Please Spare Me a Tail

Vol 2 Chapter 38:

Lu Ye's image at this time is a bit funny, his head and body are wet, and he only wears a bath towel around his waist. Although he put on a windbreaker unexpectedly, the hem of the towel is still exposed outside the windbreaker. face...

He has probably never been so embarrassed, has he?

But Bai Xiaohu didn't bother to look at his image, she looked at Lu Ye, then at the stiff fat cat in her arms, and then at Lu Ye.

Lu Ye is the real thing, and the cat is not a fake cat. This furry, warm and heavy touch cannot be faked.

So, the cat is not Lu Ye, and Lu Ye is not a cat?

She got it wrong all along?

"You, you, this, this, cat, cat, cat..." Bai Xiaohu was tongue-tied, "Aren't you a cat?!"

Lu Ye's eyebrows fluttered, and it was the first time he was asked such a funny question: "Why am I a cat?"

"But, this cat..."

"This is my cat."

"You raised it?!"

Bai Xiaohu was stunned, and then suddenly found that there were cat litters, cat bowls, and cat litter in the corner of this room. She didn't know about these at first, but after getting in touch with cats these days, she went to learn about cat raising , this place obviously looks like it has kept cats for a long time!

Looking down at the cat again, I met a pair of innocent, well-behaved and pitiful cat eyes pretending to be calm, all right, what else do I need to say now? So, she was given by a cat! cheat! up!

"So, why did you appear in my room?" The voice of the question pulled her soul back.

"Ah? This..." Bai Xiaohu's mind was in confusion, and he subconsciously raised the big fat cat to face Lu Lu, covering his face, "This cat tricked me into coming here!"

The fat cat was like water, its whole body stretched long, revealing its fragile abdomen. It shook and gave a cute "meow" to its owner.

Lu Ye's forehead twitched. The scene in front of him was really ridiculous. He took a deep breath: "Get off the bed first."

Bai Xiaohu immediately threw the cat away, rubbed it to the side of the bed, got off the floor, and put on her shoes, but she kicked a slipper under the bed when she went to bed just now. She smiled at Lu Ye, bent down and glanced at the slippers under the bed, pulled them out with a swish, and put them on her feet.

Lu Ye's eyes fell, and what she saw was her bare feet slipping into the slippers, and finally put them on properly, and she still had her hair loose, and she was wearing a long skirt with long sleeves, but it was very loose. It looks like the white skirt of the nightgown.

He twitched his brows, his face changed again and again, and wanted to say something, but realized that his image was not quite right at the moment, so he tried to calm down and said, "Wait a while." He quickly pulled a few pieces of clothing into the Walking in the bathroom, I still don't forget to say: "Stay here, don't sneak away!"

Said to close the door.

Bai Xiaohu trembled in fright, puffed up his face, as if he was angry!

She squatted on the bed and looked up at her fat cat, stretching out her hand to crazily ravage its big fat face: "What's going on? You are not him at all, you are just his cat, you still lied to me, now Okay, is the car overturned?"

She probably also figured it out, this cat was raised by Lu Ye, and he often gets in touch with him even day and night, it's normal to have Lu Ye's breath on him, just now it was madly rubbing against his bed.

And why when she asked if it was Lu Ye, she stretched out her claws and blinked to give an affirmative answer, it was because the cat had become a spirit! It can understand people's words, and it does it to cheat food and drink!

And she regarded Lu Ye as a cat demon from the beginning, and she completely accepted the fact that he could turn into a cat, and believed it without any doubt. Even yesterday when Lu Ye came to ask her if she had seen this fat cat, she even found a reason to say that Lu Ye came to ask because he didn't remember when he turned into a cat.

Wanting to understand the cause and effect, Bai Xiaohu covered his head and moaned, ahhh, how could she be so stupid!

It's all right now, she ran into Lu Ye's room in the middle of the night, and was caught straight, and when he just came out of the shower, think about Lu Ye's stinky face just now, she ran now Is it too late?

