Pei Ziyun's warship sailed at sea and stopped at the Port of Temischila in the Amazon. The port sounded a horn, and a team of female soldiers stood in the port to welcome them.

Pei Ziyun wore a white tunic, covered with leather armor, hung a dagger, and came down from the battleship, holding the ashes of Queen Peng Leila's ashes.

Immediately after leaving the battleship, a figure rushed up and cried, "Sister!"

Pei Ziyun looked like Princess Hippolytus. She was very sad.

"Princess Hippolytus, your sister Penrose Silea just returned to the arms of your father Ares. You don't have to be too sad." Pei Ziyun said, sinking in his heart.

Hippolytus wiped the tears on her face and said, "Prince Paris, thank you very much for sending your sister back. Let's go to the palace."

Pei Ziyun nodded, and didn't say much. As Hippolyu got on the chariot and went to the Amazon Palace, the Amazon Palace was as simple as the original, surrounded by a dozen low-rise buildings, with a large garden in the middle. In the main hall of the palace, Hippolyu took Pei Ziyun to enter. A dozen Amazon elders had been waiting for a long time. When they saw Pei Ziyun holding the casket of Queen Peng Xieya, they all shouted, their voices were sad.



Pei Ziyun said nothing in silence, waiting for them to come over, they held a simple and grand handover ceremony, solemnly handed the ashes to Hippolyn.

"I didn't take good care of her, so that she was brutally attacked by Achilles, but I have swear to your father Ares that I must avenge Queen Ponteria Silesia."

"I have killed seven heroes and avenged her, and your father gave your sister armor and weapons, and I will send them back with you."

In the hands of several servants, it was the armour and weapons of Penzil Seraia, a faint golden light shining in the hall, and several servants held trays, respectively, with gold and bronze covered with white silk.

"Queen Peng Seleia helped Troy to resist the Greeks together, these gifts are to show our apology." Pei Ziyun said.

Hippolyte was holding her sister's ashes, her eyes were red and swollen, her sister's smile was vivid, and in a blink of an eye, life and death separated, and people had to sigh.

At the end of all the handover ceremonies, an elder stood up: "Princess Hippolytus, the Amazon Kingdom cannot be ruleless for one day. I hope you can become our new queen."

After that, the elder half-knelt saluted and embraced Hippolytus to become the new queen, while the other elders and female soldiers of Amazon responded and agreed.

Hippolytus is the daughter of Ares and the sister of Queen Pontiac Seleia. Whether in orthodox or royal rule, Hippolytus is the perfect candidate to become Amazon's new queen in all aspects.

Hippolytus also knew this, and did not postpone, nodded and said, "Thank you for your love, I will definitely fulfill my sister's unfulfilled wishes and lead us to the Amazon kingdom to become stronger."

"Queen Hippolytus." The crowd worshipped the new queen Hippolytus. The city-state's ceremonies were not so complicated. In this case, Hippolytus was regarded as the king.

"Historically, Ponzi Seleja killed Hippolytus, died in Troy, and then had to kill his son Ascarafos. The blood of Ares was greatly weakened."

"Now, at least the bloodline of the Amazon has survived." Pei Ziyun thought about it, listening to Hippolytus saying: "I have selected a cemetery for my sister, which is in the holy forest of my father's temple and let her Be with my father forever, go with me and bury my sister. "

Pei Ziyun nodded and went to the temple of Ares with Queen Hippolytus.

Ares Temple Holy Forest

The priest put the ashes of Queen Punta Silas into the graveyard prepared earlier, raised her hands to the sky, and prayed silently.

The burial ceremony was simple and ended in a short while.

"Prince Paris, I want to continue to lead our Amazon soldiers, go to Troy to resist the Greeks, and avenge my sister." Hippolyte turned suddenly and said.

Listening to this, all the elders were in a big bang. Pei Ziyun saw this, waved his hands, and said categorically: "Amazon has lost a queen, and you cannot lose another queen. If you want revenge, please be great Ares gives me this responsibility. "

Pei Ziyun prevented Hippolytus from going to Troy. With the involved cities and kingdoms participating in the war, the Troy now is more chaotic than in previous years. If you are not careful, you may account for your life there.

Amazon's power is not powerful, and without it, it does not have much impact on Troy today.

And Pei Ziyun does not want Amazon's new queen to appear on the Troy battlefield. If there is a mistake, Ares will have an opinion on himself.

"Queen Hippolytus, now that the battle between Troy and Greece requires me to go back to work, I sent it, and I will leave now." Seeing the elders breathed a sigh of relief, Pei Ziyun didn't want to stay more. He knew in his heart The idea is that the war between Troy and the Greeks had nothing to do with the Amazons. The original queen had died, and the new queen could no longer be dragged into the mire.

