Planet Escape

Chapter 476: The Man in Black's Doubts

A hundred years have passed in the blink of an eye, and the Earth Federation has opened more and more space channels. However, no matter how many space channels the Earth Federation has opened, the Three-Eyed Clan has never taken the initiative to destroy any space channel.

On the contrary, in so many space passages, fierce battles were launched with the biological weapon army of the Earth Federation, and several times the Earth Federation almost rushed into the small universe.

Later, it was the Three-Eyed Clan who dispatched the real elite fleet to repel the Earth Federation's offensive.

But the more this happened, the stronger their wariness became. If the Earth Federation's real attack method is not completed by warships, Xiang Gan and the others might really invest a lot of elite forces into these space channels.

But now, Xiang Gan and the others don't feel anything about it at all. It's fine if they don't get in, and there's nothing to be disappointed about.

Time passed slowly, and a thousand years passed.

At this time, there are less than 4,000 years left before the limit time of the universe's operation rules. Other civilized races have begun to feel anxious. After all, neither the Earth Federation nor them have made any progress in attacking space passages.

This is still only dealing with 2 civilized races, so the remaining 5 civilized races, according to the current attack speed, need not think about it, the remaining 4000 years are simply not enough.

As early as a thousand years ago, everyone began to integrate scientific research forces, but because the time was too short, a lot of scientific research results were indeed produced, but there was nothing they could do about the current predicament.

The progress of scientific research is really too slow, which is why everyone is pessimistic. If it weren't for the Earth Federation, it would be relatively calm. Every time they communicate with other civilized races, they are full of confidence. Other civilized races have long since despaired.

But this kind of atmosphere has also grown rapidly in the major civilized races with the passage of time.

"Master. Now all major civilized races are starting to feel hopeless, and even their attacks have begun to slow down." Hill said to the man in black.

"Is there any movement in the Earth Federation?" the man in black asked.

"According to the results of other civilized races contacting the Earth Federation, the Earth Federation seems to be preparing for something and is very confident."

"I see, you go down."

"Yes, master."

After Hill left, the man in black frowned slightly. He was thinking about what hole cards the Earth Federation had.

It's this time, he doesn't believe that the Earth Federation is not in a hurry. Originally, he thought that the Earth Federation had opened up so many space passages for the final attack. But for more than 1,000 years, the Earth Federation has not done that. It is the same as before, what should be done or what should be done.

It seems that opening so many space passages is just to be able to invest more troops.

According to the original plan, at this time, if the Earth Federation still has nothing to do, it's up to him to take action. At this time, it doesn't matter whether the Earth Federation is willing or not. They can only help him, not attack him, unless the Earth Federation wants to die with him.

But until now, the Earth Federation still doesn't seem to be in a hurry. This made him a bit confused about the hole card of the Earth Federation.

The last seven civilized races in the Andromeda galaxy, even if he took the shot and executed the plan, there would be no surprises. Want to eliminate these seven civilized races. The fastest time is about 1500 years, if something unexpected happens. That's hard to say.

So do all the calculations and leave 3000 years. It is precisely the time when all civilized races are about to despair and have no way out. At this time is his shot, he can use the power of all civilized races to destroy the seven civilizations of the Andromeda galaxy, and at the same time control the life and death of these civilized races.

When the last civilized race is eliminated, it is also a time when other civilized races have no use value. At that time, the only victor can only be him.

But the current situation made him a little uncertain.

If the Earth Federation really has a hole card that he doesn't know about, then his plan will come to nothing. And the danger of exposing his existence without being able to contain the Earth Federation is very great.

So without absolute certainty, he couldn't make a move.

While the men in black were racking their brains to think about what the Earth Federation's hole card was, the Earth Federation was also preparing nervously, and it was not as leisurely as other civilized races saw.

Including Xianggan and the others, they are all under tremendous pressure. If Regteros fails, it means the game is over, and they have no time to organize the next attack plan. So this is the last plan of the Earth Federation and the only chance. They can only succeed and not fail.

Time passed quickly, and 1000 years passed in a blink of an eye.

At this time, many civilized races have begun to be passive and sabotage. The tribes within each civilized race are no longer discussing how to attack the enemy's small universe every day, but what to eat today and where to play tomorrow.

The same is true for the science academies of all major civilized races. Except for scientists who have nothing but scientific research, many academies of science who have families have left the academies of science and are no longer conducting scientific research.

After all, in their view, their lives are less than 3,000 years left, and the remaining 3,000 years cannot be researched to eliminate the enemy, so there is no need to waste time in the laboratory. For the last few thousand years, all they have to do is to spend time with their families and do whatever they want, without having to think about those experiments every day.

It can be said that at this time, few civilized races are still insisting. Although everyone is still attacking, it is completely directed by the computer, and there is no need for personnel to control it.

In the Earth Federation Center building, Xiang Gan sighed deeply while looking at the countless small green dots displayed on the big screen in his office.

The green dots on the screen are the signs of people from other civilized races traveling the universe in spaceships.

The clansmen of these civilized races, although their races are all five-level civilizations, but there are not many clansmen in these civilizations who have really traveled the universe in spaceships.

So everyone is using the last time to fulfill their unfulfilled dreams before, among which traveling the universe is the dream of most people.

"Xing Kong, inform Di Long to let him control all the biological weapon legions and launch an attack on the remaining 5 civilized races." Xiang Gan said to Xing Kong.

"Okay, boss."

As the Earth Federation once again dispatched a huge army of biological weapons, all civilized races also felt the last struggle of the Earth Federation, which also shattered the last hope in their hearts.

Because all civilized races know that no matter how large a biological weapon army is, it is useless if it cannot break into the opponent's small universe.

But Xiang Gan's order made the man in black even more confused about what the Earth Federation was thinking. (To be continued...) I1292

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