His base is on the roof of the building, he can completely control his hand to fly below, circle around to Lin Bei's back, and give a sinister backstab!

All this is just that someone needs to help him block the swordsman and the rubber boy.

"Kabaji! Go and block that straw hat brat, I don't like seeing his straw hat, kill him!

I will deal with this swordsman! "

Chapter 15 When you come to another world and face guns, will you be afraid?

In fact, this is what people with brains do, using their own strengths to attack the other's weaknesses.

Bucky is immune to all swordsmen's attacks, so he will win against Sauron!

Although it may be impossible to fight head-on, but, no matter how **** Bucky is, he is still a member of the One Piece ship. Among other things, he will never stretch his hips in terms of physical strength.

Even if the strength is not enough, Sauron will be consumed to death, it is only a matter of time.

What's more, Bucky has not yet shown his ability, he can still catch Sauron by surprise, and he may not be able to surprise and win in a short time.

Coupled with the sneak attack on Lin Bei, Bucky could kill two enemies in an instant.

As for Kabaji, even if he can't beat Luffy, who is a devil fruit capable user, it's always okay to delay for a while. When he, the captain, solves the enemy, he can go to help.

Bucky thought well, and there was nothing wrong with this battle plan normally.

It's a pity, Lin Bei has watched "One Piece".

"Zoro, the clown Bucky has the ability to split the fruit, he is not afraid of sword attacks.

Let me hit Bucky, you go and deal with the one with the sword, and the captain fires the Qing soldiers. "

Sauron frowned upon hearing this, not afraid of sword attacks, is there really such a person in the world.

Sauron believed that Lin Bei would not lie, but he just had a feeling that he would not be happy if he didn't try.

This is actually understandable, after all, they have bet their entire lives on swordsmanship, and now tell him that there is a person who is not afraid of swordsmanship at all, and is their natural nemesis.

Who, who can bear it? No one is allowed to try to cut two knives by himself.

Sauron gave it a try, chopped the clown Bucky into several pieces, and then retreated quickly, leaving the battlefield here to Lin Bei.

Without him, he has personally verified that Lin Bei is right, this man is really not afraid of swordsmanship.

Although it is uncomfortable, but now we have to fight, and we can only wait for the end to talk about any emotions.

On the way to Kabaji, Sauron did not forget to shout

"Remember the scope of control, if it affects me again, I will hack you to death!"


Lin Bei took a deep breath after shouting, and rushed towards Bucky who was healing.

If his ability does not affect that side, he can only get closer to Bucky.

As for whether he is afraid of being killed by Bucky, to be honest, Lin Bei's heart is beating violently now.

He is just an ordinary person who has only been here for two days. If he is a beautiful and healthy person, it doesn't matter, he shoots every day.

For domestic people, in recent years, it is rare to even see someone wielding a knife on the street.

Today's superpowers are not like the first day. You only need to control people to go to the sky, and then you don't need to care about their life and death. They are so powerful.

With today's ability, Lin Bei has the ability to control, and at the same time, kill the opponent himself!

Lin Bei can only keep saying in his heart that it is normal to be afraid, and the mentality needs to be practiced.

He had to adapt to this rhythm as soon as possible. The Straw Hats definitely encountered a lot of dangers, and every time it was a fatal crisis.

If you can't adapt, the result may be death!

Originally, when Lin Bei was watching anime, he would find it funny to see Usopp and Nami scared like that every time they encountered a battle, and would feel bored after watching too much.

Why are the protagonists in such a state of mind?

But when he stood here, Lin Bei understood that Usopp's performance was actually the performance of most ordinary people.

At least, Usopp still has the courage in desperation, and many ordinary people, in desperation, directly collapse in their hearts.

Like now, Lin Bei felt a little trembling when he looked at the knife that Bucky was holding.

It would be great if the ability was as strong as the first time every time, but unfortunately, there is no if in life.

After this time, get stronger as soon as possible!

Become so strong that no matter what superpower you randomly get every day, you can calmly face all challenges!

Lin Bei, who was running, glanced at Sauron's position, and at the distance between himself and Bucky, and understood in his heart.

So Lin Bei stopped not far from Bucky, stretching his sad muscles again.

Lin Bei didn't notice at all, just before he acted, a hand in a white glove was quietly approaching his back holding a dagger.

Just a little bit, he will be backstabbed!

It can be said that he does not have the slightest ability to warn of crises. Simply put, he has no combat experience.

Fortunately, the superpower was activated quickly, and just when the separated hand was about to stab him in the back, Bucky plopped to his knees on the ground, directly entering a state of grief.

His last thought before entering this state was

"Just a little bit."

