Planet Escape

Chapter 272 Destruction of Luya Civilization Mother Planet

Terrible, really terrific. △¢four △¢five △¢zhong △¢wen ︰ ︰ ︰ point ︰ novel ︰ novel,

It can be said that in the entire Great Magellan information, except for the Earth Federation who knows the horror of the fourth-level civilization, no civilization knows how powerful the attack power of the flagship of the fourth-level civilization race is.

Now the flagship of the fourth-level civilized race of the Mir tribe has wiped out a quarter of the warships of the Kuya civilization, more than 500,000 warships. After seeing such an attack power, many civilizations collapsed directly.

It turns out that the huge fleet they worked so hard to build is nothing more than cannon fodder that can be destroyed by a few attacks on the flagship of the fourth-level civilized race. Such a blow is too powerful for those civilized races who are nesting at home and violently fighting.

Only Xiang Gan curled his lips in front of the big screen. This is the flagship of the war-oriented race. More than 500,000 warships were destroyed in one attack. This attack power is a bit rubbish. It can't compare with the Green Star, let alone compare with the fourth-level civilization flagship of the Silver Wing Civilization that has not yet been built.

Seeing this, Xiang Gan also had a vague feeling for the flagship of the fourth-level civilized race of the Avengers. If he was singled out, the Green Star would definitely kill it.

Of course, the flagship of the fourth-level civilized race of the Green Star Bimir is a bit rubbish, but for the Kuya civilization and other civilizations in the Large Magellanic Cloud Galaxy, the flagship of the fourth-level civilized race of the Avengers is their nightmare.

This kind of attack power, coupled with super-strong maneuvering speed, although I don't know how the defense power is, but if you think about it with your butt, you will know, it will definitely not be bad. Such a racial flagship, even civilization cannot stop it. Didn't you see that the Kuya Civilization's fleet of more than 2 million warships was wiped out by a quarter.

"Launch the No. 3 bomb." Solcuk was also taken aback when he saw this. He also didn't expect that 2 million warships could not resist the opponent's footsteps at all, and they couldn't even hinder them. But now is not the time for him to be in a daze. After waking up, he immediately gave the order.

After hearing Solkuk's words, the operators in the command hall. Only then did he react, and immediately follow the order to launch the No. 3 bomb.

The No. 3 bomb is a weapon obtained by the Kuya civilization from the remains of prehistoric civilization, and it is a space reaction bomb. There are a total of three such bombs in the Kuya civilization, and they have not been willing to use them. Now facing the huge threat of the flagship of the fourth-level civilization race, the situation can only be saved by using the same fourth-level civilization technology weapons.

After the three bombs were launched, the spatial fluctuations emitted immediately attracted the attention of the race flagship. After all, weapons that can cause spatial fluctuations can definitely cause damage to the flagship of the race. So after discovering these three bombs, the second attack of the race flagship did not target the fleet of the Kuya civilization, but directly targeted the three bombs and launched an attack.

This attack is not an energy attack, but a space interference attack.

The space on the way of the three bombs was suddenly distorted. After the three bombs fell into the distorted space, they were not changed direction by the distorted space, nor were they torn apart by the distorted space. Instead, they also erupted with a force of space. Compete with warped space.

This burst of space power directly shattered the already distorted space, and a trace of cracks appeared in the space, making the cosmic space seem like a broken mirror. And even more miraculous. At this time, the spatial dimension seems to have become a two-dimensional space.

At the space crack, one can actually see layer upon layer of space faults, as if the entire universe is composed of countless two-dimensional planes.

This stalemate lasted for five minutes before it ended. After the space was restored, the three bombs also lost power. It was thrown away by the impact force of the last eruption in the space.

It failed, and the killer weapon of the Kuya civilization also failed.

It seems that the flagship of the fourth-level civilized race of the Mir nationality seems to have calmly eliminated the three space bombs. But only they know that in order to deal with these three space bombs, a lot of level 4 technological equipment has been scrapped due to overload.

At this time, the fleet of the Kuya civilization finally brought the flagship of the race into the attack range and began to attack.

The 1.5 million warships poured all their firepower on the race flagship in an instant, and even the secondary artillery launched an attack. Although the Kuya civilization knows that such an attack has no effect on the flagship of the fourth-level civilized race, but based on the principle that it is good to consume a little energy of the race flagship, the Kuya civilization launched this attack with all its strength. attack.

However, this attack by the Kuya civilization had no effect. The shield of the race flagship easily blocked the attack, and then launched another attack. More than 500,000 warships of the Kuya civilization disappeared into the universe once again.

It can be seen that all the civilizations in the Large Magellanic Cloud Galaxy here are all over in the Kuya civilization. The two sides are not on the same level at all. When the flagship of the Avengers' race comes out, they are completely beating up children. Attacking the small Kuya civilization with more than 1 million warships twice is basically crushing.

