Pirates: Mechanic

Chapter 379: Tucun

Hull Village is a small village located on the relatively remote Flying Fish Island in the North Sea.

This village is very small, there are less than fifty households in the whole village, and the total population of the village is only about two hundred people.

The village has always relied on fishing and lived a poor life of self-sufficiency. Only occasionally when merchant ships pass by, they will exchange some of the collected local products for some necessary daily necessities.

In such a poor village, even pirates passing by by chance don't bother to rob, they will only ask the village to hand over some food and then leave.

Because they took so much effort to kill the whole village, most likely they wouldn't be able to find even half of the Bailey.

However, just today, the village of Hull was destroyed. The pirate captain Shelm, who offered a reward of 6 million, led his men to bloodbath the entire village of Hull.

"Boss, the wound is nothing serious!"

A pirate held a basin of blood water, looked at the captain who was cleaning the wound on his face, and asked cautiously.

"Damn, it's nothing serious! I'm blind."

Hilme stood up and kicked the pirate carrying water to the ground.

"This stinky bitch, it's her luck that I see her, and she dares to stab me. I want to kill all the people in the village in front of her... Hurry up and kill those people in the village." Bring them all to Lao Tzu."

The pirate, who was drenched in blood, quickly got up from the ground, regardless of the mud and blood all over his body, got up, picked up his knife, and rushed into the village.

Ignoring the subordinates who ran away, Hirm squatted down, stared at the woman who was bound all over and thrown in the corner with his only eye, grinned open his mouth, and said, "I will kill all of you in front of you." The whole village, and let all the subordinates kill you in turn."


On the mountain, Qiu He noticed that the village where he had stayed for half a month had a strange fire burning.

In this dilapidated village, it was obviously impossible to have a bonfire or something, but a fire broke out.

The fire was ignited from many places, and it was not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster.

For the village where he has been staying for half a month, Qiu He has no feelings at all. After all, for the sake of safety, for the past half month, he has stayed in the house and stayed in the house most of the time. They all go to the mountains alone.

Now that the village is on fire, the first thing that Qiuhe thinks of is that the pirates are coming, and this is just right for him to test the newly obtained invitation to the abyss.

Quickly rushing to the village, Qiuhe found that many villagers in the village were injured, but few died. Most of them were tied up and taken to the east of the village by pirates.

"Is this... catching slaves?"

It's been a month since Doflamingo's downfall, and the slave leaders in Beihai should have received the news. Now they're not fighting for land and business, and they're still free to come to this small village to catch slaves.

If you can't figure it out, there's no need to think about it. This kind of thing has little to do with Qiuhe.

After walking a few steps in the village and choosing a suitable candidate, Qiuhe walked over.

He pulled out his gun and fired two shots. With the sound of two watermelons bursting, the two pirates who were capturing the villagers fell down.

Seeing a young man in his twenties lying on the ground covered in red and white things, Qiu He stepped forward and looked at him with a smile.

"Do you desire power?"

The young man was taken aback, and couldn't help but take a few steps back, but when he heard the cries from the village, he immediately fell to his knees and looked at Qiu He with longing eyes.

"My lord, please save us."

"I saved you this time, what will you do next time. People, you must rely on yourself."

Qiuhe rejected the young man's request without hesitation, took out an invitation letter from the abyss and a pen,

Pass it in front of him.

"Sign your name on this contract, and you will gain the power to kill them."


The young man took the Abyss invitation letter and pen from Qiuhe with excitement on his face, but when he looked at the contents of the Abyss invitation letter, his smile froze instantly.

Seeing the young man staring at the Abyss invitation letter without any response for a long time, Qiu He asked, "What are you still hesitating about? Sign this contract and you will gain strength."

And Perona, who was making soy sauce on the side, looked at Qiuhe's current appearance, and always felt that Qiuhe was like the devil who tempted people to sell their souls in the storybook.

"But, but I can't read, and I can't write my own name! My lord."

The young man held a pen and looked up at Qiu He with a frustrated face.

The opportunity to gain strength is in front of him, but he can't grasp it. There is nothing more painful than this.


Qiu He was stunned, and then he remembered that education in this world is very backward, and most people don't know a single word.

Also because education is backward, not everyone knows the truth that 'there is no such thing as a free lunch'.

"Just put a bloody handprint on it, anyway, you have so much blood on your body."

The young man was stained with a lot of blood, and he didn't know if it was the two pirates before or his own.

In Qiuhe's view, signing the invitation letter should be just a formality, after all, the characters of human beings and demons are different.

Hearing this, the young man rubbed his right hand on the wound he had just been cut to ensure that his hand was covered with his own fresh blood, and then slapped the abyss invitation letter with his palm.

Contaminated with blood, the abyss invitation instantly ignited and set the young man's right hand on fire.

The young man hurriedly waved his hands, wanting to extinguish the flames, but he didn't want the flames to run along his arms and climb up his body, turning him into a huge torch.

Before Qiuhe could react, the invitation letter from the abyss also burned out, forming a plume of black smoke, which penetrated into the young man's body, and the flames covering the young man's body also rushed into the young man's body immediately.

Under such fierce flames, the young man did not have any burns on his body, and even the original knife wound had recovered, leaving only the opening of his clothes, which proved that what happened just now was not a dream.

The young man opened his mouth, exhaled a breath of black air, opened his blood-red eyes, and traces of dark red flames emerged from his body.

"This situation is not good!"

Seeing that something was wrong, Qiu He stepped back resolutely, and distanced himself from the young man.


The young man raised his head to the sky and screamed, and the flames immediately expanded, spreading into a dark red flame that burned violently and covered the young man's whole body.

Immediately afterwards, the young man glanced around with his pair of scarlet eyes, and rushed towards the village.

Qiu He glanced at the young man who had gone away, then glanced at the three hundred and ninety-nine Abyss invitation letters left in his backpack, and shook his head slightly.

"This thing is really not a good thing."

The situation of the young man is obviously very abnormal, and Qiu He reckons that 80% of them have lost their minds.

After thinking about it, Qiu He still followed to see how effective the abyss invitation was.

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