Plane Master Copy

Chapter 648: : Prestige Suzu + Law Heaven and Earth

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"Go to Jinshan Temple and look for Jiang Liu'er?" Wu Yan told Sun Wukong to look at him for a moment.

Obviously, what is being considered now is how to rescue Wu Meng from Lingshan? He said at this festival that he went to Jinshan Temple, which surprised Sun Wukong.

Isn't Jiang Liuer an ordinary little monk? What value can he play in this regard?

"Yes, go to Jiang Liu'er, he is an ace against the Buddha of Rulai Buddha", surprised by Wuwu Wu Sun nodded.

Hearing Wu Yan ’s words, Sun Wukong ’s expression became more serious, and his eyes fell on Wu Yan ’s body, saying, “The Lion Camel King and the target of chaos that day were all Jiangliu ’s young monk. It is the incarnation of Rulai ’s second disciple, Jin Chanzi, whose flesh and blood has the function of immortality, but do you think that if a disciple in his seat reincarnates, can Rulai be obedient to submission?

Yes, Sun Wukong is skeptical of this. Can the reincarnation of a disciple from Rulai become the handle of Rulai? Sun Wukong thinks that this possibility is not very high.

"It ’s just a disciple. Of course, you wo n’t let Rulai come in, but Jiang Liuer is destined to go west to learn the scriptures, but the west is the most important thing in Buddhism. Here, I do n’t believe it. Rulai will endure things to learn from the west, and it has been delayed. ”

Regarding Sun Wukong's surprise, Wu Yan thought about it and thought that he should still learn from the westward journey and tell Sun Wukong something.

"Oh? He actually knows what to do in the west?" Hearing Wu Yan's words, the pig Bajie beside him was in shock.

In this matter, Zhu Bajie intentionally wanted to stop Wu Yan from talking, but he also knew that at this time, he couldn't stop.

Since paying attention, Wu Yan no longer hesitated. Regarding the matter of learning from the west, Jiang Liu'er's role in this matter, and the role that Sun Wukong will play, they all told Sun Wukong one by one. Clear.

"Abominable, it ’s such a good idea to come to Laoer ..." Sure enough, Sun Wukong heard that Rulai first suppressed himself, and then wanted to kill himself for his Buddhism. This made Sun Wukong angry and grinning. At the same time, There was a loud reprimand in his mouth.

"It's over, this guy from Wuyan actually told the monkey all the things going west," looking at Sun Wukong's appearance, his teeth grinning, and Zhu Bajie's heart murmured secretly.

With the appearance of Sun Wukong, it is even more difficult to get him to join the team of westbound learning.

However, with a heavy heart, soon the pig Bajie shook his head secretly.

Forget it, the Westbound Bureau was curated by Jade Emperor and Rulai, and he was just a small **** in this bureau. This matter didn't get his own headache, and naturally someone else had a headache for this matter.

"Well, let's go ..." After telling Wuwu about things going west, one hundred and fifteen to ten, regardless of whether things going west can go smoothly, Wu Yan followed up and structured the road Space portal of the Jinshan Temple.

Then Wu Yan and Sun Wukong teamed up from the magic transmitted in this space.

"Wu Yan, first say yes, Master Jiang Liu'er can't hurt him." Knowing the importance of Jiang Liu'er, Sun Wukong has no objection to Wu Yan's move to use it as a trump card, but he Special reminder Wu Yan.

In any case, Jiang Liu'er is innocent. In Sun Wukong's mind, Jiang Liu'er's young monk is still very heavy.

"Rest assured, I'm not an unscrupulous person," Wu Yan nodded, thinking of Sun Wukong.

Wu Yan had never thought of hurting Jiang Liuer.

"Amitabha Buddha", as Wu Yan and Sun Wukong stepped into the Jinshan Temple one after another, a Buddhist horn rang.

Immediately, I saw Faming wearing a worn linen monk robe, walked out of the hall, his eyes fell on Wu Yan and Sun Wukong, and said, "Wuyan Donor, Sun Wukong Donor, I don't know if you two visited late at night. What happened? ".

"Faming, don't say so much nonsense, we will take Jiang Liu'er away," Wu Yan's gaze fell on Faming's body and he said.

"Amitabha, although Liu Er's relationship with the two is very good, but he is a monk of our Jinshan Temple after all, so you ca n’t take him away." Frowning eyes, for Wu Yan, Fa Ming is naturally Unsurprisingly.

However, Wu Yan never thought that the Faming Society would agree, so as his words ended, he smirked Sun Wukong next to him.

Sun Wukong understood Wu Yan's thoughts, nodded heavily, and the Ruyi gold hoop rod appeared in Sun Wukong's hand, and the iron rod swept directly towards Faming.

