Planet Builder

Chapter 169 Transforming people, born! (8000)

In the laboratory, doctors are implanting local neuroprostheses for Qiao Feiyu.

Qiao Feiyu was lying on the operating table with his eyes closed. At this time, Hao Siqi was cutting his fingers with a scalpel. He didn't feel at all, and he hadn't been given anesthesia!

His nerve cells have shrunk to the point where he can't perceive any parts of his body below his head. This time, he was implanted with a motor nerve prosthesis made by He Xingzhou and his team.

The prosthesis will connect to his brain, allowing him to manipulate the movement of his fingers.

It is very difficult to perform precise operation for the connection of nerve tissue, so this time they used a surgical robot to assist the operation.

Two hours later, the nurse removed the fine sweat from Hao Siqi's forehead. He whispered: "The operation is complete!"

They use a recovery potion derived from Zerg biomaterials that accelerates cellular recovery, reducing the recovery period from months to a day!

"Qiao Feiyu, don't move for now. After ten hours, try to move your fingers." Hao Siqi explained.

"I see." Qiao Feiyu said through the computer.

Ten hours was an extremely long time for him. He couldn't help but want to try to wake up his fingers, but he was worried that his hand had not recovered well, so he had to hold back this desire, and his brain was killing time in the Internet world.

"It's time!" He Xingzhou also arrived in front of the hospital bed, and he said, "Qiao Feiyu, try moving your fingers now."

"It's finally here?" Qiao Feiyu opened his eyes and tried to move his fingers.

Everyone saw that his immobile fingers actually moved at this time.

"My fingers are moving!" Qiao Feiyu shouted through the computer, with tears in his eyes.

"Very good!" Hao Siqi said with emotion, "The motor nerve prosthesis has also passed the test."

"Director He, Director Hao, when can I stand up?" Qiao Feiyu asked.

He Xingzhou said: "Your body organs are exhausted. Because of the Zerg gene virus, cell regeneration technology does not work for you."

"Even with a motor prosthesis, your bone and muscle strength can't support your walking and movement."

"So we still follow the previous plan to carry out a large-scale prosthetic transformation on you. At that time, your hands, feet, kidneys, liver, including heart and other important organs will be replaced with artificial prosthetic organs."

"I'll install the first tiny quantum computer in your brain, giving you a second brain. Because this is the first experiment in human history, it's very risky!"

"No matter how big the risk is, I'm willing to take it!" Qiao Feiyu said immediately, "Even if you sacrifice for it!"

He Xingzhou nodded and said, "Don't worry, we will do our best to ensure the success of the operation!"


"The actual measurements of the four neural prostheses have all passed the test." Hao Siqi said in the seminar room, "With the addition of the brain-computer interface device, theoretically, we can already connect the human brain to the computer."

"Then use quantum computers to control mechanical prostheses."

He Xingzhou said: "I am not very worried about the mechanical prosthesis. Our robotics technology is relatively mature, and there is no problem in creating a stable mechanical prosthesis. The key is artificial organs, neural prostheses and human neural networks, the brain. The question of whether the nutrient supply can be connected smoothly.”

No one is sure about this matter.

"No matter how big the risk is, someone has to do it for the first time!" Hao Siqi said solemnly, "Academician He, as long as your connector test is completed, I will lead someone to design the surgical plan, and I will perform the operation!"

He knows that such a large-scale human modification operation has never been done before in human history, and the risks are extremely high. The neural machine used is also the first time it has been applied to the human body!

Doing this kind of surgery is extremely stressful for anyone.

"Okay." He Xingzhou said, "Someone has to take the first step, and there are so many patients waiting for us!"

"If all goes well, in a week, we'll start the operation!"

Hao Siqi immediately took a group of experts to start designing a surgical plan, and He Xingzhou continued to test his neural connector.

And all the prosthetic organs tailored for Qiao Feiyu have been manufactured.


Like Qiao Feiyu, there are many people who are physically disabled due to the Zerg gene virus or other injuries, not only soldiers, but also the public.

In order to regain their confidence in life, before the operation, He Xingzhou specially issued a statement: "We have made a huge breakthrough in neuromechanical technology and will perform the first neuromechanical implantation operation at 10 am this morning."

