Pirate’s Infinite Wings

Chapter 146: That's a temporary worker! (3)

In the silence, a fright flashed across the heart of the Warring States.

During the siege of Judicial Island, the navy had three purposes.

One, and the most important point, is to kill Fang Lang or capture him alive.

Second, capture Nicole Robin.

Third, obtain the design drawings of the ancient weapon Pluto.

None of these three points were completed. Fang Lang was still alive and kicking. Even after the battle, the weasel gave him a new year greeting to the chicken, and Nicole Robin was rescued by the other party. Then, the last point, Where are the design drawings of ancient weapons?

The Warring States period was extremely frightened, because he was so wise that he thought of terrible results when he heard the word "Pluto".

"Haha, do you understand?" Fang Lang's chuckle came again.

"I don't know what you are talking about!" Warring States said coldly, "Fang Lang, you are no longer Qiwuhai. Sooner or later, our navy will uphold justice and execute you publicly!"

"Don't pretend to be garlic, Warring States, can think of a brain that can think of three birds with one stone, can't think of what I want to say?" Fang Lang curled his lips and said bluntly: "I have Pluto's design drawings in my hand."

Sure enough... The Warring States' heart was embarrassed, and the killing intent was filled, "What do you want to say..."

"It's very simple. I don't care about Qiwuhai or anything, but there are too many people in the world who read my jokes. I thought about it. You should return this title to me." Fang Lang said casually.

"Impossible!" The Warring States vetoed it immediately, and said furiously: "Don't daydream!"

"Oh...tsk," Fang Lang chuckled and said, "Actually, I have no interest in Pluto, but my Robin likes it, so I accidentally translated it. Now anyone who knows a little about shipbuilding, You can understand. You say, what if I say, what if I say what if, don’t be nervous, if I accidentally copied this design drawing hundreds of copies and then spread it out accidentally, what should I do? Especially those Four Emperors, Qi Wuhai, Big Pirates, everyone is curious."

"You...!!!" The Warring States period was horrified, and the fear in his heart was overwhelming. "You must not do this!!!"

If it is true as Fang Lang said, then the world will go violently, no, it will be completely destroyed.

Everyone should not try to escape the vortex of war. The navy side will be caught in it. No, maybe the navy is the first to be destroyed!

At that time, the three poles of the world will collapse, and wars will spread everywhere, which may lead to the end of mankind.

"Yeah, I don't want to, but I'm an ordinary little pirate now. What if someone pushes me?" Fang Lang said in a troubled voice, "Actually, thinking about it, the title of Qiwuhai is pretty good, at least No one will give me an idea, after all, I am also one of the "three poles"."

"You!" The Warring States suddenly slapped the table, abruptly smashing the Marshal's desk.

The second time, the second time! !

The first time he was threatened was because of Alabastan. Now think about it carefully. If he could forcefully send a general to kill Fang Lang despite the scandal at that time, he would not have so much trouble.

One step difference, all the games were lost. By now, his dignified admiral was threatened by a mere pirate, and he was sadly led by the nose.

"Do you think I will give you a chance again!" The Warring States period suppressed the sadness and anger in his heart, and said in a cold voice.

"Ha, ha." Fang Lang laughed, his voice suddenly low, "Okay, I will immediately send a copy of Pluto's design drawings to Baibeard, BIG-MOM, red hair, and Kaido. Oh, yes, think carefully. I think, I can also send a copy to the big pirates in the New World. Well, it’s best to make a lot of copies directly. I ride a dragon and fly all the way."

"You are a lunatic!! What will this world become, do you know?!!!" The Warring States throat was dry, and the fear that rose in his heart could no longer be suppressed.

"It's my shit, I will be chased by you, who cares." Fang Lang said indifferently, but there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, "Of course, if you do what I say, I will take Pluto's The design drawings are sent to you. At the same time, as long as the title of Qiwuhai remains on my head for one day, I will never reveal it, and at the same time I will not build this warship."

The Warring States was silent, his expression was sad, and his regretful mood had completely buried him. At the beginning... if he had been cruel and completely killed this **** Fang Lang, how good would it be?

"Let's talk about your conditions..." But just thinking about it, he still has to face it, at least for the moment, he has to accept Fang Lang's humiliation treaty.

The next day.

The navy headquarters ushered in a group of reporters.

In an empty room, the Warring States Period was sitting behind the table, and his eyes swept over dozens of reporters from major newspapers.

On the side, there are six or seven video phone worms, broadcasting this interview in real time on a large scale.

"Excuse me, the Marshal of the Warring States Period, is it true that Fang Lang was revoked from Qiwuhai?" A reporter who had been arranged in advance saw that the crowd had arrived and immediately asked.

