Planet Builder

Chapter 151 Chapter 216 Chapter 217 Times have changed

In the Xuanwu Chamber, the Xuanwu executives have all taken their places.

"Xuanwu, introduce the situation." Qin Peng said.

Xuanwu opened the holographic map and said: "According to our detection network, we found that there are a large number of Zerg gatherings in the direction of the Cherry Blossom Sea and the Pacific Ocean."

"The direction of their attack is uncertain, and it seems that it may be all nearby land. We have also found many in the waters near us, and the number is expected to be more than 100 times that of the Zerg that attacked the magic capital before."

The map shows that black swarms of insects are attacking from all directions, and almost the entire coastal area will be attacked!

This defensive pressure is much greater than that of defending a city at the beginning!

When everyone saw this picture, their faces couldn't be relieved.

He Hongwei said: "We have a certain degree of confidence in the defense of the coastline. Now electromagnetic weapons, laser weapons and mechas are being produced around the clock."

"At present, we are the only country in the world that maintains a complete and efficient industrial production capacity! With the Great Wall of Steel and the ability of the Hyperloop to quickly mobilize resources and troops, we can barely hold the line of defense."

"The premise is that there are no nuclear giants!"

"The key is this section!" Qin Peng pointed to a place on the map, which was the sea near Yizhou.

"The data shows that a large number of Zerg are about to attack Yizhou. With their ability, it is absolutely impossible to defend."

Kong Qing introduced: "We have been organizing the construction of the subsea tunnel section of the Great Wall of Steel. However, the subsea construction is difficult, and there are Zerg interference, so the process is very slow."

"Then let the Xuanwu troops land on Yizhou to defend against the Zerg!" Qin Peng said.

Everyone nodded, this matter has dragged on for so long, and there should be a result.

"This time it is a cross-sea operation, and the main combat units are ships and submarines. Therefore, our main goal during this time is to improve the performance and number of ships and submarines."

He Xingzhou said: "It happens that I have been researching nuclear technology recently, so I will lead the team into the nuclear ship research group!"

"Dr. He is willing to lead the team, that's great!" Kong Qing said.


"It is necessary to develop high-performance ships before the Zerg attack Yizhou!" He Xingzhou estimated in his heart that shipyards across the country have been launching ships, and even aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines have already built several semi-finished products.

The reason for this is that their small nuclear reactor technology is still immature. In order not to delay the construction period, the outer shell is designed and manufactured first, leaving a space for a nuclear reactor to be added later.

Whether it is a nuclear submarine or a nuclear powered aircraft carrier, the smaller the size of the nuclear reactor, the better the performance, the better the power, the better!

The power of the nuclear reactor determines the size of the aircraft carrier's displacement.

If you simply reduce its size, it will lead to insufficient power. This problem is a worldwide problem. There has also been a situation where the aircraft carrier's speed is too low due to insufficient power of the nuclear reactor.

After four or five years of rapid improvement in China's technology and industrial manufacturing level, as long as He Xingzhou can design a nuclear propeller with moderate size, stable performance, and sufficient power, Shenzhou can immediately launch ten large-tonnage aircraft carriers and ten nuclear submarines!

In addition, the shipyard is fully operational, and a large-tonnage aircraft carrier can be produced in forty days!

He Xingzhou called out the quantum light brain and continued to upgrade nuclear technology.

He had previously unlocked the basic nuclear fission technology, now upgrading.

"Spend 1.2 million units of energy to unlock small nuclear fission reactor technology."

"Spend 1.5 million units of energy to unlock nuclear-powered thruster technology."

"Spend 1.5 million units of energy to unlock basic underwater weapon information."

He Xingzhou understood and absorbed this knowledge, and then came to the Institute of Atomic Energy and the Shipbuilding Industry Group again, and the team here to study how to manufacture higher-performance nuclear propulsion.

Within the Shipbuilding Industry Group, a group of experts is working on the issue of miniaturizing nuclear reactors.

"If we want to pursue speed, what we want is to learn from other countries and directly install multiple small nuclear reactors on a single ship to increase its power." Engineer Qu Lei suggested.

This method is also used in many countries. For example, the large-tonnage aircraft carrier of the White Eagle adopts the propulsion method of multiple nuclear reactor thrusters.

In some places, due to insufficient technology, simply add a few more nuclear-powered thrusters of nuclear submarines with less power, and attach them to the aircraft carrier to promote the navigation of the aircraft carrier.

