Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 125 Yvette is online again

Just when the North Sea was in turmoil and the Don Quixote family was overwhelmed.

Slave catchers disguised as ordinary shopping malls are advancing at full speed under the escort of several warships.

"Sister Yvette, I'm so scared."

In one of the slave ships, a black-haired little girl with a dirty face was hiding in the arms of a woman, looking anxiously at the terrifying surroundings.

"Don't be afraid, with my sister here, I will definitely protect you."

If Abel was here at this time, he would definitely be able to recognize that the blond beauty who was gently comforting the little girl in his arms was Crowley Yvette who had met him once!

Speaking of which, the former king was also extremely unlucky.

After 'snatching' the ship and supplies, she took all the slaves and left the terrible sad place of the Kingdom of Felyes.

Along the way, physically and mentally exhausted, they made false claims with various forces, just to send everyone back to their hometowns and reunite with their families.

But when she actually implemented it, she realized how difficult it was to do so!

First of all, these slaves were all captured by slave traders from various places, and then sold to the Kingdom of Firyes.

This also makes it impossible to plan the route at all, and there are too many places to go, in any direction.

In desperation, she can only choose to send out those who are closest and remember where her home is first, so as to reduce the burden.

After all, with so many people, the food problem alone is difficult to solve.

Then new problems arise.

Some people got hugs and tears of joy from their family members when they came back, but some people only saw the embarrassment and unwelcome on the faces of their family members.

Because of being missing for such a long time, everyone thought they were dead.

But the living have to go on living.

So many people have re-formed new families.

Seeing my ex-partner now cuddling with others, my children calling others Dad and Mom, and living in my own house, spending the money I left behind, this is simply the greatest tragedy in the world!

But things have already happened, so what can we do?

Do you blame your family for not waiting for you to come back?

In fact, if someone hadn't rescued them, these people might never come back for the rest of their lives.

So do you want your family to wait for them forever?

So is it to blame yourself?

Blame yourself for being too stupid, too unlucky, to be caught and sold as a slave?

Many people have fallen into confusion.

There are also some who came back and found that their homes were gone, and they didn't even know the life and death of their family members.

Then Yvette discovered that there were only a small number of people who chose to stay in their hometown in the end.

The rest are either unacceptable to themselves, or unacceptable to family members, or simply homeless

In the end, all these people could only return to the ship, like walking dead, unable to find the meaning of their existence.

Looking at them, Yvette seemed to see herself once.

Confused, helpless, unable to see the future, and do not know the meaning of life.

Until that day, that boy brought destruction to that country, and at the same time brought her a new life, allowing her to find the meaning of her own existence again.

And now it's her turn to save the lost souls of these people.

So under the enlightenment of her own example, gradually, more and more people were infected by the bright smile on her face, began to agree with her philosophy, and were willing to contribute to it!

In this way, the former king who lost his country regained the people who adored her.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long.

Although with their efforts, they not only sent many people back to their hometowns, but also rescued more poor people who had the same experience.

But it also offended the aristocratic forces in many countries and those ruthless slave traders.

It's not that Yvette hasn't considered the consequences of doing so.

She also thought about keeping a low profile and proceeding slowly.

But every time she saw those numb slaves being treated like livestock in the manor owner's farm, she couldn't help but bring someone to rescue them.

I often walk by the river without getting my shoes wet.

In another rescue operation, they fell into a trap created for them by the joint efforts of nobles and slave traders.

Yvette was arrested on the spot, and some of the rest were executed in public, to make an example to others!

The other part became slaves again, waiting to be sold.

Yvette thought that she would definitely die this time, and that she was ready to die, but felt a little sorry for those who swore to follow her.

However, it is such a coincidence.

Many well-known slave traders in Beihai have received a big deal. There is a big man in the great route who urgently needs a large number of slaves, and the price can be set at will.

This made these slave traders very happy, so they gathered all the 'goods' in their hands and prepared to sell them for a good price.

And Yvette, as a first-class product, naturally escaped the crisis of death.

This is the beginning of the scene.

After a long time, the ships stopped one after another, because they had already reached the trading place.

But when all the slave traders were talking loudly and laughing loudly about how many Berries they could earn this time, they didn't notice the playful and cruel eyes in the eyes of those black suits boarding the ship at the moment!


As a slaver's head suddenly tumbled onto the deck, it was like a signal.

In just a short moment, all the accompanying slave traders and thugs were slaughtered.

Then the black suits took over the slave ships and left quickly.

During the whole process, the navy on the escorting warship did not appear, as if nothing had been seen.

If it weren't for the escort of naval warships along the way, how could these slave traders relax their vigilance so much?

After all, he is a big man who can even mobilize warships!

How could they lie to these mud legs? !

. . . . . .

bru bru ~ bru bru ~


"It's me, how are things going?"

"Reporting to the officer, the goods have been taken over, and the slave traders have all been disposed of. It is expected to leave Beihai in a day."

"Very good, send this batch of goods to the designated auction house as soon as possible."

"Yes, sir!"

"By the way, how did you investigate the matter that you were asked to investigate?"

"It has been confirmed that the Don Quixote family did it. The nobles of the entire Philyes Kingdom were slaughtered, just because they refused to buy the arms in their hands, and then all assets fell into the hands of the Don Quixote family. But the strange thing is that all the slaves escaped. Gavin and the others were not found afterwards, and they were probably killed, but the bodies were not found."

"Can you confirm whether the Don Quixote family knows anything?"

"It can't be confirmed, but the high probability should be just a coincidence."

After hearing this, Spandain on the phone bug was completely relieved.

The failure of the last transaction and the sudden disappearance of Gavin and others really shocked him, and he didn't dare to investigate further.

It wasn't until the limelight passed and nothing happened that he couldn't bear the greed in his heart, and sent someone to start a business without money.

And this time it was targeting those notorious slave traders, so it should be foolproof.

It's a pity that this kind of no-cost business can't be done frequently. If the number of times is too high, the mouse will learn to be good and won't be fooled.

As for the Don Quixote family who ruined his good deed last time

Spandyne was not a generous man.

It's just because he knows some inside information, so he is even more afraid to act rashly.

After all, he didn't dare to gamble on the magical brain circuits of those Tianlong masters.

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