Planet Escape

Chapter 444 Space Maze

boom! ! !

A huge monster ignored the space shield of the three-eyed warship, pierced through the shield and attacked fiercely on the hull, instantly piercing through the entire battleship and drilling into the hull.

In less than two minutes, the battleship turned into a cloud of fireworks and dissipated in the void of space.

"Ignore the space..." Xiang Gan and the others couldn't help but be surprised when they saw the performance of the biological weapons newly cultivated by the Pabodilong civilization.

"It can't be said that it ignores space, but it can be instantaneous within a short distance. The gene of this creature is extracted from an early alien civilization race. It has been unable to research the principle before, and now it has broken through the fifth-level civilization. We have already begun research on this gene.

This can be regarded as a by-product. If it is a complete body, it should be three times stronger than the current biological weapons. Now their defense is too poor. " Di Long said to several people.

The difference between biological civilization and civilization in other disciplines is the development of science and technology. Under normal circumstances, the fourth-level civilization studies space technology, and the fifth-level civilization studies dimension technology, while the second and third-level civilizations cannot control space and dimensions.

But many creatures in the universe are born with an instinct. For example, when Regteros was in the third-level civilization, he was able to control the space. Many alien beasts have special abilities of one kind or another, which are not possessed by other civilizations, and cannot be explained by science at the same level of civilization.

As long as biological civilizations can extract the genetic samples of such creatures, they can obtain the genetic results of that special ability, and then use that gene to cultivate biological weapons. This also allows biological civilizations to control technologies beyond that level of civilization even though their level of civilization does not meet certain standards at certain times.

Of course, this is not a panacea. If biological civilization can fuse the special genes of all creatures into one creature, then biological civilization would be invincible long ago. Most of the time, the cells formed by each special gene organization are incompatible with the cells formed by other special gene organizations, and only a small part of the genes can be compatible with one or two special genes.

As for biological weapons like cannon fodder monsters, they only have one special gene, and that is reproduction.

And now the number of special genes in this biological weapon has reached three. If you want to continue to be compatible with other special genes, it is easy to cause gene collapse.

After another ten minutes, all the 100,000 experimental biological weapons of the Pabodilong civilization were wiped out, but their results were still good. At least tens of thousands of warships were eliminated.

"The biological weapon experiment is completed, and the full-scale attack begins, and the galaxy battleship is fully fired.

"Xiang Gan gave an order immediately after seeing the last monster being eliminated on the big screen.

"Okay, boss."

With the order of item stem. The star system ring outside the galaxy battleship began to adjust its angle, and at the same time, crystal-shaped cannon ports were revealed.

A few minutes later, the energy of the galaxy battleship was full, and more than 100 billion gun ports launched an attack at the same time.

This attack is not an energy attack. It would be a waste if the galaxy warships were equipped with energy attack weapons. With the size of the galaxy warships, the hundreds of billions of gun ports are all space distortion, space tearing, space collapse, space aggregation, etc. Space technology weapons are 100,000 times more powerful than the energy weapons on the previous galaxy warships.

The moment the galaxy warship launched its attack, the cosmic void around the galaxy warship was completely shattered, and countless space debris scattered. At the same time, hundreds of millions of space weapons directly cut the entire space into countless pieces. The hundreds of millions of black lines are in stark contrast to the cut area, which looks like a giant hedgehog.

As the Earth Federation launched an attack with all its strength, the number of warships on the other side was less than that of the Earth Federation. Soon the four-dimensional space shields on the surface of these warships were broken, like soap bubbles bursting one by one.

Five days later, all the warships were wiped out, and the cosmic void around the galaxy warships was filled with wreckage of the warships.

"Tell the staff to take back 50% of the warships, and the rest of the warships will stay in the berths of the galaxy warships, and move to the side immediately. Look for the surrounding civilized races." Xiang Gan said to the starry sky.

"Okay, boss."

After more than a month of fighting, Xiang Gan still didn't find any abnormalities, even if it was the opponent's warship that the Earth Federation wiped out. But because it was less than half a month, the opponent did not arrive with a support warship. If there is no support fleet coming now, and then the support fleet comes again ten days later, then it means that the other party is just teasing them, and there is no full strength at all, otherwise there will be no such war.

Of course, it is also possible that the other party has some conspiracy. It's just that the Earth Federation hasn't found it yet.

So no matter what, Xiang Gan decided to go to the surrounding civilized races to see if they were also attacked.

In fact, at this time, many civilized races are doing the same thing. According to the previous star map, they are moving closer to the surrounding civilized races, but no civilized race can encounter other civilizations.


On the big screen of the command center of the Three-Eyed Clan, nearly 20,000 civilized races are in a huge maze. This maze is composed of countless global spaces, and if you don't pay attention, you can't find it at all. Even if you pay attention, due to the chaos of this cosmic void, it is difficult to detect.

It can be seen from the big screen that many bright spots representing civilized races appear in another spherical space in the next second after touching the illusory wall of the space maze.

And no matter how these civilized races navigate, they keep shuttling through spaces one after another, and they cannot encounter other civilized races.

Around this giant labyrinth, the Three-Eyed Race has arranged more than hundreds of millions of special devices, and these devices are distributed around the entire spatial labyrinth, surrounding the entire spatial labyrinth.

The position where these devices stay is just the space nodes, and these devices just occupy all the hundreds of millions of space nodes around the space maze. The space maze is like black pieces surrounded by white pieces on a chessboard, trapped to death directly.

"Your Highness, the space annihilation weapon has been activated, and there are still 30 days before the destruction of the space maze."

"Well, continue to release the warships according to the schedule, and don't let them find out about the abnormality." Fer nodded and said.

"Understood, Your Highness Fair."

Fer looked at the countdown on the big screen, and at the space destruction equipment emitting weak fluctuations on the hundreds of millions of space nodes outside the space maze, a smile appeared on his face.

At this time, the civilized race inside the space maze didn't notice the danger at all, and they were still shuttling through the space maze quickly. (To be continued.)

[The author reminds you! , there is a faster and clearer chapter of the novel, URL]


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