As an empress, she should hold Li Zijin's hand and sit together on the adored throne.

The leader of the column and the queen of the empire are the identities they should have, and she must never be a pet in a cage to be watched by others.

Chapter 110 Prepare to attack the emperor

The next morning, Olina came alone to the Bolu Palace, knelt down on one knee and said loudly:

"His Majesty!"

"Olina, you don't have to call me Your Majesty, you can just call me Uncle." Dritz frowned, like a kind elder, "Come on, come forward, let me take a good look at you, from After your return from Stigma Academy, you have grown a lot. The feeling of innocence when you were young has completely disappeared, and now it is like a sharp blade waiting to be unsheathed. If your parents saw you now in the sky, they would also It will be very pleasing.”

"Your Majesty is wrong."

Olina's expression remained as cold as a knife from the beginning to the end. In the royal family of the Azure Empire, a smile was regarded as frivolous and disrespectful to the elders.

The whole empire is full of people with rigid and serious expressions. They are meticulous in their work, and they almost never tell jokes.

"But Olina, I heard that you and Ivy Sylph Lianqing became friends again when you were studying at Stigma Academy, didn't you?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Olina said without changing her face, "I became friends with her again."

"Isn't this very good, your character is too cold, you should make some more good friends." Dritz stroked his beard and said.

"But my purpose is not for the so-called friendship and warmth. The reason why I became friends with her has another purpose."

"For what purpose?"

"Can I trust you, Your Majesty?"

"I'm your uncle." Dritz pretended to be calm.

Olina glanced at the ministers and knights standing around, and Emperor Dritz understood and ordered them to retreat immediately.

"Your Majesty, I said to Ivy, I want to re-establish the new order of the Western Continent with him, so that this land can be at peace forever."

"Peace? Peace is good!" Dritz said.

"Begin, Your Majesty, is peace really good?"

"Olina, are you?"

"I deceived Ivy, my purpose has never changed, that is to completely conquer the Shengluer Kingdom, I think the way to completely conquer the entire Shengluer Kingdom in a short period of time is to make them think that we will not attack. "Olina's expression is a little distorted and crazy." Then, our imperial army will drive straight in within five days, such as entering a no-man's land. When they want to prevent our attack, their command system has been completely exhausted. Paralyzed, following the rules in conventional warfare, waiting for the enemy to complete the general mobilization is a very stupid behavior, I want to create a diplomatic illusion that we will not attack."

"Political deception?"

"Yes, the first step is to quietly conduct general mobilization, the second step is to create a peaceful atmosphere where we will not attack, and the third step is to launch a general attack when they think we will not attack. This strategy is my What they learned at Stigma College, they call it the Blitz."

"Olina, you are indeed a descendant of the Brandenburg family. You are born with the blood of a conqueror."

Emperor Dritz stood up excitedly and said loudly.

"So, Your Majesty, next, I need to have secret contact with the officers. After all, the next combat mission can only be carried out quietly. Once the mouthpiece of Shengluer Kingdom sees it, we will all lose."

"I understand, Olina, just let it go. I completely trust your ability in the military, and give the most fatal blow to those Shengluers who are self-sufficient."

"Yes, Your Majesty, it is my duty to revive the glory of the empire again." Olina said in an almost fanatical voice.

The echo reverberated in the Bolu Palace, and Dritz looked at Olina's eager eyes with satisfaction, and felt extremely proud of the correct decision he made back then.

It was he who killed a few insignificant maids that awakened Olina's decisive bloodline as an imperial.

"Go, Olina, the empire belongs to your young people!"

Conquering the Kingdom of Shengluer is the wish of every generation of emperors. If one day they can completely conquer that confidant, the Azure Empire will become the only power in the Western Continent, comparable to the most powerful Eastern Continent Empire today.

Olina left the palace.

"The emperor really trusts you completely."

Heinz, who had been waiting for a long time, said with a smile.

"Yeah, this is exactly his arrogance." Olina stared coldly in the direction of the palace and said, "He will pay the price in blood for his arrogance."

After saying hello in advance, the emperor will be careless about the mobilization of the military. What he has to do now is to gather strength and eliminate dissidents.

All forces that obey the emperor must be secretly removed.

