In the naval headquarters not far from the Chambord Islands.

"Porlu poru! Pour poru!"

A phone bug on the desk suddenly rang, Sora frowned and picked up the phone bug.

"I am empty."

"Marshal Kong, I am the person in charge of the Material Management Office of the World Government. Now the three Devil Fruits allocated by the World Government have been shipped to the Navy Headquarters by CP0. I hope you will be ready to receive them."

A serious voice came from the other end, making Sora's expression serious.

Obviously, about the Devil Fruit, the Five Old Stars also greeted him.

Sora nodded: "Okay, I see, the navy will be ready!"

After the phone bug hung up, Sora thought for a while, then picked up a phone bug and dialed it.

"It's me, Warring States, you inform Zefa, Garp and Xiaohe, come to my office together."


After the phone worm was hung up in the office, it fell into peace again. Sora looked at the naval port outside the window, frowned and thought about a few questions, and then a smile gradually appeared on his face.

Soon Sengoku, Garp, Zefa and Crane appeared in the empty office together.

Looking at the group of disciples standing in front of him, Sora was also very relieved.

"I called you here today, I just want to hear your advice on something."

Sora looked at a few people and said directly.

"Old man, what's the matter, so mysterious?"

When Karp heard Sora's words, he asked casually. He didn't know what Sora asked him to do. Usually, Sora and the others made a plan of action.

Sora chose to ignore Garp's words.

Sengoku, Crane, and Ze Fafa looked at Sora curiously, wanting to know what Sora was talking about.

"Actually, there are two things. The first thing is about the next admiral of the navy. The world government has given news that my position as admiral will be righted soon, and the other two are very old because of their age. I will be stepping down from the position of the general soon, so the World Government, I reported the three of you, Warring States, Garp, and Zefa."

After he finished speaking, Sora's eyes swept across the faces of Sengoku, Karp and Zefa. Sengoku was still calm when he heard the news. It seemed that this kind of news was not enough to make his mood fluctuate. Zefa's face changed. I was a little surprised and then excited. After all, the position of general represents too much significance.

As for Garp, seeing Garp standing there asleep and snoring, Sora felt his blood pressure suddenly rise.


Accompanied by Sora, he got up and jumped over the desk, directly punching Garp on the head and knocking Garp to the ground.

"Can you guys be more serious when I talk!!"

After a while, Kong sat on the seat and picked up the teacup, calmed down and continued: "Of course the appointment of the general did not come down so quickly, as the most powerful combat force and the top person in the navy, you must not only have enough strength. , but also have enough military exploits.”

"Oh, this kind of thing, whoever of you is willing to be a general should go, I'm not interested."

Saying that, Garp looked at the crane next to him, and said jokingly, "I said how about Xiaohe as a general, beautiful general?"

"Kapp, be serious! Except for the general, the World Government will send three Devil Fruits, and Drago will get one of them."

Hearing that Dorag, Sengoku, Zefa, and Crane all looked at Garp, and as expected Sora's words, Garp's face became serious.

"Old man, you really..."

Karp couldn't help but smile.

After all, it is his own son, and because of his mother's relationship, Karp has always felt that he owes Dorag a little.

Now that Sora has said so, it is impossible to say it without a little effort in the ocean.

"This time, you will be in charge of the connection with the World Government. Although it is not far from Mary Joa to Marin Vando, it is of great importance after all. In order to prevent accidents, you will serve snacks."

After returning to his office, after pondering for a while, Karp finally called the phone bug.

"Dorag, I'm Karp."

"Old man, what's the matter?"

Drago, who was wearing a navy uniform and a cloak of justice, stood on the deck and looked at the pirate ship that was fleeing in the distance. He held a phone bug and asked.

Since joining the navy, he has seen the good side of the navy, as well as the dark side of the navy and the world.

Especially with the enhancement of strength and the rise of positions, he has been exposed to more and more things.

After the Valley of the Gods, he realized that the relationship between the navy and the world government is not a simple subordinate department. Even after the navy has compromised more, his mentality and style of doing things have also changed faintly.

"It's not a big deal, I'm just telling you, come to the headquarters after you're done with the work at hand."

Garp is not too worried about the safety of Drago chasing pirates in the chaotic new world at this time. Although Drago's current strength is not comparable to those of those monsters, it is completely incomparable to ordinary pirates. Not one level.

What's more, if you want to become a strong man in this sea, how can you not pass the test of blood and fire.

"I know, I'm busy first."

After saying that, Drago hung up the phone bug directly.

"Sir, we have locked each other and can fire at any time, but in addition to the pirates on the pirate ship in front, there are also a large number of women who looted the town before."

After seeing Drago hang up the phone bug, the adjutant beside him stepped forward and said.

"Accelerate and lean over!"



Boom boom boom!

Hearing a roar in the distance, a figure suddenly appeared on the deck of a cargo ship.

Looking at the naval warship following the pirate ship, and the constant explosions and fires on the pirate ship, Nicholaston became a little interested.

"This is the elite of the Navy Headquarters? I just don't know who it is? Let's go and have a look. Maybe you can take a boat to the Chambord Islands."

After he finished speaking, he took out a spiral mask with only one eye exposed and put it on his face, matching it with a big cloak and filling it with mystery.

"Has the statistics come out?"

Standing in the middle of a pirate Drago asked the adjutant beside him.

"There are seventy-three pirates, one hundred and twenty prisoners, and thirty-four women who were robbed by these pirates. They came from several different nearby islands, and there were twenty slaves on board. , seized materials..."

Hearing the adjutant's voice, Drago nodded.

"I got it, put these pirates in the cells under the warship and guard them carefully. Those women will be sent back to their hometowns. As for the slaves, they will pay them some money, and then issue a navy certificate and put them in the nearest place. By the way, the island will take this pirate ship nearby to see if it can sell for a good price."

While walking towards his warship, Drago said to the adjutant, for the Navy, after defeating the pirates, selling the pirate ship is considered additional income.

"That sir..."

Hearing Drago's words, the adjutant was a little embarrassed.

"What's the problem?"

"Other things are easy to solve, but those slaves have been marked with slave marks. According to the relevant provisions issued by the World Government, anyone who encounters such a person can capture them and go to the corresponding slave mark. Merchants in exchange for compensation.”

The adjutant explained.

"Then ask them if they'd like to join the Navy."

"Sir, I'm afraid this won't work either."

Hearing this, Drago stopped.

"According to the relevant regulations of the Navy, these slaves cannot join the Navy."

"Okay, I see. Keep them on board and I'll make arrangements later."

After speaking, Drago returned directly to his ship.

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