The reason why Xu Huo thinks it is a tool rather than a prop is because Jiang Jiang, the painter who was also suspected of being trained by Dr. Zhang, can predict the future, but her predictions are all related to the death of people around her. , and even predicted her own death.

Although he doesn't know exactly how Jiang Jiang predicts death, since this prediction effect can be added to props, it can naturally be made into a tool. Perhaps in some advanced wormhole points, it is not too difficult to predict disasters and fortunes. .

Of course, this involves traveling through time and space.

Dimensional Cracks is a game that can control so many partitions and claims to travel in multidimensional spaces. Is there really no corresponding means to curb possible bad things?

Perhaps there is something more advanced and incredible than time travel.

But there is no need to say this now.

He took two B-level props and several special props, as well as some materials and ores in the luggage compartment, and gave all the remaining props, potions and supplies to Li Cheng.

Unexpectedly, he returned so much, Li Cheng was a little shocked, "Why don't you take two-thirds, I didn't contribute much..."

"If you don't want it, you can share it with Chen Chou." Xu Huo interrupted her.

The neck of Chen Chou stretched out beside him, and he said happily when he heard the words: "Give it to me, don't take advantage of the bastard!"

Li Cheng collected everything without saying a word, and only gave him two bags of compressed biscuits.

Chen Chou didn't refuse anyone who came, and said with a smile, "Two bags of biscuits are fine."

Xu Huo has already gone to Jiang Zifeng's side, and they are studying the digital 1 channel.

After all, the room was destroyed before, and it is not clear whether the game counts. The poker cards are increasing and decreasing, but you can't just wait here for two hours.

"What do you say behind these playing cards?" Jiang Zifeng stretched out his hand and patted them, "I don't know if the door corresponding to the card can be played..."

Before he finished speaking, the door panel with the black number 1 was pushed away by him!

"This... happiness came too suddenly, we have passed the level!" Jiang Zifeng walked in without saying a word, Ye Bingxin didn't hold back, and she herself was brought in, waiting for Xu Huo next to him to open the poker door At the time, there was no one in the passage behind!

At the same time, the playing cards of the two people in the room also disappeared together.

"Is there an accident?" Mu Yan hurried forward.

"It should be cleared." Xu Huo said: "The cards of the two are gone together, and we can leave the maze."

Mu Yan and Li Cheng breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words, and Chen Chou said directly: "I wanted to leave a long time ago, this maze is really not a place for people to come!"

"Didn't you forget something?" Mu Yan turned to look at him, "You are from the White camp, and you have no part in clearing the level."

Chen Chou's face collapsed in an instant, and he quickly said to Xu Huo: "Brother Xu, if you leave me and leave first, then I will die!"

Whether Chen Chou can pass the level is not in other people's considerations. Mu Yan and Li Cheng had already left after saying goodbye. After the remaining player left, Xu Huo turned around and said to him: "There are still For five days, find a place to hide, and you can leave the instance smoothly after you fail to clear the customs.”

Knowing that it was impossible for Xu Huo to turn around and help him find the first card, Chen Chou quickly said, "Brother Xu, I'm useful to you, my hands and feet are broken, I might really die if I stay here alone! "

Even if he doesn't have any cards in his hand, it seems impossible to have any good props, but there are so many people killing people to vent their emotions!

"Except for that invisibility item, do you have any other items at hand?" Xu Huo looked down at him, "The trick of crying miserably won't work."

A C-level player still has the energy to find a place to hide.

Chen Chou met his eyes, couldn't help restraining his pitiful begging expression, and said cautiously: "But then you will have to wait outside for five days, and I will come out after five days..."

"It's okay, I don't plan to leave Area 001 anytime soon." Xu Huo turned and said, "By the way, where does your family live?"

Chen Chou's face froze, and he didn't utter an answer for a long time.

Xu Huo smiled, "Your features are not difficult to identify. I wonder if there is any information about you on the Jixin terminal in District 001."

Chen Chou regretted it a long time ago. He regretted that he followed Xu Huo and the three of them with his "dead heart". He didn't expect Xu Huo, who is a player of the same level, to be able to catch him from the props. Change your appearance, or accumulate a little more advanced disguise props, otherwise you won't fall into this dilemma.

"Are you really a C-level player?" Xu Huo raised his eyebrows. He lives in District 001 and has such obvious facial features that he refuses to spend any time on modifying his appearance.

"When I first started the game, I bought a lot of props in this area, but because of the 'dead heart'..." Chen Chou didn't finish the rest of his sentence.

Because the props are so easy to use, the dungeon he usually chooses is the dungeon that has published multiple versions of the strategy on the Jixin terminal in the 001 area, and he cleared the level very conservatively, which greatly reduced the difficulty, which caused him to gradually neglect this aspect. Prepare until kicked on the iron plate.

To put it simply, Chen Chou was too afraid of death. With the "artifact" such as the "dead heart", coupled with his cautious personality, he felt so secure that he thought he could live like this forever.

Too bad it's gone now.

"Compared with your own life, do you care more about those younger siblings you adopted?" Xu Huo said.

Chen Chou's face changed, and after a while, he smiled flatteringly again, "They are all ordinary people, why don't you leave me an address, and I'll go out to find you?"

"It's fine." Xu Huo didn't make things difficult for him, and he didn't have to know his address, "I'll stay at the Yongxing Hotel after I go out, if you still want to get your props back, come to me."

Yongxing Hotel is so famous in the game, no one would not know it, Chen Chou obviously didn’t expect him to be so rich and powerful, after all, players’ money is spent wisely, and those who can spend unjustly money to stay in Yongxing are not for their powerful families , or people are stupid...

"Do you really want to return the 'dead heart' to me?" Chen Chou raised a little hope.

"I'm only talking about borrowing." Xu Huo said lightly: "Besides, your item is not very useful."

It may work wonders for ordinary players of the same level, but for individual powerful players or players with more advanced props, it is not difficult to find people behind the invisible. Since they can be found, they will naturally find ways to attack—— Of course, even for B-level players, those with average strength still have an effect. If you take out a few props in succession, it won't work, and everyone should panic.

Chen Chou didn't quite believe it, but he had good hopes, he gritted his teeth and said, "I will look for you when the time comes!"

Xu Huo nodded, turned and walked into the number 1 channel.

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