"If the operation is successful, it will solve the problem of atrophy and necrosis of human nerve cells. Mini quantum computers can be implanted into the human body to help humans perform memory and computing."

This news of He Xingzhou was immediately forwarded by major media.

"First Neuro-Mechanical Implant Surgery, Coming Soon"

"The Latest News of Academician He Xingzhou: A Major Breakthrough in Brain-Computer Interface Technology"

"Humanity will usher in a quantum computing brain? Please pay attention to the frontier of science and technology"

"Genetic virus patients are saved! The latest technical statement of Academician He


"Neuromechanical technology, human implantation?" Fans were full of curiosity and questions, "@planetbuilder, is it the kind of neuromachine we imagined?"

"Reformed people are about to appear!!! I said long ago that if humans don't transform, how can they fight the Zerg?"

"Yeah, now unmanned weapons are much more powerful than manned weapons, and humans are no match for smart devices. If this goes on, we will all become pets raised by robots! If a quantum computer is added to the human brain and a mechanical prosthesis is installed, Everyone can be a superman!"

"It must be successful. My younger brother has completely atrophied his body's nerves and muscles because of the influence of the Zerg toxin!"

"For a live broadcast!!!"

"Brain-computer interface?" Jiang Yuanshan abruptly stood up from the Dreaming Game Company, "So the virtual game world is promising? Lao Zhang, do you know anything?"

"I don't know, don't ask me, don't tell me!" Zhang Zhijian was still working for the Academy of Sciences and refused to disclose any news.

"Pretend to be mysterious!" Jiang Yuanshan said, "I see for myself, Academician He will definitely announce it!"


In the south, in a small town, in an ordinary family.

The elderly couple had lunch while driving the news.

They were in their 60s and looked like they were in their 70s or 80s, with white temples, deep wrinkles, and sad faces.

The meals on the table were very rich, fresh vegetables and clean meats rarely eaten in the era of cataclysm.

Neither of them had any appetite, and when they were eating, they glanced at the pictures on the wall from time to time.

The photo shows a young man in a military uniform with a bright smile.

That is their son, Qiao Feiyu!

Qiao Feiyu joined the army very early and rarely returned home. At first, he said that he had joined an unspeakable unit. Later, they learned that Qiao Feiyu had joined the Xuanwu unit.

The couple are both proud and worried. In the face of those terrifying bugs, can their son still be safe?

Fortunately, after several battles, the son has been sending messages to report safety.

And so, until three months ago. Instead of receiving a letter of safety from Qiao Feiyu, they received a plaque of commendation from Xuanwu heroes.

The above told them that their only son died heroically in the battle with the Zerg and made a contribution to the motherland.

On the same day, local leaders and a large number of people came to console them and pay tribute to Qiao Feiyu.

The couple felt extremely sad. Only this son was sacrificed. The white-haired man sent the black-haired man. It was difficult for both of them to accept this fact.

"I can't eat any more." Qiao Dayong put down his chopsticks and sighed, "I'm going out for a walk."

"Stop smoking, your body can't stand it." Qiao Feiyu's mother Zhang Fang reminded.

"It's okay." Qiao Dayong said, "Now that technology has developed, it's a big deal to change your lungs!"

He used to quit smoking, but after his son died, he started smoking pack after pack, and his health deteriorated.

"The first neuro-mechanical transplantation operation is underway. It is understood that the technology was developed by academician He Xingzhou and academician Hao Siqi and other researchers. Once successful, it will solve problems such as physical disability and nerve atrophy..." The news is still reporting this. thing.

Mentioning this matter, Zhang Fang couldn't help tears in his eyes, "I heard his comrades say that he was not sacrificed on the battlefield, but was killed by the gene virus of the Zerg, and it was also nerve atrophy, and slowly he died. Become a vegetable!"

"If he had this technology back then, Fei Yu might still be alive to meet us!"

The more she talked, the more sad she became, and tears fell on her rice bowl.

"Hey!" A heavy sigh came from the room.


