Plane Master Copy

Chapter 450: : Level 4 Zombie

On this day, Wu Yan and Zhao Lei, they still practice in Changshi as usual. While improving their strength, they can also kill zombies. Why not?

As a large city with hundreds of thousands of people before the end of the world, the zombies in this city seem to be endless.

Because the strength of Wu Yan and Zhao Lei completely showed their crushing advantages, the killing in this Chang city did not have to be afraid of being surrounded by zombies. On the contrary, they were also afraid that there were too few injuries around them. Here it is.

Therefore, among the numerous zombies, Wu Yan and Zhao Lei used powerful group attack skills to kill the zombies under their attack, but they were really piled up like a mountain.

Although the strength of these zombies is generally not strong, Wuyan has not brought them much improvement, but they cannot hold up enough.

Therefore, the increase in the number of crystal points is still considerable. In addition, nearly four years have erupted in the last days, and many zombies have evolved. For Wu Yan and others, this is a higher experience value.

"Wait, Wu Yan, there is danger ..." However, at this time, suddenly, Zhao Lei next to him said with a dignified expression.

"Huh? Danger? How do you say?", Wu Zhao's face changed slightly when he heard Zhao Lei's words, and he asked.

I can make Zhao Lei feel dangerous, apparently something big has happened.

"In my radar map, all the dots are green, but a bright red dot appeared, and it was approaching towards us ..." Zhao Lei's face was a little dignified, and he opened his arms against each other. Iwa said.

Zhao Lei's words made Wu Yan's face slightly changed.

The red dot means what Wu Yan knew very well, that is to say that a monster higher than Zhao Lei appeared, which is indeed a danger.

Hearing Zhao Lei's words, Wu Yan's eyes glanced around, all of them were densely packed with zombies. Even if the crystal measuring device had no specific measurement target at all, Wu Yan could not see that there was a higher level than Zhao Lei. Where exactly is it.

"Be careful, maybe this monster is hidden among these zombies ...", with the control of Wu Yan, countless blades turned into a metal storm around the surrounding zombies, strangled into flesh one by one, At the same time, Wu Yan said with a dignified look.

"Well, it should be hiding among the zombies ...", Wen Yan said, Zhao Lei nodded, his face was also dignified.

Alas, powerful enemies are not terrible, the most terrible is the unknown unknown.

Although Zhao Lei can clear out a large space if he wants, and give Wuyan Architecture a portal to leave, but sometimes powerful enemies also mean great gains, such as the original giant python.

Therefore, although Wu Yan and Zhao Lei are dignified, they have no intention of escaping directly. However, first look at the crystal points of the enemy before making a plan.

Wu Wuyan and Zhao Lei, secretly vigilant, parted out of their minds to pay attention to the surroundings. At the same time, Wu Yan also reminded Xiao Meng and let her be ready for elementalization at any time.

In this way, about 20 minutes later, suddenly, the earth split open, and a huge claw without any signs grabbed at Xiaomeng's side.

The persimmon had to be soft and pinched. Obviously, the attacker peeked secretly for a long time and felt that Xiao Meng's strength was the weakest, so it must be the easiest to deal with.

The claws that suddenly appeared from the ground's attack clawed Wu Yan and others. They did not expect that this strong enemy was hidden under the ground. No wonder it was found for a long time and was not found.

Xun Xiaomeng's response was quick. She had been reminded by Wu Yan for a long time. At the moment when the abnormality appeared, she immediately displayed the elemental state.

The body shape turned into a large snowflake, spread out, and almost all the snowflakes escaped from this huge palm gap.

"Roar ...", a dull hissing sounded, and immediately, the earth cracked, and countless zombies that had stood on the ground fell as the earth cracked.

Soon, a huge marmot crawled out of the ground.

土 This marmot, with a body size of tens of meters, feels like a huge flight with gray eyes, showing that this marmot is a zombie.

This figure, however, was so huge and shocking that it crawled out from under the ground. The groundhog's eyes fell on Wu Yan and others, and they came over step by step. On the ground, several zombies were stepped on Meat puree.

"It's so big, so strong!" Zhao Lei said with his eyes wide open, looking at this huge marmot zombie.

Yan Wuyan's gaze also fell on this huge marmot. After the value of the crystallizer in front of him changed, a high value appeared in front of Wu Yan and Zhao Lei.


