The diners were startled by the sudden gunshot, and followed the gunshot, only to find that it was a handsome teenager second only to the readers, holding a big revolver.

The teenager’s eyes were white at first, then turned normal black.

The diners watching were terrified.

The strong man chef who threw away Akin just now seemed to have thought of something, and quickly went out to check, and found Akin lying on the ground, and his head disappeared.

Looking along, you can find that there is a hole in the wooden wall, which is exactly in a straight line with the left wheel in Lin Bei’s hand.

The strong man chef’s eyes widened, this guy, how did he accurately hit the head through the wall.


Inside the restaurant, Nami’s brows furrowed even tighter.

After this journey, the connection between her and Lin Bei is the most, without lying, she has feelings for this teenager.

But the more so, the more she didn’t want the other party to become a murderous real pirate.

Lin Bei had a good look in his eyes, and after seeing Nami’s expression, he directly explained.

He hates the misunderstanding the most, so he will never misunderstand

: “That person just now is a combatant and cadre of the Creek Pirates, if he is allowed to escape, it won’t be long before the Creek Pirates can find him.”

Johnny, wanted.

Johnny, who was the younger brother, quickly pulled out a thick book, which was glued with a wanted warrant.

After a few flips, it turned to Akin.

“Ghost Man Akin, the chief captain of the Creek Pirates, with a reward of 12 million.”

Lin Bei raised his eyebrows, the good guy was taller than he thought.

Next, Johnny looked for the situation of the Creek Pirates, and when he learned that the Creek Pirates were a five-thousand-strong fleet, Usopp and Nami’s faces changed instantly.

At this point, there was no need for Lin Bei to continue to explain anything.

He joined the Straw Hats to seek asylum, but as a deputy captain, it was one of his responsibilities to detect danger in advance and avoid it accurately.

In this regard, Solon said that he appreciated it, and it was very reassuring to have such a co-captain.

Much more reliable than that stupid captain.

Just now, Solon heard from the chefs here that Luffy had been forced to stay and do the chores, and it was not known how long it would take.

Solon joked,

“Or just change the captain, the devil knows how long Luffy will have to work here.”

Or let him change his dreams and be a man who works as a miscellaneous king.

As soon as the words fell, Luffy’s roar suddenly came from upstairs,

“Hugh! I’m the captain!

Lin Bei looked

towards the stairs, “Yo~ This is not a man who wants to become a miscellaneous king.”

“Bastard! Lao Tzu is the man who wants to become One Piece! ”

Hey~ Luffy, can we rename the Pirates?”

Solon murdered and said

, “Naw, I have long seen that the pirate flag is not pleasing to the eye, can I redraw it?”

Usopp followed

closely to tease the captain, and the members of the Straw Hats were never absent.

This infuriated Luffy and flew straight down the stairs.

When he saw the delicious dishes coming up on the table, Luffy roared

even more, “You guys are too much, don’t call me when you eat!”

Nami pressed her chin

with her hand, “Luffy, you are a miscellaneous now, how can a miscellaneous person eat a guest’s meal?”

The management of this store is not good~

” Luffy exploded, but in the next second, Yamaji, who was carrying a plate of fried rice, punched him in the

head: ”

You are a miscellaneous mess, hurry up and brush the dishes and clean up!”

Luffy was kicked away like this, and on the way to the kitchen, it could be said that he turned back three times in one step, staring at Lin Bei’s face full of resentment.

Yamaji, who drove away Luffy, apologized to Nami with a pair of loving eyes, saying that he would definitely give the best service to the beauty!

When he finished delivering this plate of fried rice, he waited by the side of the beautiful woman and served closely.

When Usopp heard this, he said

to him, “If you are delivering food to that pirate outside, you don’t have to go, he is dead.”

Sanji’s pupils shrank

sharply, “Starved!?”

“No, it was taken out by our deputy captain.”

Sanji followed the direction Usopp pointed and saw Lin Bei.

Clenched his fists and asked

, “Why do you do this?”

Lin Bei felt funny

: “Shouldn’t the pirates die?”

He does not deny that Akin is a loyal moral, but in the same way, working under Crick, how many lives can be left in his hands?

No, hundreds of them are also possible, this kind of person, Lin Bei moved his hand without the slightest sympathy.

“But he hasn’t eaten yet! Dying hungry, I can’t accept

it” Before he finished speaking, Lin Bei directly interrupted him

“Mind my” ”


“You can’t see anyone starving, I can’t see anyone threatening the lives of my crew.

You cooked and I shot him, is there a problem?

Sanji’s brows furrowed, obviously wanting to say something, but he heard an old voice behind him say

, “No problem!”

“Old man!” Sanji turned his head to look at the person who came down, it was Jepp.

“Yamaji, you are just a cook, since there are no hungry people left, then go and continue to work for me, don’t talk back to the guests!”

Sanji was silent for a moment, but finally walked towards the kitchen.

Zhepu stayed, looked at Lin Bei and spoke,

“You are the deputy captain of this pirate group?”

“Yes, Senior Jep.”

Lin Bei nodded, he still treated the old-timers with great respect.

Especially after he knew that the current entire straw hat regiment plus one piece might not be able to do this old guy, he was even more respectful.

“Have you heard my story?”

“No, but your face is full of stories.”

Jepp scratched his unruly beard, which sounded like good words, but how could he feel that something was wrong.

“What do you think of that kid just now?”

Jepp pointed in the direction of the kitchen, apparently asking Yamaji.

Lin Bei answered

honestly, “Although there are some flaws in some aspects, he is a very good cook.”

Only, not suitable for being a pirate. ”

Oh? So what does he fit into? ”

Join us.”

Jepp wondered

, “Aren’t you pirates?”

“I believe you have met our captain, who decided the overall temperament and direction of a pirate group.

So we are not destined to become a pirate group like Crick, but with the nature of an adventure group.

Although the chef just now is a bit of a tendon, it doesn’t matter, my captain is the best at bending him.

Jepp brushed his steel-like straight beard, and said something that sounded fine, but was actually very wrong.

But he was really moved.

He had just inspected Luffy and recognized Luffy.

It’s just that I also understand that if there is only Luffy on this ship, it is not possible, and there must be a smart person.

So he saw Lin Bei again!

As a co-captain, he is competent.

With such two people, the tonality of the entire ship is determined and can be trusted!

He treats Yamaji like a son.

Of course, he didn’t want Sanji to stay in his small restaurant for the rest of his life, he wanted Yamaji to go on a bigger stage.

So a qualified group of pirates must be selected for him.

The kind that burned and plundered, he kicked to death with his feet by the way.

He was waiting for a pirate group like Luffy, or rather, an adventure group, a gang that went to sea for their dreams.


“Would you like to let that Yamaji kid be your cook?”

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