Planet Escape

Chapter 197: Nine Stone Pillars

One hall after another, murals, round platforms, weapons, etc. were all thrown away by Xiang Gan, and now he just wants to take everyone out of here. ¢,w◎≌om

For three hours, Xiang Qian and the others passed through countless halls and passages, and the scenery in front of them finally changed.

A vast prairie, the edge cannot be seen at a glance. Looking up, I saw a hot sun hanging in the sky, emitting infinite heat. The grass under the feet is occasionally bent by the breeze, revealing waves like waves.

Xiang Gan was taken aback when he saw this scene, and then immediately said: "The detector is turned on to the maximum, to detect whether there is life around, and to detect the composition of the air at the same time."

"The passage behind has disappeared." Condensation said suddenly at this moment.

"Sure enough, it disappeared." Xiang Gan turned around and walked to the front of the mountain behind him, and lightly attacked the mountain with his weapon. As a result, there was no passage at all, as if the passage they just walked out was an illusion at all.

"Are we living on a planet?"

"I don't know, but it shouldn't be. The specifics can only be confirmed after the detection results come out."

Soon the detection results of the special team came out, but the detection results were completely different from Xiang Gan's imagination, which can be said to be very different.

First of all, there is no air here, so it is even more impossible for there to be a breeze. That is to say, the fluctuation of the green grass on the grassland in front of me is not caused by the breeze at all. At the same time, 100 meters above their heads is the highest point of this space, even if they see the blue sky and white clouds, including the sun that radiates infinite light. They are all simulated by technology.

But the only thing that can't be detected is the size of this space. With the detector's scanning range of 500,000 kilometers, it is unbelievable that the border of this space has not been scanned. Xiang Gan would rather believe that there was a problem with the detector than believe that this space can be so large.

"Carry out a 3D simulation map to detect the surrounding terrain." Xiang Gan thought for a while and said, since he doesn't know how big this space is, he should first find out what is going on around him.

Soon, the three-dimensional simulation map was drawn, and the surrounding terrain within 1,000 square kilometers appeared in front of Xiang Gan.

They are now surrounded by the foothills of a mountain range. These three directions are all surrounded by huge mountains. Only the grassland in front is more than 20 kilometers away, there are a few huge stone pillars, and there is still a boundless grassland ahead.

See here,

Xiang Gan immediately knew there was something wrong with those huge stone pillars.

"Launch a small detector. Detect those stone pillars." Xiang Gan pointed to the stone pillars on the three-dimensional map.

"Yes. Chief."

Less than three minutes. The monitoring screen of the detector is sent back.

There are nine stone pillars in total, and there are countless patterns on each stone pillar. These patterns look very weird. Nine stone pillars form a circle. The spacing of these stone pillars is exactly the same. There is no grass between the stone pillars, it is completely bare land.

The small detector circled the stone pillar more than a dozen times, and ran to the middle of the stone pillar to detect it, but found no danger.

It's also a bit strange to see the stem here, it's just like the stone pillar, except for the pattern on the surface, there is nothing special about it. But within the scope of the current detection, there is only this suspicious place. If you want to leave here, you can only start from this place at present.

"Go to the nine stone pillars. The battlefield robots are lurking to explore the way. Let's follow behind and set off." Xiang Gan thought for a while, and decided to go there first before talking.

After arriving at the position of the nine stone pillars, the first special team began to carefully check the surroundings.

At this time, a person found a trace of a footprint on the ground under the stone pillar. He looked at it and stood on top of the footprint. Suddenly the footprints under his feet lit up, and he couldn't move for a moment. At this time, the stone pillar behind him also lit up, and the pattern on the surface began to emit a pale golden light.

"What's going on." The captain shouted immediately when he saw the change.

"I don't know, I saw a footprint under the stone pillar, so I stood on it, and that's how it turned out." Although the soldier was very nervous, he still expressed the whole thing clearly.

"Can I leave now?" The captain approached and asked.

"No, I can't move my whole body now," said the soldier.

At this time, everyone has turned on the weapon system and aimed at the stone pillar.

"Attack the stone pillar." Seeing the captain's gaze, Xiang Gan said in a deep voice.

boom! ! !

In an instant, dozens of laser beams and dozens of projectiles from electromagnetic weapons hit the stone pillar, but this did not damage the stone pillar at all, and there was not even a single scratch on the surface of the stone pillar.

"Use the genetic nuclear power and switch to heavy weapons to attack." Xiang Gan said immediately when he saw this situation.

Immediately after Xiang Gan gave the order, twenty warriors ran together and formed a triangle. The person in the back supports the shoulders of the person in front with his hands, and the person in the front stretches his hands straight and points his palms forward at the stone pillar.

In an instant, the genetic nuclear force of the twenty fighters surged, and all the genetic nuclear force gathered under the power armor of the exoskeleton quickly converged towards the palms of the person in the front.

A group of silver-blue energy light balls appeared in the palms of the person in front. The moment the light balls appeared, they quickly grew larger. The next second, the light balls left the palms and directly concentrated on the stone pillars.

boom! ! !

An energy storm erupted, and a huge shock wave erupted from the position of the stone pillar.

The surrounding green grass was instantly overturned by the explosive energy shock wave, and annihilated under the huge energy.

When the light disappeared, the stone pillar remained unchanged. If the surrounding lawn hadn't disappeared, everyone would think that the energy explosion just now was an illusion.

Seeing that the stone pillar was still intact, Xiang Gan was speechless. The blow just now, not to mention a stone pillar, even a level 3 civilized battleship with a protective cover, would be impossible to defend against, and would definitely be pierced by the extremely concentrated energy attack. But it turns out that the attack that can penetrate the third-level civilization warship has no effect on the stone pillar.

"External force can't help, let him try to use the engine of the genetic nuclear force to burst the exoskeleton power armor, and see if he can get away from the stone pillar. Don't be afraid of engine damage, just use the overclocking burst directly." Xiang Gan said after thinking for a while.

"Yes, Chief." After the soldier trapped under the stone pillar finished speaking, he began to use the genetic nuclear force, preparing to explode the strongest state of the exoskeleton power armor.

But at this time, the genetic nuclear power he sent into the exoskeleton power armor suddenly disappeared, no matter how much genetic nuclear power he used, it all disappeared without a trace.

When he used the genetic nuclear force, the stone pillar behind him became brighter and brighter, and finally formed a beam of light directly.

When the light of the stone pillar reached its limit, a huge screen appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

The text displayed on this circular watermark-shaped screen is the universal language, and there is only one person here who understands the universal language.

But at this time, Xiang Gan was staring at the screen, completely dumbfounded, because the various rules on the screen were really scary, and they were the ones he didn't want to see the most. (To be continued..)

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