
fog outside the window gradually dissipated.

Michiko pushed her glasses and flickered her gaze over the clock beside her:

"Counting the interrogation and the investigation of the entire archipelago."

It's not less than twenty minutes..."

, he wrote down the time in his notebook.

Michiko closed the page and walked to the window.

Looking at the gloomy sky

after the fog cleared, "Ordinary life is so vulnerable to the gods....

Well, the gods who appeared this time...

What rank is it..."


How long will it take to change to the owner?


"The same existence..."

, the eyelids drooped, obscuring the gaze of exploration.

Ba Bai looked at the girl in front of him, and the tip of his nose sniffed at the smell of decay.

Then he nodded casually:

"It's not bad."

What era are you?"

Jia Baili once said that there are always evil gods in the world who give immortal medicine to human beings in order to manifest saints or spread faith, although they are rare, but not nothing.

The smell of decay on the girl in front of her is even countless times stronger than that of the old immortal in the Sigong Yan'an, if you guess correctly, this guy is probably the lucky one of the immortal elixir of the gods.

As for what era people are, Ba Bai already has some bottom.

As mentioned earlier, the gods gave the elixir of immortality in order to spread their fame, so the appearance of every elixir of immortality was in a situation where it was made known to the whole world with great fanfare.

The more famous the story, the more likely it is that the god actually gave the elixir of immortality.

And on the archipelago, the most famous is probably the book "The Tale of Taketori", which belongs to the story of the moon god....

And, the surname of the division is also a month reading....

After a moment of silence, Tsukiyoji sighed slightly

, "Do you know the Tale of Taketori?"

Maybe it was the same aura that Ba Bai exuded from himself,

or maybe it was the look of 'sure enough' when he heard what he said.

Therefore, after hesitating for a while, Si, who has always been reluctant to say anything, decided to say it all.

"I know, Kaguya-hime teased a few idiots. Ba Bai nodded.


Isn't it true that ordinary people should show a look of surprise...

This story is famous, isn't it...

It's just a trick, but at least there's a little bit of lost memories...

You say that....

If you are ready, you can't go back.

The whole person suddenly looked at Ba Bai in such a daze.

The waiter pushes the finished food into the private room, and when the food is finished, he pushes the food cart away.

"See what I'm doing?" With a smile in his eyes, Ba Bai took the bowl in front of Tsukiyoji and served her a large bowl of rice.

The owner of the small Chinese restaurant will always considerately make preparations for the Chinese people in line with their dining habits.

It's not like next door, give a small bowl of rice and over.

Placing the rice in front of the red-haired girl, Ba Bai smiled and said

, "Just kidding,

let's talk about it."

With a hint of anger on his face, Tsukiyoji puffed out his face slightly for a moment, and then frowned slightly:

"However, in fact, what you said is right.

After all, that kind of action is really not the work of smart people.

"The mercy of the gods does not really give the pets that are entertained. "I sandwiched a large lump of braised pork into the division's plate.

"What about you?" glanced down at the piece of meat on his plate.

The girl's face did not fluctuate, and she turned to ask

, "Me?" Blinked, Ba Bai raised the corners of her mouth:

"I am this era, compared to you,

I am probably a junior."

Do you remember the first time we met?"

"... Eh, that time?" Si was stunned for a moment, and looked at Ba Bai carefully

: "No wonder you have changed so much..."

, Si shook his head with some pity:

"If your things are in the past, maybe it will attract everyone's attention and become a new story."

But now, no one wants to believe that a god has once again given a curse of eternal life.

"Cursed? maybe. Ba Bai nodded undeniably, then looked at the girl in front of him, and said without the slightest concealment:

"Do you remember the last time we met?

Then, before we were separated, we were attacked by a large number of cyber hackers. Tsukiyoji

didn't speak, just ate quietly.

"...", Ba Bai nodded clearly.

After all, powerless eternal life will only be a caged bird to be raised.

This kind of eternal life is indeed the most vicious curse....

Time flies.

After the Tsukiyoshi proposed to leave.

Ba Bai shoved the spare mobile phone in his pocket into Tsukiyoji's hand.

"I used to be unable to control myself, so no matter where I went, Michiko always prepared two mobile phones for me. Looking at the Tsukiyoji with a puzzled look in his eyes, Ba Bai explained:

"Although this mobile phone has nothing to do with the side of the place, this thing is made by Nai, you can carry a handle to smash people, and you can hold it tightly to hit nails on the bottom."

You use it first, and when we meet next time, I'll change it to a better one for you. "

“...... Thank you. "Look at the only name in the call book.

Yueyuji clenched his phone tightly and looked at Ba Bai with a serious face:

"I'll use it well." "


Tsukiyoji is gone.

It was a familiar car.

Lit a cigarette.

Beside him, a pitch-black shadow flashed across the ground.

Stop for a moment.

Ba Bai opened the door of the car that was resting beside him.

Michiko has been waiting for a long time.

After seeing Ba Bai sit down, he casually put the notebook in his hand in Ba Bai's hand.

Flip it over, and you will see the empty deck of the aircraft carrier.

"This is the moldy side transferred for this operation, a total of two formations. Michiko commented on the sidelines:

"But as you can see, these two formations have stopped running.

And with it, all the bases of the entire archipelago.

Thirty minutes in total.

According to the reports from various places, the disposal method varies.

There are all missing, those who are suspected of being eaten, and there are those who only have clothes left, and no flesh remains,"

..."Raising his eyebrows, Ba Bai casually closed the notebook in his hand.

The look of envy in his eyes couldn't be suppressed.

These guys aren't of much use, though.

But there are so many people!

The sinister old lady doesn't have to do anything, the people under her command will handle it themselves, and the speed is very good.

Rubbing his chin, Ba Bai thought for a moment, then turned his head to look at Michiko beside him:

"Aren't we being miserable by the thief who was bullied by the old mold? Send an invitation to Takamagahara."

Decide on the punishment for trespassing on humanity. "

PS: It's over, it's over, it's over....

The encyclopedia of the monthly reading division was suddenly unsearchable!

I was confused by these two chapters.

No matter how you check, sit and check, stand and check, lie and check, check or check upside down, you just

can't find it! I remember it a lot older before

! Now it's just a few words in the encyclopedia!

Meng Niang can't get in!

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