"Multiple thrusters, of course, are feasible." He Xingzhou said, "But in terms of power, it must be increased by at least five times! The energy output of nuclear reactors must also be increased."

"Our aircraft carrier is different from the previous aircraft carrier, it is not only the mother ship of the battle group of ships, the launcher of nuclear weapons, the platform of the fighter group."

"At the same time, it must also meet the mecha combat platform, equipped with heavy electromagnetic guns, high-power and high-energy laser cannons and other weapons. This demand for energy is at least five times higher than that of previous aircraft carriers!"

"In terms of power, because we have to face the attack from the underwater Zerg, the combat method has also changed, and the power speed must be increased."

"So the previous nuclear-powered thrusters could not meet the current requirements, and must be improved in an all-round way, otherwise such a ship will only be beaten in the face of the Zerg!"

"The nuclear reactor should separate the energy nuclear reactor of the shipborne weapon from the thruster nuclear reactor to ensure that the two will not fail at the same time..."

While explaining, He Xingzhou came up with his own design ideas.

The reduction of the size of a nuclear reactor is a very troublesome process. To describe it in simple words, it is to reduce a nuclear power plant to a ship. The difficulty can be imagined!


While He Xingzhou is busy researching and improving nuclear reactor technology, conditions around the world are changing every day.

Light Country West Coast, Los Angeles. This is one of the most famous cities in the world and the second largest in the region.

It was once known as the city of angels, with many high-tech industries such as energy, electronics, chemical industry, marine and so on.

At this time, Los Angeles was an empty city. The swarm is attacking the city, and people have migrated further inland a month ago.

The aircraft carrier fleet is constantly firing against the ocean; on land, various missile launchers, rocket launchers, and self-propelled artillery are bombing frantically; in the sky, anti-aircraft defense missile systems and fighter groups are also fighting against the Zerg.

But even so, the bugs broke through the defense line and rushed into the bustling city.

They roam the streets, crawl on tall buildings, tear down man-made structures, and destroy facilities of all kinds.

The high-rise buildings, bustling shopping malls, office buildings, underground parking lots, and sewers that were once inhabited by humans are filled with Zerg!

"This city is over!" Commander Jonah looked at this scene with despair.

"Launch!" came an old, feeble voice.

Immediately afterwards, countless missiles fell, razing the bustling city to the ground.

How could they never have imagined that such a scene would happen in their own land!

Los Angeles, fall!

This news shocked the world. The full-scale attack of the Zerg made humans unstoppable from the beginning, and even the power of the white eagle could not stop them!

In the White Eagle country, countless people felt panic and order was chaotic.

Some people took advantage of the opportunity to cause chaos, robbing, killing, preventing fire, and committing all kinds of evil.

The wealthy found that the doomsday bunkers they had built with great effort were no longer safe, and they began to look for other ways to save their lives.

"Donate to the Noah Science Society! We want to immigrate to the moon and Mars!"

"Join the Ora Society, the Ora Society can save you!"

"Go to Shenzhou, now only Shenzhou is safe in the world."

In a high-level meeting, a new member joins.

"This is Mr. Barry, the founder of Sunbird Biotechnology Company, the greatest physiologist and biologist of this century!" A general introduced Barry.

"Mr. Barry, do you have a solution to our problem?" someone asked.

Now the matter of the Zerg invasion has made them devastated and exhausted!

With a confident smile, Barry said, "Of course, ladies and gentlemen."

"You should have done a lot of research on the Zerg. The technology of the Zerg is higher than ours. There is no dispute about this, right?"

Everyone nodded, and they already understood that the strength of the Zerg was stronger than that of humans.

Barry continued: "Everyone might as well imagine that since human technology is not an opponent of the Zerg, why don't we learn their technology?"

"We can also create biochemical weapons and cultivate a Zerg army under our control, a Zerg behemoth! It will be an invincible army, it will protect us to continue to survive on this planet, and stand in the ecological circle. top!"

"Only magic can defeat magic!"

Barry's words moved many people's hearts. Now they have reached a situation where they are desperately ill and go to the hospital. Whoever has the ability to resist the Zerg can win the support of a large number of people.

"Mr. Barry, our biotechnology is even lower than mechanical technology. How can we develop biotechnology faster than mechanical technology?" Someone asked.