On the operating table, the operation has begun. Hao Siqi leads a team of experts to carry out the operation, and there are also surgical robots to assist in the operation.

He Xingzhou was also at the scene to ensure the safety of neuro-mechanical and mechanical prosthetics.

Prosthetic body transplantation has been progressing rapidly in recent years, but no one has ever replaced all other organs with prosthetic bodies like this time!

Moreover, the prosthetics in the past were all controlled by machines. For example, organs such as robotic arms and legs rely entirely on machines to recognize human movements and coordinate movements. The human brain does not have any operation or feeling for the limbs.

This time, through the neural machinery, the instructions from the human brain will control their own body, making people live more realistically!

Countless people are waiting for the operation. The operation is not broadcast live, and they are all watching the news.

In the hospital at Xuanwu Base, Sun Yi has been staring at the news since he woke up.

His condition has deteriorated, and until now, the muscles below his neck are almost uncontrollable, and the nerves cannot sense.

Even the muscles of the tongue are difficult to control. Now he can't speak clearly, and his life depends on nutrient solution.

The patients around him are similar, and they can still talk now, but they have relatively mild symptoms. Some seriously ill patients are similar to Qiao Feiyu, and they can only move their eyelids.

"Definitely, must succeed!" Sun Yi looked at the news, there was his last hope in this life!

"Neuromachine... I hope I still have a chance to wait." The patient next to him murmured, this is all the hope that supports their survival.

"I believe, Commander He, they will definitely be able to do it!"

The doctors and nurses watched this scene worriedly. This operation is the last support of faith and the guarantee of life continuity for these seriously ill soldiers.

"I hope you can succeed!" The doctors and nurses prayed in their hearts. Whether the lives of so many soldiers can continue depends on this operation!


On the operating table, Qiao Feiyu's consciousness remained awake. At this time, the neural prosthesis had not been activated, and he could not perceive the pain of his body being cut and transformed.

"The only benefit of nerve cell damage is this, right?" Qiao Feiyu smiled bitterly, "There is no need for anesthesia for surgery."

He couldn't see the process of the operation, only the doctors and robots were constantly busy.

His exhausted organs were replaced one by one and turned into artificial prosthetic organs.

During the whole process, the doctors tried their best to remain calm and dismantled the human body like this. They had only done this when dissecting corpses before, but now, they are facing a living person!

This process is extremely exhausting, but fortunately the robot can perform most of the precise operations.

The surgical robot quickly connected Qiao Feiyu's blood vessels and nerve tissue with the prosthetic organs. At this time, he looked very cyberpunk.

A head is connected to a large number of prosthetic organs, and the body shell has not been installed.

"Let's start installing the central nervous system prosthesis and the mini quantum computer!" Finally, the most critical part is reached. The central nervous prosthesis will connect the brain and the micro quantum computer, making Qiao Feiyu a completely transformed person!

This process is also done by surgical robots.

If there is any accident during the operation, the operation will be declared a failure!

The surgical robot has no emotions, doesn't feel nervous or anxious, and operates so fast that it's difficult for the human eye to recognize.

The cranial nerves are connected with the central nervous system prosthesis, and there is no accident in the process.

"The connection is complete." There was no momentary emotion when the electronic voice reported, but everyone couldn't help but feel joy in their hearts.

"Start installing the body!" The robot continued to operate, and the body made for Qiao Feiyu was a humanoid body.

Has nuclear batteries, powerful engines, various sensors and some weapons.

It can be said that this body is stronger than the general drone armor.

If Qiao Feiyu is successfully transformed, even if he returns to the battlefield, he will become a superman-like existence!

Outside the body, there is also bionic skin, which is extremely realistic and cannot be recognized by normal human eyes.

He Xingzhou watched silently. The data of various prosthetics have been in a stable state, and now it shows that the artificial prosthesis provides sufficient blood and oxygen supply to his brain.

"The transformation is complete." The surgical robot finally said the long-awaited words.

"The transformation is complete?" Qiao Feiyu was about to fall asleep. He didn't feel it at all. He was a little worried at first, but later found that his consciousness had been awake for a long time, and he felt much more relaxed.