She looked at the door, no, going out through the door means going down from the inside of the office building, what to do if you bump into someone, the trick depends on the situation, it's still very difficult to make a living at close range.

Backtracking from windows?

She was looking at the half-open window, and just about to move, the bathroom door opened again with a click, and Lu Ye came out wearing a long black dress and trousers.

Bai Xiaohu stared, you went in to get dressed and did magic tricks, so fast!

Lu Ye obviously didn't waste any time in wiping himself, there were still drops of water on his neck, his clothes were even sticking to his body because of being wet, and his hair was still dripping with water, but he didn't care about it at all, his eyes fell on At the foot of Bai Xiaohu.

Bai Xiaohu's toes were already turned towards the window, and his body turned halfway, as if he was about to run away.

Under Lu Ye's gaze, she slowly withdrew her feet, stood up straight, and smiled at Lu Ye.

Lu Ye walked to the long pole where clothes were hung, picked out a clean windbreaker, and threw it to Bai Xiaohu: "Put it on."

"Huh?" Bai Xiaohu was holding his clothes, with a puzzled expression on his face.

Lu Ye's face was stinky, and he took out a towel to wipe his hair.

She didn't dare to ask more, and put it on herself honestly.

Only then did she realize that there were several trench coats hanging on the clothes rail, all of them were pitch black, even if the styles were different, it would not be obvious.

She couldn't help thinking that ever since he realized that he might want to peek at his ass, he felt that his **** was getting cold and his morals were at risk. This man immediately looked around for a windbreaker, and even asked someone to make it for him until the windbreaker With his upper body covering his butt, he finally felt safe, and he let out a long breath.

This scene automatically brings in a cat with its **** on fire... ah, just thinking about it is really cute!

Bai Xiaohu couldn't help but tugged at the corner of his mouth.

Lu Ye looked at her silently.

Bai Xiaohu hurriedly coughed twice, and covered it up by taking his hair out of the collar of the windbreaker, and then smiled politely at him again.

Lu Ye pulled out a chair and put it next to Bai Xiaohu: "Sit." He poured two glasses of water from the thermos, looked down by the window, and then gave a glass of water to Bai Xiaohu and a glass to himself. , he sat by the bed and looked at Bai Xiaohu: "Have you thought about what to say, why did you appear in my room?"

Um, I really didn't think about this.

Bai Xiaohu's mind was spinning.

what to do? Are you telling the truth? But will he believe it?

But to tell a lie, saying that I wandered around at night with nothing to do, and accidentally wandered into his room on the twenty-fourth floor? This is more like nonsense, right?

She didn't speak, Lu Ye took a sip of water and spoke first.

"You said you came with Dapan?"


Lu Ye pointed to the cat. The cat carefully hid behind Bai Xiaohu's chair, but it couldn't hide its huge body.

Bai Xiaohu suddenly said: "It's called Dapan." It seems that the name is more suitable for it than Lu Ye.

Lu Ye said again: "It likes to come in through the window, and you also came in through the window?"

Bai Xiaohu hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Lu Ye was not surprised.

There is only one door in this room, and it has been locked all the time. The lock is good now. She either knows how to penetrate the wall, so she came in through the wall, or she came in through the window. Although he just saw that from here to the first floor, The walls are smooth and flat, and there is no place to stand. But after seeing all kinds of strange things about Bai Xiaohu, it doesn't seem to be surprising that she shows any special abilities.

"So, you are inseparable from my cat, and you deliberately chased it over to continue playing with it?"

Bai Xiaohu bit the rim of the cup hesitantly, sipping water once in a while: "I..."

Seeing her embarrassment, Lu Ye didn't force her to ask. She probably has a lot of secrets, maybe she won't say it, or maybe it's not time to say it.

He stood up: "Since you are so reluctant to bear it, I just want to go out for a while, so I will entrust it to you."

He picked up the big cat that was about to run away, and stuffed it into Bai Xiaohu's arms. Bai Xiaohu quickly put down the water glass, and hurriedly hugged it.

Lu Ye said: "Let's go, I'll take you back."

