The world government and the five old stars never expected that the wind direction of world public opinion would change so quickly.

Originally, the Navy was an organization under the World Government, and the World Government had absolute control over it.

Wright's actions, although practicing the justice of the navy, violated the orders directly issued by the Five Old Stars!

The hat of disobedience cannot be escaped no matter what!

Therefore, in accordance with the statutes of the World Government, the Five Old Stars confidently removed Wright from the position of marshal—it was Wright himself who handed over the handle to them.

There are two "four emperors" in the new world, one of them is Shanks who has no intention of fighting for hegemony...

If Wright is allowed to go on like this, I am afraid that it will not be long before the navy will dominate the new world!

There are no more infestation by pirates, those civilians can eat and wear warm clothes, what will they do if they have nothing to do?


The revolutionary army is still active everywhere!

Without pirates, the strength of the alliance countries will increase, will it threaten the rule of the world government?

It's almost certain! Without the threat of big pirates, what world government military support is needed?

If there is no reason for military intervention, what means does the world government use to control the member countries?

How can the world government use many secret methods?

At that time, will Ralph Drew be directly discovered by the navy? !

Without the consumption of big pirates, the expansion of naval power is not impossible!

And when the time comes, what will the navy do when it learns the "truth of the world"? !

Therefore, Wright cannot be allowed to continue, dismissal is a must!

But now why does the world public opinion start to get rid of its own dark history? !

These seven deadly sins, one after another, are clearly displayed in front of the world...

The world government is very clear that what they have done is even more excessive than these incomplete information!

But even so, the world has begun to condemn the world government and ask them to give an explanation!

Especially when compared to the dismissal of Admiral Wright...

The world government clearly hides a huge darkness!

Marshal Wright, known as the "model of justice" and "the light of hope", was stabbed in the back by the world government. Doesn't that explain everything? !

To prevent the navy from attacking pirates is to cut yourself off from the world!

The World Government can't help but feel that things are getting out of their hands.

Is Wright's prestige higher than the world government's 800-year-old foundation? !

How can this be!

In the hall of power, the five old stars gathered together again.

This time, they didn't have the usual strategizing and confidence on their faces.

"Damn it! How did that bastard Morgons get the news!"

"These things that have been buried in history have been dug out by them!"

"I have asked the CP to investigate... I am afraid there is a shadow of the revolutionary army behind this!"

"Revolutionary Army?!"

"That's right... These guys who are afraid of chaos in the world, they were the ones who prevented CP from assassinating Cobra last time!"

"Hmph! What happened last time...Porusalino and Yixiao are sitting here, and such a thing will happen again. Could it be that the Revolutionary Army is already so strong!"

"Lu Qi was seriously injured last time... However, the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army has grasped the shocking fruit of 'Whitebeard' in the past!"

"Devil fruit... This kind of thing that is completely out of control is indeed the biggest hidden danger left in the past!"

"Vegapunk's technology is still far from 'they' back then, but that's not the point."

"That's right... the Sobel Kingdom in the South China Sea has the shadow of the revolutionary army's activities! The information about the giant human body... Huh! If it weren't for the strength of the bear that we needed back then, it wouldn't be so anticlimactic!"

"As for the Carmelites, the Revolutionary Army stole all the archived information of the intelligence system of the nations, so it's not surprising to know...but it's really a big trouble."

"Elbaf knows, and he will definitely not let it go! And the giant lieutenant generals of the navy... are also a big trouble!"

"Navy giant lieutenant generals are only a minority and cannot affect the overall situation. Elbaf needs to pay attention!"

"But Elbaf... Shanks seems to have a close relationship with that guy, if he is offended, the situation will be quite troublesome!"

"Shanks...he hasn't moved much during these incidents when the 'Four Emperors' were destroyed. I thought he would be our help..."

"The Valley of the Gods...huh! Could it be that Shanks is also ready to move, has he changed his position?!"

"Marco has a deep relationship with the Kozuki family of Wano Country. Kozuki Oden was the captain of the second squad on the Whitebeard ship!"

"This time Kaido is dead, and Marco should not be polite in his territory. Maybe the pirates can recover some vitality."

"What's the use of that? Like Shanks, Marco is not the kind of lawless person. It's too unrealistic to expect them to maintain balance!"

"Then we can only reduce the strength of the navy? Then we will directly become the target of public criticism!"

"Let's see the reaction of the Navy... After all, if Sakalski can keep the situation under control, the Navy is still a good dog!"

"If not... it's time to use some means against the navy!"

"We can't delay the matter of dealing with Morgans any longer, let Lu Qi lead his people to do it with all their strength!"

"This bastard birdman exists for a day, and it will be a big trouble!"

"Catch him and let him manipulate public opinion! If he doesn't want to, kill him!"

"As it should be!"



In the Superintendent's Office of the Warring States Period, two "former" admirals of the Navy Headquarters were drinking tea and eating senbei with their pets.

Sitting on the sofa was Zefa with a serious face, and Karp who was laughing loudly.

"Bastard Garp! The house is going to collapse!"

Finally, Zhan Guo couldn't bear it any longer, and yelled at him, throwing a pack of crackers at Garp:

"Gag your mouth!"

"Hey, my stomach hurts from laughing. I've been laughing since I saw the newspaper!"

Garp skillfully tore open the package, stuffed a piece of senbei into his mouth, and handed a piece to Zefa.

The corner of Zefa's eyes twitched, and he reached out to take it:

"Wright, this is not a trivial matter, can you still sit still? If you are an old man, you would have turned against his mother!"

Zefa's face became more and more gloomy. Since many years ago, when the world government wanted to invite Weibull to become Shichibukai, Zefa had barely suppressed his anger.

It was just that at that time, Sengoku personally went to persuade, and for the sake of Wright's future, Zefa reluctantly suppressed the fire——

But Zefa was not disappointed, Wright directly and silently killed Weibull, which made the world government suffer a dumb loss and made Zefa feel good.

Since then, Zefa has deeply understood that the world government and the justice upheld by the navy are fundamentally different things.

But Wright became a general and a marshal step by step, leading the navy to stride forward with a righteous heart.

Now, the justice of the navy is above the status of the world government!

The CP, which represents the world government, has gradually parted ways with the navy, which represents justice, in the eyes of the people of the world...

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