Plane Master Copy

Chapter 682: : Big Dogfight

Gray Qin, not only has the potential of a fifth-level mutant, but more importantly, she also has the power of a fifth-level mutant, but this power is completely beyond her control, and even in her body, there is this There is another personality.

In the face of Gray Qin, Apocalypse is very clear that the power of the fifth-level mutant cannot be controlled by herself. Fortunately, Apocalypse has never thought of controlling her powers.

What she had to do was to draw out another personality in her body and completely release the restrained power in her body.

Slowly stretched out his palm, the apocalypse directly tore apart Professor X's defense laid in the heart of Gray Qin, and slowly released the power of Gray Qin completely.

Moreover, afraid that Gray Qin was not Wu Yan's opponent at all, Tianqi also used his own power to strengthen Gray Qin's power.


With the actions of the Apocalypse, an unspeakable amount of violent violence on Gray Qin's body, like a hot sun, completely erupted.

At the same time, Gray? Qin's body slowly suspended, the force of annihilation unconsciously launched.

I saw that everything in her room, including the entire building, was quickly annihilating ...

"What a terrible power!" Feeling the power of annihilation emanating from Gray Qin, Apocalypse was surprised and delighted, and quickly retreated.

The top-level strength of his fourth-level mutant is completely incapable of resisting in front of Gray Qin. This makes Tian Qi look forward to it very much. I wonder what will happen if Wu Yan fights with her?

If you lose both, then your chance will really come.

"Let's do it! Let's do it together!" After the power of Gray Qin was completely released by Apocalypse, Apocalypse flashed to the stormy women and said.

With Gray Qin's strength as the main force, if these people work together, it will be enough to subvert the X Academy.

"Apocalypse, what are you doing?" Watching Apocalypse summon the White Queen and Wolverine directly, Ruiwen's face could not help but change, exclaimed in surprise.

Although Ruiwen and Tianqi are now companions, they still have deep feelings for these people in X Academy.

Just to help him investigate the situation in X Academy and rescue the angels, this is acceptable to Ruiwen.

However, if Apocalypse is going to kill the people of the X Academy, Ruiwen cannot accept it.

Regarding Ruiwen's words, Apocalypse did not answer, and Apocalypse also knew about her friendship with the X Academy.

After taking a look at Ruiwen, some of the conscious power that she placed on her was instantly activated, and then she let Ruiwen fall asleep.

After waving his hand and throwing Rui Wen directly back to the manor house, Apocalypse brought his five old and new knights, ready to start.

Behind Apocalypse, there are five Wolverine, White Queen, Angel, Lingdie and Storm Girl.

There is no nonsense, two people with a wide range of attack capabilities, Apocalypse and Stormwind Girls, have taken the lead, violent thunder and lightning, and raging windstorms, making time for Student X as the end of the world.

At the same time, under the control of the Apocalypse's power, the entire X-student's building is also rapidly desertifying.

"What happened !?", as Apocalypse and others started to work, all of the students, X, naturally felt it, and all of them jumped up.

Professor X, Magneto, Alex, Laser Eye, Deadpool and Quicksilver, etc.

"Oh, it's Qin, has her power gone uncontrollably?" Feeling that Gretchen's power broke out completely, everything around him quickly annihilated the molecular structure, and Charles's mind was dignified.

Compared to the horrible fire phoenix power of Gray Qin, even the power of the apocalypse does not seem to be so important.

"Apocalypse, has it happened again? This time you can't let him escape", naturally, Wu Yan and Xiao Meng also noticed such a big movement, Wu Yan jumped out.

Wu Yan watched the building of the X Academy rapidly degenerate. Naturally, her eyes locked on the Apocalypse.

"No, Wu Yan, although the Apocalypse is very dangerous, but the primary goal now is still Qin, she must first calm down her strength." Watching Wu Yan's attention focused on the body of Apocalypse, Professor X beside was hurried He shook his head.

He knew very well that the power of Qin was even more terrifying than the Apocalypse.

"Gray? Qin?", Listening to Professor X, Wu Yan also turned back, a building, under the force of annihilation, completely turned into a molecular structure and dissipated, Gray? Qin's figure slowly suspended When she got up, a powerful breath came out of her.

Opening her eyes, her eyes were full of evil, violence and killing, completely different from before.

"Qin, she, what's wrong with her?", In the X Academy, as the future boyfriend of Gray? Qin, the relationship between the laser eye and the Qin is still good, and they also have some good feelings for each other, watching Gray? Qin's face was completely different, and the face of the laser eye could not help changing.

"Is she? Emma? Did she even appear?" Wan Wan's eyes fell on the Queen Queen.

