When using this month’s modification opportunity, Hawke said to the system on a whim that he wanted to modify the learning ability, and the system actually said that it could, it could be modified at all.

Hawk was naturally overjoyed, and after some modification, the turntable was turned to a hundred times the position, and the result was that his ability to learn to comprehend and understand things was fully improved to a hundred times that of ordinary people.

What others take a long time to learn, and what others take a long time to comprehend, he can learn very easily, and understand it very easily.

Hawk himself was a little embarrassed, just like Dusty now, he thought that Hawke was some terrifying genius freak, and he was hit badly.

“Drip, master, this is not a bug, in this world, there are many abilities that can be obtained through learning, but more are not available by learning, such as overlord color domineering, such as the ability of the devil fruit.” The voice of the system replied.

“Well, you’re right, but with such a modification, I learned swordsmanship, it was much easier, maybe in the future, I can really defeat the world’s number one sword magnate Hawkeye Mihawk with swordsmanship alone.” Thinking of this, Hawke’s heart felt refreshed.

“Dusty, let’s do it again!” Hawk picked up the bamboo sword and looked at Dusty and said.

“Good!” Dusty took the bamboo sword unconvinced, she didn’t believe it, she had practiced swordsmanship for so many years, she would not be as good as a novice who had only learned for a few days.



The two swords clashed, and Dusty found that Hawke’s swordsmanship became more and more concise, one by one, more than the movements were eliminated, each move, each sword, became fast and accurate, pointing directly to the enemy’s weakness, and each sword could produce the greatest destructive power.

Dusty gradually became unsupportive, as if Hawke’s even simple slash had hidden mysteries, and she had to deal with it with all her strength.


Dusty’s wrist was hit by Hawke’s bamboo sword, and she threw off the bamboo sword in her hand in pain.

Hawk chased after the victory, leaned on one side, passed by Dusty, and danced more than a dozen swords in an instant.


Dusty’s sword fell to the ground in the distance, and she widened her eyes and looked at her body.

“…… This…… How is it possible…”

Dusty saw that there were more than a dozen traces of bamboo sword scratches on her clothes, and if this was a real sword, she had died more than a dozen times.

“…… Your swordsmanship actually has a hint of your own style… This is something that only a sword master can have, you have only been learning for a few days, how can this be…”

Dusty’s eyes were full of disbelief, last time she could only fight with her to a draw, this time, she faintly showed her personal swordsmanship style, which is too against the sky, such a speed of progress, she has never seen anyone able to do it.

“I don’t know why… I actually developed a hint of adoration for this pirate…” Dusty quickly threw the idea out of her head, if she had such an idea before, she would definitely think that she was crazy.

“This time my swordsmanship has improved again, oh, why is your expression so strange, it won’t be tired, then take a break!”

Hawke saw that Dusty’s expression was very strange, so he beckoned to a little brother next to him and brought two glasses of juice over.

“Or don’t be a pirate, follow me to become a navy!” Dusty held back for a long time before saying a word.


Hawke was stunned.

“I mean really, with your swordsmanship talent, it is very easy to become a top swordsmanship master, as long as you join the navy, you will definitely become an admiral in the future, and it is possible to become a marshal of the navy, why do you need to be a profession with no future like a pirate?” Dusty said seriously.

Hawk shrugged wordlessly, this chick is really silly and cute.

“I like freedom, I don’t like to obey people, I can do whatever I want, this kind of life is interesting, not to mention, I also want to be One Piece.”

Dusty still tried to persuade Hawk about something, and a newspaper delivery pigeon flew over the sea.

“The latest issue of the newspaper is finally here! See what’s the good news! ”

Hawke took the newspaper from the newspaper delivery pigeon, opened it and looked at it, and immediately burst out laughing.

“Finally here! Let’s take a look! Hawke greeted everyone with a happy face!

Ah Long and the others heard Hawke’s shout, and they had never seen Hawk so excited, so they all put down what they were doing and gathered over with a puff of smoke.

“This is … Bounty~”

“Captain Hawk of the Moon Wheel Pirates, offer a reward of 100 million Baileys!” Nami took a breath and read it out, no wonder she was surprised, he had seen the pirate with the highest reward, but it was only Along’s 20 million Bailey bounty back then, and now Hawk’s bounty is directly 100 million, if it is placed in the East China Sea, it is definitely the highest reward.

“Scared hahaha~ I can’t think of the boss, your first bounty, directly 100 million Bailey, I’m afraid it’s going to be famous now, it won’t be my Along’s boss!” Aaron laughed.

“I’ll see~I’ll see~”

Xiao Ba squeezed in, took the newspaper and read it.

“Boss Hawk offered a reward of 100 million, Along’s bounty was increased to 50 million Bailey, and Croobie’s 20 million and…”

“New ~ how come there is no me Xiaoba’s ~ too much of a failure~”

Croobi laughed loudly: “It seems that we are going to celebrate well today, the total reward amount of our Moon Wheel Pirate Group has reached nearly 200 million, and it can be regarded as a famous pirate group on the Great Voyage.” ”

Dusty wanted to read it but couldn’t pull it off, and when everyone had finished reading it, she secretly took the newspaper over.

“It turned out to be a bounty, but now you are notorious, and you are still happy.” Dusty pouted and threw away the paper.

“Hehe, the bounty represents the recognition of a pirate, the higher the bounty, the stronger the strength of this pirate, even the navy has recognized the strength of our Moon Wheel Pirate Group, of course we are so happy~”

“In that case, Xiaoba, you go and prepare food, let’s celebrate today.”

Xiao Ba nodded, and suddenly he looked up and showed shock.

“Oh~, boss, how did it suddenly turn dark~”

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