He tried to speak or stand up, but the brain still couldn't feel the presence of his body.

"Don't worry." He Xingzhou said, "Get ready, the neural prosthesis on your body is about to be officially opened!"

Qiao Feiyu closed his eyes and became nervous.

"Three, two, one! Central nervous system prosthesis connection!" He Xingzhou shouted.

In his body, the central nervous prosthesis is officially connected to the cranial nerves, and the neural prostheses all over the body have been activated and functioned.

At this moment, Qiao Feiyu suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were intertwined with shock and surprise, and tears of excitement were rolling in his eyes!

"Me!" Qiao Feiyu said the first word, and he found that he was able to speak!

"I can talk!" he exclaimed suddenly.

The sound from the horn is exactly the same as his original timbre. Although the feeling of speaking is a little different from before, he can indeed speak!

The doctors didn't feel anything wrong, and Hao Siqi smiled: "Yes, you can not only talk, try to sit up."

"I want to sit up!" Qiao Feiyu's voice was trembling, and the central nervous system prosthesis actually captured his emotions and expressed them in his voice!

The expressions of the doctors were even more surprising. This performance alone was already a miracle!

He tried to sit up, a simple operation he hadn't been able to do for a long time. And this time, his body easily sat up, and he didn't feel any energy wasted at all.

When Qiao Feiyu raised his hand, he clenched his fist and found that he seemed to have endless strength.

Qiao Feiyu grabbed the edge of the operating table, feeling as if he only needed a light grip to lift the operating table!

He Xingzhou joked: "Don't get too excited, the equipment here is quite expensive."

"I...I, this feels too real!" Qiao Feiyu had already stood up, he carefully stroked his prosthetic body, the touch of the bionic skin was exactly the same as the real skin!

This long-lost, real feeling made him want to run a hundred laps on the spot, enjoying the feeling of the breeze blowing across his face and the sun taking care of his body!

"The neural prosthesis is performing normally!" He Xingzhou said, "Congratulations, the operation was successful!"

"Thank you Commander He, thank you Doctor Hao, thank you all!" Qiao Feiyu said, kneeling on the ground with a puff, and he said gratefully, "You gave me the chance to be reborn!"

"Get up." Hao Siqi quickly helped him up and said, "This is what we should do. You throw your heads and blood for the motherland, and we have to do our part!"

"You go to the activity area first, to test your agility, and also to test your memory ability and thinking speed to see if the quantum computer works."

"Well! I'll go right now!" Qiao Feiyu couldn't help but want to run!

When he came to the activity area, he began to run wild.

At the beginning, his speed was normal, running and running, Qiao Feiyu's speed was getting faster and faster, and it had exceeded the limit of the human body, almost flying.

He Xingzhou reminded: "Pay attention to control your body, get used to it before doing strenuous exercise."

Qiao Feiyu slowed down, but he was still excited.

Who would have thought that a few hours ago, he was still lying on the hospital bed, unconscious!

But now, he is like a superman, with physical abilities that surpass the limits of human beings!

If the flight engine is activated, he can even fly directly into the sky!

"It's a miracle!" Hao Siqi couldn't help saying when he saw Qiao Feiyu in action, "A miracle in human history!"

"From this moment on, humanity surpasses itself!"

There is also a doctor who said with emotion: "He is the first truly transformed person in human history. Whether it is physical or thinking speed, he has surpassed human beings."

"This means that neuromechanical technology has been adapted to the human brain. Will we humans become transformed robots in the future?"

"It's a little bit unacceptable for me to be turned into robots," said a doctor.

"No." He Xingzhou dispelled their concerns. "In addition to neuromachines, we are also developing biochips and biocomputer technologies. When these two technologies are mature, living organisms can also possess super-high intelligence and thinking abilities."

"As for physical fitness, genetic modification can also be achieved. Humans don't have only one way to go!"

This is also the thought in He Xingzhou's heart. He thinks that the development of human science and technology civilization should have a hundred flowers bloom.

If we only take the road of transforming people and soaring machines, human civilization will completely move towards silicon-based civilization in the future, which may not be a good thing.

They can see Qiao Feiyu's physical test data in real time.

