Of course, Lin Bei can’t have Chakra here, so Lin Bei’s white eyes can see things in the distance without Chakra, even farther than normal white eyes!

With continuous exercise and development, it should be no problem to look at four or five kilometers.

At the same time, if it is used by people who can play, since they can see the meridian points, they can carry out precise strikes against the meridian points!

There are many acupuncture points that belong to the dead cave, as long as the force of the blow is enough, it can directly kill people!

This is also the root of the Hyuga clan’s soft boxing!

Lin Bei will definitely be able to practice physical arts in the future, and it is impossible not to use the domineering cultivation methods and physical cultivation methods obtained from Bakina.

When the time comes, when combined with the ability of the white eye, the power will definitely be even higher.

Lin Bei can imagine the scene during the battle:

Master Lin, the weakness is in the knee, attack him down!

Although the upper limit of this thing in the Hokage is not high, after all, there are too many things that rely purely on bloodlines over there, and the physical skills are very miserable.

But in pirates, the ceiling of physical skills can hang all bells and whistles!

Besides, if in the future, if Wan repeatedly randomly went to the Chakra of the Datumu clan, then the white eye could be transformed into a reincarnation eye.

So this ability, Lin Bei wants!

“So the system, the cost, ahhh, what’s the mission?”

[Press one, keep this ability for yourself forever

] [Press two]


Lin Bei secretly prayed in his heart, but it was not a particularly outrageous task!

A task like giving Aunt another big pocket can’t be completed now.

[Release mission: Kill Trick Chloe

with your own hands (After the mission is completed, you can permanently retain the white eye ability for yourself.


It’s been too long to remember exactly, this, it seems to be the boss of that island in Usopp?

Can be engaged!

Kills are a bit of a hassle because, to be honest, today’s ability is weaker than yesterday’s aggression.

If there is no reliable physical cooperation, this ability is useless.

But, with a gun, things would be different.

At least in the East China Sea, guns can still kill.

What’s more, there is also Bucky’s special gunpowder formula!

In the Advance CityU Prison chapter, Bucky once got a bucky bullet on the sole of his shoe, which is the size of a normal pistol, but the power is quite terrifying.

With this, it is not difficult to kill Chloe.

What’s more, he also has very reliable partners.

Na, at this time, it shows the superiority of the initial choice, if you choose to fight alone, with your own ordinary physique, want to complete the task, it is simply a fool’s dream.

But with Luffy and Solon on two thighs, the situation becomes very different.

In addition to this, there is the problem of navigation.

If there were no Nami, he would be a modern waste, know a fart navigation, and rowing would not understand.

Now, Solon has moved everything to the small sailboat of the Baki Pirates, and Nami is checking the charts.

He doesn’t even have to remind Nami where to go, and if he follows the plot, he will definitely get to the island where Usopp is.


~”Lin Bei, it’s time to go~

” ”

Okay, here it is.”

Lin Bei climbed down the side ladder on the side of the ship to the new small sailboat, which was in stark contrast to the other three members of the Straw Hat Regiment.

They, including Nami, jumped straight down from the ship.

Only Lin Bei, climbing ladders.

Solon frowned

, “Your physique is also too weak, start training with me, or if you immediately reach the ability to protect yourself like today, you may die.”


Lin Bei immediately agreed, even if he wanted to lie flat, he must at least have the ability to protect himself.

He has already put himself on a heavy insurance and is the partner of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Now, it’s time for the second level of insurance.

However, he was not in a hurry to practice physical arts today, he asked Nami how long it would take to travel to the nearest next island, and Nami said that a few hours with her sailing skills was enough.

That means that the island where Usopp is located can be reached within today.

The task is possible to complete, then you have to pay attention to the method and method.

Cultivate the Half-Celestial Body Technique and then go and fight Chloe?

The probability of success is approximately equal to zero.

Then you can only rely on foreign objects first!

The ship, sailed out to sea.

Solon took out the weight and began to exercise his physical fitness.

Turning his head, he saw Lin Bei, who had just promised him to practice together, pulling out a large pile of firearms.

“Hey, aren’t you exercising with me?”

Lin Bei sat on the ground, calmly made a suitable gun, and returned

to the road, “It’s too late in time, there are only a few hours to get to the next island, even if I exercise the

whole way, my strength will not improve in any way.”

I’m not sure what the danger is on the next island, my ability today is not very combative, but I can’t drag you back in the event of danger.

So as soon as the exercise is put aside, I first make something that can rely on my ability to protect myself and attack.

After going to the island to confirm that there is no danger, we will talk about exercise. Listening

to Lin Bei’s words, Solon suddenly felt that Luffy’s decision was right.

Although this guy’s behavior on weekdays is a little childish, and even angry at times, he thinks much more carefully than them at critical moments.

Therefore, Solon said nothing more and began to silently exercise.

He is worthy of being called the roll king in the Straw Hat Pirates, and he is simply exercising himself all the time!

It’s no wonder that Solon’s strength behind can’t be defeated by Luffy without opening the hanging.

Lin Bei concentrated on making firearms according to the method given by Bucky, because Bucky had made a lot of parts and special Bucky gunpowder before, so Lin Bei only needed to simply combine them.

Twenty minutes, Lin Bei came up with a shotgun similar to a short spray.

I don’t know if anyone has played CSGO, what Lin Bei is holding in his hand at this time is like a bandit spray used by bandits.

However, it is not connected to the function of spraying, and it has to be poured with gunpowder and put in buckshot like a flintlock gun.

However, because the caliber is as large as a shotgun, and the gunpowder is also a special bucky gunpowder, it is extremely powerful!

Normal shotguns and such flintlock guns can’t hit far, but this gun, after Lin Bei is loaded with gunpowder and bullets, can hit hundreds of meters with one shot!

You know, the range of a traditional flintlock gun is only eighty meters!

Bucky’s gunpowder can also be regarded as a cross-era invention.

After Lin Bei came up with this, he confirmed that there was no problem and started shooting training.

Physical training for several hours on end may only make beginners collapse, without any substantial improvement in strength.

But the continuous training of firearms for several hours, coupled with the assistance of the ability of white eyes, the shooting accuracy and gunpowder loading speed will increase significantly!

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