The invitations have been distributed, and Princess Olina, who has returned from Stigma Academy, plans to hold a banquet tomorrow to entertain officers of all levels in the Empire.

Among them, Olina's teacher, Marshal Lundstedt, Marshal Meyer of the Air Force Headquarters, as well as Prime Minister Hindenburg, a government official, and Schacht, deputy governor of the Imperial Bank, all received invitations from Princess Olina. Be prepared to be on time for your appointment.

The royal family also sent people. The royal brother who was most likely to become the next emperor, as well as several cousins ​​who were also from the Brandenburg family, also received invitations.

This time, Olina invited almost all the celebrities in the empire, and in the eyes of outsiders, this would definitely be a grand banquet.

However, all this is a pretense. Olina's drunkard's intention is not to drink wine. During the dinner, her soldiers will point directly at the Bolu Palace.

"The emperor's crusade has been drawn up, Your Highness."

Olina's confidant showed Olina the kraft paper that had just been written on, and after reading it roughly, Olina was very satisfied. Although these evidences were a bit exaggerated, they were enough to make Dritz's redemption impossible.

At night, she drank alone with a goblet and tasted the red wine brewed by the Shengluer Kingdom's Grand Cru, and even tasted the taste of revenge.

"It's really lucky," Ya Yinyue frowned, "It seems that this time, I'm fortunate enough to see history."

"Yes, you will see history." Olina said smugly, "The Azure Empire will belong to me."

Originally, Dritz's death was eight years later, but for revenge, Olina decided to send him on the road ahead of schedule.

She knows that revenge is empty in the end, and that revenge cannot revive those dead sisters, but without revenge, Olina's heart will never be able to forgive herself.

"After revenge, are you going to the Eastern Continent Empire with me?"

"I'm not going, why don't you give him back to me?"

"The power under your control is not enough to protect him, Sister Olina."

"After all, why do you restrict his personal freedom?"

"Because I want him to live well, that's all, otherwise, he will die self-righteously after 16 years, and I put him under house arrest just to rewrite that ending." Ya Yinyue looked at the blue sky The moon said, "As long as he can be happy, I would rather die than me."

Chapter 111 The Bloody Crown

The Genting Restaurant of the Azure Empire is surrounded by mountains, far away from the urban area, and is almost completely isolated from the outside world.

Today, this is the meeting place where Olina entertained the guests.

One after another, luxurious carriages drove towards the Ring Mountain Road. At this time, most of the guests did not realize what would happen next.

"I didn't expect that Her Royal Highness Princess Olina, who had never held a banquet in the past, would take such great pains to hold a banquet. It seems that she also learned something from Stigma Academy."

said an old man with a grey beard.

"Yeah, in the past, she was always too rigid and rigid. She didn't hold banquets, so how could she have a good relationship with celebrities."

The banker in the suit is sipping red wine.

"I have heard that Her Royal Highness Olina seems to have some military purpose to hold this banquet. The place is surrounded by mountains, and the people who are called are also my own people. The gossip says that this is to hide people's eyes and eyes and prevent Sheng Lu from hearing them. The spies of the kingdom of Er are looking for news,"

An officer close to Olina said.

Almost all of the people who were able to attend this banquet were big-headed people from the Azure Empire.

"Presumably, Olina will announce something important," said Wilhelm, the eldest son of Emperor Dritz. "After all, I heard that even the old field marshal Lundstedt came to join us this time."

"It would be great to start a war against the Kingdom of Shengluer," said the hawkish officer. "Now that the Kingdom of Shengluer and the North Sea Parliament are at war in the Sri Lankan colony, we should seize this opportunity. The fearsome Louis XIII also died."

"Now wait for Her Royal Highness Olina to preside over this banquet in person," said Schacht, vice president of the Imperial Bank, with his legs crossed. "The prosperity of this country depends entirely on Her Royal Highness Olina. The great Olina is already a The embodied personality of the Azure Empire."

The banquet was originally supposed to start at six o'clock in the evening, but the sky was getting darker, and Olina still did not appear at the door of the Genting Restaurant. The table was empty except for red wine and some appetizers.

The orchestra was tireless, the ballerinas swayed on the stage as if the banquet would never begin.

"What happened to Her Royal Highness Olina?"

Some people have already felt anxious, and the people of the Azure Empire have always had a strong sense of time.

