"Yo yo? The eye of the heart?" The mosquito-repellent tadpole doesn't understand what the eye of the heart is. It can't see anything at all now, and it can only barely see the swaying floating ball.

Also, Yuhai said that it doesn't need eyes. How could it hit the floating ball without eyes? It couldn't see the floating ball clearly at all.

At this moment, the world in the eyes of the mosquito-repellent tadpole is between light and darkness. Everything in front of him is gray. Even if he tries to open his eyes wide, he can only see the gray color of sunlight shining through the rags.

"Mosquito-repellent tadpole, calm down. You need to calm down. It doesn't matter if you can't see it. Just feel the shaking floating ball with your heart and try your best. Don't worry about anything else..."

Seeing the panic and uneasiness on the tadpole's face, Yuhai quickly stepped forward and put his hands on the tadpole. While comforting the tadpole, he put a third layer of rags on the tadpole, so that there were three layers of rags on the tadpole's eyes.

The third layer of rags completely cut off all the light sources for the tadpole. The tadpole could not see anything, but he did not take his hand away. He still placed it on the tadpole, letting the tadpole feel his presence through touch.

"Mosquito-repellent tadpole, I am by your side. I have always been there. Can you feel me on your moist skin?" Yuhai gently placed his palm on the mosquito-repellent tadpole and asked softly to the mosquito-repellent tadpole.

"Yo yo," the mosquito tadpole nodded. It felt Ukai's palm, Ukai's body temperature, Ukai's voice, and Ukai was beside it.

"Mosquito-repellent tadpoles, this is the touch of the skin. You need to concentrate on feeling the shaking floating ball, just like you feel me with your skin. Use your heart's eye to feel the shaking floating ball, and hit the shaking floating ball with a water gun. …”

"Mosquito-repellent tadpole, you can definitely do it. Don't give up. Believe me, you can do it. You need to concentrate and block out the sound of the waves on the shore and the chirping of birds in the forest. Feel the quietness and fineness. Listen carefully, the sound of wind caused by the swing of the floating ball, the faint sound of wind..."

"Yo," Under Ukai's comfort, the mosquito tadpole felt the warmth of Ukai's palms, felt Ukai's voice, and Ukai breathed steadily.

After having his eyes closed, the mosquito-repellent tadpole was originally nervous and restless because of being plunged into darkness, and his heartbeat was beating more and more erratically. However, he slowly calmed down under Yuhai's soft soothing voice.

After quieting down, the mosquito-repellent tadpole felt that everything was quiet. The sound of the waves no longer made noisy, and the chirping of birds no longer bothered the tadpole. It also heard some other sounds, including its own heartbeat and Ukai's heartbeat.

In addition to these, it also saw floating balls shaking in the dark.

"Yo?" The moment the mosquito-repellent tadpole saw the floating ball, it felt that its current state was very magical. It couldn't see anything else, but it saw the floating ball, which was constantly shaking.

There are also ripples that are constantly set off when the floating ball shakes, just like the ripples on the water surface. When it takes a bath, we often see such ripples, one wave after another.

The mosquito-repellent tadpole did not expect that even with its eyes closed, it could still see the floating ball. Its attention was now attracted by the floating ball shaking in the dark.

It was unable to explain the strange phenomena it saw, and the language barrier prevented it from explaining its magical discovery to Ukai.

It knows that there is no water there, but what about the white ripples caused by the floating ball?

Is it Ukai's voice? Could it be that this is what Yukai asked him to feel with his heart?

It seemed to understand a little bit, but it didn't understand why. Maybe this was what Yuhai asked him to feel with his heart!

It remembered this feeling, the feeling that Ukai brought it into this wonderful state. This is what Ukai is looking for!

Facing the mosquito-repellent tadpole's silence, Yuhai was confused. He didn't know that the mosquito-repellent tadpole had entered some kind of magical state, but he didn't bother the mosquito-repellent tadpole, but his arms were a little numb.

If the mosquito tadpole is at a critical moment and withdraws his hand at this time, he will be the biggest sinner.

If the tadpole's condition was ruined by slapping his hands, he would definitely slap himself twice.

Fortunately, he didn't. He could still withstand it with just one hand. When the tadpole made a move, he would not be too late to retract his palm. This was his strict requirement for himself.

Puff puff--

The mosquito-repellent tadpole, which was whispering silently, suddenly spit out three water guns, hitting the constantly shaking floating ball. It was also three consecutive water guns, and all three water guns hit a floating ball.

"What the hell? Is this an illusion? Can you hit it even if you are blindfolded?" Yuhai looked at the three water guns that suddenly hit the floating ball, and he was shocked.