He has been doing sports beyond the limits of the human body, but the prosthetic device shows that everything is normal.

"Qiao Feiyu!" He Xingzhou shouted, "Then test your thinking ability."

"Yes!" Qiao Feiyu was running and wanted to stop as before, but because the speed was too fast, the whole person flew out directly.

The quantum brain reacted, turned on the electromagnetic levitation, and adjusted the direction so that he did not fall.

Seeing this, He Xingzhou knew that there was no problem with the next test, and the quantum brain could already assist his brain in thinking and manipulating the body.


Outside the hospital, the media were waiting for the results.

A few hours later, He Xingzhou walked out of the hospital and came to the news conference station temporarily arranged in the hall.

The reporters all stood up and looked at He Xingzhou.

"Academician He, have we succeeded in the operation now?" Reporter Shen Bingbing stepped forward and asked.

He Xingzhou nodded with a smile and said, "The operation was a success! Our patient has successfully stood up, and the neural prosthesis and artificial prosthesis have been connected."

Hearing his words, the reporters applauded.

The audience is curious: "The operation was successful, what about that person?"

"I want to know what the transformation has been like?"

"I didn't see it at all!"

"What does a neuroprosthesis look like?"

They were wondering, He Xingzhou said: "Let's introduce this technology and case in detail."

"The main technologies we have implemented this time are neuromachines, as well as technologies such as quantum brain transplantation and artificial prosthesis transplantation. Through these technologies, human nerves can be connected to machinery and have the ability to use the brain to control machinery."

"At the same time, the quantum brain, that is, a specially designed miniature quantum computer, can help human beings to think. It allows people to have the ability to remember all texts, pictures, sounds and other information, and also allows us to have the same speed of thinking as a quantum computer. ."

Shen Bingbing's face was full of surprise. She asked on behalf of the audience, "Then Academician He, you mean that with a quantum brain implanted, an ordinary person can instantly become a knowledgeable genius?"

He Xingzhou nodded and said, "This statement is not wrong. In the past, people's understanding of genius was that their memory was amazing and their thinking speed was extraordinary! After implanting a quantum brain, they have this ability."

"But from now on, the definition of genius will be changed! In the future, human beings will have extraordinary memory and thinking ability. This does not mean that everyone can become a top scientist, scholar, artist, etc."

"It's like everyone can use a computer, but there are still only a few talented programmers, designers, and game masters."

"The ability to create, innovate and explore the unknown is the key to defining genius in the future!"

Hearing his explanation, the student parties were overjoyed: "Academician He means that we won't have to memorize texts and materials in the future!"

"As long as the quantum brain is implanted, you will understand everything!"

"I see." Shen Bingbing continued to ask, "Excuse me, what is the case like this time? I think the audience and friends all over the country are just like me, very curious."

He Xingzhou said: "This surgical case is a special story."

"First of all, I would like to introduce a person to you, Comrade Qiao Feiyu. One of the earliest soldiers of the Xuanwu Army. He participated in many battles such as the Battle of the Magic Capital and the Battle of the Sea Area, and made many military exploits!"

"During a battle against the Zerg some time ago, he was infected by the Zerg gene virus. His sportsmanship and muscle atrophy turned him into a 'vegetative man' that only the brain can think."

On the holographic projection, the appearance of Qiao Feiyu is shown.

There was the appearance of him heroically killing the enemy on the battlefield. Later, he collapsed on the hospital bed, his muscles atrophied to the point of being skinny, and he looked very pitiful.

"A soldier has become like this! It's so distressing!" The audience saw the scenes and felt sympathy for him.

"The Zerg gene virus is too terrifying. Watching yourself gradually wither with a clear mind is even crueler than killing someone directly!"

"The same disease as us!" Among the members of the Xuanwu Base, Sun Yi and others saw Qiao Feiyu's appearance when he was ill, and felt inexplicable in their hearts.

Isn't that what they are now?

"His operation was successful, what happened?" In the ward, all the patients stared at the screen.

At Qiao Feiyu's house, Qiao Dayong saw the press conference, stood up abruptly, and exclaimed, "Isn't this our son?"

