Pirate’s Holy Light Swordsman

Chapter 534 Fire Festival Night

Jhin and Quinn were furious that the vault was stolen, but they didn't tell Kaido about it.

When the war is won and Kaido is in a good mood, it will be better to tell him.

After all, if the entire Wano country is won, the treasure in Orochi's hands will not lose to the lost part.

If Marco can be captured and the treasure of the new Whitebeard Pirates can be obtained, then this loss will be nothing.

The sky was completely dark, and the bright moonlight gradually covered the sky, and the celebration of the fire festival night reached its climax.

Kaido and Orochi, with a combined army of 55,000 people, built Oni Island into an iron barrel fortress.

The backbone of Kaido's "Five Volleyers" and "True Fighters" gathered in the center of Oni Island.

Unlike the original work, Dr. Vegapunk's experiment in Punk Hazard was not forced to use the "ancient giant" experimental product because of Wright's intervention.

Therefore, Kaido no longer has those powerful combat forces, the so-called "Numbers"!

And another key figure, the "young master" of the Hundred Beasts Pirates, Yamato, Kaido's daughter, disappeared as before.

But Kaido didn't force it. Although the upcoming Marco is a "Four Emperors", he is an enemy, and there is no need for Yamato to come out and say hello to him.

"Oh lah lah...those guys, haven't they come yet?"

Kaido was drinking, and Orochi was sitting next to him. The two actual controllers of Wano Kingdom watched the lively banquet with flickering eyes.

"Hehehehe... They will definitely come! Their persistence really makes me shudder..."

Orochi smiled sinisterly, as the saying goes, the person who is most familiar with oneself is his opponent, and now the person who is most familiar with Guangyue's retainers is Orochi.

"Mr. Kaido, there are no sighting reports of ships in the direction of Wano Country from the peripheral maritime patrol fleet, as well as the 'Torii'."

Drake put away the smart snails, just now he confirmed the defense system again:

"The weather in the open sea today is very bad, with violent wind and rain, and the vision is relatively obstructed, but there is no news after waiting for so long, it is a bit strange."

"Hehehehe... This kind of big banquet is so serious, I really deserve to be a man who became the 'Three Disasters' at such a young age!"

Big Snake glanced at Drake with some envy. His subordinates said that they were all top-notch, but there was only one Kuangshilang who could really hold the field and make a move.

Kaido has three major disasters.

Orochi couldn't help gnashing his teeth. Back then Kozuki Oden's subordinates, the Red Sheath Nine Heroes were all well-known. The four daimyos who served Kozuki's family sat on one side, and even Kaido was afraid of the flower city knight "Flower" Leopard Goro support……

And his Heitan family, the Heitan Muchan who imitated the fruit and the Heitan Chanwan who shielded the fruit, are dead!

Heitan Muchan was still killed by Kaido!

Gritting his teeth secretly, Big Snake showed his signature fierce smile:

"But... I don't need so many outstanding subordinates!"

"I'm just an avenger... Destroying the Wano country is my goal!"

Drake shook his head secretly, glanced at Kaido, who was holding up the wine jug, and exchanged glances with Jin who was beside him, and then stepped aside.

Quinn was holding a large bowl and gulping down rice cake and red bean soup, while cursing and directing the pirates to bring some strange weapons.

Everyone is ready for this battle, both sides are full of confidence!

On the other side, the capital of flowers.

The brilliance of the full moon illuminates the bustling capital during the fire festival.

This is the only prosperous place in Wano country at present, but those residents who seem to be happy and laughing also hide the fear of power and the overwhelm of life.

The reason why they were able to persevere was largely due to Madam Shi's prophecy.

One day, the warriors of the Kozuki family will save this country.

Although this is a legend that has been passed down for 20 years, the brutal ruling method of Orochi made this only hope almost the only dream of the generation that experienced that era.

In this country where undead food and clean water have become extravagant hopes, they usually dare not speak a word, but on the night of the fire festival, they finally dared to speak out their dreams.

The material support of the Navy headquarters cannot benefit civilians in large quantities.

Although it is very cruel, but as the last daimyo, Shuangyue Kang's family strictly ordered that at most, he could use the method of "righteous thieves" to make the civilians with the most miserable living conditions get a small improvement in turn.

Only when civilians are in a fatal crisis can full relief be carried out silently.

These people were arranged in hidden locations and survived using purification crystals and resources supplied by the navy.

If the unsteady civilians know that the rebel army has the supplies to survive, I am afraid that the existence of the rebel army will be known by the big snake soon, and the situation will completely collapse.

It's cruel, but that's the reality.

Including Rossindi, all navies who are tasked with Wano country have this guilt that has lasted for several years.

Naturally, there is no need to say more about the rebel warriors and knights.

Today, with hatred for Orochi and Kaido, guilt for the civilians, and gratitude for the navy, they set off with high spirits.

On the night of the fire festival, in the middle of the moon, the huge sky fortress crossed the Wano Inland Sea and landed on Oni Island.

When Kaido and Orochi didn't react at all, the Sky Fortress fell directly from the sky, suppressed the gate of Oni Island, and crushed the pirates of the Beast Pirates who were in charge of guarding it into powder.

Wano country's rebel army, a total of 8,000 warriors and knights, armed with elite weapons, marched into the venue of the grand banquet from the main entrance of Oni Island.

Kin'emon and the Red Sheath Nine Heroes took the lead, and their endless anger and hatred made them no enemy!

When Kaido and Orochi reacted, more than half of the rebels had already killed in!

"That fortress!"

Jhin was startled and roared angrily:

"That is the air and sky fortress of the navy that once appeared in the world!"

"The fortress of Vice Admiral 'Flying' Kuina of the Navy Headquarters! The Navy and the Kozuki family have teamed up!"

"Everyone! Meet the enemy! Be wary of their teleporters!"

"Navy! How is this possible!"

The black charcoal snake looked terrified, he jumped up violently, and shouted hysterically:

"How could they join forces with the navy!"

"They just recruited a Shichibukai!"

"Kozuki Oden was a pirate back then! He was a crew member of Roger and Whitebeard!"

"How could the navy help them!?"

"Why didn't I receive any information!!?"

"Hmph! Information?!"

Kaido looked serious. He looked at the gorgeous phoenix waving golden blue flame wings in the air, dropped the wine jar and stood up:

"It's the samurai and knight-errants from Wano who broke in here, not the navy!"

"Look at the number of people, six thousand? Or seven thousand?!"

"We fell for it..."

"Admiral... Wright..."

"This is definitely his handwriting!!"

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