What he said before must be understood with all your heart. It is all a dead horse being treated as a living horse doctor, blind chicken boasting, it is all nonsense, and it is not scientific at all.

Don't give up if you have anything else, believe me, they are all adding buffs to the mosquito-repellent tadpole. After all, he traveled through the hot-blooded period, and the hot-blooded period is unreasonable and unscientific.

If the elf around him hadn't always reminded him that this was Master Zhi's hot-blooded show, he would have thought this place was the scene of a horror movie.

After all, there are always the big-clawed crab Lao Liu who wants to cut him off, the big needle wasp who wants to inject him with a big syringe, and the armored tyrannosaurus that can stamp out the shit, making it hard for him to believe that this is A passionate drama.

But this doesn't mean that he can't be passionate. Just like a fisherman fishing for a big fish, he can give a little encouragement to a tadpole without losing a piece of meat. It's just a matter of talking, and it's not troublesome.

Moreover, the explanations of the Heart Eye moves on the proficiency panel are very metaphysical. What does it mean to feel with your heart? What does it mean that the next attack will definitely hit the opponent?

This special thing is not about metaphysics, so he, an old man, also took advantage of the situation to get excited and play with mosquito-repellent tadpoles once. There is nothing wrong with it, right?

The reason why winning is very metaphysical is because winning is a false proposition in the real world.

What is a sure win?

The kind that even Casey can't escape using teleportation is called a sure hit.

If the opponent digs a hole, the opponent dives, the opponent opens and defends...

The move focuses on defense. Is this a hit? Still missed?

The key is that the opponents are all defensive, that is, they have no intention of evading.

If you miss the moving target, you can also say that you are not good at learning.

But the opponent didn't even plan to dodge, and he couldn't hit the fixed target face to face, which can only be said to be too bad.

Before trying, he was prepared to fail, but he didn't expect it to happen.

Is it a blind cat encountering a dead mouse? coincide? Or luck?

No matter what, it finally worked. A water gun hit the floating ball. It can be said to be a coincidence or luck.

But all three consecutive shots of the water gun hit the swaying floating ball, and the last two shots of the water gun also hit the floating ball that was deflected by the water gun. This cannot be said to be luck.

If all three times are lucky, then the tadpole's luck is also very good.

How could such a lucky little tadpole starve, how could he live on a desert island, how could he meet him...

Well, it's hard to tell whether he was lucky when he met the tadpole, or whether the tadpole was lucky when he met him.

Just look at the proficiency panel to know whether the Heart's Eye has been triggered, it's not that troublesome.

Before Yukai could open the mosquito-repellent tadpole's proficiency panel, the three elves who were waiting outside and didn't dare to take a deep breath gathered around him. They kept chirping at the mosquito-repellent tadpole and asked him how he did it.

Blindfolded and hit the floating ball, he still hit all three shots from the water gun. This is amazing.

"Bah, bah, bah," Badadie had been watching the tadpole's new training. The more it watched, the more fascinated it became, and it even forgot to exercise its telekinesis.

Especially when the mosquito-repellent tadpole was blindfolded, the mosquito-repellent tadpole's nervousness and Yuhai's seriousness made it nervous. It had never seen such a serious Yuhai.

Seeing Yuhai's gentle guidance, it didn't dare to breathe, because they should be doing something very important, and it couldn't disturb them.

It immediately stopped flying, landed gently on a branch, and quietly watched Ukai's guidance, guiding the tadpole to feel things it couldn't see.

Then the mosquito-repellent tadpole hit the floating ball blindfolded. The moment the mosquito-repellent tadpole hit the floating ball, it was instantly excited. Although it was not the one who hit the floating ball, it was also very happy because the mosquito-repellent tadpole was its partner.

The partner of its partner is itself, so it is almost the one who beat it. Of course it is happy, and it is happy for the mosquito-repellent tadpole.

Having such a powerful guy as a partner gives me a sense of security.

"Kuo kuo kuo," the crab was also very excited. Now it could finally breathe. It quickly stepped forward to congratulate the mosquito tadpole on learning the new move.

The eldest brother of the mosquito-repellent tadpole is so powerful that he can hit the floating ball while blindfolded. The younger brother feels inferior and just wants to kiss the eldest brother's toes.

Giant claw crabs have always admired mosquito-repellent tadpoles, and now they admire them even more. Mosquito-repellent tadpoles will always be their big brothers.

"Uh-oh," Even though the long-winged gull had just joined, it could tell that Yuhai and Tadpole, who were so serious, must be doing something very important, and it did not disturb the mosquito-repellent tadpole.

There is some verbal conflict between it and the tadpole, but it is not enough to interfere with the training of the mosquito-repellent tadpole just because of this conflict.

