Before coming to Rogue Town, Luffy Zoro Sanji had already felt the arrogance of the armed color. The former two could already master the armed color as big as a fist, and the latter Sanji was slightly weaker. After all, he came late, but in the forest With North's auxiliary training, the armed color is also enough to cover the toes.

Before Rogge Town, both Aaron and Crick were too weak.

And Hawkeye is too strong.

Only Smoker, who is considered a well-matched opponent, can fully test the true combat effectiveness of the Straw Hats at the stage of emergence.

Lin Bei wanted to see if the three Sons of Destiny, who had mastered the domineering primary weapons, could beat the natural system!

"I will guide you where to attack, let's start!"

Following Lin Bei's order, the three major forces of Lu Suoshan rushed forward at the same time and rushed towards Smoker.

Smoker finds it funny

"It's really ignorant, you don't really think you can beat me, do you?

White fist! "

Smoker yelled and made a move, Lin Bei looked at it, and inexplicably grabbed Smoker's toes.

Too high school!

But, I can understand why he called out his name.

After all, if you hold four two plus two kings in your hand when playing cards, don't you shout and throw the cards?

But in the next second, Smoker asked Luffy and Sanji to teach him how to behave.

Luffy's Nicole Nicole pistol, the position of the phalanx covers four points as concisely as possible.

As we all know, the simpler the armed color, the greater the power or defense!

As if holding a knuckles, Luffy slammed Smoker's face with his fist.

At this moment, Smoker's face was played back in slow motion, and it could be seen that the flesh moved first, then the bones shifted, and finally the neck creaked and shifted.

Smoker was directly stunned by this punch, it seemed a little unbelievable, how could Luffy, a local turtle in the East China Sea, hit him?

There are two possibilities to hit him, either Hailoushi or armed domineering.

But neither of these two is possible. How can the country people in the East China Sea learn to be domineering? Where can I buckle the sea tower stone?

If these two possibilities are ruled out, there is only one possibility left.

Luffy was lucky, and hit him on the face that he didn't have time to elementalize. This is really his carelessness.

Next time, he won't be so lucky!

As he reflected on his mistakes, the next wave of offense came.

Sanji kicked towards him with a superb kick.

Smoker was engrossed, and a large cloud of smoke came out of his body, entering elementalization.

Then in the next second, Sanji kicked Smoker's waist precisely and gracefully with his armed toe!

This move, Lin Bei called it "The Redemption of the Kidney Slicer"!

If it weren't for Smoker's physical fitness, just this one stroke would help him crush a kidney stone and a kidney at the same time.

Smoker, whose whole body was sunken into a V-shape in pain, quickly backed away.

The first time was an accident, but the second time he confirmed that his elementalization was in place and he could still be kicked, it can only prove that these people either have Hailoushi technology, or they are armed with domineering colors!

Damn, I underestimated these bumpkins from the East China Sea.

He always thought that something like domineering can only be used in the second half of the great route, and there is no need to learn it at all to guard the East China Sea.

But now he has been taught a lesson solidly.

After Sanji and Luffy, Zoro is also holding a new knife and preparing to sacrifice the knife with Smoker's blood.

After going through the first two, Smoker stopped being careless and drew out the ten hands behind his back to resist Sauron's attack.

Sure enough, this man's sword was also covered with armed domineering, with one blow, he cut off ten hands!

His weapon only has a sea tower stone on the top, and the rest of the material is just relatively hard.

It's interesting to say that Sauron has not yet learned how to cut iron, but he can already cut steel with armed color.

The smile on Smoker's face completely disappeared.

And according to the law of constant smiles, this smile was transferred to Lin Bei's face.

It seems that this time the task is stable, and when he finds the right time, he will be able to take away Smoker's bull.

Just as he was thinking, Lin Bei suddenly saw Smoker's female adjutant, Da Siqi, rushing towards Sauron with a knife in his hand.

It looks like an old lady fighting with you.

Lin Bei quickly drew his gun, but didn't make a move.

Turning her head, she signaled Nami, who is also a woman, to go up to be Dashiqi's opponent.

Usopp has been exercising pretty well, as long as he doesn't meet Smoker, he is not very afraid.

He has a gun, and no navy soldier dares to intervene in the battle over there.

Now it's time to train Nami, anyway, fighting will always be inevitable afterwards.

But of course Nami would not do it, she was just a navigator, and she wanted to fight even if she said she had never seen a navigator.

"One million Baileys, after playing, the day ends."

"Alright boss!"

Nami rushed up while slithering, and saw Nami lightly touching the ground with her hand, and saw Dashiqi, who was attacking Sauron not far away, slipped and fell down.

After standing up, the glasses girl Da Siqi was really confused.

It was as if she had stepped on ice just now!

Chapter 62 Smoker: Lin Bei and I are at odds

Da Siqi turned her head to look, only to find that a girl was quietly sliding towards her behind, holding a stick in her hand, as if she wanted to lightly wake her sleeping heart.