Bai Xiaohu followed him to the door, and when he opened the door, he suddenly gave up and said, "Lu Ye, have you ever thought that you are actually a cat?"

Lu Ye paused, the tall figure was silent for a moment, and looked back at her with dim eyes.

They stood at the door of the room, next to the bathroom, the light in the room was not able to illuminate this place, half of Bai Xiaohu's body was still illuminated by the light, and Lu Ye was completely hidden in the shadows.

Bai Xiaohu's voice was full of unprecedented seriousness and calmness, and her voice sank by at least three degrees. She looked at Lu Ye and said, "You are a cat demon with nine tails. We met a long time ago, but we separated later. Well, I'm here to find you again this time, we've met before, don't you have the slightest impression?"

After she finished speaking, wait for Lu Ye to show doubts, disbelief, and hesitation, saying that he has no impression at all, and then she will tell him, it doesn't matter, I have a way to awaken your cat demon's blood, and you will remember everything, It can also turn into a cat again.

She had a firm gaze and a calm expression, and the windbreaker she was wearing made her look solemn and solemn.

Lu Ye looked down at her deeply, and after a while said: "So, you think this fat cat is me?"

Bai Xiaohu: "..." His gaze suddenly became dodgy, this question...

"I also gave it the dried fish prepared for me."

Bai Xiaohu: "..." His expression was no longer calm. Thinking about how one night he thought he had seen through everything and changed him to a bowl of noodles in clear soup, it was so embarrassing...

"I thought it was me, so I chased it here, sat on my bed, rubbed and hugged it."

Bai Xiaohu: "..." What solemnity, what solemnity, it's all hallucinations, hallucinations, her whole figure is three points shorter, and the fat cat can hardly hold her, "This, this..."

Lu Ye took a step forward, leaned over slightly, and said softly and softly, "When you hugged it, did you really think it was me?"

Bai Xiaohu felt that her face was a little hot, it must be an illusion, an illusion, it's because this man is too hot, and his aura is so strong, she took a step back, and said stammeringly: "This, it's not..."

But Lu Ye didn't let her go, took another step forward, got closer, and looked directly into her eyes with bright eyes: "You say I am a cat, you say we have known each other for a long time, you don't like me who has become a cat." 'It's so close, so why don't you rub and hug me in human form?"

He brought his face closer, as if waiting for her to move.

Bai Xiaohu took another step back and bumped into the wall. He was shocked by the magnified handsome face in front of him, he looked into his deep and quiet pupils that seemed to have small light spots flickering, and saw himself panicking there. measure shadow.

She suddenly became even more helpless, her heart was beating wildly, and all she breathed was the clear water vapor and faint soap fragrance left on his body, like a helpless young fox being forced into a trap, her cheeks were out of control heating up.

Panicked, she slapped the big cat that was softly pretending to be dead on Lu Ye's face, opened the door and ran out, then froze.

Standing against the guardrail were two chatting guys.

The interior of the office building is shaped like a back shape. The original office area has been transformed into bedrooms and the like. The corridor is wide and large, with glass guardrails on one side. Talk under the overhead light.

It was Yu Jin and Lin Tao.

Bai Xiaohu stared blankly at them, and they also looked over, and then showed a very terrified expression, and even opened their mouths comically. Looking at her and at the door behind her, it seems that she can't believe that she came out of it.

No, in their building, on this floor, at this point in time, there shouldn't be female creatures, okay?

The three of them were petrified. Lin Tao was about to speak when footsteps came from behind Bai Xiaohu. Lu Ye walked out with the cat in his arms, with some messy wet hair, and said calmly to the two, "I'm still staying up so late. ?”

"I-I'm explaining about tomorrow's departure."

Lu Ye nodded, and handed the cat to Bai Xiaohu: "In the next few days, it will be left to you."

Bai Xiaohu looked over blankly, and finally seemed to understand something in the eyes of Shang Luye, and took the cat: "I, I will take good care of it."

Turn around and leave.

