Everything was ready, and even after a little bit of barbecue.

I proposed it yesterday, but after a long day of diving, it was finally time to start.

It's midday, the sun is high, and the sea temperature is rising, so it's a good time to dive.

Although it is not much different in the sea, it is just...

"I'll prepare first. Holding

a wetsuit in her hand, Nanaka Furugawa said.

Then, as if he had a sudden thought, he turned to face Babai:

"By the way, because you can't talk in the water, you have to learn a little basic diving gestures to communicate."

I'll ask Iori to help, so try not to get into a fight.

"Special gesture?" Raising an eyebrow, Ba Bai put down the seafood in his hand,


Seeing that Ba Bai had agreed, Nana Hua nodded, and then walked in the direction of home with her clothes in her hand.

Her slender body swayed under her long windswept hair.

Ba Bai raised his eyebrows, stared at it for a moment and then withdrew his gaze,

"Sister Nanaihua is really good." Beside

him, a clear and beautiful voice sounded suppressed.

After a moment of silence, Ba Bai slowly turned his head.

Looking at Sakurajima in front of him, his expression was serious:

"If I say that I don't have any other thoughts about Nanahua, do you believe

it?" Tilting his head, Kasumigaoka looked serious.

Sakurajima nodded earnestly.

"Ahh Taking a big bite of the barbecue meat on the skewer in his hand, Kasumigaoka puffed out his face, his body and mind were vague:

"Bi, after all, you said the same thing when I noticed that something was wrong with you and Hiratsuka-sensei.

Sakurajima nodded thoughtfully.

Myself,It seems like there's a sister coming....

Why don't you hide that kid in the basement another day

?" "Eh, Bai has said this before?" His right hand wrapped his arms around Ba Bai's neck, Hiratsuka Jing grinned, and his slender index finger gently lifted Ba Bai's chin:

"I remember that you didn't tell me that way."

Attracted by the excitement, Sakurajima clenched his fists and coughed lightly.

Looking at Hiratsuka Jing beside Ba Bai, there was not only oppression from the bloodline in his heart, but also a little bit of cat-scratched curiosity.

After hesitating for a while, he finally quietly nodded to Shizune Hiratsuka, who was pouring beer on his head:

"That... What do you say?"

Kasumigaoka closed his eyes disdainfully, showing no interest in boring gossip.

Babai: "Wait

!Wait!Wait!You're sitting in the wrong position!

"Hmm?" puffing out his mouth, Hiratsuka glanced at the two of them, then swallowed his beer and rubbed his chin

: "I remember what I said, yes!"

With a light cough, Hiratsuka closed his eyes and looked serious one night:

"'I, from the first day I saw you, I knew that you were my No.1!'".

Thinking of that night, Ba Bai looked at the car keys thrown by Hiratsuka Jing in his hand with a serious face, and his face was full of 'squeeze hard! I can bear it!' The appearance of being conquered by the money ability, Hiratsuka Jing couldn't help but hook the corners of his mouth.



" looked at Hiratsuka Jing, whose body was sitting up straight in an instant, and Ba Bai rolled his eyes:

"You don't leave me the slightest secret."

Holding the waist of Kasumigaoka in his arms, Ba Bai looked at a few people with some curiosity

: "Speaking of which, haven't you been or

the wetsuit is not hot?" and glanced at Hiratsuka again:

"Everyone else is wearing a wetsuit, why do you wear a swimsuit?"

"If it's hot, it's actually okay, anyway, you're going to go into the water in a while." Sakurajima said, then stood up, leaned his head close to Babai, and nodded his head in front of him helplessly:

"Also, who do you think is the reason?" "

Huh, what's wrong with me?" Ba Bai looked confused.

"Tsukiko said, 'Unlike underwear, swimsuits are meant to exist for convenience, but since there is a master, I always feel that it is a little inappropriate for others to be seen without permission. 'That's it. With his elbows on his knees, Kasumigaoka held it up, and glanced back at Ba Bai:

"Although Tsuneko didn't ask us, since she said so, it's not good for us not to do it."

After all, this is in the front, in the special, always feel weird.

As he spoke, as if he was afraid of fueling Babai's arrogance, Kasumigaoka hurriedly said

, "Of course, it's only us, and Satania and Chizuru are not like this."

