Pirate System

Chapter 48: The Gunners Advance

The storm continued to rage, the Black Pearl swayed weakly, the deck was soaked, and the visibility around it was much reduced, even with binoculars, the Black Toad's ship could not be seen.

Tangke was lying on the bed and commanding the sailors. The sheets were stained with blood, but he could only insist on gritting his teeth, otherwise the ship would face annihilation.

Stephen Seba checked the wound and said in a deep voice, "The wood chips got stuck in your stomach. You have to find a way to take them out. If you continue to lose blood like this, you will be in shock within 20 minutes."

Tangke asked palely, "This kind of minor surgery isn't too difficult for you, right?"

The ship doctor spread his hands and said, "But we are at sea, and the ship is swaying, so the operation will make it more difficult."

Tang Ke was not afraid, and said lightly: "Wait for a while, I will find something myself."

He sank into the Pirate King system and entered the [Exchange] interface. In the [Special Items] column, he rummaged through various potions, and finally selected two.

Holy water for believers:

Level: first order.

Type: Drug.

Description: The simple holy water made by church believers has limited healing effect. It can only be effective when sprinkled on wounds, and can only heal flesh wounds. It has little effect on other vital organs.

Effect: Increases wound recovery speed by +3 for 5 days.

How to use: Apply the potion externally on the wound, but it is invalid when taken orally.

Quantity held: 0 bottles.

Demand Reward Points: 100.

Anesthetic Potion:

Level: first order.

Type: Drug.

Description: Made with mandala and fluorescent fruit as main ingredients, it is a kind of medicine with a long history, which was introduced to the west from the distant eastern five continents.

Effect: After taking it, the whole body is paralyzed and unconscious.

How to use: Take a bottle orally when needed, it will take effect after 3 minutes, and the effect will be maximized after 5 minutes, which can last for 30 minutes.

Quantity held: 0 bottles.

Demand Reward Points: 50.

It only added up to 150 points. There was still more than 150 points in Tangke, and he could afford it. He simply bought an extra bottle of holy water for believers, which could be used to rescue other wounded by the way. He grabbed three bottles of potions from the system warehouse and held them in his hands.

In the eyes of Stephen Seba, when Tangke grabbed it out of thin air, there were several bottles of potion in his hand, which was a miracle. Could this be the Summoning Technique? When he thought that he was also summoned, he began to think about his own existence again, and his glass-like eyes were scattered for a while.

Tangke explained the role of these two potions to the ship doctor, and then handed it to the ship doctor.

The ship doctor was refreshed and said that the operation would be much safer in this way.

The operation was carried out immediately, Tang Ke put down anesthesia, and his body gradually lost consciousness.

The ship doctor put on new white gloves, sterilized Tangke's abdomen, and then opened Tangke's wound to probe carefully. Since the wound was too small, the sawdust could not be removed. He had no choice but to choose a suitable scalpel and quietly cut Tangke's abdomen, ten centimeters in length.

The ship opened the wound with tweezers, and occasionally used gauze to dry up the blood gushing from the capillaries. After a series of efforts, the sharp sawdust finally showed its head.

After ten minutes,

Sebastian completed the operation, took out a large and a small two pieces of wood chips, and after carefully making sure that nothing was missed, the wound was treated. Because of the holy water of believers, the speed of wound recovery will be accelerated.

Tangke was not in a coma, but watched helplessly as others cut himself open. He had memorized this wounded feud, and he would definitely repay it twice in the future.

The virtue of a meal will be repaid, and the grievances of the Jieju will be repaid.

Tang Ke has always been such a person, no matter whether it is a favor or hatred, he will end it, so that he can live freely and easily.

One-eyed temporarily took up the girder and directed everything on the ship. He shouted, his voice so weak in the storm. Just now, a sailor was blown into the sea by the strong wind because he failed to stand firm.

Because pirate ships blindly pursue speed and flexibility, they are not as stable as merchant ships with large drafts, and their ability to withstand severe weather is very low.

Fortunately, the Black Pearl has the blessing of the Goddess of the Wind, and it travels smoothly all the way, so the unfavorable wind direction can be ignored. Because of this favorable factor, the Black Pearl lost some distance to the Black Toad's fleet.

In the storm, the ships of the Black Toad Pirates were also struggling, unable to take care of themselves, and some ships removed part of their sails in order to reduce the wind.

A few hours later, the Black Pearl sailed out of the storm-ravaged area into the bright sunshine. Everyone in the Evil Dragon Pirates has a feeling of being after the catastrophe. Some people even hugged each other and cried, and more people ran to the cabin to find rum and drink it happily.

Tangke's abdomen has just been sutured, and he can only lie down. The holy water of believers can only speed up the healing, not the magic medicine that cures the disease.

Although the storm and the enemy were thrown away, everyone still dared not relax their vigilance, because the black toad would definitely not give up, and would still bite hard.

