruit trees like this.

"Kuo bang, kuo bang," the giant claw crab saw Ukai and the others coming back and hurriedly crawled out of the tree house to greet them, but it only climbed to the door of the tree house and then softened.

"Big Crab? You shed your shell again," Yuhai saw the limp body of the Crab. This guy sheds his shell too frequently and will be deficient in calcium.

I don’t know if fish meat and fish bones alone can replenish the missing calcium and nutrients of the giant claw crab.

If we were in a human society, we could buy some calcium supplements for the crabs, but here there are only fish meat and fish bones, as well as other elf meat. I don't know if it will help the crabs.

After dividing the honey, Yuhai put the crab in the water basin, roasted and mashed the leftover fish bones that the crab had eaten a few days ago, and poured them into the basin for the crab to absorb.

Then there is honey, which is also placed in the water basin for the giant crab. It is impossible for him to not give honey to the giant crab just because the crab sheds its shell. The giant crab also has honey to eat.

After the elves finished eating the honey, the morning exercise began. The elves' training continued as usual. He also started jogging. The most important thing in exercising is persistence.

After jogging for two hours, I stopped to take a shower and prepare lunch. The orb silk spider did not catch any crabs this morning.

The naive crabs that would throw themselves into a trap have been eaten up, and the rest are smart crabs, which requires them to take the initiative.

"Mosquito-repellent tadpoles and orb-silk spiders, come out with me," Yuhai called to stop the running and exercising tadpoles and the orb-silk spiders sleeping on the branches, and prepared to go for a walk on the reef and shallows.

When they came to the reef shoal, the smart crabs hid early, but the not-so-smart crabs felt that they had invaded their territory. Of course, the crabs had to drive away the intruders like Ukai.

Then there was nothing more. Mosquito-repellent tadpoles of more than 20 levels were basically invincible among this group of crabs of more than 10 levels. They were not just killing them indiscriminately, knocking each one out.

Soon they knocked out six crabs and returned to the tree house. Among these crabs, the potential was as mediocre as ever. None of them were eye-catching, and they were all cooked.

Lunch was cooked quickly, and Ukai also stopped the training elves and asked them to come over for lunch.

The shell of the giant claw crab is almost hardened enough to be served with them for lunch, but it is fish meat, which is a good supplement for calcium.

The remaining elves ate all crabs, after all, crabs were the most abundant.

After lunch and another meal of honey, he secretly scooped an extra cup of honey for the mosquito tadpoles. After all, they were about to evolve.

After eating the honey, it was time for a lunch break. After a short lunch break, the elves began their afternoon training again.

Baddie exercises her mind power.

The three elves, the mosquito tadpole, the long-winged gull, and the giant crab, train with water guns.

The orb silk spider was still waiting on the branch for the crab to fall into the trap, while Ukai took the fishing rod to the beach to fish.

The bait this time was still snail meat. The snail meat was very large. He tied it to the hook with a rope. He didn't believe that the bait could be stolen. He didn't believe that the fish would untie the rope.

He will definitely not be in the Air Force today...

Well, to be honest, he actually didn't know for sure. He didn't know if it was because the weather was too hot. The fish were escaping the heat in the deeper seabed.

After a week of continuous scorching sun, he also knitted a straw hat and made a sun protection suit out of rags.

The whole body was covered in rags, so it was a bit hot, but it was better than being tanned and peeling.

If he had sunscreen, he wouldn't be in such trouble, so he said it was still necessary for human society to go back.

Fishing into the evening, Yuhai thought it was another day for the Air Force. Just when he was about to close his pole, an accident happened.

A huge black shadow appeared on the bottom of the sea, rushed towards the bait, and bit the bait in one bite.


"Damn, you're so strong," Yuhai was caught off guard by the big guy in the water and almost fell into the water, but he instantly raised his fishing rod and used the willfulness of the fishing rod to drag the big guy in the water.

Just when he was about to walk the fish as usual, the fishing rod in his hand suddenly came loose, and he stumbled backwards and fell down, sitting on the rocks.

Before he could get up, he felt something was wrong. He immediately looked up to the sea. There was a shark floating on the sea, staring at him with disdain with its scarlet fish eyes. The hairs on his arms stood up instantly.

"Shark," the megalodon spat out the conch meat in its mouth contemptuously. What it wanted to eat was the fisherman, and the hook it bit was just to tease Yu Hai.

Since the last time it smelled this human's blood, it has become obsessed with the smell of blood, which really makes the shark unable to stop.

