Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 365: just investment

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Connecting the sewer line is a very laborious task. If it is listed in the list, the whole project may not be completed in one day.

I also thought that there is a restaurant downstairs, not only has a spacious kitchen, but also a ready-made bathroom. If you want to cook and take a bath, you just need to walk more than ten meters. There is no need to build another upstairs. When he was living in a cabin, Shi Xiaolei never thought of matching it with functional compartments such as kitchen and bathroom.

It's just that a circle of wooden railings was installed outside the house to prevent Skye from accidentally falling off the roof when he went downstairs to the toilet at night.

On the whole, the structure of this log cabin with an area of ​​only about 167 square meters is really very simple, and it can even be described as simple.

But then again, it depends on who you compare it with. Compared with the small nest that is only a few square meters in size separated by a curtain in the staff lounge downstairs, this wooden house can definitely be called luxurious.

The bed is on the top, and the dormitory bed with the desk, bookshelf and wardrobe is on the bottom. It not only has comprehensive functions, but also saves a lot of space; it is a sofa when it is folded, and a bed when it is opened. Like supermarket shelves, they can be used to store all kinds of sundries; a small round table with short legs for eating, a small marza that folds up and takes up almost no space...

The materials used are very general, and the shape is not beautiful. The scattered furniture in the room are all of the practical type.

In addition, Shi Xiaolei personally went to the electronic store to buy Skye's computer, as well as the newly equipped small refrigerator and small air conditioner. It is no exaggeration to say that with the conditions of this cabin, it can not only meet all the needs of an otaku in daily life, but even have a little surplus.

The condition is really good.

Good enough to make Skye a little uneasy.

No, because she couldn't figure out why the boss was so nice to me, she thought about it all night, until the sun rose the next morning, but she still couldn't fall asleep.

"I'll go~."

The next day, Monday, Shi Xiaolei came to the store and saw Skye, who had not been able to sleep soundly for two days in a row.

Even though he had seen those vampires with smoky makeup, he was startled by the two black eyes on the little girl's face that were thick enough to be drawn with a pen.

"Skye, what's wrong with you? Are you ill with dark circles under your eyes?"

"Hmm~." Covering his mouth and yawning, Skye shook his head sullenly: "No, just a little insomnia."

"Insomnia?" Shi Xiaolei blinked, still a little confused: "Why? Is there something on your mind?"

Glancing at Shi Xiaolei, he lowered his head and continued to wash dishes...

After more than ten seconds of silence, Skye finally couldn't help but ask the question that had been haunting his mind for two days: "Boss, why are you... why are you so kind to me?"


"Bring me back from the street, gave me food, gave me a place to live, and even built a wooden house for me with money... Boss, I really can't figure it out. I mean, I'm not good-looking, and I'm not good-looking. Life is not as skilled as Lisa and the others..."

What he spends on himself is obviously more than what he earns from being a waiter in the store. There are so many beautiful beauties who are like fairies around, and each of them is much better than himself, and the purpose is obviously not to be a woman. For Skye, who has suffered a lot of scorn, Shi Xiaolei's kindness to her has gone beyond what her little brain can understand, so it's no wonder she can't understand.

"..." Looking at Skye who was puzzled, Shi Xiaolei was stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed speechlessly: "You are not a big man, but you think a lot."

He still stared at Shi Xiaolei motionless, with a firmness in his eyes that broke the casserole and asked to the end.

"How can there be so much mess." He stretched out his hand and touched Skye's head. Shi Xiaolei smiled and leaned down, looking straight into Skye's eyes: "Just think I'm investing."


"That's right." He let go, leaving two tufts of hair standing up on Skye's forehead. Shi Xiaolei turned around and continued to organize the ingredients: "After getting along for so many days, I have some understanding of you. You are very smart. , very sensible, is a person who knows gratitude."


"Being sensible means you are more visionary and smarter than your peers, which means you learn things faster than others. Combining these two points, I think your future must be very good, at least better than most ordinary people." Shi Xiaolei He smiled: "In addition, you are a child who knows how to be grateful... Hehe, when you are developed, you will definitely not forget me, will you?"

If you look at it from the perspective of a bystander, the explanation given by Shi Xiaolei is not too much.

But as a party, can you still maintain your rationality, think and analyze the reason given by Shi Xiaolei from an objective point of view, and accept it calmly?

The answer is obviously no.

Besides, Skye is a girl who is naturally more emotional than rational.


"Wash out the onions first." Shi Xiaolei smiled again: "What else is there to do? Could it be possible that I have any ideas for you? You, you are thinking about it all day long. what?"


"Don't think about it if it's all right, use a small notebook to remember how good we are to you, and when we develop in the future, sign a few checks for me." At this point, Shi Xiaolei made another joke: "By the way, Chappell's words can be Give less. You know, he's too fond of fooling around, and the money he's given will only be ruined by him."

"Hey, boss~!" Just a few seconds after he came in, when he heard Shi Xiaolei's words, Chappell immediately raised his hand and protested loudly: "I'm following the trend, OK?"

"Anyway, I can't understand it. Is it bad to save money and buy so many fancy clothes and shoes, do you have time to wear them?" Shi Xiaolei shook his head and ordered: "Chappell, take the chicken from the refrigerator. Come out. And hairtail, the ones I bought yesterday..."

"Why don't I have time to wear it? There are opportunities on weekends and Sundays...Here, you want chicken and octopus." Chappell was busy with his work and raised his bar: "My buddies all say that I have a fashion vision, and I also Some people are chasing me every They have to ask me to help them with their outfits. Boss, you are out of date, you know?"

"Yes, yes, I am outdated, you are the most fashionable."

With an extremely perfunctory tone, matched with a dismissive expression, Shi Xiaolei made Chappell choked up in one sentence.

"...Which side are you standing on?" Angrily, Chappell turned his eyes to Skye, trying to find a sense of identity from her.

"This, this..."

"It's embarrassing for the child. Chappell, can't you have some eyesight?" With a teasing smile, Shi Xiaolei raised his hand and patted Skye: "Okay, he's here, I don't need you. Go ahead. Help Lisa and the others."

The originally very moving atmosphere had almost dissipated after being interrupted by Chappell for a few words.

He didn't say anything, just looked at Shi Xiaolei, and gave him a grateful look. Then, Skye agreed and left the back kitchen and went to the front hall.

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