In the following days, Tang Ke cultivated in the captain's room and used the goddess statue once a day to try to increase the distance from the Black Toad Pirates. Seba Stephen is mainly responsible for taking care of Tangke's injury. One-Eyed, Cliff, and other sailors also often came to visit Donk, lest the captain be lonely.

In contrast, Tangke's mental state was fairly good, and Hualu was even lower than him.

Hua Lu learned that the islanders had been murdered by the Black Toad Pirates, and she was depressed all day long, which was a painful blow to her. She used to be a very weak person, and now her heart is like a glass full of cracks, which will shatter at the touch.

As the days passed, Tangke was gradually able to get out of bed and move around, picking up matters on the boat again.

He sat down against the mast, blowing the sea breeze, and occasionally instructed the sailors how to sail. There were circles of white bandages wrapped around his abdomen, and the wound often felt itchy, apparently brand new skin was growing vigorously.

When Hua Lu arrived at the au pair, she clambered down the lookout in a sullen mood. She saw Tang Ke was stunned for a moment, then walked over and took out a beast tooth necklace from her trouser pocket.

"It's done." Tangke took the necklace unceremoniously and wanted to put it around his neck, but found it a little tight.

"I'll help you." Hua Lu deftly unbuttoned the necklace, then walked behind Tangke and re-fastened the necklace.

Tangke felt the warmth of those hands and the casual skin-to-skin kiss. He lowered his head and glanced at the necklace, each animal tooth with a fierce meaning, just matched him.

"I will kill the Black Toads sooner or later, and then I will avenge your Starfish Island."

Hua Lu's expression darkened, she shook her head and said, "No matter who you kill, the people on the island will not be resurrected. Everyone is the child of the gods, so why kill each other?"

"Your ideological realm is high, but I will avenge my revenge." Tangke thought for a while, and then answered the second question, "Actually, there is no need for so many reasons. There's a reason to do it."

Hua Lu sighed and walked away sadly.

"Ding! Your sailor's one-eyed has been upgraded to a Tier 3 gunslinger, with +2 accuracy and +2 reload speed. The feature [Danger Warning] has been added. When there are hidden dangers around, there is a certain chance to react by instinct. Xi Get the [Quick Reload] skill, the effect is +4 reload speed within ten minutes."

Tang Ke was accustomed to the system prompts, but he was still surprised when he heard this. He hurriedly investigated the system interface and found that One Eye had indeed risen to the third rank, and his strength had greatly improved.

One-eyed's ability to level up so fast is naturally related to the characteristic [Heart of Vengeance], because he is full of hatred, and these hatreds have turned into a driving force to become stronger.

Tangke was quite happy, he whistled, got up and found the one-eyed who was cleaning the gun, patted the one-eyed shoulder and said, "I heard that your marksmanship has become better recently."

One-eyed nodded and said, "I also have the same feeling. I have a new understanding of shooting techniques. Now that I shoot, I feel a little bit more than before."

Tangke sighed inwardly, the pirate leader of himself is still in the second order! If you earn points next time, you should consider raising your level. Reward points are never enough.

"The Black Toad Pirates are still following us. Just the day before yesterday, Hua Lu saw a red ship with a telescope. It should be the Purgatory. Fortunately, we have a goddess statue and quickly got rid of them." One-eyed gloomy. Say.

Tangke scolded: "What a bunch of sticky dog ​​skin plasters!"

One-eyed didn't understand Tangke's Chinese, but One-eyed was not surprised. Captains who can speak two or three languages ​​are not uncommon these days.

"If we want to get rid of them, we can go to Pirate City to find a way." One Eye suggested.

"What do you think."

"The waters near the pirate city prohibit all naval battles. As long as we arrive at the pirate city, we will be temporarily safe. At that time, we can place the ship in the secret dock, and the pirate city will help us move the ship to a direction that others do not know. The pirate city has a total of The four exits correspond to the south, east, north and west respectively. It is impossible for the black toad to block all the exits. If they spread their strength, they are not our opponents. Taking this opportunity, it will depend on luck whether they can escape at that time."

One-eyed once again showed the role of an old pirate. He is not very smart, but with his understanding of the pirate industry, he can think of countermeasures.

Tang Ke didn't understand a bit, and after asking more carefully, he completely understood.

It turned out that the one-eyed plan was just like gambling and betting. There were four dice clocks in total. Tangke and the others chose one to hide, and the black toad had to guess which dice clock Tangke and the others were hiding in.

Of course, Black Toad can choose to hold all four dice bells in his hands, but they only have five ships. Unless it is the Black Whale and the Purgatory, Black Pearl can win against any other ship.

Moreover, the pirate city is not a general place, not anyone's ship can guard the sea and wait for the prey!

At the estuary of the Pirate City, strong men from all seas come and go every day. As long as one person does not like the black toad, it is possible to destroy the black toad's ship.

Tang Ke looked at the sea from a distance, and was fascinated by the pirate city. There, he had to play a thrilling game at sea with the black toad!

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