"I've arranged a banquet for you. Wouldn't you stay here to attend the banquet before leaving?" Hippolyn said in a loss.

"No, Queen Hippolytus, thank you very much for your solemn hospitality, but Troy's war has come to a critical juncture, and I must rush back as soon as possible." Pei Ziyun smiled slightly: "If I can survive this war, it is not too late . "

Queen Hippolytus reluctantly looked at Pei Ziyun. Although she really wanted him to stay, she also knew that he was telling the truth that the Amazons could not participate in the war again, and Troy urgently needed him to go back as soon as possible, and did not speak again.

But she took the weapon and armor of Pentheilia again, and said, "Prince Paris, bring this, and wearing it is tantamount to revenge by your father and sister."

Pei Ziyun was a little surprised. He didn't expect to turn around, and the armor and weapon returned to his own hands.

However, this is God ’s weapon after all, and wearing it has greatly improved the combat power. Pei Ziyun did not refuse to take over the armor and weapons in Hippolytus's hands.

"Queen Hippolytus, I will leave first." After saying that, saluting Hippolytus, I will leave.

"I'll send you one free," Hippolytus said.

Pei Ziyun did not refuse to leave the palace together with Hippolytus and went to the port by chariot.

Amazon Themis Port

The chariot stopped, and Pei Ziyun and Hippolye got off the chariot. When Pei Ziyun came to Amazon, in fact, he only stayed for half a day. This took some time for the handover ceremony.

"Paris, will you come to see me in the future?" Hippolyn asked with anticipation.

"Queen Hippolytus, as long as the war is over, I will definitely come to visit you when I have the chance." Pei Ziyun said with a smile, he knew Hippolytus's intentions for him, but he was not originally a person in this world, sooner or later They all want to leave, and can only live up to Hippolytus' goodwill.

Helen needed it because of the plot. Otherwise, he wouldn't have spared time to deal with these things. Now he has been with them for a long time, and his feelings have been cultivated.

"Queen Hippolytus, treasure it." Pei Ziyun finished and turned on the ship.

"Paris, God will bless you to win, and you must remember to come back and visit me!" Queen Hippolytus followed a few steps and shouted aloud.

Pei Ziyun had already boarded the ship and heard Hippolyn's words, shaking his head with a bitter smile.

"Set sail." The order for sailing was given, and the ship left the port of Temischila in the Amazon and headed for Troy.

The endless sea surface, the waves beating against the ship's side, several seabirds were passing high above the ship.

Pei Ziyun overlooked the sea from afar. He never appreciates the vastness of the sea.

At this time, a phantom appeared on the deck of the ship. The sailors around her didn't see her, and some even passed through her body without notice.

Ms. Phantom came to Pei Ziyun and said, "Paris, you have a good plan this time. You have successfully killed so many Greek heroes under the eyes of the gods."

The moment Pei Ziyun appeared in Ms. Phantom ~ ~ The full-scale priest felt her breath.

But he didn't show any strangeness. A sudden expression appeared on Ms. Phantom's sudden appearance.

Pei Ziyun didn't turn around, looking at the distant sea, and said, "Dear Madam, thank you for your compliment. This is a strategy that can never be done. There will be no such good thing for me next time."

Ms. Mirage nodded and agreed with Pei Ziyun that the gods could no longer allow Paris to kill so many Greek heroes at once.

She paused and said, "During your departure, new progress has been made in the Trojan War."

"Achilles was insulted by Agamemnon and retreated angrily, while Troy's Aeneas, Hector, and Zepe son Salpedon took the opportunity to enter the battle, and the Greeks suffered serious defeat , Staying on the last line of defense. "

Pei Ziyun raised his eyebrows and did not expect that the Battle of Troy had progressed so much in the months since he left. According to him, all this was the arrangement of Zeus in order to force the humiliated Achilles to join the battle.

He did not speak, listening to Ms. Phantom's remarks.

"And Agamemnon has succumbed to Achilles, paid huge amounts of wealth to the humiliated Achilles, and promised to marry his daughter to one."

Pei Ziyun didn't expect Agamemnon to be willing to do this, but think about it too, the Greeks have been forced into desperation, except for asking Achilles to go out of the mountain, there is no better choice.

"But Achilles still rejected Agamemnon."

Ms. Mirage uttered an unexpected result. According to the reasonably rich conditions, Achilles had face and lizi. She should not refuse, but in the end she refused.

"Achilles is still too young, with a strong temper. This is too much." Pei Ziyun could not help but sigh.

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