In the First World War five years ago, Emma White's spirit collapsed. He remembered that, even she had appeared.

"Oh, these people are terrible!", Deadpool's eyes glanced at the Apocalypse, and finally they fell on the Queen Queen. It seemed that she was better at dealing with some?

Bang Bang!

He spoke softly in his mouth, and Deadpool raised his two guns, and a few bullets shot at White Queen in an instant.

The power of the Apocalypse and Stormwind is large, and it is obviously difficult to deal with. Wolverine and the angel with metal wings are also very powerful.

In Deadpool's view, Queen White seems to be better at dealing with it.

Ding Ding Ding!

However, in the face of the bullets that Deadpool shot over, the body of White Queen instantly turned into a diamond, and the whole person became a bright diamond man.

The bullet hit Emma's chest and was ejected directly.

"Oh, my god, this woman is so valuable, how big is this big diamond, how much does it cost? My eyes have been blinded!", Looking at Emma, ​​who was diamondized all over the body, Deadpool exclaimed exaggeratedly. Road.

"Charles, give these two guys to me to deal with!", Glanced at Emma's diamonds all over her, and Magneto pointed at Angel and Wolverine, saying that the power of Magneto completely restrained both of them.

"Hey, be careful, Logan is a good boy ..." When he heard the words of King Wanci, the deadpool next to him said something.

Of course, if the King of Magnets listened to the words of Deadpool, only God knew it.

Raised his hand, the ability to activate, the angel shaking the metal blade wings, under the control of the king of magnetism, was directly torn off.

The same is true for Wolverine. He is covered in Edelman metal, and under the control of the king of magnetism, he has no power to fight back.

"Queen Emma White? Was she rescued by Apocalypse? Didn't you say, he probably knows the truth too?" Looking at the diamond queen White Queen over there, Wu Yan's mind was also a little dignified, mumble Secretly.

"Wu Yan, you have to deal with Qin, it is best to knock her out!" However, the situation in the field now does not allow so much time for Wu Yan to think about it, Professor X hurriedly said to Wu Yan.

Wu Yan, who possesses the spiritual gem, may be the only one who can deal with the piano.

"Miss Wu Meng, Tian Qi will leave it to you for the time being," and asked Wu Yan to deal with Gray Qin, meanwhile, Professor X said to Xiao Meng.

From the perspective of the number of crystal points, Xiao Meng, who is in the early 8000 crystal points, is not much different from Apocalypse.

Let her and Tian start hands, at least entangle him, there is no problem.

As for Charles' words, Xiaomeng did not answer, but focused on Wu Yan and asked Wu Yan what he meant.

Seeing the meaning in Xiao Meng's eyes, Wu Yan nodded slightly.

Immediately like Xiao Meng's palm, the cold snow of Sen Leng appeared and pressed towards the sky.

"Alex, Scott, the Storm Woman can fly, I will leave it to you two", taking a look at the Storm Woman flying in mid-air, controlling the power of the storm, Professor X is aiming at Alex and the laser eye The two brothers said that they both have the ability to attack from a distance.

"Rest assured, there is Wuyan in Qin, it should be okay," Charles whispered comfortingly, seeing the laser eye's worry.

"Okay, professor, leave it to us." Nodded, Alex raised his hand, a powerful shock wave, and shot at the storm woman in the sky.

At the same time, the laser eye also took off his glasses, and the red laser light shot towards the storm woman in the air.

Apocalypse was handed over to Wu Meng, Wolverine and angels were handed over to the Magneto King, Storm Girl was handed over to Alex and Laser Eyes, and Charles seemed to have the same power of the soul. White Queen Emma could only deal with it Already.

Finally, looked at the last spirit butterfly among the five knights of Apocalypse.

Professor X turned his head and said to Deadpool, "I will give you the Lingdie."

"Okay ~ ~ Professor ...", watching the power of Lingdie turned into a lightsaber, Deadpool also put away his double guns, and then slowly the double knives behind him He pulled out his sheath and was ready to engage in a close combat with Lingdie.

Apocalypse and the five knights were all able to deal with it. In the end, Professor X let all the students of QuickBank organize refuge.

At the speed of Fast Silver, it is still appropriate to organize students to take refuge.

"Rest assured, give it to me!", Glanced at the magnetic king of the two knights alone, Wolverine and Angel, and quickly Yin patted his chest.

Between words, his body flickered, disappearing as quickly as he moved ...

"Wu Yan, it should be okay to deal with Qin? Until now, I haven't seen what Wu Yan's all-out shot is like." He glanced at Wu Yan, who was walking towards Grey? Qin, Professor X. Murmured in my heart.

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