“Daddy, Daddy, no… Not good. ”

The station of the Whitebeard Pirates, the Moby Dick, a pirate with a pale face, a panicked expression, and hissed.

“Hey, didn’t I remind you not to make such a fuss.” Marko complained.

“Out… It’s the matter, Captain Marko, Captain Yozawa he…” The pirates who reported cried bitterly, and their words were a little unable to connect.

Many captains changed color one after another, and Whitebeard also frowned, and asked in a cold voice: “What happened to his son?”

“Dad, there is news from Fishman Island that Captain Yozawa is in distress on Fishman Island and was killed by BIG· The general of the MAM Pirates, Charlotte Kriji, and Drought Jack, one of the three plagues of the Hundred Beast Pirates, join forces to ambush and the situation… It’s dangerous.”


The white-bearded man was furious, and the aura that belonged to the emperor on his body roared out, crisscrossing in all directions, and a terrifying power was climbing.

Marko, Joz and other captains also had a drastic change in their expressions, and suddenly exploded, their anger surged up, and their eyes showed fierceness.

Marko and the others were worried about Yeze’s safety and immediately rushed to Fishman Island to rescue Yeze.

BIG· The MAM Pirate Group and the Hundred Beast Pirate Group dared to openly attack and kill the captain of their Whitebeard Pirate Group, which was to completely tear their faces with them.


“The stars and the three plagues really live up to their name.” Yeze sighed, the electric light in his hand disappeared, the armed color domineering disappeared, standing in the distance, looking at Charlotte Klee and Jack.

“Huh?” Charlotte Kriji’s eyes narrowed, what was Ghost Pupil going to do.

Jack’s face was hideous and cruel, and the scimitar in his hand emitted a cold light that made people’s hearts palpitate, and he watched Yeze vigilantly.

Jinping’s gaze also looked away, and there was doubt in his eyes.

“There has never been a suitable person, just today you appeared, just enough to try.” Ye Ze was indifferent, his eyes were sharp, and he whispered softly.

“You’re looking for death.” Charlotte Klee Drought-free Jack was furious at the same time, and Yeze wanted to use them as whetstones, which was intolerable.

Who they are, are the generals, are the three plagues, even the admirals who are known as the strongest combat power in the navy headquarters will not easily attack them, let alone use them as grindstones.

“Ghost Hitomi, I won’t let you die easily, I will slowly unload your hands, cut off your legs, and make you regret it.” Jack shouted angrily, about to tear Yeze alive.

Charlotte Klee also showed a fierce face, stretched out her tongue and licked the giant sword in her hand, the meaning was obvious, he would not let Ye Ze go, to snatch him alive, and actually despised them so much.

Ye Ze slowly exhaled a turbid breath and showed a sneer: “Jack, Kaido, one of the four emperors, is known by the world as the strongest creature in the sea, land and air, and his defense power is unmatched, but I don’t know how you are as the three plagues.”

Jack looked stunned, not knowing what Yosawa meant.

Rumble! Rumble!

“Susanoo!” Under the gaze and horror of countless people, Yeze’s body surged with monstrous momentum, dark blue steaming, pervasive, one after another hideous huge blue bones appeared out of thin air, crystal clear, growing, spreading around, forming skeletons, then arms, and finally to the skull, wrapping Yeze’s figure in it.

The huge skull roared, and two terrifying beams of light shot out from its eyes, terrifying the soul.

“This is… What. ”

“Yes… Devil Fruit abilities? ”

Everyone’s hearts shook, revealing shock, and changing color one after another.

Jinping’s eyes also glared at the boss, and now he seriously suspected that Yazawa had eaten the Devil Fruit.

Charlotte Cree and Drought Jack were also solemn, and they felt a very dangerous aura on this huge blue skeleton, which made their hearts palpitate.

But it wasn’t over yet, the huge skeleton actually rose up, the dark blue mist churned, condensed, continued to grow downward, and the leg bones appeared, gradually reaching the soles of the feet.


It stood up, and the huge dark blue skeleton frame, as high as a hundred zhang, roared up to the sky, its eyes were as bright as lanterns, exuding a terrifying light.

The body of the skeleton gradually has flesh and blood growing, this is not real flesh and blood, it is the shape of the huge Chakra, between the hands, and then the legs, it is no longer bones, covered by flesh and blood skin.

What appeared in front of them now was not the skeleton before, but a giant with a deep blue body as high as nearly 100 zhang, inside the giant’s body, Yeze’s eyes flashed red, and his eyes were not three-hook jade, and the strange six-pointed star was rotating to look strange.

Exactly the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye!

Tens of thousands of people in the fish field were sluggish, and there was panic in their eyes, not only BIG· The pirates of the MAM Pirate Group, even the people of Fishman Island are trembling, what kind of monster is this in front of them, the swords in many people’s hands unconsciously dropped, looking at the blue giant, like a god.

Even Charlotte Klee, one of the three stars, did not dry her tongue slightly, and muttered in her mouth: “Just kidding, is it true that the ghost pupil did not eat the devil fruit.”

Drought Jack was the only person in the field who did not change color, his eyes were wide open, and he waved the scimitar in his hand, and a brilliant sword qi roared towards the blue giant, rolling up a fierce wind.


The sword qi slashed at Susano’s body without leaving a single scar.

“Drought Jack, let you see what destruction is.” Ye Ze said coldly.

The blue giant in everyone’s eyes moved, slowly raised his foot, and stepped forward.

Rumble! Rumble!

The earth was trembling, and you could feel that the entire Fishman Island seemed to be shaking, and with each step of the giant, it would vibrate violently.

“Retreat, everyone retreat to that area.” Jinpei shouted.

Ordering the people of Fishman Island and the soldiers of the Dragon Palace to retreat, don’t step on that area, this level of battle is no longer within the reach of manpower, Jinping gasped, thinking that Yeze’s strength is enough to match the admiral, this kind of strength is probably already chasing the four emperors.

A glimmer of hope rose in Jinping’s heart, and the strength that Yeze was now showing shocked him, maybe Fishman Island could still be saved.


Susanoo stepped down, and the cookie soldier made by Charlotte Klee instantly stepped on crumbs, and its power was irresistible.

Charlotte Klee turned over a monstrous wave in her heart, and the cookie soldier she was proud of could not hold up a move in Yeze’s hands, and was wiped out by a move, no, to be precise, a kick.

Jack wanted to tear Ye Ze, the scimitar in his hand danced wildly, rolling up one after another white sword qi, but Susano’s defense was extremely perverted, he couldn’t break through at all, but was forced to retreat.

Jack roared, his hair dancing wildly in the air, and the scimitar in mid-week broke free and slashed at Yazawa in Susano’s chest.


The scimitar was shaken off, leaving no trace on Susano’s body.

If there is something bad about writing, I hope you can give some comments, in addition, please help recommend it ha.

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