"With more than 6000 crystal points, the strength of this marmot is second only to that of the blood dragon. Is there such a powerful zombie in this city?" Looking at what the marmot possessed The number of crystal points, Wu Yan's heart secretly surprised.

It ’s not the first time for Wuyan to come to Changshi. It has been back and forth many times. Even when Wuyan left the Dalongshan base before, he stayed in Changshi with Xiaomeng for a long time. However, Wu Yan has never encountered a fourth-order zombie.

Originally thought that the strongest in Changshi was only the third-order zombies. Now, seeing this marmot, Wu Yan understands that he is wrong. Changshi is a large city with a population of hundreds of thousands. This place is completely reduced to a paradise for zombies. There can be no fourth-order zombies, but they have not encountered them.

"More than 6000 crystal points, we want to defeat, it is very difficult, let's run away ...", looking at this marmot drilled from the ground, even Zhao Lei's face was surprised. Looked and said.

At that time, Wu Yan and Zhao Lei had seen the strength of the blood dragon, and almost everyone had to die in the crypt. Although this marmot looks weaker than that blood dragon, but still Not two people can exist.

"Well, although the benefits must be considerable, the risks are too great and not worth it." Wu Yan nodded and agreed with Zhao Lei's words.

"The sky is falling!", With Wu Yan's words falling, Zhao Lei jumped up, and immediately, the weapon in his hand smashed to the ground.

With more than 3,000 crystal points, in a single blow, I saw that the ground within a few hundred meters of the ground was all cracked, even the two tall buildings around it, and the foundation was broken because of Zhao Lei's move. Followed by the collapse.

With this move, all the zombies around them were unstable, let alone attacked Wuyan.

At the same time, Wu Yan reached out his hand decisively, and began to transmit the magic in the architectural space. In the void, numerous small Mars appeared and quickly turned into a circle.


It just did n’t wait for Wu Yan ’s space to transmit the magic structure. Suddenly, the cracked earth, several truck-like stones and soil blocks, smashed into Wu Yan severely.

In the face of the oncoming attack, Wu Yan was helpless. His hands were full of armed domineering. At the same time, a pair of dark iron fists smashed in the direction of these dirt and stones.

Boom boom boom ...

Amidst a rumbling sound, all the soil and stones that came over were smashed by Wu Yan. Of course, with his actions, the magic of space transmission was also abandoned halfway.

"Is this marmot able to control the earth?" After smashing several stones and soil blocks, Wu Yan's heart was amazed.

The marmot was able to drill the ground. Wuyan wasn't surprised, but he didn't expect the marmot to have the power to control the earth and stones.


Seems to confirm the conjecture in Wu Yan's heart, the fragmented earth, those soil blocks and stones, actually melted quickly at this moment, and turned into a piece of liquid flowing muddy general.

Then, Zhao Lei's figure fell to the ground, as if sinking into a swamp, and even countless zombies struggled to be engulfed slowly in the flowing sand.

If you want to talk about the number of crystal points, Zhao Lei's crystal points naturally have the highest strength of three people, but Zhao Lei has one of the biggest weaknesses, that is, he has no flying ability.

Falling in the flowing sand, Zhao Lei is like a cow with infinite power ~ ~, plunged into a mud pit, with no power at all.

Beside, both buildings collapsed due to Zhao Lei's attack. Wu Yan raised his hand. In the smashed building, two thick steel bars flew towards Zhao Lei as Wu Yan controlled and rolled Zhao Ray's body pulled him directly out of the sand.

Then, these steel bars were distorted and twisted around Zhao Lei. Under the control of Wu Yan, Zhao Lei was also suspended in midair.

"This beast has a terrible power. Under its power, if you are not careful, even the most powerful monster must drink hate."

I looked at several zombies on the ground that even reached the third level. They could not escape in the flowing sand and were quickly drowned. Zhao Lei said with a look of astonishment and fear.

"It can't be beaten, let's leave ...", watching the marmot on the ground roaring again and again, blocks of large rocks were shot towards the control like shells, Wu Yan's figure moved a few times, Avoiding these smashed stones, shook his head and said.

Yes, on ground, this marmot's power is simply invincible, enough to leapfrog challenges, but the same, this marmot does not have the ability to fly, as long as it flies high, there is no room to exert its power.

虽然 Although these smashed rocks are good, but want to hit Wu Yan in the high air, it is completely crazy.

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