Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 797: Star-Lord's Mission

Instead of hitchhiking or hiring someone to send it back, just bought a spaceship directly?

Combining with what Shi Xiaolei said just now, "I've been out for more than three months", Star-Lord immediately made a judgment in his heart - the guy in front of him, who also came from Earth, must not be an ordinary person.

After all, he is also an Earthling himself, and he has personally experienced that feeling of being weak and helpless. It is not an easy task for an earthling with no special skills to make his mark in a universe full of competition.

Some curiosity, but also the intuition of the bounty hunter, thinks that Shi Xiaolei is a worthwhile investment. In the next few minutes, Star-Lord became more and more enthusiastic.

"Sir, it's almost time."

"Huh? So fast?" Busy dealing with the too familiar Star-Lord, he didn't notice the passage of time. Shi Xiaolei was also a little surprised when he heard Lilima's reminder.

Star-Lord also heard this sentence.

Thinking this was a good opportunity to get closer, Star-Lord quickly bragged: "What are you going to do? I have a lot of acquaintances here, maybe I can help."

"No, I've already done it." Shaking his head, Shi Xiaolei stood up and pointed to a building not far away: "Well, it's over there. It's just to get something, nothing major."

"This is such a coincidence." Turning his head and looking at it, Star-Lord smiled: "I'm going there too. Some time ago, I took a mission at **** star, and they were looking for a way to solve a certain problem. technology for a genetic disease..."

I don't like being yelled at by Yongdu every day, and I don't like the chaotic and decadent atmosphere in the Marauder organization. Since he got a small spaceship, Star-Lord immediately ran away and played Leaving Home. The runaway drama.

I didn't go to school very seriously, and I followed Yongdu, and all I learned was some tricks and tricks... Because of these abilities, I couldn't help Xingjue find a serious job, and it was also because he was hidden in his bones. Uneasy about the status quo, he likes to pursue excitement, so, after going on the road alone, Star-Lord did not hesitate to choose a career with a job content similar to that of an interstellar pirate.

To put it nicely, call him an explorer. To put it more bluntly, it is a mercenary, a bounty hunter, or... a hyena who only knows how to chase wealth.

For example, this time, Star-Lord came to Xandar Star again because he received a commission.

Of course, Shi Xiaolei didn't care about Star-Lord's motives for coming to Xandar. What really made him unbearable was the word 'genetic disease' mentioned by Star-Lord.

"Thank you for mentioning it, or I'll forget it." Shi Xiaolei shook his head with a wry smile, patting his forehead.


"I have a friend who also has a genetic disease that is difficult to cure." When he said this, Shi Xiaolei's mind clearly showed the images of the Osborn father and son.

"That's right." Xingjue's eyes flashed, and he smiled slightly philistinely: "When I buy the technology, you can see if you can use it. If it can be used, just copy it from me. As for the price, it's calculated at one-third of the price, what do you think?"

"You know how to do business." After a pause, Shi Xiaolei asked with a smile: "The price is quite reasonable, but can you break through the defense software set up by others and copy the contents of the memory?"

"No problem." He took out a lighter-sized device from his pocket, and shook it in front of Shi Xiaolei's eyes.

Bounty hunters often encounter some very difficult difficulties.

He has lived among pirates since he was a child. With the education Star-Lord has received, he will not care about those rules and regulations. When encountering problems, he will only choose the most concise and convenient method, even if those methods do not conform to the rules and are not subject to others. Approved.

"That, sir, if you can, it's best not to do that..." Unlike Star-Lord, who is used to doing things illegally, Lilima is a good girl who follows the rules... Well, the main thing is that after the 'incident', if it is found out It was she who was providing consulting services to Shi Xiaolei, and she might be involved, so Lilima suddenly raised her objection now.

"Well, isn't she with you?"

"..." Looking at the serious Lilima, Shi Xiaolei was also a little speechless.

Thinking of earning Shi Xiaolei's credit points a few days ago, Lilima was also a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, when the girl opened her mouth to discourage her, she had already thought of another way to solve the problem. I saw Lilima twisting her fingers crampedly, looking up to meet the eyes of the two of them: "Well, I don't think you need to do it yourself and take that risky shortcut. Just spend ten more credit points and do more. A backup, and then distribute it to..."

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that~." Hearing Lilima's words, Shi Xiaolei clapped his hands, and his eyes gleamed.

"Okay, your proposal is quite good." After weighing it in his heart for a moment, Star-Lord also had to nod his head: "Just do this, make more backups, one for each person. Let's talk about it first, you will have the backup money. out."

"It's only ten o'clock. I'll go out when I'm out. The premise is that I can use it."

"I hope you can use it too."

Saying this, the three of them returned to the building together, and once again came to the counter that Shi Xiaolei had just visited.

The receptionist had prepared everything Shi Xiaolei needed. After meeting again, he didn't say anything nonsense and quickly completed the handover procedures.

Next, Star-Lord took two steps forward, took Shi Xiaolei's position, and told the receptionist his request.

Because it only involves the treatment of genetic diseases, not the technology of the general department, after finding out the information he needs according to what Star-Lord described, the receptionist's quotation is much lower than when Shi Xiaolei asked before.

"Twelve thousand credit points? Are you sure? Is it that expensive?" Even though the price was so, Star-Lord still questioned.

"You can't be wrong. According to what you said, sir, I have found three technical documents that can meet your requirements. Now the one I am telling you is the cheapest one." To prove his own words, The receptionist also showed the overview of the other two documents: "Well, look, the prices of these two are 18.600 points and 23,000 points respectively."

"..." After looking at it for a moment, Star-Lord licked his lips reluctantly.

Still want to try again, so Star-Lord deliberately took out what he thought was the most attractive smile and slightly greasy tone, leaned on the counter and took the initiative to lean in front of the receptionist: "Beauty, you should have Some permissions, right? I mean, quote the price a little lower within a certain range. In this way, if you lower it a little bit, at least let me save a little bit. When you get off work, I will use the money saved and treat you to eat Dinner, what do you think?"

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