Lu Ye didn't follow directly, but said to Yu Lin and the two: "She's here to get the cat."

Two people: "Yes, yes, yes!" Liar, Naomao needs this time, this place, and their boss's windbreaker with flushed cheeks?

Lu Ye glanced at them indifferently, the intention of sealing the mouth was obvious, and the two made the movement of zipping their mouths at the same time.

Satisfied, Lu Ye turned around to follow Bai Xiaohu, and pressed the elevator for her.

In the elevator, neither of them spoke. Bai Xiaohu was holding a heavy cat like he was holding a rock, and his whole body was stiff.

All the way out of the office building safely and smoothly, without meeting anyone again, Lu Ye sent the person out a few steps: "I won't send it away, it will not be good to be seen by others."

Bai Xiaohu lowered his head, revealing the top of his head with soft hair. Lu Ye hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help touching it: "Stop thinking about it in the future, and let's have a good talk when I come back this time."

Bai Xiaohu looked up at him blankly, realizing that he didn't believe what he said about the cat at all, but who could blame it, because she was too manipulative and stupid to win people's trust at all.

For the wrong person, oh, the wrong cat, she also feels very ashamed, okay?

As soon as she turned around, she ran towards the wall, climbed over the wall with a little help, and ran to her side.

Lu Ye stood on the spot and watched for a long time, only then did he dare to let his heart beat wildly, and the sound became louder and louder.

When he saw her sitting on his bed with a white skirt and her small face looking over in astonishment, his heart began to beat uncontrollably.

If this trip to Tongcheng can be successful, maybe he can no longer be superstitious about his hunch, he can believe that the days are still long, and he will no longer restrain his heart.

On the other side, Bai Xiaohu ran into his room and started silently "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh', "It's all about you, it's because of you that made me look so stupid! He will definitely think that I don't even A cat can mistake him for him, whether there is something wrong with his brain, what he said must be imaginary, ah, ah, I finally mustered up the courage to have a showdown with him!"

She rubbed the cat until it meowed and deformed, and she let go of her hand. The cat immediately jumped out of the bed and ran to the table to stay with the big magic chicken that flew here early to avoid accidental injury. One cat and one chicken began to stare. Small eyes.

Bai Xiaohu lay paralyzed on the bed, extremely annoyed, and thought of how flustered she was when the man approached her step by step.

Strange, why is she panicking? She wasn't scary, but when he leaned over and locked her eyes tightly, her little heart was beating wildly uncontrollably, her face was still hot, she didn't know where to put her eyes, and her hands and feet were shaking. I don't know how to put it.

She touched her still hot face, was a little startled, then groaned, and got under the pillow.

The next day was the day of departure. Zhongyang’s team of more than 5,000 people packed up and set off early in the morning. Wen Liansheng came to send them off on behalf of the Baishou team. As a gift, the previous 700,000 sets were handed over to the base, which agreed to distribute them.

In addition, there is a small box of walnut-like things, which can contain hundreds of pieces.

Lu Ye picked up a "walnut" and shook it, there was a sound of rolling particles inside: "What is this?"

"This was given to me by the small lake before dawn. After eating the food inside, it can hang a life even if I suffer a serious injury. I can use it again when I need it. Once the outer shell is broken, the energy will be released." Leak, she said you know the consequences of energy leaks.

Lu Ye naturally knew that, just like the red fruit, it would attract zombies around, and if he was not careful, he might be surrounded by zombies.

He smiled, looked at the furniture store on the other side of the wall, his eyes were soft: "Where is she?"

"I said that I played games with the cat for too long last night, and I may still be catching up on sleep now."

Lu Ye said: "Then you thank her for me and leave."

Bai Xiaohu hid behind the creeping vines that were spawned by wood-type supernatural beings and covered the fence to block prying eyes, watched Zhongyang's team's cars drive out one after another, and sighed softly .

This person has left, so there is no need to be embarrassed to meet, but after leaving, she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

It seemed that without that person, this place suddenly became empty and lonely.

As for walking along with her, she didn't have that idea. The human car was too scary. She couldn't get used to it no matter how many times she took it.