"That's you, not 'us'!" Barry laughed. "I think the intelligence services have shown you the information about me and my company."

"As you can see, we have a lot of optimistic people behind our company! And we've got research results, look!"

He opened the projection screen, and inside were some transparent biological breeding cabins. Inside, there were all kinds of Zerg that they had never seen before.

These guys are different from the Zerg outside, they are very "docile" and can obey the orders of the breeder.

Everyone was shocked. These materials were not mentioned in the intelligence.

Barry said with a smile: "We have been able to create the fifth-level Zerg, and are conquering the sixth-level Zerg and more advanced Zerg! Through special biological control methods, they are like hounds domesticated by humans and can obey our orders!"

"Ladies and gentlemen, times have changed, and now is the age of biochemical technology! Trust me, you can guard the peace of mankind!"

"If there is such a biochemical army, we can indeed resist the Zerg!" The high-level people are already excited.

"Yeah, this Zerg does not need to consume a lot of our resources and grows rapidly."

"Even if you die, don't feel bad."

"I object!" Commander Harvey stood up, and he said loudly: "Everyone, have you seen that deep-sea behemoth? Have you ever fought against the Zerg? The intelligence and technology of the advanced Zerg are far beyond ours!"

"How can we possibly control them? It's playing with fire!"

"Harvey, do you still have the face to talk?" One person scolded, "The several battles you commanded have all failed!"

"Do we want to listen to you and let the whole country be swallowed by the Zerg?"

"I..." Harvey couldn't defend himself, he glanced at Jonah.

Jonah shook his head silently, knowing that it was useless to say anything now. Their failure made everyone no longer believe in them.

Barry laughed: "I really don't know why a loser like this is not sent to prison! He has displaced countless people and even devoured their lives by the Zerg!"

"Everyone, you have no time to hesitate, the Zerg is still attacking! The Sunbird will help this great country regain its glory!"

Someone asked: "What do you want?"

Barry said: "It's very simple, fully cooperate, use the most resources and speed to cultivate our biochemical army! Ladies and gentlemen, I am also a member of mankind, I just want to protect this country and civilization."

"Also, quit the Blue Star Alliance!"

"Withdraw from the Blue Star Alliance?" Everyone asked in surprise, "Why do you want to withdraw from the Blue Star Alliance?"

"The Blue Star Alliance is a completely weak and incompetent organization! It can't resist the Zerg at all!" Barry said loudly.

"And in the current Blue Star Alliance, He Xingzhou's group of people are all talking. What about our status? We should lead all human beings to defend against the Zerg, instead of letting a clown point things out!"

"I even suspect that He Xingzhou is an alien! Otherwise, where did his super-era technology appear? Although this alien claims to defend against the Zerg, he never cares about our life and death! His behavior has proved all this! "

"If you continue to stay in the Blue Star Alliance and believe him! I can only tell you with regret that Sunbird can only part ways with you!"

In Barry's mind, the worm shouted: "That's right, go on, these idiots already believe it! That He Xingzhou must be our enemy, we must kill him!"

"Mr. Barry, your opinion is too radical, we need to think about it carefully." Everyone said.

"I only waited one day, and now I hope to cooperate with Sunbird, but you are not the only ones!" Barry walked out of the conference room confidently.

"Everyone, the Zerg is not something we can control!" Harvey wanted to persuade, but was shouted: "Enough, Harvey, we can no longer tolerate your incompetence and rudeness!"

"From now on, you and Jonah have been removed from the commanding positions. Now it's time for you to think about how to defend yourself in a court-martial!"

Harvey walked out of the conference room in despair, he sighed in a low voice: "We are finished!"

Jonah didn't speak, he understood that the moment they were kicked out of the conference room, these people were already on Barry's side.

The development of things was not unexpected. A day later, they announced that they would withdraw from the Blue Star Alliance and questioned He Xingzhou and others.

At the same time, Sunbird Biotechnology Company will become their partner to develop high-tech biological and chemical weapons together to resist the invasion of the Zerg.

This seems to have triggered a chain reaction, and dozens of members of the Blue Star Alliance withdrew.

Some are to follow the white eagle, and some are for no reason.

According to the intelligence services, these places seem to have given up resisting the Zerg, and decided to follow the Noah Science Society to escape into space, or join the Ora Society.

Thanks to the girl from the next village named Xiaoyun for the reward.

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