"This is nonsense!" The Warring States period said calmly, "Qiwuhai Fanglang is very happy to cooperate with our navy. There is no rumored friction, at most just differences of opinion, but they can all be resolved through negotiation. As for the title of Qiwuhai, this It’s a misinformation."

At this time, the Warring States had already become a politician.

When everyone heard it, there was an uproar. It turned out to be fake news?

"Excuse me, the Marshal, the original source of the revocation of the title was the Navy's Information Department. How do I explain this?" Another reporter asked immediately.

"No, our Naval Information Department only borrowed from a certain piece of news, not as you said, but I admit that the people in the Information Department did not perform their duties and I have severely punished the dereliction of the information minister." No change, talk freely, "But at the same time, I want to severely condemn that irresponsible newspaper for spreading fake news without actual investigation. I call on people from all over the world to strongly resist this immeasurable newspaper!"

The audience was stunned. Isn't the Navy Information Department the first source of information? Impossible, who would dare to spread rumors about Qiwuhai? If it weren't for this kind of news from the Naval Information Department, which other newspaper would dare "learn from"?

As a result, when people said, we also learned from it. It was not us who was wrong, but the newspaper. As for which one it is, let's guess for yourself, and at most give a result "under further investigation".

"Excuse me, Marshal of the Warring States Period, which newspaper are you talking about?"

The corner of the Warring States' eyes twitched, "We are further investigating this matter, and our navy will definitely investigate it to the end!"

Sure enough, it was this kind of answer. The reporters present thought that it was boring to continue to ask about this topic, so someone turned around and talked about Fang Lang.

"Excuse me, the Marshal of the Warring States Period, what do you think of Qi Wu Hai Fang Lang? Recently, many people think that he is not qualified to take over the post of Qi Wu Hai."

Hearing this tricky question, the Warring States period turned dark and gritted his teeth and said: "Dragon Knight Fang Lang is a pirate with a sense of justice. To some extent, it coincides with the justice upheld by our navy. Lang likes it very much. If the pirates in the world can have justice and conscience like him, then this turbulent era of big pirates will soon pass. As for the question of strength that everyone suspects, this is even more ridiculous, Fang Lang's strength No doubt."

When saying this, the Warring States Period wanted to throw off the table several times, but when he thought of Fang Lang's threat, he had to suppress it, finished it, and said it nicely.

A famous reporter's eyes lit up and he suddenly asked: "Excuse me, the Marshal of the Warring States Period. You said that the Navy Information Department used news from other newspapers as a reference. In other words, the title of Qiwu Hai Fang Lang has not actually been revoked, so why did the Navy distribute it? The new reward order flyer, and Fang Lang's reward has been increased to 330 million Baileys?"


With a muffled sound, the Warring States could not bear to slap a palm on the table, scared the reporters below each look shocked, and quickly stepped back.

"Sorry," the Sengoku body trembled slightly, took a deep breath, and tried to squeeze a smile, and said: "There was a fly here just now...well, continue with the topic. In fact, this is a mistake in the work of our navy headquarters, the news department. Unauthorized decision. In the end, I repeat again and severely condemn the immeasurable newspaper that fabricated fake news! This matter will be investigated by our navy and will not tolerate it!"

After finishing speaking, the Warring States had no face to continue to stay, suddenly got up, and left without looking back.

The reporters had quick eyes and quick hands, and quickly photographed the pee-like face of the Warring States Period, and they were all secretly excited. The photo alone could already cause a topic.

This interview started quickly and ended quickly.

That afternoon, the world was once again shocked by Fang Lang's name.

"The fact that Qiwuhai Fanglang was dismissed is a misrepresentation! Which immeasurable newspaper is it?" Similar front-page headlines are unknown, and coincidentally, they all add the photo of the Warring States period left.

It seems to be implying something general, and many people can't help but start to think deeper, why did the Warring States show such a hold-up expression?

But soon, a small newspaper that couldn't be smaller also gave a front page.

"Apologize for the dismissal of Qiwu Hai Fang Lang! The misinformation is a temporary worker!"

In this news, the actual situation was described in detail. It turned out that they were a small newspaper, and because of insufficient staff, they recruited a few temporary workers, and then one of them fabricated shocking fake news in order to become famous!

At the same time, the newspaper stated, “The temporary worker has been fired and sent to the local judicial authority at the same time!”

This news was quickly reprinted by other newspapers, and then countless people suddenly felt like this is what happened...

At this point, the tumultuous "Seven Wu Hai Fang Lang title was revoked" completely came to an end.

In an instant, countless people's cheeks were flushed red!

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