But when she turned her head and saw those two black chickens and white cats who were testing each other's strength, she rolled her eyes and said, "Lonely ass, these two are a lively pair!"

She didn't think about it anymore, she was going to do more decent things, and wash off her stupid image in front of Lu Ye in the future.

She went to the pharmaceutical factory. Last time she came here, she wanted to do something defensively so that her guards could relax. She found a spiritual plant in the space.

This spiritual plant is called the gatekeeper vine, also known as the guard vine. On the surface, it is a very common crawling vine that grows close to the ground and is completely inconspicuous when mixed with weeds. Once it senses that a strange aura is approaching, it will quickly stretch out the rattan to tie the other party up.

This kind of vine is generally used to plant around the spiritual field to prevent people from stealing or being trampled by spirit beasts, or it can be planted outside the spiritual mansion, which can also play a little role. However, this kind of spiritual plant is a bit stupid, so it is often easy to accidentally injure it, and it has no other ability except the ability to bind. As long as you have a little strength and brains, it is very easy to destroy it.

But if it is planted around the pharmaceutical factory farm, the pressure on the guard group will be much less, and with the presence of the guard group, it is not afraid that it will accidentally injure people who accidentally approach it, or be destroyed by others.

The most important thing is that the vine is very effective in catching birds and small animals that come in, and it is very protective for the thunder tree.

Bai Xiaohu ran to plant vines with high spirits.

At the same time, many saplings and saplings of the red fruit tree were removed and planted outside the thunder forest.

In the distance, the building was almost demolished. Brother Xiao saw that his brothers could no longer hide here, so he called people together: "Listen, we have to act today. You will pretend to be cured by anti-infective drugs in a while." If the family members of the family members go to the pharmaceutical factory to cause trouble and distract their attention, I will take people to dig trees, do you know if you are smart?"

"I know, I know, the medical troubles, I saw a lot in the news before the end of the world. However, the people of Zhongyang's team haven't gone far, so it's too early to act now?"

"Early fart, there will be no chance if you are late. Listen to me and start to act!"

Bai Xiaohu was talking to someone about the characteristics of guard vines: "This climbing vine, from the beginning, you should go around them a lot, talk to it if you have nothing to do, let them remember your breath, and when it remembers it, you will be able to remember it. They won’t attack you anymore. If a stranger approaches them within three meters, they will react by slapping the leaves on the ground, which reminds you of the situation. If a stranger approaches within one meter, they will attack by themselves. "

The big guy Zhang Meng asked stupidly: "Then why doesn't it respond when we surround it now?"

Bai Xiaohu gave him a white look: "I'm here, I'll tell him not to attack, or you will watch."

Bai Xiaohu touched the triangular leaves of the climbing vine, signaling that Zhang Meng was the enemy. The climbing vine that had just taken root in the soil stretched out a thin dark green vine, binding Zhang Meng up, and at the same time The leaves on the rest of the vines slapped the ground in warning.

Moreover, the slapping sound has a specific frequency, as long as you are not deaf, you will never hear it wrong.

Everyone looked at the vine in amazement, Zhang Meng struggled a bit: "It's tied firmly."

Bai Xiaohu scratched her head. There are still many things to say about this vine, but the more important thing is to let these people explore by themselves, so she said: "Plant first, then talk about it after planting."

She put a lot of bundles of vines in the warehouse, and everyone moved them here, and then planted them along the outside of the pharmaceutical factory, planting one at a distance of several meters. When the vines stretched to both sides, they would blend together and be indistinguishable from each other. Whether it's this one or that one, if a low shrub is planted on top of it, it can completely cover the guard vines.

While planting and planting, a group of people came suddenly, dressed in rags, with white cloth tied on their heads, holding a **** sign in their hands, and they were in a mourning posture, and howled when they came over.

Bai Xiaohu was alarmed in the pharmaceutical factory. Seeing these people pestering his guards, he frowned: "What are they doing?"