Five minutes later, the 2 million warships of the Kuya Civilization turned into interstellar garbage, and countless warship wrecks scattered wantonly in the star system. Some of the wreckage was still lit with flames, and the scattered wreckage was more like a grand fireworks celebrating the victory of the Avengers.

"Turn on the intelligent system, let's evacuate all personnel." After seeing the fleet was wiped out, Solcuk sat on a chair and said to the operators in the command hall.

"General, the intelligent system has been turned on, the engine of the evacuation spacecraft has been started, and the evacuation is ready at any time."

"Well, let's go." Sol Kuk said to the adjutant.


"Stop talking, now I order you to evacuate immediately."

"...Yes, General."

After a group of people saluted Solkuk, they withdrew from the command hall, boarded the spaceship and left the home planet, heading for the race flagship that was about to be transformed.

An hour and a half later, the fleet of the Avengers, led by the flagship of the fourth-level civilized race, broke through the second, third, and fourth lines of defense, and reached the last line of defense in front of the Kuya civilization parent star. The home star of the sub-civilization is less than 100 million kilometers away.

"Kuya civilization, I will give you one last chance to immediately stop the construction of the flagship of the race and become a subsidiary civilization of the Avengers, otherwise your home planet will be destroyed in half an hour." The Avengers issued an ultimatum.

"Avengers, you should give up your mind. Our Kuya civilization will not become a subsidiary civilization of your Avengers even if we die, and what you say is nice, in fact, all civilized races that join your Avengers, All will be controlled and become your puppets.

Your Avengers are the public enemies of the entire universe. We across civilizations would rather fight to the death with your Avengers than to become a puppet of your Avengers and a war tool for you to destroy other civilizations. "The Kuya Civilization's answer was broadcast to the entire Large Magellanic Cloud Galaxy, and any civilization would receive this message from the Kuya Civilization.

"It seems that you don't know the consequences of your parent star being blown up. As an evolutionary civilization, once you lose your home star, there is no possibility of promotion. Your Kuya civilization will always be the peak of the third level, and you will never break through to the fourth level." The possibility of advanced civilization.

Now you are busy building the flagship of the race. Unfortunately, as long as your home planet is destroyed, even if you finish building the flagship of the race, you will not be able to break through the fourth-level civilization. You are now given one last chance to choose, surrender or destruction. "

The Kuya civilization was stupid. They didn't know that the destruction of the mother planet would have such serious consequences.

This time, the Kuya civilization doesn't know what to do. If the home planet is really destroyed, even if they wipe out the Avengers, it won't help. A fool knows what it means for a civilization not to be able to break through the fourth level of civilization.

Now the Kuya civilization is caught in a dilemma, whether to survive or to perish.

"Surrender, everyone knows the consequences of not being able to break through Level 4 civilization," said the Fifth Elder.

"Huh, after surrendering, how about becoming a puppet of the Avengers, so as to ensure the survival of the Kuya civilization? If the Avengers let us attack the Earth Federation, what will be the consequences? It's not a dead end.

Rather than die aggrievedly, it is better to fight vigorously and let all civilizations know that our Kuya civilization is not so easy to bully. Even if it is impossible to break through the fourth-level civilization in the future, no one dares to bully our Kuya civilization at will.

Besides, what the Avengers said is not necessarily absolute, as long as they are alive, there will always be a solution. "The third elder also spoke.

"I support the opinion of the three elders. Instead of becoming a puppet of the Avengers and handing over the fate of the Kuya civilization to the Avengers, it is better to fight to the death. Even if the Avengers cannot be eliminated, the Avengers must lose Serious. I don't believe that the Earth Federation will not take action in the face of the severely injured Avengers." The Seventh Elder also said.

"Okay, don't talk about it. Surrender is impossible. How long will it take until the genetic nuclear force is built?" the patriarch spoke.

"Three hours, only three hours, and the transformation can be completed." The Great Elder assisted in this part, and immediately replied.

"Open the protective cover, fight."

The Kuya civilization was silent for half an hour after the last message from the Avengers. When the Avengers once again sent a message asking about the choice of the Kuya civilization, Solkuk replied on behalf of the Kuya civilization. He only said one word, war.

"Stop the energy supply to the defensive circle, mobilize all the energy, and transmit it to the genetic nuclear force." Solkuk gave the last command to the intelligent system, and calmly looked at the huge star system on the big screen. Energy beam.

Boom boom boom...

The parent star of the Kuya civilization was pierced by a huge beam of energy and exploded instantly, and the huge energy threw the remains of the Kuya parent star out of the star system. (To be continued..)

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