Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 424: That's what happened


Turning on the bedside lamp and looking down at the pendant that Pepper was holding in his hand, Stark also showed an unexpected look.

Just like what Pepper said, among the two gems set on the back of the cross-shaped pendant, the one at the lower end was indeed cracked... no, it should be said to be cracked. It is only because the inlay is very strong that it does not completely disintegrate.

'How did that happen? ' Stark subconsciously began to recall: 'Except when it is taken off when taking a bath, it is always worn around the neck. Not to mention falling and touching, there is almost no possibility of scratching. No, logically speaking, it shouldn't be...'

After thinking about it, I suddenly remembered the origin of this pendant and the words I had heard when I got the pendant.

"Ah~!" Sitting up suddenly, Stark opened his eyes wide, and suddenly shouted: "I understand!"

Frightened by her boyfriend's sudden behavior, Pepper also exclaimed.

The sleepiness that had just risen disappeared. Looking at the back sitting upright, Pepper held the quilt over his chest with one hand, and reached out and patted Stark's arm with the other: "Tony? Tony?"

The first few calls failed to get a response, and after a few seconds, Stark finally turned around and looked at Pepper with shock in his eyes.

His lips moved, but he could not speak. He raised his hands again, as if he had lost his mind, and rubbed it **** his head for a while...

A "ah" that lasted for several seconds vented some of the incomparable confusion. Finally, Stark regained his language ability: "Pepper, I understand. I understand everything~!"

"Tony, what's wrong with you? What do you understand? What are you talking about, don't scare me~." An uneasy look.

"No, listen to me." He sat up with his back on the bed, and Stark turned 90 degrees, ignoring that the lump on his crotch was facing Pepper, and took off the pendant from his neck with great excitement, Hanging it in front of Pepper's eyes: "Pepper, remember what this thing is called? Remember what Locke said when he gave them to us?"

"Well..." Seeing Stark so excited, Pepper also sat up: "I think about it. If I remember correctly, it seems to be called..."

Before Pepper could answer, Stark had already shouted: "This thing is called the Rebirth Emblem! That's right, that's the name. Do you remember? Locke said it very seriously at the time, let's wear it on On the body, he also said that at the juncture of life and death, this thing can save our lives."

"I remember." Remind by Stark's words, Pepper's eyes were clear: "It seems that he said so."

"It's not like, he did say it." He clenched his fist with great certainty, the cross in his palm, and Stark's face showed a look of fear: "No wonder I can escape. Pepper, you You know? If I hadn't listened to Locke and wore it all the time, maybe, in that explosion that day, I'd already..."

"NO." Really didn't want to hear that word, Pepper quickly reached out and covered Stark's mouth.

After thinking about it again, Pepper's expression couldn't maintain peace, and he was a little more flustered and afraid: "You mean, at that time, you were already... because of it, so you survived?"

"It must be so." First he nodded vigorously, and then, in order to further verify, Stark raised his head again: "Jarvis~!"

"I am here, sir."

"Help me transfer the video recording of that day..." Thinking that Pepper might not have the heart to watch it, Stark waved his hand again and changed his words: "Forget it, do you have the relevant data of the explosion? Help me list that one. Just fine."

"Yes, Sir."

The white screen that was originally used for watching movies slowly descended from the top of the wall. Then, a large piece of data that would give ordinary people a headache was sorted out by Jarvis and projected on the screen.

"Jarvis, do the math. With the defensive power of my suit of armor at the time, what are the chances of surviving that explosion?"

"..." I don't know if it took time to calculate the data, or because of concerns about Pepper's mood. After a few seconds of delay, Jarvis finally responded: "According to my calculations, in that situation, , your chance of survival is only 0.000003%."

"Equally not." He didn't feel uncomfortable at all, but snapped his fingers excitedly. Turning his head to look at Pepper again, Stark said very excitedly: "Look, Pepper, the result is obvious. It is because of this thing that I saved my life. By the way, do you remember? When Locke told us those words, he compared **** and said that this pendant can only work twice. Look here, there are two gemstones inlaid behind it. I used it once, so one broke. Wait until the second After the second one takes effect, the other piece should also be broken... Hahahaha, I understand, everything makes sense."

"Tony..." Not knowing how to respond, Pepper just stretched out a pair of lotus arms and hugged Stark tightly.

"The Cross of Rebirth, hahaha, rebirth! That's right, that's right, it must be like this." He opened his palm and looked at the cross-shaped pendant lying in the palm of his hand, glowing faintly under the light, Stark couldn't help it. murmured.

It's a bit like being hit by evil, which is somewhat scary.

But thinking of the answer Jarvis just gave, not only did Pepper not let go of his arms, but he held them even tighter.

"Hmm." Finally feeling the force, Stark bowed his head a little uncomfortable and looked at the lotus arms around his chest.

Only then did he react and realize that his emotions seemed to be a bit wrong.

Stark took a long breath, barely suppressed the restlessness in his heart, and patted Pepper's back lightly: "Well, Pepper, don't hold it so tightly, okay? I'm almost out of breath. ."


It should be, but the strength on Pepper's arm hasn't diminished much.

How is this good? Looking at Stark's mind flashed a thought, and it was the only thought.





"look at me."

When Pepper raised his head and met his gaze, Stark threw the pendant in his hand and wrapped his arms around it.

Gently exerting force on the waist, the two of them fell on the soft big bed at the same time.

"Jarvis, turn off the lights~!"

Lifting the cup and covering himself and Pepper, Stark sent an invitation to Pepper again with his incomparably excited emotions.

In the bedroom that had been quiet before, gradually, the sound of war sounded again.

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