Pirates: The biggest scum in naval history

Chapter 84 Don’t guess the navy

In an instant, Sengoku and Cyborg Kong already had an idea in their minds.

"So Darren, in your opinion, what about the other locations? Do they have any common characteristics?"

Warring States' mind changed and he stopped continuing on this topic and changed the topic and asked.

Darren smiled, knowing that Warring States had noticed something, so he stopped at the point without going into details, and replied:

"The remaining seven locations that were attacked are all ports and neutral islands with population circulation. These places are often places where a large amount of intelligence circulates, and they also involve underground black markets..."

"I speculate that the Golden Lion attacks these places to obtain relevant intelligence."

Hearing Darren's answer, Sengoku nodded thoughtfully.

At this moment Gang Gukong suddenly said:

"Since the specific target of the Golden Lion cannot be determined for the time being, let us first study the combat power of the fleet under the Golden Lion."

Warring States immediately nodded and said:

"Yes, regarding this... Lieutenant General Darren, you should have a say."

Hearing these words, everyone present looked at Darren with deep understanding.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't look at me like that... I'm under a lot of pressure."

Darren sighed helplessly.

The way these naval generals looked at me was simply, "You've already annihilated the Golden Lion's fleet once, so it's not too much to do it again, right?"

What the hell is this... Do those who can do more work?

"The last time I was able to annihilate the Golden Lion's flying fleet, it was really a lot of luck... Even if I have the same conditions now, it will be difficult to repeat my previous success again."

Darren's family knows his own business.

The reason why he was able to completely destroy the Golden Lion fleet last time was because he had put together several unique factors.

The special environment on Coin's Island adds to and increases your Devil Fruit abilities;

The Golden Lion's pride allowed him to lower the altitude of his fleet to a surface-to-air strike range;

The most important thing is...the difference in information before and after caught the Golden Lion off guard!

The simultaneous emergence of three key factors allowed Darren to achieve such an amazing result in the battle on Coin Island.

This cannot be replicated.

The Golden Lion is not the kind of idiot who falls into the same pit twice.

With the lesson learned from the last time, he will definitely be on guard.

"Then... Lieutenant General Darren, where is that knife?"

At this time, a major general in his early 30s asked Darren cautiously.

Darren shook his head again.

"Yama does have the impeccable ability to destroy large areas, but it has no effect on the Golden Lion."

"Before Yan Mo smashes his fleet, he will definitely intercept it directly."

"And by the same token, Yama's power has been exposed, and the golden lion cannot be defenseless."

Hearing this, Cyborg Kong was silent and Warring States frowned.

The other naval generals fell silent with serious expressions.

"It's ridiculous."

At this time, a hoarse, cold voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone was stunned.

Sakaski, who had remained silent since the beginning of the meeting, slowly raised his head and glanced expressionlessly at the faces of everyone present.

"Each of us is the core general of our headquarters, but we put all the pressure on Darren..."

There was a mocking smile in his sinister eyes.

"If you don't even have the courage to go to the battlefield and fight to the death, you should take the initiative to submit your resignation."

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of many navy present.

"Sakaski! What do you mean by this!?"

"Our seniority as lieutenant generals in our headquarters is much longer than yours!"

"You have just been promoted to lieutenant general, what qualifications do you have to say such a thing!?"

"The Golden Lion's fleet is said to be invincible and has no ability to fly. How can we fight with him?"


Hostility and anger surged.


Cyborg Kong knocked on the table in displeasure.

"Now is not the time for us to fight among ourselves!"

Everyone immediately stopped and did not dare to say any more words.

Cyborg Kong pinched his temples and muttered:

"Although Sakaski's words are a bit extreme, his starting point is correct."

"Conquering the Sky Pirates is a task for our entire navy, and it should not be undertaken by Lieutenant General Darren alone!"

"Warring States..."

He looked at Warring States,

"Tell me about that."

Warring States nodded and said solemnly:

"Although the specific target of the Golden Lion has not yet been identified, relevant intelligence investigations have shown that the arms channels for the fleet led by the Golden Lion all come from the same force."

He looked at Darren.

"The Beast Pirates, Kaido."

"Darren, please briefly explain the situation of the Beast Pirates and Kaido."

Darren raised an eyebrow.

It turns out that the Golden Lion's arms and weapons channels come from Kaido. No wonder there was no reaction from Dover.

After all, normally speaking, the Golden Lion would need a large amount of arms to rebuild its fleet, which would inevitably cause turmoil in the underground black market arms smuggling trade, and Dover could not possibly be unaware of it.

Now it seems that Golden Lion has become Kaido's biggest buyer.

Darren thought for a while, then briefly talked about Kaido's situation in Wano.


"Kaido actually controls Wano!?"

"Damn it!"

"Are they going to form an alliance again?"


The admirals were shocked and worried by the news.

At this moment, a messenger ran in sweating profusely and saluted in a panic:

"Report!! Latest information!"

"The great pirate Golden Lion... once again led his fleet and appeared in the waters of the New World!"

"We have intercepted the relevant phone bug communications... and are analyzing the Golden Lion's next attack target!"

Hearing the outbreak of the messenger, everyone was shocked and looked at the huge simulated sand table in front of them.

Cyborg Kong and Sengoku's brains started working quickly, and their eyes kept scanning the chart sand table.

The target that the Golden Lion will attack next...where will it be! ?

"Buru Buru...Buru Bulu..."

Suddenly, a rapid phone call sounded.

"Feel sorry."

Warring States said something, frowned and took out a military phone bug from his arms and pressed the connect button.

A burst of noise, panic, and explosions came intermittently from the phone bug.


"Request support……"

"Golden Lion...here...is..."

The voices on the phone worm gradually died down, drowned out by wails and explosions.

Warring States held the phone bug motionlessly, stunned.

The others looked at Sengoku with confusion.

"Decryption successful!!"

Another messenger rushed in in a panic and said with a pale face:

"The target of the Golden Lion's attack...is...the G14 branch!!"

After the words fell, all the navy present were stunned, as if struck by lightning.

They suddenly reacted and stared at the phone bug in Seng Guo's hand.

And at this time,

The phone bug's face suddenly changed, and its expression became unruly and cruel.

A hoarse, arrogant and ferocious laughter came from it.

"Stop guessing, Navy...you can't guess what I want to do."

"Also, stop trying to place spies in my pirate group. Let this be a small punishment."

"Otherwise, next time I will destroy more than just a small branch."

"By the way, this method of deterrence is really useful... I have to thank that Darren brat for giving me the inspiration..."

"Jie hahahaha!!!"


Telephone bug communication is interrupted.

There was dead silence in the conference room!





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