Time passed slowly, and it didn't take long for the battlefield to be almost cleaned. The injuries of the seriously wounded were almost subdued, and all of them began to retreat to the Chambord station.

Qin Le and the mole planned to take a good rest at Kadilson's before returning to the headquarters, after all, there were still some wounded who couldn't stand the move.

At this time, the other pirates in Chambord had already discovered the actions of the navy, such a big movement, the No. 3 island is not very big, and you can even see the posture of the titan python fighting on the neighboring island.

But apart from a few cases, will the pirates help each other? Of course, it's none of their business, and besides, their strength is not enough to meddle in a battle of this level.

Although the naval casualties in this battle were more than expected, in the final analysis, the mission was completed. And the four ancient species of the Bloodthirsty Pirates appeared unexpectedly and all died, adding a touch of legend to this operation.

How rare are ancient animal Devil Fruits? Although it can't compare to the phantom beast species, have you seen how many ancient animal species there are in the New World? Most of them are ordinary species, just tigers and leopards.

And in this battle, the navy actually killed the four ancient races in one boat?! Did such a person want to emulate the Hundred Beast Pirates, one of the Four Emperors?

After this battle, he successfully launched the fame of Kadilson and pushed Qin Le's name to the headlines again! But an old lieutenant general like the Mole didn't pay much attention to it.

In a bar on Island 13, an old man looked at today's newspaper with a calm face. He has long, curly hair, a beard on his chin, silver hair, glasses, and a straight scar on his right eye. It is the famous legendary pirate, known as the right wrist of the One Piece, the Hades King, Silbaz Reilly.

"Xia Qi, what do you think of this Qin Le? However, then again, I didn't know that such a big thing happened on Island 3 yesterday? Brute Dragon, Titan Python, Giant Ape, Emperor Crocodile. Are they Devil Fruits dug out of the ground? That's a lot? But unfortunately, such a strong Devil Fruit died before it could be properly played. Pirate pain. Reilly put down the newspaper in his hand and said nonchalantly.

Xia Qi was a young woman with short black hair and a spider-patterned blouse, only to see her right hand lightly clamp the cigarette in her mouth, exhale a slight puff of thick mist, and said: "Your intelligence is too backward, haven't you paid attention to world news? That Qin Leke is a complete monster, and if he is given another two or three years, he may become a perverted combat force like Peach Rabbit and Tea Dolphin." If you give him five years, he will probably become the highest standing force in the Navy Headquarters.

His current limelight has overshadowed that of a general-level figure, and he once became the dream lover of countless girls and the target of countless men's dreams. Young and powerful, with a face, talent, and strength, such a man can't help but be tempted by me.

After Qin Le finished speaking, let's talk about those ancient species again. The original bloodthirsty pirates had two ancient species, namely the captain's brute dragon and the vice-captain's titan python, the giant ape and the emperor crocodile came out of nowhere, maybe it was luck, last time someone picked up three devil fruits at once, not surprised. "

Forget it, I don't have much interest in those ancient species, I'm such an old person. But listening to your explanation to Qin Le so kindly, that picture is this kid?" Reilly glanced at the poster posted on the wall not far away.

Xia Qi grinned and said, "As you think, it's Qin Le." "

Is this kid so influential?" Reilly said with a twitch of the corners of his eyes, a little helpless.

Xia Qi snuffed out the cigarette butt and said, "There have been a lot of newcomers in the navy in the past two years, which is about five percent higher than in previous years, and who else can do all this except Qin Le, who has exploded in the past two years? This is still the state that he has been fighting pirates recently and rarely shows his face in front of the public." You say, if he showed his face and was a little careful, how many people would flock to

the Navy? I don't think he looks like a Navy at all, but more like a star with a wide range of influence. However, he is indeed so strong that he is perverted, he killed all snakes and crocodiles, not to mention crocodiles, you should have heard of snakes. The monster with a bounty of 630 million was slaughtered by him, and he must at least have the strength of a lieutenant general, right? Look at the new lieutenant general Kadilson, who is just a monkey with a broken arm.

"Listening to what you say, the navy is indeed a monster, which is difficult to do, and the pirates are even more difficult to mix. Reilly pursed his lips and propped his head in his right hand to say that he was worried about the pirates, but his face showed a look of schadenfreude.

"Who knows? Xia Qi shrugged and continued to light her cigarette as if nothing had happened.


Naval Headquarters, Marin Fando, Naval School.

Kikyo looked at the back of the newspaper covered in blood and like a god, and his heart was at ease.

It's okay, he's really the strongest. I will definitely see you, wait for me, you are my ......