Ba Bai sighed with emotion.

Although there are some subconsciously following the trend. Sakurajima Yin spoke quietly.

Ba Bai looked at Kasumi Hill arrogantly.

"How's it going? With so many girls caring about your thoughts, is someone's perverted possessiveness a little satisfied?" Hiratsuka asked with an arm on Ba Bai's shoulder, grinning at the corners of her mouth.

"A little bit. Ba Bai did not deny his perversion, but his eyes flashed.

Looking at the black bikini on Hiratsuka Shizune beside him, his tone was instantly a little weird:

"But someone, it doesn't seem to care about Mr. Babai." "

Oh, someone's jealous?" Hiratsuka asked, tucking his chin open.

"No!" Ba Bai shook his head.

“...... This is like a tsundere temperament from anime..."Rubbing his arms, Sakurajima shuddered.

"Uh-huh. With a light snort, Hiratsuka smiled quietly and said nothing.

He flattened the jar in his hand and looked at the sparkling sea in front of him in the sun.

His expression flashed with a hint of calmness:

"I, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, no one but you will be interested in an old woman. The

can arced through the air and landed in a plastic bag full of garbage, Hiratsuka turned his head, held his chin, and looked directly at Babai:

"What, don't you like me like this?"

"I'm casual, you can just be happy..."

glanced at Kasumigaoka and Sakurajima, who had quietly left together to make room for the two of them.

Ba Bai was stunned for a moment, then shook his head with a smile.

When the action stopped, the two had already changed their attitudes.

Reflexively grabbing Hiratsuka's hands, Ba Bai looked at Hiratsuka Jing who was pressed on the beach chair by himself under him, and frowned on his face:

"What are you thinking? Of course Lao Tzu doesn't like his woman being watched by other men all the time.

Are you not attractive?old woman?Do you want me to praise you for seeing you accurately?""..."Looking at Ba Bai who covered all the sunlight on his body, Hiratsuka Jing's eyes were a little evasive:

"Now, like this, it's not very good?" "

Who said it badly? I want to

do something special to you, who will refuse?" Ba Bai asked rhetorically.

"Let's say... Me?" Hiratsuka tilted his head.

"That's a coincidence, it's useless to refuse. The corners of her mouth were raised, her fingers ran through the broken hair on her forehead, and Ba Bai lowered her head:

"Na, Jing." "

“...... Well.

"In this life, in the next, forever.

You're all mine.

Decades later, hundreds of years from now, you, all the same.

No matter what others say, don't worry, they are just dry bones in decades, and you will be with me forever.

Hear my words in your ears, and it will be sufficient. "

White... Well. "

“...... To be honest, I still want to suffocate in the milk, can you let me bury it now?

""... I was relieved to see that you still didn't have a good fart in three minutes in your mouth. "



The cold sea washed the white feet under the waves.

"Teacher Jing is actually very hard. Looking at the grains of sand that slipped between his toes, Kasumigaoka sighed.

"Hmm. Sakurajima nodded, clasped his hands behind his back, and looked at the sea level in the distance.

In this family, Hiratsuka Jing is definitely one of those special people.

Her age and occupation are here, facing her peers at home, losing her time when she is not young, and she is also lonely with the restraint from her peers.

"Although Miss Michiko has been paying attention to Ms. Jing, at the end of the day, Ms. Jing is just a woman, and she will care about occasionally not being noticed. Silent

, Kasumigaoka shrugged his shoulders, and the moment he looked up, his eyes seemed to see something, and he turned his head to look.

"Hmm, what's wrong?" the silence beside him made Sakurajima subconsciously look up, and then looked curiously at it.


After a moment of silence, Iori pressed the shutdown button of the stereo and stopped the BGM that was about to infect the aura.

Beside him, Imamura put away the comb in his hand.

The two stood silently, quietly looking at Ba Bai, who was passionately pampered by a mature woman in her arms on a beach chair on the coast.

"I'm so envious. "

Kill him. "

Hmm. "


And on the beach chair, Ba Bai grabbed the arm around his neck.

"Where did you learn to strangle, bastard!"

"It's useless to talk too much! Ambush you for sticking out your tongue, bastard!".

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