But after observing it for a long time, it found that this human being just wouldn’t go into the sea. It couldn’t bear it any longer. It wanted to eat this human being, and it wanted to go ashore...

Click click click click click click——

"Damn it, this fish must be sick. Why does it open its mouth so wide? There are also fangs in the mouth. If it is bitten, all three legs will be bitten off." Ukai saw the megalodon spit out the bait and hurriedly took back the old fish. Man.

If he couldn't catch any fish, he would admit defeat, but what the hell would it be to give him a shark? The difference in strength was too big. This thing weighed more than 80 kilograms, and he could only pull it with two.

Also, why was this guy staring at him so fiercely? He didn't provoke this guy. Why did he see excitement and bloodthirsty madness in this guy's scarlet eyes?

And the look in this guy's eyes is getting more and more weird, wait, "Fuck, come at me, mosquito tadpoles, help..."

Yuhai no longer cared about his old friend, threw it away, turned over and ran away.

But he couldn't get up, so he could only crawl forward using his hands and feet. If his legs weren't weak, he could run faster.

Click click click——

When he turned over and ran away, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a megalodon rushing directly onto the beach, chewing up the rocks and biting towards him.

The speed of the megalodon was so fast that he couldn't avoid it, nor could he outrun the indestructible, sharp fangs and the big mouth of the megalodon. "Damn, it's a crushing move..."


When the Orb Silk Spider heard Ukai's cry for help, it reacted first, wrapped its silk around Ukai, tightened its spin, and pulled Ukai up the tree.

The three mosquito-repellent tadpoles had already heard Yu Hai's cry for help, and they arrived belatedly after the megalodon washed up on the beach.

Baddie, who heard Yuhai's cry for help, also flew over from the direction of the tree house, joined the three elves of Mosquito-repellent Tadpole, and surrounded the Megalodon.

"Yo yo, yo yo," the mosquito-repellent tadpoles were furious when they saw that the megalodon almost bit Yu Hai. Yu Hai was almost bitten off, but it was still under their noses. They were very angry, and their anger could no longer be suppressed. Absolutely This shark cannot be let go.

"Kuo kuo kua, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click) -" The giant claw crab immediately raised its large pincers to demonstrate to the megalodon shark, and it will use these large pincers to pinch off the giant tooth shark's head.

"咒咒咿,咒咒咿," Bada Die was also gnashing his teeth angrily. It just didn't follow Yuhai for two days, and Yuhai was in danger. It was just a smelly fish, and it was so arrogant. It immediately attacked the giant tooth shark He said harshly, "If you dare to attack Yu Hai, you will die, you stinky fish..."

"Shark horn," the Megalodon looked at the four elves in front, back, left and right. Mosquito-repellent frogs and giant claw crabs were blocking the seashore. Big butterflies and long-winged gulls were flying in the air and staring angrily at it. It was surrounded.

But who is it, the feared bully of the sea, the ferocious and cunning and clever king of the sea, with sharp teeth that can even crush iron plates, so it is afraid of these little minions...

"Shark, you are all my dinner today," the Megalodon was not timid at all when faced with the siege of four elves. Instead, it became more bloodthirsty and excited, and even directly declared war on the four elves, still with food. Very provocative words.

But neither side made the first move.

First, there are many elves here in the tadpoles.

Second, the four mosquito-repellent tadpoles have not cooperated yet.

Although there are more elves, there is strength, but sometimes having more elves is not necessarily useful, but can actually hinder one's own side.

It wasn't until a voice sounded that the four elves regained their confidence and won the battle by bullying the many and the few.

"Use the giant claw crab continuously to harden, use mud shots to hit the eyes, mosquito-repellent tadpoles, and long-winged gulls to hit the eyes with water guns to interfere with the sight of the giant tooth shark," Ukai stood under the tree and saw the four elves confronting each other. gave the order to attack.

This megalodon is going to eat him. Of course, he can't keep him, but he has to kill him and eat him, just like he wants to eat him.

"Kuo kuo kuo," the moment the crab heard Ukai's voice, white light flashed twice on its surface. It was because it had used the hardening move.

Immediately afterwards, the giant claw crab opened its mouth and spit out three consecutive mud shots. Because of its experience in training water guns, accuracy was not a problem.

Mosquito-repellent tadpoles and long-winged gulls also spit out water guns at the same time, disturbing the sight of the megalodon.

