Pirate’s Storm Master

Chapter 505: Suppressing the audience of Annie

After all, the number of this race is very rare, and basically they rarely expose themselves to the sight of the world.

Curiously took a few glances, a little big Man Shirley.

Whitebeard stopped paying attention to her, instead he picked up the wine gourd and gave himself another sip of wine.


Whitebeard, who had just taken a sip of wine, suddenly widened his eyes.

With huge bull's eyes, he stared angrily at Annie who stole the wine gourd from his hand.


In a fit of rage, two visible airflows emerged from Whitebeard's nostrils.

Staring at Annie, she said "viciously", "Little girl, give me back my father's wine!"

For the fierce-looking Whitebeard, Annie didn't pay much attention to it. Instead, she frowned and looked at Marco, the ship doctor of the Whitebeard Pirates.

He said coldly: "With this poor old man's body, he can't drink, don't you know? Why didn't you organize him?"

Just after being slapped by Ling Yu, Marco, who was angry with the little girl, shrugged, "I can't help it! Dad wants to drink. As a son, how can I stop me!"


Anne didn't agree with Marko's explanation at all, and labelled Marko an "irresponsible doctor" in her mind.

Originally, Marco was in Annie's heart, and the impression of that top doctor suddenly slipped down several grades!

"Hey, little girl, return the wine to Dad, or Dad will be angry."

Seeing that Annie didn't return the wine to herself after she spoke, but instead fought with Marko.

Whitebeard, who felt that he was being ignored, spoke again and "threatened" at Annie.

But Whitebeard never imagined that his words would not only have no effect, but had the opposite effect.

"What's the noise, don't you know your body can't drink?"

After Annie yelled at Whitebeard,

He directly threw the wine with more than half of the gourd left into the sea next to the Moby Dick with a thud.

Whitebeard and a group of pirates from the Whitebeard Pirates stared at Annie who did such an amazing thing.

They never thought that Annie would come out like this, and watched Annie throw the wine gourd into the sea.

There was no response for a while.


After a long time, it was Whitebeard who came to his senses first, and shouted at Marko with a stunned beard:

"Ahhh! The old man's wine! Marco, just pick up the old man's wine!"

Whitebeard glared at Annie angrily, seeing Whitebeard who didn't react at all, he had to yell at his son.

Originally injured, Whitebeard, who couldn't move too much, was very uncomfortable.

You have to forcibly cut off his wine. How can Whitebeard, who has been drinking all his life, stand it?

For his father's orders, Marco never thought to refuse.

In the ear of Marco, who was habitually getting up and going to the sea to retrieve the wine gourd, such a voice suddenly came, which made him froze in place.

"Marko, don't let me look down on your medical ethics. As a doctor, it's too much for you to watch a patient drink alcohol. Do you still want to be an accomplice to aggravate his condition?"


To be honest, Marco, who is a doctor, certainly doesn't want his father to drink at this time.

Moreover, what Whitebeard drinks is usually the spirits that hurt the body.

A few days ago, Marko stopped many times.

But I didn't get any results, and I was beaten by my father.

I can't really do it with my father, that will make my father's weak body even more hurt, and I will be called "unfilial" by my father.

So after being beaten up a few times, Marco just let it go.

But Annie's words forced Marko.

As soon as Marco rolled his eyes, he thought of a good idea.

Complaining: "Ah, Dad, you see what Annie said is right. Besides, I'm also a doctor. Even if it's not for your health, you have to think about my reputation! I'm not convenient this time. I've brought you wine, and I'm going to take you and ask someone else to take it!"

At this moment, Marco quickly threw away the matter of taking the wine.

Based on what he knew about his father, after he said so, the white-bearded father would never let him go to get wine again.

After all, what Dad cared about most was their family, and it was about his son's reputation, so Dad would still take care of it.


After listening to Marko's complaints, Whitebeard no longer insisted, and then turned his attention to the other "sons".

After all, his son is not one, but a large group!

But as soon as Whitebeard's eyes moved, Annie's cold voice followed.

"Otherwise, this bad old man drinks, not for other reasons, but because his current body can't bear the ravages of alcohol. If you good sons want this bad old man to live longer, this time can be Don't let him touch alcohol."

"Of course, if you are also tired of this lousy old man and want him to 'die' sooner, just pretend I didn't say that! It's up to you to take the wine or not!"

As soon as Annie's "vicious" words came out, several members of the Whitebeard Pirates who had been swept by Whitebeard's eyes and wanted to get wine for Dad.

Immediately he shrank his head, guiltily avoiding his father's gaze.

No idea!

Annie's words are so poisonous!

As soon as these words come out, if anyone rushes to get the wine back, isn't it the kind of "unfilial son" who wants his father to die sooner?

They don't want to be poked in the spine by their companions in the future.

So at this time, these guys are more cowardly than each other.

He didn't even dare to lift his head, for fear of being noticed by his father.


When Annie said this, Marco was stunned.


Is this little girl's mouth so poisonous?

Fortunately, I didn't mess with her, otherwise I wouldn't have been beaten to death by her!

It was the first time that Marco, who saw Anne's venomous tongue, thought with some heart palpitations.

And Ling Yu on the side was also a little surprised at this time.

Ling Yu still knew very well about Anne's poisonous tongue.

After all, from a very early age, Kate was often embarrassed by her own sister Annie.

At the time, it was one of the great pleasures of their voyage.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, Annie's poisonous tongue skills, who have grown into a big girl, have not only not diminished, but have become better.

On the other hand, Wei Wei suppressed the audience when she saw Sister Annie open her mouth.

So many people from the Whitebeard Pirates said that they were "silent" and lowered their heads.

In addition to being surprised, he looked at Annie with admiration.

In my heart, I am still considering whether to learn from Annie and become a strong king of "mouth"!

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