Pirates: The biggest scum in naval history

Chapter 15 Recuperate and make progress while maintaining stability

The next day.

early morning.

Warm sunlight shines in from the huge floor-to-ceiling glass windows of the Marshal's Mansion that overlook the oval military port, but the atmosphere in the spacious Marshal's office is particularly calm.

Marshal Gang Gukong of the Navy Headquarters had a face that was dusty from all the work. His usually strong and resolute face was inevitably a little tired from the fatigue of traveling and traveling.

Sengoku and Staff He looked at the old man in front of them expectantly, stirring their hands uneasily as they quietly waited for the steel-skinned Kong, who had just returned from the Holy Land Mariejoia, to give an ideal answer.

"So...Marshal Kong?"

Cyborg Kong took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat on his face, lit a cigar for himself, took a deep puff, and then looked up at the two Sengoku people in front of him.

A smile gradually appeared on his tired face.

"Although the process was not easy, the government finally approved it."

"Very good!"

Sengoku clenched his fists excitedly, punched hard, and couldn't help shouting.

Only when facing Cyborg Kong in private, would he, a serious, wise and calm admiral in front of outsiders, show such a childish side.

Staff Officer He next to him couldn't help but laugh and breathed a long sigh of relief.

They knew very well that this time Marshal Kong went to the Holy Land Mariegio. In addition to reporting work, he also had a very important itinerary.

That is to apply for funding from the World Government to support the reconstruction of Marine Headquarters Marineford, as well as post-war treatment of the wounded and compensation for the fallen.

The Golden Lion's rampant invasion of the Navy Headquarters this time caused more than just damage to buildings and facilities.

Countless people's homes were destroyed and displaced, and many people lost their precious lives directly affected by the war.

In front of the top combat power in this sea, the power that can destroy the world, the lives of ordinary people are as humble as ants, with no power to resist at all.

In addition, facing the army of soul monsters summoned by Big Mom Charlotte Lingling, the officers and soldiers of the Navy Headquarters also suffered heavy casualties.

According to incomplete statistics, in this battle to defend Marineland, at least 50,000 civilians died, more than 15,000 marines died in the line of duty, and countless others were injured.

In the past few days, Warring States and Staff He had already been overwhelmed and troubled by post-war pensions and reconstruction work, and basically they hardly slept at all.

However, it is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice, and the military expenditure of the Navy Headquarters is relatively tight.

This sudden war dealt a heavy blow to the financial pressure of the Navy Headquarters.

In the case of lack of money and people, even the highly resourceful Sengoku Hehe was helpless in the face of such a predicament.

Now that Cyborg Kong has finally received additional military funds from the World Government, the two of them have finally calmed down a little in their long-suspended hearts.

This is really excellent news!

The loss of life cannot be undone, and the pain of the living cannot be erased, but with money, at least it can bring hope to people.

Cyborg Kong smiled and blew out a dragon-like smoke.

"Is the situation at the headquarters okay during my absence?"

When it came to business, Warring States immediately stopped smiling and replied solemnly:

"Report to Marshal Kong that everything is normal on Malinfando's side!"

"The reconstruction work has been carried out step by step. Now that it has received financial support, work such as pensions and treatment of the injured will also proceed smoothly."

Cyborg Kong nodded.

Sengoku's work ability is obvious to all. Putting aside his absolute combat power, Sengoku, who has extremely strong comprehensive ability, is indeed the best candidate to take over his position as marshal of the navy.

"By the way, how was the hearing for Sakaski and the other three boys?"

He seemed to have remembered something, and his expression became a little strange.

"When I was in the Holy Land, I met the guys from the Inspectorate. I always felt that their attitude was a little enthusiastic and weird... and they kept praising Darren for how outstanding he was..."

Hearing this, both Warring States and Staff He had strange expressions.

"Marshal Kong, the hearing...well, it went well."

"I just don't know why, but the attitude of the group of guys who were attacking Darren changed drastically after they received a phone call in the middle."

"Is this like this..."

Cyborg Kong pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said:

"Forget it, this isn't important."

"That kid Darren has always done things safely. He is able to deal with those arrogant officials, which is also his ability."

"There's another thing."

Warring States said solemnly:

"Marshal Kong, please tell me."

Cyborg Kong smoked a cigar, narrowed his eyes and said, "Has the graduation ceremony of today's training camp been arranged?"

"Yes, Marshal Kong. Reporters from all major newspapers and magazines have arrived at the headquarters. The award ceremony for Sakaski and the others will also be held at the same time." Sengoku replied.


Cyborg Kong nodded and continued:

"How are the arrangements with Zefa?"

“This time, don’t let things happen like the previous two.”

As if he thought of something, his expression was helpless and painful.

The corners of Zhan Guo's mouth twitched and he said solemnly:

"Don't worry, Marshal Kong."

"Zefa has already given instructions to Darren, so there should be no problem."

Hearing this, Cyborg Kong nodded slowly.

"That's good. Although this war ended with us finally defending Malinfando, in the final analysis it was a tragic defeat."

"The casualties are serious and the losses are incalculable... The overall atmosphere of the headquarters now seems very depressed and deserted, and the morale and will of the army are also very low."

"Holding the graduation ceremony of the training camp at this time, and having Darren, the hero who protected Malinfando, stand up and say some inspiring words will greatly encourage the morale of the army."

"Of course, the overall publicity should not be excessive."

"In the short term, the headquarters still adheres to the guiding principle of "seeking progress while maintaining stability". Rebuilding the headquarters as soon as possible and accumulating strength are the core of our current work."

"At least in the short term, it is no longer suitable for us to start a large-scale war again."

Speaking of the last sentence, Cyborg Kong's old eyes shone with caution.

Although this time they successfully obtained additional military funding from the World Government, the amount was not generous and was far from enough to support the navy in starting another war.

At least for a short time.

But the good news is that with the end of this war, the situation in the New World has become much more stable.

The golden lion hibernated again and disappeared.

Big Mom and Kaido have also settled down.

Taking advantage of this short period of peace, the navy can seize the opportunity to recuperate and restore its combat effectiveness.

The younger generation like Sakaski, Porusalino and Darren are also gradually growing up.

As time goes by, the navy's advantage over pirates will only grow.





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