Pleasure Helping Spirit System

Chapter 338 Surprise Change

One afternoon a year and a half ago, a bad news caused Zeng Yunxiu to leave work early and rush to the hospital.

Because its daughter, Zhao Lingqiao, was doused with sulfuric acid.

Although after rescue, his life was not in danger, but Zhao Lingqiao's skin was burned by sulfuric acid, and half of his face, neck, and arms were corroded everywhere, which was horrible.

And what happened made Zeng Yunxiu so angry that he exploded.

Because it was Sunday, my daughter went shopping with her close classmates.

As a result, in the shopping mall, he was caught by the mistress, and in the scuffle with the angry ex-wife, he suddenly took out a bottle of sulfuric acid and wanted to splash the mistress.

But when pushed by the man who was protecting mistress, sulfuric acid splashed on Zhao Lingqiao.

This is a completely innocent disaster. Why do you involve my daughter in your family's nonsense.

But that's not enough, the person who hurt his daughter has a lot of energy, while making various excuses and taking relationships, while secretly threatening himself, he just dismissed the matter if he wanted to pay some money.

How could Zeng Yunxiu agree.

If you hurt my daughter, you must pay the price. This is fair, and no amount of money can forgive you.

But Zeng Yunxiu's entanglement finally caused disaster for herself.

When returning home one day, exhausted and in a trance, it didn't notice that someone poured oil on the door of its own house, accidentally, Zeng Yunxiu slipped, hit his head on the wall, and died on the spot.

After her death, Zeng Yunxiu's soul was not reconciled, and only after pestering the person who hurt Zhao Lingqiao learned that they found someone to get the oil. They originally planned to scare it and make it afraid, but who knew that it would be self-defeating, and it would kill her all at once.

This killed her daughter and herself, Zeng Yunxiu was about to go berserk.

But its soul is too weak, and it is not easy to transform evil ghosts and ghosts. Instead, after more than a year, it has been following people for too long, and it is affected by anger, which is not as good as ordinary ghosts.

After listening to Zeng Yunxiu's words, Chen Hao secretly sighed, sure enough, tasks that are rewarding are not so easy.

"Sister, do you mean that you want me to help you take revenge on this family?"

Zeng Yunxiu hurriedly said: "I won't ask you to help me take revenge, I want you to help me persuade my daughter, she is also preparing to take revenge on this family."


Chen Hao was stunned, and looked at Zeng Yunxiu in astonishment.

Zeng Yunxiu explained: "After I died, my daughter changed. She was silent for a few months, but soon, she began to learn strange things, read detective novels, and various murder cases. Bought knives and started working on explosives."

Chen Hao was dumbfounded.

Fuck, this was totally unexpected.

The soft girl was hurt and lost her mother, she didn't feel decadent, but rose up to learn killing skills, ready to take revenge! Tsk tsk, this girl must be praised.

"Um, big sister, I didn't say that, since that family has harmed you like this, there is nothing wrong with this revenge, your daughter is a good person." Chen Hao said.

Zeng Yunxiu sighed: "I want to take revenge, but I don't want my daughter to embark on a road of no return after being hurt like this."

Chen Hao was silent.

From a mother's point of view, it is not surprising that it thinks this way, after all, if it really committed a crime, it would be unforgivable.

After thinking for a while, Chen Hao said: "How about this, eldest sister takes me to your house, and I will let you meet your daughter and talk about it by yourself."

Zeng Yunxiu was overjoyed and thanked again and again.

Back in the car, he brought Black Cat and Zeng Yunxiu to a neighborhood.

Entering the third floor of a building, Chen Hao looked at it with yin and yang eyes, his expression was startled, and he said in surprise: "Sister, your daughter doesn't seem to be at home."

Zeng Yunxiu was taken aback for a moment, and quickly walked through the entrance door and entered the house.

When she was young, Zeng Yunxiu came out and said anxiously: "The master is not well, my daughter is really not at home, and there are many things left, she must have taken revenge on that family, what should I do, what should I do?"

Chen Hao said: "Sister, don't worry, aren't you following today? That person probably hasn't returned, and the matter hasn't happened yet, so we can still..."

Before Chen Hao finished speaking, Zeng Yunxiu shook his head and said, "Master, you don't know,

After hurting my daughter, the couple divorced. I followed the man, and the woman lived on the other side. "

Chen Hao: "..."

"Then let's go to the girl's side to have a look." Chen Hao quickly went downstairs after speaking.

Driving Zeng Yunxiu and Heimao to another community, Chen Hao pretended to be a relative and asked if the woman was there, but he learned that the woman had not returned since she left in the morning.

Hearing this, Chen Hao and Zeng Yunxiu were relatively speechless.

If it didn't show up for a day, it's very likely that something happened!

But Wuyun City is so big, Zeng Yunxiu doesn't know where her daughter is or what kind of terrible things she will do.

"Master, what should I do? My daughter won't be..." Zeng Yunxiu said worriedly.

Chen Hao thought for a while and said, "Sister, don't worry, it's not necessarily what you think. Think about where your daughter might go, and we'll look for it later."

Zeng Yunxiu said bitterly: "Where else can I go? Since the family change, our family has less contact with relatives. After I died, my daughter was alone at home, and no one cared about her. If it wasn't for revenge, she would have nowhere to go."

Chen Hao said: "Let's do it this way. If your daughter wants to take revenge, she will definitely not let the man go. We will go to the man's side and wait. If your daughter shows up, we can stop him."

Zeng Yunxiu's eyes lit up and she nodded quickly.

drive away.

It has not reached the place pointed by Zeng Yunxiu.

Suddenly, a shock appeared, and a huge explosion sounded, and the sound shook all directions.

Afterwards, Chen Hao saw that an explosion occurred in a tall building in the distance, and the flames spread.

Zeng Yunxiu said in amazement: "That's that person's house, my daughter really did it!"

Chen Hao was also a little dumbfounded.

If the girl doesn't move, it's like thunder, and there is no chance for people to be rescued.

Then Chen Hao accelerated, and soon came to the high-rise where the explosion was located.

At this time, the sound of the explosion alarmed all directions, some people ran away, and some people came to watch.

Chen Hao said to Zeng Yunxiu: "Eldest sister, go and see if your daughter is here. It just exploded, so it shouldn't be far away."

Zeng Yunxiu nodded and disappeared in a flash.

Chen Hao said to the black cat again: "Xiao Hei, you also go to help."

The black cat nodded and also jumped out of the car.

I had a lot of fun playing for half a day today, enjoying the perfect company of the shit shovel officer, the black cat was satisfied, and did not resist this sudden incident.

Not long after, Zeng Yunxiu came back and said in a panic: "Master, I didn't see my daughter, and it's very strange, there is only a woman's body in that house, the man is gone."

Chen Hao was taken aback: "The man is gone?"

Zeng Yunxiu nodded: "Master, could it be that my daughter didn't do it, did someone else do it?"

Chen Hao didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Sister, I don't know, but..."

Before he finished speaking, the black cat suddenly turned around and meowed sharply, signaling Chen Hao to follow it. .

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