"Fuck, come and see! Our son has appeared at the press conference!"

"What happened?" Zhang Fang was resting, and when he heard Qiao Dayong's words, he ran out quickly.

"It's reconstruction surgery!" Qiao Dayong said loudly, "The person who performed the reconstruction surgery, Academician He, is our son!"

"What!" Zhang Fang's whole body seemed to be electrocuted, and she dared not speak: "Hasn't Feiyu already sacrificed?"

"I don't know, but that's how the news is introduced!" Qiao Dayong thought of a possibility, "Could it be that he did not sacrifice, but participated in this operation, because he did not know whether it would be successful, so he decided to sacrifice?"

"Don't talk!" Zhang Fang is now both happy and scared. The joy is that his son may not die, but the fear is that if the news is not true, the feeling of hope rising and shattering will make people's hearts collapse!

He Xingzhou was still introducing, he said: "Comrade Qiao Feiyu volunteered to be our first neuro-mechanical connection experimenter. Fortunately, the operation has been successful."

"The current comrade Qiao Feiyu has completed the transformation. He has a brand-new mechanical prosthesis, and he has all the functions that normal people have. He even has the ability to surpass the physical limit of human beings!"

"Next, I invite Comrade Qiao Feiyu to come out and meet everyone!"

After He Xingzhou finished speaking, a young man walked out of the hospital.

Everyone's eyes and the camera are all focused on him.

He was wearing a sports suit, with eyes and strong muscles. No matter the expression on his face or the way he walked, people couldn't tell. Is this the same person as the patient with muscle atrophy shown just now?

"Are you Comrade Qiao Feiyu?" Shen Bingbing's big eyes kept looking at Qiao Feiyu.

She tried to find out the difference between Qiao Feiyu and normal people, but with naked eyes, she really didn't find any difference.

"This is Qiao Feiyu?" The audience didn't quite believe their eyes when they saw him.

"Looks perfectly normal!"

"It's more than normal. It's much stronger than me. It's not that I'm exaggerating. I feel like he can hit me with a punch!"

"This is really transforming people? Are you kidding me?"

"I zoomed in and didn't find any difference. Could it be twins?"

"It's Qiao Feiyu, my son!" When Qiao Feiyu appeared in front of the news camera, Qiao Dayong couldn't help shouting.

"Yes, it's him!" Zhang Fang couldn't help crying, "Our son is not dead! He is still alive and alive!"

"Hello everyone, I'm Qiao Feiyu!" Qiao Feiyu said hello and shouted to the camera again, "Dad, Mom, did you see it? I'm still alive, my son is unfilial, so you worry!"

"It's him!" The two of them had already determined that their child was in front of the camera, and they were so excited that it was hard to describe.

He Xingzhou said: "Qiao Feiyu, please tell us about your situation. Your patients and comrades in arms are all watching here."

"Yeah!" Qiao Feiyu nodded, and he said loudly, "Everyone, as you can see, my appearance is normal, thanks to our bionic technology."

"Actually now, my body has been replaced with a mechanical device, and my brain can control my body at will. Notifying the sensor of the neural prosthesis, I can also feel the five senses that you can feel!"

Saying that, he took off his shirt and opened the bionic skin.

Everyone can see that in that strong body, it is not a flesh and blood organ, but a mechanical prosthesis!

The prosthetic organs maintain his life inside, and his arms and legs are robotic arms!

"Transforming people, really transforming people!" Seeing this, people have to believe their eyes, that seemingly normal person has actually become a prosthetic person!

"He's successfully transformed!" On the hospital bed, Sun Yi opened his eyes wide and shouted in a trembling voice, "We are saved!"

"We are saved!" In the ward, the patients shed tears of excitement.

Qiao Feiyu's success represents their future. They still have the opportunity to stand up, enjoy the sunshine and air again, and return to human society!

Moreover, the transformed people can also feel the perception of the human body, which, for them, is equivalent to a chance to be reborn!

After suffering in despair for so long, they finally waited for this moment.

"Finally successful!" Bao Yushan and others were also relieved. If the neuromechanical technology could not be realized, they really didn't know how to deal with these patients.

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