Da Siqi combined with her inexplicable slide just now, and seeing Nami sliding away like this, how could she not know who did what to her.

Backhand to Nami is a knife!

Nami wanted to hide subconsciously, but when she thought about feeding her the fruit, Lin Bei once said that this ability can slide away all attacks.

Giving her this fruit is to save her life.

In the blink of an eye, Nami chose to believe Lin Bei, closed her eyes and waited for the knife to come.

In the next second, as expected, when Da Siqi's knife slashed Nami's neck, it slid over very smoothly, and there was no scar on Nami's neck.

Da Siqi, who was holding the knife, was stupefied, and maintained the movement of sliding over. This was the first time she cut someone so smoothly!

But, it doesn't seem to hit it.

Why is there no scar on this woman's neck at all?

Nami opened her eyes, touched her neck quickly, and laughed.

That **** Lin Bei finally got it right once.

In fact, Nami is very grateful to Lin Bei, and even has completely different feelings for Lin Bei from other crew members.

But due to her tsundere nature, it is impossible for her to say anything nice.

Coincidentally, Lin Bei doesn't like Tsundere.

Everywhere is everywhere, and Tsundere is somewhere else, so Lin Beiming knew that he took Nami for revenge and raped Aaron. He must have a chance to take Nami down, and he didn't bother to do it.

After traveling through time, can't we meet a girl who comes up and moves by herself?

Of course, Lin Bei didn't think about this, his eyes were fixed on Smoker's bull.

He'd been waiting for Smoker to turn into smoke before he went to rub off his buff and finish the job.

But, what exactly has Smoker developed his abilities?

Pop out your fists to hit people, pop out your legs to hit people, let the smoke turn into a snake to attack.

It is a complete waste of this fruit that is comparable to natural disasters!

If Lin Bei came to develop it, he would definitely develop AOE, that is, area damage.

Yards of Lao Tzu's smog enveloped the whole island, and every breath you breathed carried Lao Tzu's smog!

Like Tezolo's golden fruit, as long as people inhale the golden powder, they can directly control the powder and it's over.

People who inhale the smoke don't even think about moving, and the smoke is controlled to explode directly in the lungs.

That scene was as weird as it could be.

Think about the time of the top war, Smoker correctly developed his own fruit, a smoke covering the entire Whitebeard Pirates.

Except for the cadres, everyone was directly controlled to detonate after inhaling the smoke.

The Whitebeard Pirates are the fireworks for all members, delivered to your door!

Such an awesome fruit, let Smoker play with it.

The key point is that this idiot may not be driven into a desperate situation, but that he does not maintain the whole body of smoke at all.

With Lin Bei's super power, if he wanted to take the bull without injury, he could only wait for Smoker's whole body, at least the lower body, to completely turn into smoke before he could take the bull without injury.

Let Luffy and the others step up their efforts.

"Luffy! Nami said it's going to rain, and it won't be easy to go to sea, so let's resolve the battle as soon as possible."

Hearing Lin Bei's words, Luffy Sanji and Zoro immediately stopped trying to attack and used Smog as a whetstone.

Instead, start an all-out attack!

Three sons of destiny, that is, three guys who can explode.

The key is to be armed and domineering, and to be able to fight Smoker. There is no suspense in this battle itself.

Smoker, who could barely support himself, fell into a disadvantage in an instant.

Several of the marine soldiers he brought jumped up and wanted to step forward to help, but Usopp shot them one by one!

Several marine soldiers refused to accept and shot at Usopp.

On Usopp's side, he exchanged the bought guns and began to kill the naval soldiers on a large scale.

If there is no accident, this time is over, and the bounty will increase again for killing Usopp who has the most kills.

Without the disturbance from Haibing and Dashiqi, Smoker finally turned into elements all over his body, turned into a cloud of smoke and started attacking the three of Luffy.

At this time, the three of Luffy also discovered one thing, their armed colors couldn't hit Smoker!

In fact, when this type of natural ability user is actively elementalizing, even if he overwrites the domineering energy, he cannot hit it.

The situation where their domineering can be achieved is only when Smoker has not elementalized his whole body.

However, this kind of elementalization of the whole body is very exhausting, and it is impossible for Smoker to open it all the time.

He must get rid of these three pirates as soon as possible while he still has physical strength, and then go to support his soldiers.>

Just thinking about it, Smoker suddenly felt that something had disappeared!

There is a kind of feeling of emptiness.

Looking down, I found that in the state of this elemental smoke giant, the lower part of the giant turned into a hollow!

And not far behind him, a fleeing person was holding a cube of smoke in his hand.

This is his own body, Smoker doesn't know what he lost.

That **** pirate actually stole his bastard!

And most importantly, he succeeded!

How on earth did he manage to steal his bull in his elemental state?

Even he couldn't do this kind of thing by himself.

Even better than painless surgery!

Smoker became furious, gave up attacking the three of Luffy and rushed towards Lin Bei.

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