"Shark horn," the megalodon saw the mud fire, and did not care about the water guns of the other two elves. Instead, it did not dodge, closed its big mouth, inflated it instantly, opened its mouth and spit out a water cannon with the most power.

The turbulent water was compressed in the mouth and fired. The impact was extremely terrifying. It instantly dispersed the mud shot and rushed towards the giant crab with unabated momentum.

"The giant claw crab digs a hole to avoid it, and the mosquito tadpoles and long-winged gulls continue to interfere with the water cannon." Ukai asked the giant claw crab to dig a hole to avoid it, while also letting the mosquito tadpoles and long-winged gulls continue to interfere with the megalodon.

Then he shouted to Bada Die and Orb Silk Spider: "Bada Die, Orb Silk Spider, prepare the electric grid..."

Faced with the interference of the two elves' water guns, the megalodon felt very annoyed. It couldn't hit the long-winged gulls flying in the sky, and the crabs dug holes and couldn't hit them. However, the mosquito-repellent tadpoles on the sand were not biting randomly.

Click click click——

The megalodon opened its mouth again to crush it, and sprayed seawater from its tail to speed up the crushing process.

"Mosquito-repellent tadpole, the most powerful water gun, forcing the megalodon to stop." Seeing this, Yuhai did not let the mosquito-repellent tadpole avoid it, but let the mosquito-repellent tadpole block it head-on.

"Yo yo, poof," the mosquito tadpole charged at the megalodon with a powerful water gun. It only slowed down the momentum of the megalodon, but did not stop it.

The water gun of the mosquito-repellent tadpole competes with the seawater sprayed from the tail of the megalodon. Once the tadpole cannot hold on, it will be bitten.

"Now, Crab, break the sand and trap the Megalodon." When Yuhai saw the stalemate between the tadpoles and the Megalodon, he loudly reminded Crab that it was time.

"Kuao..." When the giant claw crab heard the sound, it immediately burst out of the ground, opening its large claws and approaching the giant tooth shark's body.

"Shark horn," from the corner of the megalodon's eye, he saw the giant claw crab breaking through the ground. Its tail gave up spraying water, and was instantly rushed away by the water gun of the mosquito tadpole. It avoided the claws of the giant claw crab and was washed away by the water gun on the sand. A long ravine was created on the ground.

"Now, Bada Die, Orb Silk Spider, use the electric net." When Yuhai saw the Megalodon fell on the sand, he immediately asked Bada Die and Orb Silk Spider to patch up the electric net.

The big butterfly flew in the sky, and the orb silk spider stood on the branch. The two elves opened their mouths and spit out a woven silk net. As the silk net was passed through with electricity, they swung it one after another at the giant tooth shark on the sand. Out of the grid.

"Shark honk," the megalodon saw two power grids flying towards him, and its tail sprayed water again into the sky, avoiding the two power grids.

"The long-winged gull, attack with your wings and hit the woods," Ukai saw the Megalodon's cool moves. It turned out that the megalodon could fly, so he immediately asked the long-winged gull flying in the air to attack with its wings.

"Uh-oh," the long-winged gull's wings lit up with white light, and it waved its wings towards the flying megalodon shark to create wind blades, interrupting the flying megalodon shark.

"Badadie, Orb Silk Spider, use the electric grid again..."

"Shark horn," the megalodon's jet of water was interrupted, and he saw two electric grids dancing with electric arcs, flying towards him again, and his tail hurriedly sprayed out water to avoid the two grids.

After avoiding the electric grid, the Megalodon looked at the five elves who were eyeing him in the air, three on the ground and two in the air.

After being awakened from his anger and bloodthirsty, his IQ regained the high ground. The Megalodon calmed down and analyzed the current situation.

If it keeps fighting like this, it is likely to land here, so it adjusts its posture in the air, preparing to spray water from its tail in the air and fly towards the sea.

"The long-winged gull, continue to attack with your wings and interrupt the Megalodon from adjusting its flight posture." Ukai saw the Megalodon fine-tuning its flight posture and the shark's head wanted to face the sea. He realized the Megalodon's plan and loudly informed the chief. Winged Gull, let the Winged Gull stop it.

It’s now that I want to escape, but it’s too late…

"Oh," the long-winged gull also noticed that the giant tooth shark wanted to escape, but there was no way.

The long-winged gull's wings lit up with white light again, and it fired the wind blade at the megalodon.

It prevents the Megalodon from adjusting its flight attitude and pushes the Megalodon toward the treehouse to attack.

"Badadie, go help the long-winged gull and use your maximum power to make the wind..."

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