"It's not just Her Royal Highness Olina, why isn't even Marshal Lundstedt here?"

An indescribable sense of unease filled the air, which felt heavy and oppressive.

Finally, the sound of military boots stomping on the floor resounded outside the dining room, and the elderly but spirited Lundstedt, wearing a marshal's uniform, pushed open the door.

After Marshal Lundstedt, there was a group of Imperial soldiers with guns, and every soldier was filled with murderous intent.

"Sorry, everyone, I'm late."

Marshal Lundstedt's expression showed no trace of shame. In his long and old life, he was never late.

The marshal walked slowly to the table, and the military-like chilling air suddenly quelled the group of civil servants.

"Why are you late, you have to give us an explanation, right?" Prince William asked with courage, he had already sensed the seriousness of the situation.

"As ordered by the Queen, this old man must be late for this banquet."

"Queen? What queen?"

Some people are confused, others understand.

Marshal Lundstedt sneered, straightened his back and said:

"I dare to ask the current empire, is there a second person who can be called an empress?"

"I'm afraid there is no one else who can be called an empress in the empire, except Her Royal Highness Olina, right?" Shacht, the vice president of the Imperial Bank, laughed.

"My father is not dead yet!" Prince William rebuked loudly, "You said that Olina is the queen, she has not accepted the formal process, and the Pope has not crowned her, she is not the queen at all."

"Soon she will be the empress, and tonight, Kaiser Dritz will abdicate," Marshal Lundstedt waved his hand, "because today is the day of Dritz's death!"

Chancellor Hindenburg took out the imperial edict that he had prepared in his pocket, and read it aloud. Although what Emperor Dritz has committed over the years is not an outrage, it is definitely not clean.

In particular, Olina's parents, the Brandenburg couple, were killed by him with poisoned alcohol, which provided absolute justice for the coup d'état.

In the Empire, if a parent was killed by a murderer, the child had the right to lynch the murderer.

"Lundstedt, are you going to be on Olina's side?"

asked the shady imperial court magician.

"I have proved my loyalty to the Queen with practical actions."

Marshal Lundstedt strolled to the window and opened it:

"Look, everyone, the Genting Restaurant has been surrounded by my army. You can choose to submit or die now."

The frantic magic element exploded in an instant, and the court magician, as the highest combat power of the empire, chose to fight to the death, and countless metal cones suddenly appeared in front of him.

As the ceiling of the earth magician, he can easily use magic to construct the hardest thing in the world.

Seeing that the court magician has already started, other people who are loyal to Emperor Dritz are also beginning to make a move.

"Everyone, the chaotic ministers and thieves are among us, hurry up and kill him!"

Marshal Lundstedt drew out the knight's sword, which once fought for the royal family and will fight for the royal family today.

The speed of the old marshal did not decrease in the past, and the soldiers behind him also made preparations immediately.

The bullet killed the civil servant who was clamoring for Olina to die, and the blade cut through the major who shouted long live Olina.

The Genting Restaurant was turned into a **** banquet hall, and more and more soldiers rushed into it.

"Marshal! The forces of Emperor Dritz have begun to counterattack, and the Third Army has already exchanged fire with our troops!"

"Let that boy of Goodaller withstand the pressure," Marshal Lundstedt's sword collided with the court magician's diamond thorn, bursting with dazzling sparks, "lads, we are now creating an unprecedented history!"

"You traitors of the empire!"

"The lackeys loyal to the emperor are traitors, and Her Royal Highness Olina is the one who can bring light to the empire!"

If this coup d'état cannot be completely ended before dawn, then the army outside the capital of the empire will come back to support and counterattack, so it must be resolved quickly.

The court magician was outnumbered and finally fell.

Marshal Lundstedt wrapped the incision of the broken arm with gauze, and the gauze was immediately dyed red with blood.

He remembered the name of the person he used to serve as a knight, and that person was Olina's grandfather Frederick Brandenburg.

Perhaps because of this, the old marshal who used to scoff at women would accept Olina as his military student.

Marshal Lundstedt's consciousness was a little dazed, he knew that the fight with the court magician just now had exhausted all his strength.

But you can't close your eyes, the army is still waiting for an experienced commander to command, he has to see the queen ascend to the throne.

Yunding Mountain has been filled with the smell of blood.

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