Players Please Get In the Car

Chapter 266: toe stomping game

  Chapter 266 The Toe Stomp Game

   After stepping lightly, she did another backflip to distance herself from Uncle Xiong, and said with a smile, "Come and chase me."

The bear thumped the ground with an "ooo", and the jelly hands on the ground shook violently, causing the furnishings in the room to shake back and forth. It grabbed the chair at hand and threw it at Yan Jiayu, blocking her after she dodged. Sharp claws protruded from the front!

  Yan Jiayu didn't panic. After calmly avoiding the first attack, she transformed into a stone stick and hit the bear's paw!

  Although the bear couldn't hurt its tendons and bones, it was enough to make it hurt. Withdrawing its claws and shaking it vigorously, it stomped heavily on the ground a few more times.

  The ground shook even more violently. This time, not to mention people, even it itself was ups and downs.

   "Be careful, the ground has changed color." Xu Huo jumped onto a display cabinet to remind Yan Jiayu.

  Yan Jiayu was about to fall to the ground, but after hearing his words, she quickly changed direction and jumped onto the overturned chair, but Uncle Xiong shook her paw from behind, and she dodged sideways, and fell to the ground unavoidably.

But as soon as she touched the ground, she immediately felt that something was wrong. The jelly under her feet was still elastic, but there was a layer of gelatinous sticky substance on the surface. The footprints were silky, and she barely moved back, but her feet became more and more sticky, and she couldn't even lift her feet after taking two more steps!

   At this time, the bear laughed and chased after her, raised its paw the size of a human face and stomped on her feet!

"Lift up!" Xu Huo's voice came from the side, and Yan Jiayu didn't want to pull up her right foot. After the silk wrapped in the shape of maltose was cut off, she kicked the bear's paw away with momentum, and crawled While getting on the chair next to him, the thread under his left foot was cut open.

   "You guys are fouling! Fouling!" Bear roared angrily.

   "You only said that one person stepped on you three times, and you didn't say that others can't help." Yan Jiayu retorted: "I'm going to step on you with one foot left, hurry up!"

  Xiong was so angry that he overturned the chair, but Yan Jiayu had already tore off the leather under his feet before jumping onto the coffee table.

  Unable to succeed with one blow, Xiong became even more manic. He chased Yan Jiayu and overturned everything that could be overturned in the house, even the walls were scratched and there were marks everywhere.

  Yan Jiayu was kicked around by it, and it was too late to tear off the leather attached to his feet. While jumping around in the house, he shouted at Xu Huo: "Give me another sword!"

   "Take off your shoes." Of course Xu Huo thought, but he couldn't find a suitable opportunity.

"It's not that I don't want to, the shoelaces are too tight!" Yan Jiayu pulled the trousers, and it turned out that her shoes were tied tightly to her calves with cloth straps, and the straps that came with them turned out to be decorated.

  The uncle Xiong Lian Xu Huo, whose dignity seemed to be offended, also set his eyes on Xu Huo, and threw the jelly from the ground at the two of them respectively.

Xu Huo avoided the jelly and ran to Yan Jiayu's position, and inadvertently sprinkled a lot of candy on the ground. While the bear was attracted by the five-colored candy paper that fell on the ground, he swept away the leather on Yan Jiayu's feet. They made eye contact, and he gave her a hand from behind.

  Yan Jiayu jumped out and stepped on the turned bear paw.

   "Three times, I won!" She shouted happily, but Uncle Bear slashed down with his claws furiously.

   "You're cheating." Yan Jiayu ducked back and jumped onto the broken wood next to him, angrily clenched the stone stick tightly: "How can you cheat when you're playing games!"

No matter how many bears there are, they still have to move their claws, but at this time Xu Huo took out a can of candy and said, "You have to abide by the rules of the game. You lose anyway, and it's meaningless to fight. Why don't we both accept this kindly?" what's the result?"

The bear's eyes moved with the sugar bowl, and the expression on its face relaxed, but the next second it put on a fierce look, walked over, grabbed two small hats and threw them to Xu Huo, "Okay, okay, you go Well, I'm off work."

  Xu Huo nodded to Yan Jiayu, put down the sugar bowl, and turned out of the cabin through the window.

  Yan Jiayu followed him to the ground, and couldn't help but look back at Xiaolou, "I thought it didn't like candy."

  Xu Huo smiled, "This bear is the same as a rabbit."

  Yan Jiayu didn't understand, but Xu Huo didn't continue, but asked her, "Did you hurt your foot?"

  Yan Jiayu was a little embarrassed and said: "The kick that kicked the bear just now broke the toe."

   "But it's not a big deal. Walking and running are fine. I used to be injured a lot. My master said that only by suffering can one become a good person. Just take care of it for two days."

After Xu Huo used the S version of the perfect evolution agent, his physical strength has been fully developed. His speed and physical strength are stronger than players with the same 20% evolution rate. His physical strength won't limit his speed too much, so it's no problem for him to run faster, but Yan Jiayu can keep up with her. I'm afraid this is not only due to evolution, but also related to her previous exercise.

   Yan Jiayu should have learned martial arts systematically, as can be seen from the way she runs and fights.

   "It's always inconvenient to move when you're injured." He looked at her and said, "There's a camp set up by an amusement park nearby. Let's stay there for one night and go to the third game point tomorrow."

  Yan Jiayu didn't struggle too much, since it's hard to move after dark anyway.

  It was past four o'clock, but it was still bright in the amusement park. They were not in a hurry, but walked slowly along the route.

   On the way, they met two players who wanted to team up with them outside the mirror tent.

  The male player showed a commercial smile when he saw Yan Jiayu, "We meet again, are you going to the third game point?"

   "We came back from there. The third game point has been closed. It was a waste of time for you to go there. Why don't you go to a hut in the mountains and stay overnight."

  He pointed to the fork, and said: "This is safer than the camps built by other players spontaneously, but the price is a bit expensive. Of course, the two of you don't look like people who are short of money."

  Yan Jiayu stared at him for a long time, until the other party's smile became a little unnatural, and then said: "Sir, have you had plastic surgery?"

  The male player instantly lowered his face, and the female player who was holding his arm snorted coldly, "I don't know good people, I told you why you should bother with these people, it's not like we can't pass the level by ourselves."

  The male player said nothing with a cold face, but he didn't leave either.

  Yan Jiayu sighed and said: "My master said that people who smile on the surface but don't smile either have plastic surgery or have bad intentions. You choose one."

  The faces of the two of them changed slightly, and the female player immediately said: "It's fine if you don't appreciate it, let's go!"

   "Don't leave." Yan Jiayu picked up the stone stick, "I smell blood in your mouth."

  (end of this chapter)

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