It just can't compare. It doesn't understand what conspiracy is. It admits that the mosquito-repellent tadpole is very strong on the water gun, even better than it.

It doesn't know if it can hit a floating ball with a water gun while blindfolded, but it knows it certainly can't do it now. It is still possible to catch up with four consecutive shots of the water gun, but hitting a floating ball while blindfolded is not that simple.

It still needs to work harder. There is no possibility of catching up with the mosquito tadpoles for the time being, but it will not give up the pursuit. On the contrary, it has aroused its competitive spirit.

It is a good thing to have a goal to chase, but it is afraid that the mosquito tadpole is too good and will be surpassed by it too quickly, which will be too boring.

The mosquito-repellent tadpole had already taken off its blindfold and looked at the three elves who were asking questions around it. It was a little embarrassed and kept saying that it was not that powerful and that Yuhai taught it to do this. It didn't quite understand why. Can hit the floating ball.

After being blindfolded, it saw the waves caused by the floating ball, which looked like ocean waves, and then hit the floating ball.

This is how the mosquito-repellent tadpole explained it to the three elves. As for how the three elves understood it, that was their business.

Yuhai did not disturb the mosquito-repellent tadpoles and their chat, but stepped aside and opened the mosquito-repellent tadpoles' proficiency panel.

【Mosquito-repellent tadpoles】

[Attribute: Water]

[Gender: Male]

[Potential: 34.21%]

[Level: 19.53%]

[Characteristics: Moisture/2.13%] [Hidden Characteristics: Traveling freely/3.13%]

[Mastery of moves: (Heart's Eye/1.21%) (Ice Hockey/0.31%) (Renewal/4.11%) (Hypnosis/0.82%) (Serial Slap/9.12%) (Water Gun/14.14%) (Water Play/5.21% )(Bubble Light/1.21%)】

The mosquito-repellent tadpole has reached level 19, almost level 20, and its potential has increased by 0.1.

This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is the eye of the heart.

Ukai hurriedly looked at the Eye of the Heart and saw that his proficiency in the Eye of the Heart actually exceeded 1%.

And the proficiency of the water gun has also reached 14%.

"This?" Yukai's guess was correct. The mosquito-repellent tadpoles did trigger the Eye of the Heart, but he didn't understand how the mosquito-repellent tadpoles triggered it and how they hit the floating ball.

It can't be as simple as blindfolding. If it's just blindfolding, then anyone can practice the heart's eye without the help of this move at all.

The Eye of the Heart has not appeared in the animation, so it is difficult to judge, but the Eye of the Heart has appeared in the special comic.

It is a flying leg man who emits bright beams of light from his eyes to illuminate his opponent, allowing his opponent's movements to be completely seen through.

This thing is ridiculous at first glance. It's not a night battle, and it requires lighting up. It's said that using strong light to interfere with the opponent's vision, so as to take the opportunity to attack the opponent, is more reliable than seeing through the action.

See through something, what if it was a fake move? Half truth? Or trade injury for injury? How to distinguish?

As a fighting elf, if you fight against an opponent above your own weight, it is not cost-effective to trade injuries for injuries.

Experienced trainers and elves don't need this move at all to see through everything about their opponents. In battle, this thing is called read first, reverse read first, and reverse reverse read first. In short, it is the guessing game of infinite matryoshka dolls.

Only experienced trainers can play like this. Forget it for newcomers, first memorize the attribute restraint table and the Elf's moves.

There is another user of the Eye of the Heart who is a fast swimming frog. It means that it can remember the opponent's movements, predict the opponent's actions in advance, and block the opponent's attacks.

This way of using it felt more reliable to him, and it coincided with his ideas.

The function of the Eye of the Heart should be to predict, allowing the elf to predict the opponent's next move, and then prepare to hit the enemy.

In the game, this thing is called casting forward and backward. The game character will have a movement when releasing the skill. This movement will be delayed for a period of time before the skill is released.

Players with quick reactions can use this to dodge skills. When he was playing games in his previous life, his hands were disabled and he was always spinning in bronze. There were too many people in Zaun and he couldn't move up the ranks.

Later he discovered that it was not him who was too bad, but the matching mechanism that was playing tricks on him. In other words, his hands were not crippled...

Also in martial arts novels, martial arts masters often say that when you see a move, you can use silence to stop, and there is a move to win without a move, which has a similar meaning.

But Te Miao's world is an elf world, and there is no martial arts at all. There is no inner strength or spiritual consciousness.

Compared to letting the elves predict the opponent's moves, the trainer's prediction is more accurate, unless the trainer's voice cannot keep up with the elves' reaction speed. After all, human calculations are faster than most elves.

But how the tadpole predicts the floating ball and how it hits the floating ball is not scientific at all...

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