“Fourth brother… What are you going to try? The three princes of Neptune were confused.

Hawke did not explain, but walked to a high ground in the Sea Forest, his eyes fixed on the slave hunting ship in the sea.

“In the past few days, I have been practicing the control of the overlord color domineering, if I can control the overlord color domineering into a line, it may not be able to affect things in the distance!” Hawk thought to himself, his eyes becoming extremely sharp.

“What does this fishman want to do? He thought that standing on a high place would be able to scare the slave ship back? ”

“Hahaha~It’s so funny~”

Hawke’s eyes froze, and a powerful momentum was released.

The group of human pirates who had been laughing at Hawk felt a chill that made their hair stand on end.

“What’s going on… Why did I inexplicably feel a sense of fear in my heart…” A human pirate’s eyes flashed with surprise.

What they didn’t know was that this was still Hawk aiming all the overlord-colored domineering at the slave catchers in the sea, and they were just affected by a little aftermath.

If Hawk was aiming the overlord-colored domineering at them, it would not be as simple as feeling a chill in the spine.

“Look… The slave ship actually stopped fleeing … stopped in the sea and did not move…”

One person stretched out his hand in surprise, and the others looked up at the slave catchers in the sea, and for a while everyone’s expressions became a little surprised.

“…… Really not moving… It can’t really be what this fishman prince did…” a human pirate said with wide eyes.

“…… No way…… So far away… And that fishman prince just glared…”

“…… It must have been the slave ship that felt safe… So pause and rest… It definitely can’t have been done by that fishman prince…”

Hawk was overjoyed to see that the slave catcher had stopped fleeing, he had practiced hard for so many days to control the overlord domineering, and finally had results, at least it could simply gather into a line and accurately affect distant targets.

If Hawke guessed correctly, most of the sailors on that slave ship now fainted from the impact of his overlord-colored domineering.

Without the control of the sailors, the slave hunter stopped.

“Three eldest brothers, you are now sending an army to hunt slave ships! If there were no accidents, I don’t think this group of slave traders would have been able to escape! Hawke hurriedly said to the three princes of Neptune.

“Fourth brother… It can’t really be you…” The three princes of Neptune and the fish present were also incredulous.

“Let’s send someone over first!” The boss Shark Star Prince waved his hand and gave orders to the fishman soldiers.

It wasn’t long before the fishman soldiers not only caught up with the slave hunting boat, but also drove the boat back to the Sea Forest.

The fishman soldiers standing on the deck were all excited.

“…… It’s incredible… Everyone on the slave ship fainted…”

“That’s right… Even their captain is unconscious, and the fourth prince is too powerful…”

“…… The hero Tiger back then, as well as the sea hero Jinping, are not so powerful, and we have never had a strong person like the Four Princes on Fishman Island…”

The fishman soldiers jumped off the boat one after another, and one by one looked at Hawk, who was still standing on a high place, with extremely adoring eyes.

“This is … The effect of the overlord-colored domineering attack…”

Seeing the slave traders tied up by the soldiers, some human pirates recognized that this was an overlord-colored domineering attack.

“That fishman turned out to be… There is only one person in a million who has the overlord-colored domineering…”

“It is said that Shanks, one of the four emperors of the New World, dominated the side with domineering and swordsmanship alone, and became one of the four supreme emperors of the New World… One Piece King Gore D. Roger, also the overlord color domineering possession…”

Hawk took a few soldiers and moved the captured fish and mermaid beauties from the slave hunting ship, and they were also affected by his overlord domineering and fell into a coma.

“Prince Tigerstar, thank you so much, our partner is finally saved!”

“Yes, if they are sold into slavery, they don’t know what a tragic fate they will be!”

“When do you go to our Mermaid Cafe next time, we will perform a passionate fan dance for you, we are all the best dancers in Fishman Island…”

The mermaid girls brought by Mrs. Charlie gathered around, not even caring about their three rescued companions, and one by one, they chattered around the prince Hawke.


Hawke coughed awkwardly a few times and said, “You guys better take a look at these three companions who were arrested before…”

“Come and help!” Lady Charley shouted.

The Fishman girls then diverted their attention away from Hawke.

“Ahhh… How can the three of them also be unconscious, they won’t be hurt! A mermaid girl named Kemi said worriedly.

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