Pleasure Helping Spirit System

Chapter 126 Fulfillment of Death Wish

When he returned to the little boy's house again, Chen Hao found that the family of three had returned to normal, talking and laughing, and talking about the daily life.

Seeing Chen Hao, the little boy's parents smiled less and their eyes became gloomy.

After some communication, they finally understood that the return of their son was really a fulfillment of their wish. When the wish was undone, their son would be reincarnated.

Although the son has been dead for more than a year, the love of the parents will never fade. The feeling that the son is about to become someone else's child cannot be described in words.

"Have you agreed?" Chen Hao asked calmly.

The young woman pursed her lips, but stopped talking.

The little boy returned to his normal appearance, no longer timid, and said with a smile: "Thank you Master for helping me fulfill my wish, I have nothing to say."

"Ding dong: Liu Qiang, the ghost who bumped into death, has been an unjust soul for two years and four months. The death wish has been fulfilled, and the mission rewards will be issued by opening the spiritual eyes."

Feeling the information popping up out of nowhere in his mind, Chen Hao smiled with satisfaction, and silently watched the little boy slowly fly up in a burst of soft light.

The young woman's tears flowed down again immediately, both happy and painful.

The crew cut man put his arms around his wife's shoulders, comforting her silently, but tears could not help but gather in his eyes.

"Mom and Dad, I'm leaving. You must take good care of your brother and don't let him run away from home." The little boy said with a smile, and finally disappeared.

The young woman covered her mouth and buried her head in her husband's arms.

The crew-cut man looked at Chen Hao, forced a smile and said, "Thank you for your help, master. I offended you a lot earlier, please don't mind, master."

Chen Hao shook his head: "It's okay, since it's over, it's time for me to leave, take care both of you."

After finishing speaking, Chen Hao turned around and left.

The flat-headed man hurriedly said: "Master helps our son fulfill his wish, and also makes our husband and wife feel regretful. How much do we need?"

Chen Hao said without turning his head: "Do good deeds and get good results. I have already received the reward."

After leaving the dormitory building, Chen Hao saw a group of people gathered in the residential area, watching the floor with the broken window, talking a lot, obviously the previous movement had alarmed the people in the community.

But Chen Hao didn't care at all. Even if the police arrived, they would only find a group of young men and women who were so excited and excited to death. Compared with this kind of thing, a mere broken window is nothing serious.

Get in the car and turn around.

Mao Quan sat in the passenger seat, a little embarrassed.

All the way to escort Xiaoqiang home, he didn't do any of the things the master asked him to do. This made him, who was known as the king of errands back then, feel very guilty.

Will the master look down on him, stop letting him help, and then stop helping him fulfill his wish?

Just as he was worried, Chen Hao suddenly said, "What's the matter? You look preoccupied?"

Mao Quan quickly came back to his senses, and said with a dry smile, "Master, that, will you stay in Qingzhou again?"

Chen Hao said with a smile: "The house is rented, so it can't be wasted anyway, but it's not easy to help ghosts, how about this, I will give you another task, you go to contact those ghosts, first investigate the origin and cause of death, and then ask everyone The wish of a ghost, and then come and tell me, after I choose to help, how much I can help before I plan to leave."

Mao Quan was overjoyed, as long as he didn't give up on himself, he quickly patted his chest and said, "Master, don't worry, I will definitely be able to do well this time, and I promise that there will be no more problems."

After returning to the rented courtyard, Chen Hao lit a spiritual incense for Mao Quan, which was regarded as a reward for his hard work.

Nothing happened overnight, and Chen Hao went shopping the next day.

The main reason is that Xiong Lili needs all kinds of teaching materials for children, and also bought some food and children's toys by the way.

After returning, Xiong Lili was overjoyed when she saw the textbooks bought by Chen Hao. Under the appearance of killing Matt, the enthusiasm of a people's teacher gradually beat.

Speaking of which,

Sister, I can be regarded as a foreign teacher, high-end and high-end atmosphere!

But an accident surprised Chen Hao and Xiong Lili even more.

The hamburger and chicken wings that Chen Hao bought, Xiong Lili actually had a strong desire, and then Chen Hao asked her to try it. As a result, Xiong Lili directly inhaled the essence of the hamburger chicken wings, and then it was more useful than eating spiritual incense, and she felt the hunger in her stomach disappeared. some.

This accident made Chen Haoming realize.

It turned out that Xiong Lili was really hungry and needed food to fill her stomach. Although Lingxiang is very beneficial to ghosts, it does not have the effect of food.

Knowing Xiong Lili's needs, Chen Hao didn't hesitate, and bought a lot of hamburger chicken wings again, as well as various takeaways.

It's a pity that Chen Hao's face turned black.

It cost her thousands of oceans, but Xiong Lili's hunger was only partially eliminated, and she was still far from the concept of being full.

This fucker is trying to force me to krypton gold!

Damn it, this master has always done tasks with little cost and big rewards.

This time I finally encountered a pitfall.

But for the reward of ten years of practice, Chen Hao couldn't help it no matter how distressed he was.

Money is something outside of one's body, but morality is the foundation of one's life.

So, Chen Hao drove the car and personally contacted Xiong Lili to buy all kinds of food. Every restaurant, if nothing else, just staple food, steamed buns into boxes, and a whole pot of rice. Spilled out, while leaving a mysterious legend in Qingzhou, Xiong Lili finally had enough.

When Xiong Lili happily yelled that she was full, the system sounded.

"Xiong Lili, the dead ghost, has been wronged for one year and seven months. The death wish has been fulfilled, and the ten-year reward will be issued."

Accompanied by the sound, a majestic mana manifested out of thin air in Chen Hao's alchemy mansion, and merged to form a powerful mana that has been practiced for more than 20 years.

Just as he was about to flatter himself that his feelings had become stronger again, Chen Hao suddenly realized.

Hey, that's not right, I want Xiong Lili to be the teacher of our fifteen ghost babies. Now that she has fulfilled her death wish, who will teach my ghost babies?

Feeling astonished, Chen Hao looked at Xiong Lili and was stunned.

After doing so many tasks, basically after the system prompts that the task is completed, the ghost will be materialized and sent to reincarnation.

But look at Xiong Lili.

Touching her bulging belly, lying on the sofa with a happy face, there is no intention of reincarnation at all?

What the hell? what's going on? Where's the boss of the system? Don't be foolish, this task has been completed, why not send it away? Come out and give me an explanation?

Chen Hao called out in his heart worriedly.

After all, he was more worried about the failure of the system boss than teaching the ghost baby. If he helped the ghost in the future and couldn't reincarnate, what would he do? My master's reputation will be completely ruined immediately!

But no matter how Chen Hao called, the boss of the system was still aloof, except for sending out missions, reminding them that the mission was completed, wanting to talk nonsense or something? no way.

Chen Hao hesitated for a moment, looked at Xiong Lili and asked, "Well, Lili? How do you feel now?"


In the third update, the APP recommendation is gone, Sanjiang’s recommendation is not strong, the collection and recommendation are greatly reduced, and the reward is no longer there, so the beggars are very helpful, and recommend one or two more.

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