Pan Gu listened and came back: "It is said that their relatives used our medicine after being infected, but they couldn't be saved. These people are here to seek justice."

It is not uncommon for anti-infective drugs to be ineffective. Improper use or expired shelf life may cause treatment failure. They have said before selling this potion that it is not 100% effective, and all consequences are at your own risk, so it is still First time.

Bai Xiaohu nodded, but she didn't have any doubts. Seeing that her guards were in a panic, she walked out, and both sides stopped for a while.

Bai Xiaohu said humanely to herself: "Stand back, just to show you how powerful these climbing vines are." She looked at the troublemakers in front of her: "Do it!"

Whoosh whoosh!

The climbing vines crawling on the ground quickly pulled out.

The troublemakers were vigilant because of Bai Xiaohu's words, but they were vigilant against people, and they didn't want green...belts flying out from under their feet? Tie their legs and feet together, or tie up their arms and upper bodies, and then pull the vines, and one by one the troublemakers were knocked down to the ground, wailing endlessly.

Clap clap!

The triangular blades slapped the ground in unison, sending out a warning.

Bai Xiaohu looked at the stunned people on his side: "How is it?"

Everyone hurriedly said back to God: "Amazing!"

At the same time, Brother Xiao was waiting here with a few people on the side of the farm. He heard the commotion at the pharmaceutical factory, but the guards here acted as if they hadn't heard it, and didn't move at all.

"Damn, this discipline is too strong, will you die if you move to a nest?"

Before he finished complaining, the pharmaceutical factory was quiet, Brother Xiao felt a sudden, something will happen, right? He gritted his teeth: "It doesn't matter, you rush out to trip them, and I will dig the tree!"

The younger brothers were very obedient, even if it required sacrificing their own tactics, they rushed out without hesitation. The people guarding the planting area only heard a few shouts, and a few people in dusty and dirty clothes rushed out. When they came out, one of them splashed out dust all over the sky.

Two of the guards here were hit, but they didn't panic. The rest of them rushed over immediately and fought with them.

On the one hand, they have undergone rigorous training—educated by several big names in the Zhongyang team, on the other hand, they have the style of hooligans, who specialize in dirty tricks such as pulling out the crotch, and carry all kinds of hidden weapons on their bodies. burden.

Brother Xiao saw the timing, and immediately ran towards the faint blue woods, but he was kicked to the ground when he was kicked over the fence and was about to touch the leaves.

Damn, there's a guard hiding here!

The two fought together.

Just then, another wave of people rushed out.

Taking advantage of Brother Xiao and Brother Xiao's little brothers stumbling over the guards, they rushed out with the momentum of thunder. Three went to the woods, and two went to the flower field. It was obvious that a praying mantis would catch cicadas and orioles would come after them.

While rushing, one of them whispered: "Take the sample and leave the rest!" These people held miniature explosives in their hands, and they obviously wanted to destroy this place, but in order to get the sample, they had to operate at close range That's all.

Just before they rushed into the woods, the guard who was fighting with Brother Xiao shouted: "Don't!"

Brother Xiao also looked annoyed, it's over, someone is going to complete this commission before him.

He squatted for many days!

He looked angrily at the guard who blocked his plan to make a fortune, but found that the man's expression was a bit strange, mixed with anger and panic, stealing a leaf, wouldn't he be so frightened?

next moment-

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!"

There was a flash of lightning and thunder, and the blue-purple light enveloped the earth. Brother Xiao looked in horror, and saw that the entire blue forest was shining, oh, or in other words, electric discharge, the arc of lightning flashed, and the three The people who rushed into the woods were shocked with life-threatening electric shocks, crackling and twitching.

The blue-purple light shines on their faces, their bodies, their terrified eyes and wide-open mouths. The funniest thing is that they are still running, with their hands tied, their legs straddled, their bodies leaning over, trying to How funny how funny.

Brother Xiao had lightning flashes in his eyes, and he stared blankly. He swallowed for a long time, I am a grandma, what kind of forest is this shit, it must have been buried by lightning, right?

Fat Chapter~~

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