From the point of view, Sun Wukong is only about 80% of Faming. However, Sun Wukong, who is the first to take the shot, is still very strong, and there is no problem entangled in Faming for the time being.

And Wu Yan? Taking advantage of Sun Wukong's entanglement with Faming's gap, he quickly acted and ran towards Jiang Liu'er's meditation room.

"Wu Yan, stay with me!", After raising Ming ’s palm, King Kong ’s arm blocked Sun Wukong ’s wishful golden hoop, watching Wu Yan ’s movements, he also realized who Wu Yan ’s goal was, his heart tightened. Immediately raise your hand.

The void twisted slightly, and a falling magic pestle appeared, hitting directly at Wu Yan.

In Faming's mind, his attack should be able to resist Wu Yan. After all, he can feel that Wu Yan's cultivation is not high, it seems that he does not have the same status as Chengdu.

However, looking at the oncoming Devil's Pestle, Wu Yan's look remained unchanged, and his footsteps didn't stop at the same time. At the same time, the Qing Emperor's sword lifted up, and his heart whispered: Block!

With a sting, Wu Yan's sword successfully blocked Faming's attack.

At the same time, the speed did not decrease, and he continued to rush towards Jiang Liu'er's zen house. This attack by Faming seemed to be resisted by Wu Yan.

"This method? Is it really the power of the law?" Watching Wu Yan actually successfully resisted his attack, Faming's face could not help but change, his heart was shocked secretly.

Everywhere, only one or two percent of their cultivation, but can mobilize the power of the law? Really amazing.

Is this how God's power is used in other worlds? Do you not want your own cultivation to be high or low, but it is the power of practicing the law?

"No wonder I always think that Wu Yan's cultivation is too low. No wonder from his memory, the gods in their world don't seem to be cultivated. It is because of this." At this time, there was a kind in Faming's heart. Feeling suddenly realized.

Indeed, from Wu Yan's memory, it can be seen that the individual strength of those who are strong is not strong, such as Thor, or even the Hulk, and the destructive power shown is just as good as the level of the soldiers.

Like Sun Wukong, they can destroy a mountain or even a city with one move. The Marvel planes are not powerful.

However, just these people can have such a terrible magic weapon of infinite gloves.

This makes Faming's heart always have doubts. It seems that their magic weapon and its own power are very different.

But now, seeing that Wu Yan was able to block his own attack, and was able to mobilize the power of the law, Faming suddenly realized.

It turns out that Wu Yan's world does not focus on cultivation, but on the power of laws?

Regardless of what kind of thought Faming had in his mind at this moment, Wu Yan had already rushed into Jiang Liu'er's meditation room at this time, and Jiang Liuer, who was sleeping, did not wake up.

Wu Yan directly applied a small illusion to make Jiang Liuer fall asleep, and then he hid Jiang Liuer in the mirror space.


The battle between Sun Wukong and Faming has now entered a stage of fierce heating. Obviously, Faming realized that Jiang Liuer would fall under Wu Yan's hands, and directly launched his ability of golden body stature, and Sun Wukong did not advise at all. , Opened the magical power of law heaven and earth.

The golden body, the law, and the heavens and the earth, a giant Buddha and a giant monkey tower between the heavens and the earth, and the appearance of your coming and going, has the power to collapse mountains and rivers.

Both of them have reached the rank of fifth-level awakening.

Watching the battle between them, Wu Yan was fascinated. Although they are all bodies of law and earth, the trick that Sun Wukong exhibited was much stronger than his own, both in body shape and strength.

Faming has a higher number of crystal points. As for the magic weapon and magical power, as the incarnation of Rulai, Faming naturally does not lose to Sun Wukong.

Therefore, under a battle, Faming, holding a huge magical pestle, was overpowered by Sun Wukong, making him defeated.

"Goku, let me help you ~ ~ Seeing this scene, Wu Yan took a deep breath and called out.

It is naturally impossible to fight against Faming with his own strength, but it is still no problem to rush up to give Sun Wukong some help.

Taking a deep breath, Wu Yan instantly opened the forbidden technique of the eight door armors, greatly improving his strength.

At the same time, he took a leap and came over Sun Wukong's head.

"Wu Yan? Do you have any means?" Sun Wukong didn't despise his mind because Wu Yan's cultivation was low. After all, Wu Yan's ability was as good as Sun Wukong had seen.

Wu Yan did not answer Sun Wukong's words, but his eyes narrowed.

Immediately, a pair of black pupils turned into a triangular windmill, which is an eternal kaleidoscope.


The ability of crimson red covered Sun Wukong's whole body instantly, and his body was covered with armor, and Sun Wukong looked even more prestigious.

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