Pirate System

Chapter 63 Never Returning

Medical Sailors: They are not good at fighting, but they master superficial medicine, can bandage wounds, identify most herbs, and understand the medicinal properties of commonly used medicines.

Medical Ability: ☆

Combat Power: ☆

Skills: None.

Number of people: 0.

Loyalty: 90.

Fatigue value: 100.

Points required: 7.

Maintenance fee: 12 silver coins/person/month.

Just after sending off Utre, Tangke recruited a full 30 medical sailors. Now there are hundreds of wounded on board, and these 30 medical sailors are urgently needed. Tangke asked the 30 people to follow the orders of Stephen Saiba and provide medical assistance in an orderly manner.

The ship doctor didn't take the 30 people seriously at first, but after seeing the 30 people start to move, he was surprised. These 30 people have neat hands and feet, and the processes of disinfection, hemostasis, and bandaging are well organized. They also know how to deal with different wounds and choose different treatment methods. For example, if someone breaks a bone, these people know how to fix it with wooden boards and cloth strips.

The ship doctor couldn't help but glanced at Tangke, and felt that this man's ability was really a miracle, that he could summon such a group of people out of thin air. After that, he also let go of his hands and feet, and directed the medical sailors to treat the wounded in full swing.

The rescue of the wounded and the repair of the boat were carried out together. The people on the boat were busy, and there was no idler in sight. Someone was scooping out the water that had leaked in the cabin, someone was busy delivering medicine, and someone was arranging the scattered weapons together.

In this battle, Stinger Haijing made great contributions, but now this hero is half dead, and only a bare rhizome is left, which is still floating on the sea.

Tangke entered the system interface and checked his crew list, which showed that Stinger Sea King was still alive. He remembered that the stinging sea thorn had helped him too much and was unwilling to abandon it, and ordered the pirates to wrap the stinging sea thorn with fishing nets.

The fishing net was not prepared on the Black Pearl, but it was on the Tornado. The pirates threw the net out, covered the stinging sea thorns, and successfully pulled on the boat, and by luck they caught a lively mackerel.

There are only a few short tentacles left in the poisonous thorn seabud, but it still has a certain deterrent effect, and no one dares to approach it.

Tang Ke still trusts the system. Since he was recruited through the system, he should recognize him as the master. He tried a few times with the scabbard, and even if the stinger Haijing was stabbed, it would not move, very honest.

He gathered up the courage to get closer, pulled the fishing net, ordered someone to prepare a bucket, and put the stinger sea bud in the bucket and raised it.

This is just a stopgap measure, but if more Stinger Seaweed is recruited in the future, it will be a problem to carry and use.

On a whim, he came up with the idea of ​​opening up a fishing ground and pasture on the boat, so that the recruited magical creatures can live there and be dispatched when fighting. In addition, some crops should be planted on the boat, so as not to eat fresh fruits and vegetables all the time.

The mood of the pirates after each battle will be very complicated, not only the joy of victory, but also the grief of the dead. They are cruel, but they cannot be numb. In addition to those who died on the spot, there were also those who died during the treatment.

The pirates have no feelings for the corpses of the enemy. After looting, they all threw them into the sea and let them sink. Faced with their own corpses, everyone chooses to line them up and recite prayers.

"Great Poseidon, may the pirates who died in battle be in your arms,

Eternal life, peace and joy in the sea kingdom of the Sea Father..."

The pirates finished a long prayer with solemnity and solemnity, and some hat-wearers had to take off their hats.

Tangke watched the process silently. Everyone began to throw their own bodies into the sea. He said on a whim, "Hold on! Bring a weapon to each body before throwing them into the sea."

"Captain, why do you want to do this?" the pirate asked inexplicably.

"They died fighting for me, and they were buried with a weapon. It's a little bit of my heart for them. If there are fish that want to eat their bodies, they might be able to chop them down twice with a knife." Tangke half-opened He was joking, but his expression was sincere.

The pirates did so, arming their dead brothers before throwing them into the sea one by one.

Under the majestic sea, I don't know how many boys' bodies were buried.

No matter what the people on the boat were busy with, the two boats kept half-sailed and left the land of right and wrong without staying. The fleet sailed to the south, which was also part of the plan to deal with the Black Toad Pirates.

After this battle, they finally got rid of the black toad's pursuit. It would take at least ten days for the other party to catch up, because they had to bypass the white cemetery, which was a long distance.

Tangke's injury has been dealt with. He held on, patrolling the Tornado, focusing on the treasures on the ship, and found the captain's key and put it on by himself. More than 5,000 gold coins were harvested in this battle, which seemed to be a huge amount, but no one shared a little of it with hundreds of people, and only about 4,000 gold coins were left for Tangke.

After being busy for a long time, all kinds of things stabilized. One-Eyed found Tangke, and suggested to refine the crew configuration on the ship, because the number of people on the ship had reached more than 380 people, and they could no longer be confused.

The pirate group cannot be as strict as the navy, and the internal structure tends to be simple and practical.

As the head of the regiment, Tang is the supreme commander and captain of the Tornado. There is no division of captains below, because there are only two ships, and no fleet has been formed. Wendy is in charge of captaining the Black Pearl and managing everything on board. One-Eyed and Sebastian Stephen stayed on the larger Tornado.

The thirty medical sailors were all managed by Stephen Saiba and established a special medical team. These medical sailors are treated like other pirates, but they don't have to take risks.

As for the other hundreds of sailors, they were also divided into several groups, which were responsible for sanitation, lookout, weapon maintenance, and slave management, and set up group leaders. In this way, the affairs of the ship would be in order.

On the second day after the war, Tang Ke held a celebratory banquet on the deck. More than 300 people ate and drank, and rested when they were drunk. During the banquet, he also announced how to distribute the stolen goods. Each pirate would receive five gold coins, and those with amputated limbs would receive twenty gold coins.

The first time he divided the spoils, each of them shared ten gold coins, but this time there were so many people that if they were to divide it up like that, he would have only one empty box left as the head of the regiment.

For those disabled pirates, Tang Ke said that he would give two options. One is to let them go ashore and live a peaceful life after landing. With twenty gold coins, they can already live a life of worry-free food and clothing until they die of old age. . The second is to stay on the boat. No matter if he can help or not, Tangke will not drive them away.

Making such a decision can also see the human side of Tangke.

"Captain, thank you for your decision. I am willing to stay on the ship forever until I die for you. It will be my shame to leave the body on land!"

"That's right, you can't look down on people who only have one arm." The armless pirate showed a fierce expression, "I can still fight even with one arm. If you don't believe me, you can fight me."

"If I go ashore, I will carry the name of the Evil Dragon Pirates and loot around! Captain, let guys like me stay on the ship. I will save you from smearing you everywhere!"

The disabled said that they would never leave the Dragon Pirates!

Tangke was greatly moved. He always regarded these pirates as real people, his subordinates and buddies.

"In this world, I am the only one you can trust, and you are the only one I can rely on. As long as you are willing, I will always take this pirate group to ride on the sea forever, and never return to the field!" Hong said, "I swear by this glass of wine."

As soon as he drank, the people on the deck also picked up their wine glasses and drank with their necks up.

After drinking, everyone raised their empty cups and shouted in unison, "Long live the Evil Dragon Pirates!!"

The sound pierced through the clouds and waves, causing the fish in the sea to swim away in shock, and the sea beasts surfaced, roaring and intimidating.

Then everyone drank happily, leaving all kinds of haze emotions behind, and passed away with the sea breeze.

Only Stephen Saiba muttered with a slight dissatisfaction: "It's said that people who are injured can't drink too much alcohol, how come no one listens."

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