Planet Escape

Chapter 452 Time Velocity

"Starry Sky, how many meteor satellites have you caught?"

"I caught eleven of them." "

"Give up capturing the stray satellites and recall Yang Guang's detection spacecraft."

"Okay, boss."

After Xiang Gan finished his explanation, he left his desk and went to the Academy of Sciences to find Old Man Li.

Now the earth has been sailing in the Large Magellanic Cloud for more than a month, but it has not even encountered a single alien civilization, and there is no trace of any spacecraft sailing within the scanning range.

For more than a month, old man Li has been concentrating on studying the problem of time flow, but until now, there has been no progress.

As for the coordinate position that Xiang Gan was going to go to, there was still a long, long distance.

"Teacher, I have recalled all the spaceships, and we can test them after they come back." Xiang Gan came to Old Man Li's research center and said to Old Man Li who was researching the subject.

"Well, I have all the equipment ready, so I must get the time-to-flow ratio for the preparation. Last time we sailed faster than the speed of light, it took a total of 31 minutes, and the time outside was six years, nine months and seventeen days. This time we have to sail a longer distance than last time, and it will take about 45 minutes, and this time we don’t know how much time the outside world will pass.” Old man Li got up and said.

"Teacher, if I arrange a battleship to fly towards our destination, do you think we will get there first, or which battleship will go there first." Xiang Gan had thought of this question before he came.

"Well, the battleship should arrive first. Of course, this is calculated according to the data from last time. I don't know this time." Old man Li thought for a while and said.

"Then try it later and you'll know, by the way. I also asked Xingkong to simulate the trajectory of the star map, so that we can roughly estimate the time based on the trajectory of the star map." Xiang Gan nodded and said.

"Well, although the accuracy is not high, the speed is better. What if the remaining equipment is destroyed during our super-light flight, we can get an approximate data, just be on the safe side."

A few hours later, Yang Guang, who was already on the way back, advanced at full speed after receiving the order from Xiang Ganquan. Finally arrived at the spaceport.

At this time, Xiang Gan was already in the command hall, waiting for them to turn on the star-level gravity engine after they came back.

But this time before turning on the star-level gravity engine,

Xiang Gan launched an unmanned probe and headed towards the destination on the earth. And it sends encrypted data as it advances.

really. After 45 minutes, the earth appeared at the destination.

"Xingkong, immediately calculate the external time." After the super-light flight ended, Xiang Gan said to Xingkong immediately.

"Okay, boss." After Xingkong finished speaking, he immediately began to calculate the time according to the orbit of the planet. In less than a minute, Xingkong said: "Boss, the calculation is complete. The external time has passed 45 minutes."

After listening to Xingkong's answer, Xiang Gan and old man Li were dumbfounded. What the hell. The outside world has only passed 45 minutes, so there must be a miscalculation.

"Xingkong, recalculate." Xiang Qian said speechlessly.

"The calculation is complete, 46 minutes." Xingkong replied immediately.

...Xiang Gan was speechless, there must be something wrong, either the calculation error of the starry sky or the algorithm problem.

"Starry Sky, scan the surroundings to see where the unmanned probe we launched before we set off, and report immediately after receiving the signal sent by the remaining equipment." Xiang Gan had no choice but to issue other orders.

"Okay, boss."

Xiang Gan looked at old man Li helplessly, and said, "Now we can only wait for the signal from the equipment. The calculation of the planet's rules is wrong, and it is impossible to judge how long the outside world has passed."

"Well, the information on my device is set to be sent every five minutes, and we'll probably receive the information in less than two minutes." Old man Li nodded indifferently, since he didn't expect this anyway.

"The unmanned probe I launched has not been found yet. It seems that our speed is much faster than it."

"Maybe the flow rate of time is different. We need to study this." Old man Li nodded.

The two chatted like this, but five minutes had passed, and Xingkong hadn't prompted yet.

"Xingkong, haven't you received the signal yet?"

"Boss, I haven't received any signal."

Xiang Gan and old man Li looked at each other, and suddenly they both had a bad idea, maybe the equipment was destroyed by someone. If that is the case, then the experiment has failed. Although the earth has reached its destination, no experimental data has been obtained at all.

Half an hour later, Xingkong still hadn't received any signal. Both Xiang Qian and old man Li knew that the experiment had failed, and the equipment they left behind must have been destroyed by other civilizations.

He was very helpless about this, and he vowed that if he knew which civilization destroyed which equipment, he would definitely destroy that civilization.

Old man Li left the command hall in disappointment, and he didn't say anything about asking Xiang Gan to conduct another experiment. He knew that the energy consumed by the star-level gravitational engine was an astronomical figure. Even if Xiang Gan agreed to conduct an experiment now, he needed to replenish the energy reserves first.

"Xingkong, immediately arrange for all the maintenance spacecraft to depart. The transport spacecraft will prepare the asteroid engine and gather all the surrounding satellites into the interior of the star system. Turn on the power of the star-level gravitational engine at 2% and target the interior of the star system. Xiang Gan said to the starry sky.

Regardless of whether the experiment failed or not, the next thing has to be done. Anyway, the destination has been reached, and this place has not been occupied by humans, then all the resources in this star system will belong to humans.

The reason why Xianggan's first goal is here is that there are many kinds of special rare metals produced on several planets in this star system, and there is a special rare metal mine, which is more advanced than eternal blue gold. It can be said that in the entire Large Magellanic Cloud Galaxy, the most valuable special rare metals are in this star system.

As long as human beings are given time to mine all these special rare metals, then the earth can basically walk sideways in the entire Large Magellanic Cloud. What evolutionary civilization, tens of thousands of genetic nuclear weapons made of special rare metals, can flatten the evolutionary civilization in minutes.

It can be said that before everyone breaks through the fourth-level civilization, whoever is armed with more genetic nuclear power will be stronger. Of course, the kind of laser machine that Xiang Gan made in his previous life to break through the fourth-level civilization does not count. It cannot be regarded as a genetic nuclear weapon, but can only be regarded as a toy.

Soon, the earth reached the interior of the star system, found a place where the light time was about the same intensity as the sun, turned off the gravitational generating device and the artificial sun, and began to revolve around the star.

After that, the earth sent out all the transport spaceships, warships, and maintenance spaceships that could be sent out to start mining, build a defense circle, and change the orbits of the planets inside the star system. In short, the purpose of the project is to build this star system into a fortress , a fortress that collapsed even if the evolutionary civilization saw it.

After four days of busy work, Xingkong suddenly reported to Xiang Ganhui: "Boss, I have received the message from the device."

"What... I received the message from the device, why didn't I receive it before?" Xiang Gan was speechless, the message was delayed too much.

"I don't know, I can't analyze it."

"What is the message content."

"15:24:19, June 11, New Era 37."

Xiang Gan was dumbfounded after hearing this, because this time was the day they set off, and this message was also the first message they sent when they set off. But this message was received four days later, isn't it scary enough?

That is to say, the time for them to reach this destination is 45 minutes, while the time for the outside world is also 45 minutes, and the time flow is the same.

Are you making an international joke, why is the flow of time the same this time, are you kidding me?

As a result, after five minutes, Xingkong reminded again that it received another message. The content of the message remained the same, but the time was delayed by five minutes.

Ten minutes later, Xingkong received the message again, and the time of the message was extended by another five minutes.

Facing the iron-like facts, Xiang Gan suddenly felt that the whole person was not good. He stopped thinking about why the time was unified this time, and directly threw this civilization to Old Man Li. crazy. (To be continued..)

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