So when he knelt on the ground and wept, he also shouted

"It's almost, I can't even do a sneak attack, what kind of pirate am I~~~"

Lin Bei's eyes widened when he heard the words. Only then did he realize that Bucky had a severed arm!

Because Bucky was hacked by Sauron once before, and his limbs were separated at that time, Lin Bei didn't care that he didn't have all the parts on his body.

Now that he has reacted, he turned his head and looked, good guy, one hand is behind his back, and he is still holding a dagger tightly in his hand.

Lin Bei was afraid for a while, and then a wave of violence surged up!

When a person has no ability, or when there is a rule that he has to obey to restrain him, he will only be afraid.

But when a person is capable and has no rules to restrain him, he will become an ancestor!

Lin Bei controls the muscles of the upper body to continue to move, ensuring that Bucky's negative emotions will continue to be affected.

At the same time, the lower body stepped on the severed arm of Bucky the Clown.

Because Bucky the Clown's severed hand was clenched into a fist and fell to the ground holding a dagger, so when Lin Bei stepped on it, he stepped on Bucky's knuckles.

The feet wearing boots are not only powerful, but also hard!

As soon as he stepped down, Lin Bei heard the sound of bone cracking and wailing.

On Bucky's side, because of the pain of this foot and the continuous negative sadness, he became more and more sad, and tears flowed.

As for Lin Bei, the corner of his mouth rose slightly.

The sound of Bucky's screams was dispelling the fear in his heart little by little.

Just this sound is not enough!

So, another kick!

Lin Bei's feet kept falling on the severed hand, getting heavier and harder each time!

The corners of the mouth are also going upwards.

This kind of mentality that can bully people because of their ability is not a good mentality, nor is it the correct way to improve people's mentality.

But if there is any method that can quickly make people no longer afraid of knives, guns, and cannons, I am afraid that this is the only way.

At least, until someone who can completely crush you breaks your mentality, you will not be afraid of danger.

Because you know that you have the ability to trample the person in front of you down.

Guns can't hurt you.

If they provoke you with their guns, use your ability to trample them all down!

This is Lin Bei's current mentality, and this mentality is actually the initial mentality of the pirates in this world.

Like Doflamingo, when I have the ability, I will trample everyone who bullies me!

And as the experience gradually increased, this mentality gradually changed.

Chapter 16 Bucky Changing Face

Lin Bei violently trampled one of Bucky's palms into mud, and then let out a breathless breath.

If it wasn't for the wrong timing at this time, Lin Bei would definitely have punched the sky, and then shouted, cool!

It has to be said that bullying people by ability can indeed make people gain a fearless mentality the fastest.

Lin Bei, who had crushed Bucky's palm, had other thoughts when facing Bucky.

He thought, something more interesting to play.

So, he relaxed the muscles in his upper body that were used to release power.

Bucky returned to his normal state in a short period of time. This recovery time was much faster than when Lin Bei used his ability for the first time.

Thinking about it, it should be the pain that made him wake up quickly.

Bucky's face is ferocious, and his hand has been completely useless.

This is the worst injury he has suffered since his debut.

"Damn brat, let me die!

Fall apart, guns! "

This so-called split cannon was actually one of his fists that split again and fired towards Lin Bei like a cannon.

I have to say, the speed is really fast.

Anyway, Bucky is not an ordinary person after all.


Emotional pull and fear!

Bucky's hand that was thrown out was retracted at an extremely fast speed.

Bucky seemed to have seen something, and jumped back in fear.

Lin Bei tilted his head, this look is not fun.

He continued to walk towards Bucky, and as soon as he moved, the power acting on Bucky dissipated.

Bucky panicked for a moment, and then looked at Lin Bei who was walking towards him, with even more fear in his eyes.

At this time, anyone who knows that Lin Bei's physical combat power is very strong, Bucky will run away without hesitation, the person in front of him is not something he can beat.

But just now he discovered that Lin Bei's body seems to be very fragile, worse than most ordinary people in One Piece World.

Have the opportunity!

Therefore, Bucky did not run away immediately, but continued to attack Lin Bei.

Lin Bei, on the other hand, continued to experiment with other emotions that this ability could also affect.

Emotional Affect · Love

Bucky, who had a ferocious face, stopped attacking instantly, his ferocious expression became amiable, and scratched his head with his only remaining hand.

"Oh, oh, I'm so happy to meet you today."

Lin Bei raised his eyebrows, this is interesting.

"I accidentally stepped on your hand just now, are you okay?"

bucky like a good old man

"It's okay, it's just a hand, if you lose it, you lose it.

What is a hand if it can gain your friendship. "

Is this ability so easy to use? It directly makes people forget about hatred and only think about making friends.

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