Pirates: Mechanic

Chapter 169 Balati

Carnival all night, early in the morning, a little tired Qiuhe yawned, found Nami and said goodbye to her.

Since she was still a child, Nami was driven home early last night to sleep, and it seemed that all the villagers had forgotten that she was a pirate.

However, in the eyes of the villagers looking at Nami, they all revealed the love of the parents for their children. I think Nami's future life will not be too bad.

"Brother Qiuhe, are you leaving? Can't you stay longer?"

Hearing that Qiuhe was leaving, Nami's eyes widened, and she stared at Qiuhe mistyly, as if Qiuhe didn't agree and just burst into tears.

I don't know how much of it is true.

Although she knew that Nami's appearance was probably an act, Qiuhe still felt that it was nice to do a good deed once in a while.

Half squatting down, Qiu He patted Nami's head and looked straight into Nami's eyes, "Brother still has things to do, so I can't stay here for long. This world is not big or small. If there is fate, I will See you again."

With a look of confusion on her face, Nami finally stomped her feet and said to Qiu He, "Then, wait a minute, brother."

After finishing speaking, Nami ran into the house, and after a while, Nami and Nuo Qigao came out carrying a big box together.

Putting down the box in front of Qiu He, Nami opened it directly, revealing the full gold coins, and said with a smile, "This is my brother's reward."

These gold coins are very dirty, and almost every gold coin is more or less stained with bloodstains of different colors. Although the blood does not belong to Nami, it is not difficult to see from the bloodstains that the people Nami dealt with are vicious As long as Nami is caught once, her life will definitely be lost.

However, no amount of blood stains can cover up the brilliance of the gold coin itself.

Qiuhe wanted to give up the gold coins in Nami's hand, but suddenly realized that he overestimated his self-control.

As soon as the box was opened, Qiu He's eyes fell on the gold coins, and he couldn't move away. The words of rejection were stuck in his throat, but he couldn't spit them out for a long time.

After thinking for a long time, Qiu He still decided to keep the gold coins, and did not plan to return Nami's banknotes.

For the two little girls, Nami and Nuo Qigao, having so much money is not a good thing. Without enough strength, a lot of wealth will only bring them misfortune.

"My brother is short of money, so I will accept these rewards."

Qiuhe put his hand on the gold coin and chose to recharge, and the gold coin disappeared instantly.

Nami and Nuo Qigao widened their eyes and opened their mouths wide, staring at the empty box with disbelief on their faces, and then Qi Qi looked at Qiu He, obviously wanting to know what happened just now.

Qiu He didn't explain this, but said with a smile, "Want to learn? I'll teach you."

"Yeah, you have to, you have to learn, you have to learn."

Nami and Nuo Qigao rushed to Qiuhe's side together, grabbed Qiuhe's clothes, and looked at him with bright eyes.

Under the expectant eyes of the two girls, Qiu He spread out his palms, and a book appeared in his palm without any warning, and the words "simple and easy-to-understand modern domineering" were written in the common language.

Qiuhe took Nami's hand and put the book in her hand.

"As long as you study the contents of this book carefully, sooner or later you will be like me."

Qiuhe is not lying, it just increases the enthusiasm of Nami and the two of them to learn.

After finishing all this, Qiuhe left in a storm robot under the surprised and reluctant eyes of Nami and his wife.

Seeing Qiuhe's figure completely disappear in the sky, Nami looked down at the book in her hand.

She has made up her mind to work hard to learn the knowledge in this book, so that she can easily steal the pirate's treasure in the future, and can fly in the air, no one can catch her.


Three days later, the sea restaurant Bharati.

The food in this restaurant is very distinctive and delicious, and it is very famous in the whole East China Sea,

Business is naturally extremely hot.

However, because it is relatively close to the entrance of the Great Airway, pirates account for a lot of guests here, so this restaurant is also equipped with fully armed combat chefs.

At this time, Qiu He was sitting by the window, slowly tasting the delicious food on the table just by looking at it.

And beside the table, stood a young man in a small suit. This young man was the cook of the food on the table and Sanji, the sous chef of the restaurant.

After tasting all the food on the table, Qiu He took a peek at Sanji who was looking at him expectantly, feeling a lot of pressure.

Qiu He has heard before that after tasting delicious Western-style cuisine, and the chef is next to him, he must have all kinds of metaphorical compliments, otherwise he will expose his lack of reading.

But he didn't expect that such a western restaurant that mainly caters to pirates also has such rules. If he had known this, he should have asked the uncle in the restaurant in the headquarters to avoid such an embarrassing situation now.

At this time, Sanji, with a cold look on his face, stared at Qiuhe with eyes full of expectation.

Normally, the pirates who received him were uneducated pirates. After finally meeting a decent educated person, Sanji naturally wanted to listen to the compliments.

After thinking for a long time, Qiuhe finally thought of a way to break the deadlock, and looked at Sanji with a smile, "Young man, you are very talented in cooking, and you will definitely be able to cook food that satisfies me in the future, but the things you make now , does not satisfy my stomach."

Sanji's expression froze, feeling inexplicable.

He was still praising him in the front, but why did he suddenly change the subject later.

Moreover, what does it mean to not be able to satisfy the stomach, obviously eating so happily, there is nothing left on the plate.

"Ahem." Seeing that Sanji was scanning the tabletop where there was nothing left, Qiu He coughed lightly to attract his attention, "This is my principle, absolutely no food is wasted. Take the red-footed Zhepu Call it out, I think only the food he cooks can satisfy my stomach."

"I didn't expect that after so many years, I could still hear this title."

A heavy voice came from above the turning corridor in the middle of the restaurant. A person slowly walked down from above. The first thing that caught the eye was the wooden prosthesis on his right foot. When the person fully appeared in the field of vision, it was twisted. The braided blond beard is also a highlight.

"I don't know what this navy lord wants from me."

Zhepu stood on the third step, looking down at Qiuhe with a heavy expression on his face.

"Don't worry, I'm just here for dinner. I hope Chef Zhepu can cook for me and cook me a hundred of each dish recommended by this restaurant."

With that said, Qiu He took out a bounty order and placed it gently on the table, "As for the fee, just use this to pay!"

On the bounty order, the distinctive blond beard with twisted braids made it obvious at a glance that this was Zhepu's appearance when he was young.

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