She is not far from graduation, and in two months she will be able to leave the naval school to apply for a position, and every person who graduates from the naval school will receive the rank of second lieutenant at the highest, depending on the performance, if not, she can only get a corporal. However, Kikyo is confident that he can definitely get the rank of second lieutenant with his own ability.

Wait for me, I'll keep up with you.


Windless zone, Amazon lily.

"Titan python, emperor crocodile, this kid is really getting more and more perverted, I really don't know if that stupid woman has found this kid. Alas~" Mother-in-law sighed and threw the newspaper back.


When the newspaper of this battle flew to the world, Qin Le had already left the Chambord Islands with his subordinates and returned to his headquarters.

This time his formation suffered heavy casualties, and he had to go back to pull troops, and after the battle, he lost one-fourth. Although the ones left are elites, they don't bring such consumption.

Due to the great military achievements in this battle, all the survivors except for the major and below were promoted.

The lieutenant colonel plus the three new arrivals should have exceeded the standard by one, the major was the same, directly became 11, which exceeded the standard by three, and the captain became 24, which exceeded the standard by four. 31 lieutenants, 1 over-standard. There is only one second lieutenant, Second Lieutenant Dusty. Because when Dusty came, he was not at the rank of captain, but belonged to the smugglers, and this time, even if the scattered military merits were too big for her rank, she soared directly to the rank of second lieutenant.

This is not a fake fight in Alabastan, but a real fight, and military merits will naturally not be deducted.

And the number of people exceeded the standard, which made Qin Le a little annoyed, but because this army had repeatedly performed miraculous feats not long after it was established, the Warring States were very kind to give them a lenient standard, did not pursue them, and talked to Qin Le. The content is like this:

"There was a problem with the combat intelligence this time, but you still won, and you should increase your military merits." However, your army is full again, and after thinking about it, I think that you still have room for promotion, so you will not lay off your troops. Besides, although your troops are elite enough, they are still a little small, and I promise you that you can expand them when you are a lieutenant general.

It can be expanded to include one major general, two brigadier generals, four colonels, eight lieutenant colonels, 16 majors, 32 captains, 64 lieutenants, and 128 second lieutenants. Plus yourself, a total of 256 people, if you still want to apply for a warship, you can also do it. However, elite troops, as your direct boss, I would like to give you a suggestion, it is best not to get too many warships, it is not good for concentrating combat power.

By the way, there will be 39 ensigns in a few days. Don't be in a hurry, they should be able to fill the void in your combat power as soon as possible. "

Since the Warring States have said so, what else can Qin Le say?

Although it is not polite to the deceased like this, Qin Le really feels that this battle is worth fighting!

He is not very far from the lieutenant general after experiencing the two major battles of the Explosive Pirates and the Bloodthirsty Pirates, and the rest only needs to take the troops out to accumulate military merits after this year, and he can greatly expand his establishment, where can he find such a good thing? ! You must know that Qin Le's troops are not those crooked melons and cracked dates, not to mention third-class soldiers or anything, not even warrant officers, and the only one Dusty is still Qin Le and Smoker who opened the back door and hid in.

And this is because Qin Le thinks that Da Siqi's strength and talent are okay, at least in the navy, if he lets it go, it will be a loss. So he made an exception for her, anyway, Dusty's top boss is Smoker, as long as Qin Le doesn't say it, who in the army will go to trouble with this goods.

Like other naval warrant officers, as long as they are below the second lieutenant, Qin Le will not be admitted.

This represents the balance of strength of everyone under Qin Le's command.

Originally, it was to take the elite line, and the whole army was an elite, but now the elite line has to add people and become an elite with a larger number of people. Let's say here that the elite itself is not because of the less, as long as it exceeds the standard in Qin Le's heart, then no matter how much or less, it is the elite.

"Big money!" Under

the command of an old lieutenant general like that mole, there is only 1 major general, a few brigadier generals, 6 colonels, and more than a dozen lieutenant colonels and majors. Although it seems to be more than Qin Le, this is a lieutenant general who has worked hard for decades to win!! to the back, to pick up the empress, and even he didn't dare to bring his elite troops over, and the love for his subordinates can be said to be in place everywhere.

You must know that after becoming a lieutenant general, the establishment is not immutable, as long as Qin Le makes more contributions, and no matter how much military merits he has, he will not be able to support him to become a general, and he will naturally be able to expand the establishment in a situation where there is no reward.

Maybe one day Qin Le's troops can form a system of their own, of course, the Warring States may find out, but Qin Le doesn't care, there will always be a way.

His ambition is not only satisfied by a small lieutenant general or general, no matter how high the position is, as long as he can't support the giant mountain on his back, he will never be satisfied.

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